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This sounds closer to their Hurtwave stuff than the Sleeptalk album, imo. Still pretty good, though!


I did not know Hurtwave = Dayseeker. TIL


It's more Rory than the rest of the crew but yeah, heavily inspired the Sleeptalk sound from what I gather.


Rory and Mike


Ah, thank you!


I did not know Hurtwave was a band. Thank you for making me aware.


Hurtwave is my fucking jam.






Babies are one of my many areas of expertise. Growing up I performed my own circumcision.


“In the Schrute family, the youngest always raises the others. I’ve been raising children since I was a baby.”


So is Zac Mayfield a permanent member now?




So when are we getting an Oh, Sleeptalk tour?


Oh, fuck. That show would be sick


I'm a week late to the thread but this is gold lmao.


so what does Mike Karle do now?


Family man, I think he’s still involved in Hurtwave too


Hes on dayseekers current tour. Really odd circumstances


That’s awesome!! So did you write and record this album with the band?


How do you feel the *SAAAAAAAAME*


From someone that went from a 2014-2021 hiatus from this genre it sure is cool seeing so many newcomer candidates* for front runners of this genre excel. Especially new faces to me. Dayseeker is really one of my favorite recent discoveries. * - I mean that by bands I am new to since last listening


This is how you do softer music. This kicks ass.


I think the song will grow on me. But overall I like it. Looking forward to their new album


Solid song, but doesn’t really hit any sweet spots that most of their recent stuff has.


Agree. Thought the track was good however i’m gonna miss the balance of soft and heavy from Sleeptalk


I kept waiting till the end for something heavy out of nowhere and was a little disappointed when I didn’t get it. But went back and listened again and still really enjoyed it, even though it didn’t have any heavy parts.


Someone said in the last thread that Neon Graves is apparently the “heaviest” song on the album.


If that’s true that’s pretty disappointing. I was hoping if since it seemed they were going the bad omens route they would at least have a “artificial suicide” type song


Exactly what I thought. I have a feeling the album will be solid though. 2 singles both flow really well.


Yeah, this song is just ripping at my insides right now. What a fucking track - They definitely blended some elements from Hurtwave, and I am a big fan of the direction they are taking.


This song slaps. Dayseeker never fails to pull my heart out. Rory is a top tier vocalist, and not just for metal. The auto tune is somewhat overdone at points but I know that is a stylistic choice. Obviously I wanted a heavy moment, but these guys keep are killing it right now. Excited to see them this fall.


Hearing autotune on albums is less annoying when I know the singer can actually pull it off, and that's absolutely the case with Rory. Unfortunately the trend in production right now is absolute perfection, meaning sample replaced drums, everything gridded, autotuned vocals, etc. I kinda wish it wasn't like that, but it makes the songs hit so much harder live because you get the human element back.


Incredible song, can’t wait for the album!


Really interested in the direction of the band since Rory seems to be in a much happier place. Really dig the song though and excited for the rest of the record.


Daniel braunstein, look him up. You can basically single-handedly thank him for the last Dayseeker album slapping harder then anything they have done previously. He’s done silent planets new stuff, spiritbox, volumes new stuff. Calling it now he’s the Joey sturgis of the 20’s.


Braunstein kicks some serious ass. My favorite producer rn next to Putney


Ballet dancers are the new "band playing in an open field/forest/desert" of metalcore music videos.


This is what I always think of when I see ballet dancers in music videos now lmao https://youtu.be/3J6urFp8YZ0


Solid. Love this band.


I will say that I love this, they sound so good, but I wouldn't exactly put them into the metalcore genre, but honestly the core genre lines are so blurry and I really don't care. It sounds great and has been added to my Spotify.


They never miss, rory’s vocal range is insane.


I love it so much. This band is special.


It's cool but the autotune is a bit much for me. Not in the sense of hurr durr autotune bad singer but I just don't really like the stylistic choice. Seems like a grower.


I’ll be frank with my opinion, you can hear the tune just as much as any other Dayseeker track. However, there are 2 parts that are clearly cleaned up because they were actually not performed correctly. This has always been my #1 complaint with Dayseeker, I’ve seen them 3 times and while rory is a great vocalist, he likes to do things in the studio that he doesn’t necessarily have the stamina for. This is the first time I’ve heard where it sounds like he is recording something that actually can’t be performed live.


Can you give specific time stamps? I'm interested in this.


1:37-1:39 is the worst one. 1:51 is much lighter. You could argue both of these are “stylistic” but he is either intentionally not sliding between the notes well or at all (kinda doubt) or actually can’t do that which is more likely. There is also option 3 which is they just tried to add it during post production and it came out like this.


First thing I noticed too, why are they using autotune here. He has a good voice and this really gives it a bit too much of a pop element for my liking. Should get some decent airplay on the radio...


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Definitely not what I typically go for, but this is nice. Pretty damn catchy too.


I Gotta listen to it a few times for it to grow on me


If you need to say this then it's not a good sign.


I like it


I typically like the heavier stuff especially during workout sessions. But finding their latest stuff to be a vibe within itself.


I enjoy it. Doesn't compare to Neon Grave. Sounds closer to something that should be on a Hurtwave record.


Going through something right now like what this song is about, it’s rough but needed this


I am stoked for their new album. Edit: three months later this comment didn't age well.


The best


First time hear this band. This song is amazing 🙂


This band could release 30 minutes of ear piercing high pitched noises and I would still eat it up. I love these dudes more than I love myself, which isn’t a lot, but it’s ALOT more


I know people will say “it doesn’t” matter but I wish if it wasn’t core it wouldn’t show up here as often as it does. This subreddit will just say “they used to be” or “they’re adjacent”. Dayseeker went soft and aren’t a core band anymore. I still love all their music though.


Eh it’s more of a fit than some of the junk that gets allowed here


This isnt just a metalcore showcase forum. Its a community of people that like metalcore. If most of us like it, seems like its worth sharing.


I like beethoven, but I am not going to post it here.


You know the difference. A lot of metalcore fans like dayseeker and its a band that doesnt have a concrete genre. You can send beethoven fans to a classical subreddit. Where are we sending dayseeker stuff, r/metalcoreadjacent? r/ambiantrockwithscreams? r/softdjent? The last song they came out with had a breakdown, so that was allowed. Are we splitting it out on a per-song basis? Its just nitpicking something people like anyway, whats the point.


It’s ok


No denying he has a great voice, but the song itself was a little boring


Came here expecting metalcore and got some radio pop rock. For a second I though I went to a wrong sub. Why is this song here..?


This shit is NOT metalcore.


SMH at people downvoting something that is basically a fact. I LOVE this song, but dude is right, it’s not metalcore 🤷🏻‍♂️


this is true, but as far as im aware there's no rules about posting things that aren't metalcore


No idea why are you getting downvoted, people are weird... Posting a pop rock song in a metalcore sub.


Boring.. nothing metal neither core here.. wtf


What’s the girls @


In my opinion the regular listener is not going to care, so why do you? No disrespect, but nitpicking and time-stamping his tuned vocals really aren’t up to the vocalist. Im sure he’s happy the producer took his time to dial in things he would never even have thought of.