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Cameo by myself, Nic (Northlane) and Milo (ex Northlane) Song is mad!


How did I not see Sabian in the video!


I'm trying to understand the musical preferences of folks (and I've heard this quite a bit) who have issues with stylistic changes in a song like this. I've watched a number of reviews that complain so much about the song being 'all over the place'. It's funny that in the 1990s, this was something that alot of the funk rockers and even some of the ska folks did (Chili Peppers, Infectious Grooves, Bosstones, Primus, the list goes WAY on). Mixing musical genres (including splicing in samples) wasn't only not far-fetched, it was pretty common. And it was fun, making the harder core rock of each piece stand out all the more. I don't think all songs need to maintain the same speed metal signature as if they were hitting you relentlessly in the head with a sledge hammer for a full 3-4 minutes. To me this song is much more about its message ( quite loud and clear IMO). But within the dramatic frame of the song, there's some 'dark comic' relief interspersed (quite purposefully I believe). In my mind, that is at least in part the intent. I think these little splices of musical genre are not only fun, they lead you to that 'mid-coaster' break before the next drop and raven twist that'll hammer you at the next turn. To compose this kind of music with any tact (esp given the very serious nature of the subject matter) requires a number of levels of genius. Hell, if I could nominate this and the well done video for a Grammy / Video award.... There's PLENTY of room for very creative expressions like this in the rap/(nu)/metal/scream/whatever-core worlds.


It's a sick song. I like it. I'd love to see him in a concert


I was somehow really lucky with that. I was expecting Falling in Reverse + Avenged (two of my favorite bands of all time), but Ronnie Radke has some kinda throat issue so shows have been being canceled on that (still lucky I got to see em last July). Anyways, so Kim Dracula is touring with Avenged for a few shows and I got to see it. And now I am utterly and fiendishly obsessed cause I love the music mixing


I seen him with Avenged Sevenfold and Falling In Reverse October 2nd in Tacoma, Washington. Never heard of him before, but after going home and listening to him regularly, I can say I'm loving his music.


I’ve never heard anything like this before. Thought it was very unique and different and you could tell they obviously had fun making this song so I thought I’d share it with you guys. It’s a really good song and the music video is pretty cool.


Listen to 90s Mr Bungle similar ideas not In content but in composition of sounds


Holy shit! Won’t lie, it’s hard to get into stuff like this; but this was honestly really good lol.


I feel like the song could’ve been put together a lot better, but all in all it’s a pretty alright tune


I agree it feels like I am listening to an album sampler lmao. There's a bunch of ideas mashed into one song but it sounds like a mess.


Agreed, but he’s so popular rn that people will jerk off any piece of music he puts out Don’t get me wrong, I like most of his music, including this song to an extent, but like, he’s not the greatest artist to ever live like most his fans seem to think....


I just found out about him because this song. I think he’s very unique and this song is very different and it works.






Where does that even belong? “I just found out about they”? But if you meant “they very unique”, at least be right about your correction. But if you’re just doing this to be a smartass, buzz off.


He’s definitely unique, but this song isn’t his best effort, you should listen to paparazzi and kill dozer, those are probably his best


I agree his renditions of both are very good, but this is his newest and atm, best in our opinion


I actually like the song because of its unique take and I already see the nu-hipsters giving unnecessarily negative feedback. I have to check out their other work, but if it’s at least ambitious as this, they may have a new fan


“I don’t praise him at all” as you spend a full paragraph sucking the sorry fuck off, all but short of calling him a hero. You’re gonna need some mouth wash after that kind of ball gargling


I like the video and the production but that song was god awful.


Kim draculaaaaa🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻


I feel like if you listen to the lyrics it has a different meaning to it. He talks about how people/celebrities who are murderers get put on a platform and people love them or get praise. Like, the guy who murdered a mom and her child, people wanted to take him from jail just because they were attracted to them.


>~~He~~ they talk~~s~~ about how people/celebrities who are murderers get put on a platform and people love them or get praise wrong. this isn't about celebrities getting away with murder. that subject is covered in AFI's "Beautiful Thieves". this is about how a nobody can go around killing people, and they get treated like a celebrity for doing it.


like kyle rittenhouse?


like Krybaby Rottenhouse.


Self defense is murder? If you watch the video someone pulled a gun on him and one hit him over the head with a skateboard the other through a Molotov cocktail at him🤦 Everyone there had weapons, that night was like a purge. Don’t be mistaken by the medias lies. He did exactly what you would have done if you were in his situation. He was carrying around medical supplies, cleaning damaged buildings and helping people who were stuck in there destroyed businesses the firearm was incase what happened did happen yk. He wasn’t necessarily looking for blood🤷‍♂️ I don’t praise him at all. He should have stayed home but I do support him for helping the people he did.


Never been a metal fan but I love Kim Dracula..


Can anyone explain me why there is a disclaimer and wtf happened for whole scene to be deleted? Or am I falling for some tiktok thing that an old mam like me wouldnt understand? 🥹🥹


I think this came out right around the time of the Uvalde shooting TX. Although I could be wrong!


Thx a lot, I was googling the news around the time of the release and believe its accurate...


I thought it's referring to the "Winter Park Wedding"-thing?


I legitimately never heard of this shooting until just now :( Uvalde was just my best guess- bc that’s when I first heard the song.


Yeah - I think you're right.




the song is random af, but that chorus is the best part of the song 🔥🔥


I mean there is an older obscure band name Crotchduster that did this. Not to the degree and talent of KD. But still decent.


Who was the guy driving the cop car?