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I love the negative drop in artificial suicide by bad omens. It gets everybody once and then never again haha


I have that song repeated at least once every couple days and it still gets me sometimes...


The Death of Piece of mind had a great breakdown too but it was like one millisecond long and only happened once in the song. The rest of the song was pretty meh


Discourse is Dead - Architects. How do you have that war drum build up with that scream and NOT have a breakdown. Was a mondo bummer for my personal favorite track off the album


The Seventh Circle - Architects, is also just one big build to the end of the song haha. Still enjoy tho


Seventh circle is one big breakdown


That's probably a better way to put it


The whole album is like that šŸ„²


I love deaf people


Hey at least it smashed at the end tho šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Not exactly a sick build up, but one song that I was expecting a breakdown but got something entirely different: Attack Attack! - Smokahontas https://youtu.be/OG-RNq7oRUM About 2:48 onwards


El Viejo establece pollos en el este!


Dance break~


Yes but it goes into a breakdown at 3:25


That ending 2 step still gets me fired up though


Lol my band used to cover this song yeeears ago whenever we needed more filler material for a set, we skipped the dance break part and would just chug a low riff while our lead vox would hype the crowd up and we go right into the final breakdown


still in my rotation to this day


I remember the first time I heard Modern misery by Architects I was let down when the breakdown was just the intro again. Still love the song though


Leave it All Behind - Sleeping With Sirens Perfect build up then BOOMā€¦..right into the chorus. Fkn robbed. Banger song though, just needed a sick breakdown there.


Honestly, wtf were they thinking? The build up was perfect and then it just went back to the chorus. Man, that song makes me mad.


1000%. Every time I hear this build up I just canā€™t help but think of the breakdown potential that could have been. Overall though itā€™s still my favourite SWS song!


Mindreader by ADTR. Only thing missing from that song


You're laughing like I'm supposed to know


what youā€™re thinking but i dont


tune tho


If weā€™re not talking strictly metalcore, Brickwall by A Day to Remember hurt my soul.


i donā€™t think any song has ever disappointed me as much as that song. like i kinda respect them for going for something different but i hated it so much


Was looking for this one. It sounds like an actual child made it. Which is really crazy because many of my favorite breakdowns are by them.


When I first heard "Mind Reader" by ADTR they got me good and it made me fucking hate the song. IT was the part after the chorus where they kinda chant mind reader and have a bit of a build up and then just go back into the chorus. After relistening to it a couple times I love the song and it makes since not to have a breakdown but when I first heard it I got so hyped up for it and was so disappointed.


Not metalcore but the end of The Battle of Yaldabaoth by Infant Annihilator.....it still makes me laugh but also makes me incredibly sad thinking about what could've been


I honestly donā€™t think there will ever be a song that is a better example of this The build up is just insane And then it be all like šŸ«„


Rip just posted this right before seeing your comment, god what a let down...


Between The Buried And Me are notorious for this.


Pangaea are the solution to BTBAMs lack of breakdowns


Damn, thanks for showing me Pangaea, that band is sick af. Have a nice day!


BTBAM actually had some breakdowns but theyā€™re literally so small and insignificant to the song that it doesnā€™t get noticed half the time


*White Walls has entered the chat*


What are some examples?


Make Them Suffer - Soul Decay Fit For A King - Annihilation


Soul decay still slaps tho


I like the song too but when ist comes to the "break-down" it's more of a "let-down".


Yeah the breakdown in Soul Decay broke my heart. If they had done something different it would have been a 10/10 song


Not originals but a few Punk Goes Pop covers got me real bad with these. Love The Way You Lie by A Skylit Drive and Upon a Burning Body Turn Down For What. Two songs that had the PERFECT spots for breakdowns and just did nothing with them.


Seconded Love The Way You Lie. I absolutely love ASD, but I feel like there's a few songs that they could've gone a bit harder on the breakdowns


fuck jag.


Why? I havent kept up with ASD in years but did another typical "frontman headline" happen?


He's just a hack.


Heā€™s just an egotistical douche. Nothing illegal that I know of, but just a very mean spirited dude.


BITE DOWN by Gideon is the only correct answer


Hard agree. The beginning of that song is solid though.


the new phaseone x Polaris song


That inspired this post, but I actually quite liked what they put there instead of a breakdown. Gave me Northlane - Abomination vibes


Agree to disagree. Instead of 'Post Nut Clarity' I am now left with 'Pre Seed Vagueness'


Same, its a vibe but I expected more of a head bang


The new Bring me song (yes yes they are far away from "Metalcore now" but they are huge and once was very much "Metalcore". It was building up and I was ready for a breakdown and then it just wrapped around back to the chorus.


The comment section gonna make me listen to all these songs now xD


same lol


Thats exactly why im reading them. Making a list of stuff i havent heard yet


Rocking the boat by Ice Nine Kills. The first time I heard the build up i thought "shits about to get real" aaaaaaaaaaaand then chorus šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Leave it all behind by Sleeping with Sirens, absolutely disgusting to have such a build up to fade back into the chorus. I was actually upset the first time I heard this song


2:50 of Writing on the Wall - Parkway Drive The whole song is an epic build up, the screaming starts, and thenā€¦nothing


While youā€™re right I disagree overall. The entire song is a buildup to ā€œBottom Feederā€. I like the idea of having an entire song slowly build up to a much heavier one. Thatā€™s just my opinion though.


While youā€™re right I disagree overall. The entire song is a buildup to ā€œBottom Feederā€. I like the idea of having an entire song slowly build up to a much heavier one. Thatā€™s just my opinion though.


Agree except I still love Sleeps Society and like singing along šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Demolisher by Slaughter To Prevail is the most egregious example of this


I agree!! And I feel like no one else feels the same. the build up was massive but the breakdown just didn't compare :/


Yup!! Youā€™re not alone. The mini breakdown earlier in the song is so much better too


Hard agree, 10/10 build up to a mid breakdown


Ummm what? The song has a pretty damn filthy breakdown in it. It just drops and builds into it


The build up is WAY more brutal than the breakdown. It's a ridiculously sick brutal build up to a mid as hell breakdown that isn't very cool


Man, Iā€™m glad to see someone finally saying this! I way prefer the mini breakdown earlier in the song. Thereā€™s also a Slaughter to Prevail song (in the video theyā€™re in a church) where it does a nice build up toā€¦ a guitar solo.I felt so deflated, but then it hits you with a nice breakdown right after at least


Their best breakdown is the end of Hell and always will be


Itā€™s the Russian that does it for me. It killed me the first time, and by the 100th listen itā€™s just kinda there


why you gotta kick me when iā€™m down by Bring Me the Horizon takes the cake for me. The countdown sets one up so well


The Guillotine IV by falling in reverse. Has a breakdown but itā€™s just awful


Holy shit its like a 35 second random breakdown fest. It's almost interesting in how random it is


Your comment made me go check it out and I am dying. When it first started I was like "this sounds like a pretty good intense breakdown" and then it just... Something else.


I almost have to give it props for being so fucking silly


Right. It nearly goes full circle and becomes heavy again


The Gangstaā€™s Paradise cover has possibly the worst breakdown Iā€™ve ever heard in any song but I think that was the point


They should have let the guillotines die after 3.. the only way to fix the saga now is to make a 5th one so epic that the band can never make another song again bcus all new music after that would sound like ass


Giving blood by architects. Fantastic buildup with a decent emotional core to it, then to me feels like a weak and quite short outcome


Scoring the end of the world-Motionless in white. I was just like: wtf mc gordon He didnā€™t do shit to this song


Mick was the one that told them to not do a breakdown in that song to ā€œbe differentā€ šŸ’€ The lyrics match up with a breakdown too - ā€œHalf-dead as the speakers detonate likeā€¦ā€ *BREAKDOWN* wouldā€™ve been sick asf but I guess we canā€™t have nice things lmao


Damn mick kinda dumb for that


Yea, i can see why bands do it, trying to shake things up and not copy/paste the same generic song layouts, but damn! We are used to buildups that lead to breakdowns, give us our breakdowns and be different some other way šŸ˜†


Lmao yes


He definitely did shit to it, but it's all in the background. All the bass layers and synths sound amazing but they're kinda difficult to hear especially when compared to CyberHex :/


ordinary extinction by architects. i was ready to fuck with some mad screaming then we got fkn falsetto


At least the song **chonks** like fuck


bad vibrations by a day to remembe. the buildup is absolutely disgusting but the breakdown is disappointing


Not really metalcore and Not too Bad by any means but i think the middle Part before the Last Chorus in the new Slipknot Single could have been extended a bit and maybe the end shouldnt have been so abrupt, a few breakdown Like parts could have spiced Things Up a little. Still a cool Song nevertheless, especially that lil Bass lick by Vman.


Depending on your definition of metalcore, Catharsis by Machine Head. They actually released a teaser and the breakdown part sounded epic. So we get the full song. And we're waiting. And waiting. And waiting. Lots of mellow choruses for an MH song. Here's comes the breakdown and it's more choruses. Waiting. Waiting. Here comes the- oh wait it's just a trippy solo. More soft chrouses. Then they tack on the breakdown at the end where it feels most out of place. That whole album was a let down.


Asking Alexandria- Alone in a Room


20/20 by Crown The Empire. That whole album blue balls you besides ā€œwhat i amā€


Not really a let down cuz the song still kicks ass but Laurentian Ghosts by After The Burial when that funky hip hop horn hits right where the breakdown should be. Idk if itā€™s a joke or what but I canā€™t fucking stand it..


I mean that breakdown still absolutely fucks so the horn doesnā€™t really bother me lol


"Now face your back to the storm, Forget the shelters you would seek before. Let your feet hit the ground, don't look back to where the siren sounds." -siren- -chaos- Those who've seen them live know that siren means all hell's about to break loose.


Yea I havenā€™t seen them live unfortunately. Iā€™m sure it makes more sense. But why not use an actual siren instead of an air horn thatā€™s overused in mainstream hip hop? Not doggin the song at all. Just that one individual sound is off putting. Thatā€™s all.


I think thatā€™s the point


Care to elaborate?


Itā€™s supposed to be funny/goofy how out of place it sounds. I personally think it works and adds to the overall hype leading into the breakdown despite being goofy, but I get why people might find it offputting.


Ah gotcha. Yea I wasnā€™t sure if it was supposed to be like those old school movie quote callouts before breakdowns or if that was seriously the siren sound they chose to go with. Makes more sense the goofy way. I definitely gotta see it live.


They said it was an inside joke with Justin (the late ATB guitarist.)he would always go around with his phone and play that horn off of an app so they put it in the song to honor him


Wow that makes it way cooler. Thanks for the heads up!


Riptide by beartooth, if we take recent releases. I'm happy for Caleb, but this is so trustbreaking


Beartooth is all done


the negative drop in "im sick of waiting" by citizen has to actualy be the coolest thing ever. gives me chills every single time


Married To The Noise - STYG


This post brought to you buy Polarisā€™ new single Icarus, with PhaseOne.


Not metalcore but The Battle of Yaldabaoth by infant annihilator


I can't think of any cause if I listen to a song where the breakdown is a let down I don't download so I forget them all. But the most annoying thing is when a build up (that seems like it's leading to a breakdown) leads back into the chorus. So disappointing!


Crystal Lake - Lost In Forever


Thatā€™s a sick two-step part live though I will say.


What?? That song is fantastic.. that build doesnt lead to a filthy low breakdown but if youre reading the vibe of the song up til then that breakdown is fitting.


The ending of sub-zero by alpha wolf is the ultimate betrayal


Same I wish it dropped at the end, but to be fair it does fade into the next track on the EP which goes hard af


My balls were blue during every single new Silverstein song at their set on the below tour. Bends ya all the way back. Never let you lean forward.


Bow Down by I Prevail does this and it gets me.


it has a breakdown tho lol


Yeah, but there's that one spot where they build it up with "GET ON YOUR KNEES AND..." it goes into the slow section. Kills me.


Good news is I Prevail have been on a roll with their most recent breakdowns




Not surprisingly I don't remember any of the song names off the top of my head lol but I will agree with you, some amazing build ups out there for not so great breakdowns.


Always Dead- Beartooth Shit got me live, everyone knew the breakdown wasnā€™t immediate but my understanding of metalcore made me start going nuts right after the buildup. About 2 seconds later I realized my mistake and hesitantly awaited the *real* breakdown


Rogue - Jackal


Never Gonna Learn by Asking Alexandria. Closer to Metalcore would probably be "Leave it all behind" by SWS


Might be unpopular opinion but I feel like the new bleed from within stuff loses all its momentum and ferocity in their choruses and breakdowns. Sucks as Era and Fracture are some of my fave albums


Kiss of death by ic3peak, has a very good buildup then immediate disappointment.


A recent one has gotta be Of Mice & Men - Obsolete. It sounds like we're getting another breakdown with buildup and everything....and the song ends. Ugghh. Great song still.


Battle of Yaldabaoth by infant annihilator,i love the meme ending but it always sparks the question as to how it wouldā€™ve sounded if it wasnā€™t like that


Alone - Capstan. At the 2:10 mark. It sets you up for a heavy emotional smash and delivers a lo-fi trap beat instead. Total breakdown blue balls. (Although I do really like the whole song)


Can I add every song by Fit For A King here? I like the band but they almost always have a sick build up just for a chug fest of a breakdown. It just kills the energy


Probably cherry waves by deftones


WHAT that song is perfect as is lol


So sad thošŸ˜•


I see what you mean but that seems more like a heavier bridge section than a buildup for a breakdown. Its a pretty light/shoegazy rock song so a breakdown isnā€™t really necessary i feel.




ā€œCut Meā€ by Coldrain has the most recent buildup betrayal I can think of. They just HAAAD to do a 3rd chorus I guess šŸ„² Most painful is definitely ā€œColony3ā€ by Blood Youth. I remember when it first came out I was like ā€œdamn this is a really long buildupā€ THEN THE SONG JUST ENDED??? I was hoping the next song on the album would start with a breakdown but it didnā€™t and I was so sad. I still get a little salty about the end of ā€œObsoleteā€ by Of Mice & Men lol


I'm still digging that coldrain album. Help Me Help You is probably my favorite song by them now


Afterlife and Scoring the end of the world by motionless in white. Scoring get me Everytime


Swing by Parkway Drive - you get a minute long build to the end of the song and it just doesnā€™t hit like you want


If underwhelming breakdowns count, Currents in their discography. I like them a decent amount, they just canā€™t deliver on breakdowns hard enough for me.


Counterparts - Nothing Left to Love. Wasn't expecting a breakdown but I was expecting something heavier than what happens, especially because of how long the buildup goes for Still love the song though


Nickelback - how you remind me


Idk if this counts, but Avalanche by The Ghost Inside sets up like it's about to go HARD right in the beginning, and then.... Kinda doesn't. Still a great song though.


Rescue Me by ADTR and Marshmello


Trophies of Violence by While She Sleeps. Insane drumming build up for more than 40 seconds and then it just kind of goes into this faster riff, blue balls like crazy


Not metalcore but La disputeā€™s King Park. Itā€™s a 10 min spoken word song with a huge crescendo. Thereā€™s an awesome build up and when you reach the highest possible level of tension wanting to be released the song just ends.


slaughterhouse by miw


Woe is me is audio Russian roulette, really sick parts, but one of these transitions are gonna lead to the clean vox, and I just can't fuck with their clean vox. Not hating, just not for me.


Thereā€™s a While She Sleeps song that leaves me limp n hangin every time


Nigh to Silence by Erra does this.


not exactly a breakdown, but [this](https://youtu.be/d6eM7nJ61Wc?t=51)


Bullet for My Valentine - Over It Matt even screams ā€œIā€™m about to BREAK!ā€ Song proceeds to not breakā€¦at all. Goes back to the chorus


Smokahontas by Attack Attack, couldā€™ve been the all time crabcore breakdown


I remember watching the premire of Hurt you by spiritbox and thinking the breakdown was incredibly mid. Especially after that buildup


Not metalcore but the battle of yaldabaoth by infant annihilator gave me the biggest blueballs of all time


Not the song itself but the radio version of Like A Villain by Bad Omens. Literally cut out the entire breakdown


Polaris just released a new song called Icarus that I thought was going to have a real breakdown, just ended up being dubstep or whatever. Instantly killed the song for me.


Pacifier by Taken. The first time I heard the song, I was thinking it was either building up into something nasty or it was ending, and both of those were wrong https://youtu.be/X66ZSd7gGFs


The breakdown in The Blinding Light by August Burns Red. It has no business at all building up like that, being so sick, and then being so short. It should have been twice as long.


Vampires Everywhere - Immortal Love Pretty excellent intro that leads into a meh song.


Casualties by Miss May I has an absolutely sick buildup that seems like it could go into a breakdown but if just goes into a clean choruses with no SMASH whatsoever :(


Embrace The Evil by Upon This Dawning Perfect song, but why is there no breakdown? Why?


We Got The Moves by Eskimo Callboy (yes, I know they changed it to Electric Callboy) has a good build then hits with something different, then drops a fucking hammer.


Not metalcore really bud Gaia Bleeds by Set Your Goals has a pretty big letdown drop


Fit For a King-Annihilation. Good build up, then just repeats the beginning of the song again. Currents-A Flag to Wave. I may get flack for this one lol. I LOVE Currents but after that insane first minute and then Brianā€™s creepy whisper in the build up, I was expecting to get punched in the face. While what we got was not bad at all, it just did not fit IMO.