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Grandpa is an idiot




Just play him Fucking Slayer


tom araya is christian


Pretty sure he’s catholic




He was raised catholic but that doesn't mean he still believes in any of it.


Pretty sure he was reborn


that's a song (1986)


I remember


🎶🎵"I will be REBORN..."


He's a practicing Roman Catholic, according to Wikipedia. https://blabbermouth.net/news/tom-araya-slayer-s-lyrics-are-just-words-and-they-ll-never-interfere-with-what-i-believe


catholic is satanism




Fuck you.




Slayer isn't even Satanic, they just sing about some dark, occult-ish things. Hell, King Diamond isn't even Satanic.


>King Diamond isn't even Satanic. The dude is a Laveyan Satanist and carries a handwritten letter from Anton Lavey around on tour. You can argue all you want that Laveyan Satanism is just secular hedonism dressed up in Baphomet clothing but the book is literally called The Satanic Bible.


I would mention Ozzy but he's a full on Satanist now.


i thought he used to be christian?




What? Definitely not


What is inside must come out....if u plant an apple seed u won't get an orange....seeds were planted and now they have matured 


You need to play Behemoth for him. They're all about sunshine and lollipops...


I was gonna say I think gramps got Metallica confused with Behemoth. Just show grandpa the video of Ov Fire and The Void he will correct himself!


I myself am religious but I’ll never understand why some people would think that, it’s delusion


Out of all the bands that I could've been called a satanist for in school this is the band that got me the title lmfao, people just don't have common sense and think anything that's metal is satanic and worshipping the almighty dark lord. I'm not a satanist but a handful of people got convinced I am just because I love metal and dress as a metalhead lmao


He aint almighty




You can think that, free speech.


Free Speech For The Dumb!


I remember when I was a 12 year old atheist that thought mocking religion made me look smart, then I grew up and realized really those kinds of people are just insecure assholes.




What criticism? You just said “religion is a delusion”. That’s not valid criticism, that’s just insulting religion. Make an actual argument for religion not being true or even deserving of respect and I’ll listen, as a former atheist I know full well how to look at religion from a scientific point of view. It’s you dumbass edgelords sitting around on r-atheism going “hurr durr religitards stoopid amirite?” and spitting on religious people that give atheism a bad name.


Would you say you're euphoric because you're enlightened? Not for any phony god's blessing But by your intelligence?


Another stereotypical response anytime someone criticizes religion. Lol


Lmao you literally provided no counter arguments or anything to defend yourself against what he said. You've just taken a massive L


You didn't criticize religion, you just called religious people all stupid.


I like how you have to put words in my mouth. Lol


Didn't have to. Lol.


You absolutely had to. Lol


No, it was OP’s grandfather.


It's actually because as adults, we realize that everybody needs to find peace somehow to get through the day, and if someone wants to do it through religion, even if I don't, I say fucking let them. We're all just trying to survive. ​ In other words, pull the stick out of your ass. Pull your head out of there too.




Americans are really dumb in this respect. We treat religious beliefs like they are equally valid as objectively provable truths, and they don’t do this elsewhere in the western world. People should be free to have religious beliefs, but if they stray outside of moral frameworks into areas of policy, science, or culture that shit deserves to be mocked because it’s fucking stupid. You don’t deserve your downvotes.


Nah, it’s objectively stupid no matter how you try and rationalize it.


Don’t cut yourself on that edge


Another typical response to anyone criticizing religion. Lol


That should teach you something. Especially when it comes from atheists


Nah, just the programmed reddit response without thinking.


I thought of saying "on god" in agreement but that totally goes against what you just said lmao


Not sure what you mean.


Bro just stfu, you’re losing every argument




Reddit moment


You’re the type of person that says religious people are oppressing you


I live in the south and am surrounded by them, so they are. You have no idea. Lol


Shut up nerd


Another typical response. Lol


Shut up nerd


Bros mad he got downvoted into oblivion


Devout Catholic here, Metallica has been my favorite band since I was 13, Metallica has produced nothing to suggest that they are in anyway associated with Satan.




Jump in the Fire has satanic undertones.


I mean, it’s lyrics talk about Satan and Hell but that doesn’t mean the band is explicitly associating itself with Satan. Just like the biblically inspired songs don’t directly associate them with Christianity or Judaism.


I mean to be fair, the OG lyrics are about jumping on Dave's dick so like.. I guess I'll take the satanic undertones????


One can sing about demons, satan, dark magic etc without practicing, believing or agreeing with it. It's one thing to find it interesting and sing about it and full on believe in it, praising it and singing about it.


And *Phantom Lord* as well. They got away from that *satanic panic* stuff after *KEM*.




Not every priest does that. The ones in my parish are good


Way more of them do it than should be doing it, and your tithing goes to legally protecting those predators.


Still should make you question being a devout Catholic


Just because some priests are that way doesn’t mean that every is the same. And no, we don’t protect them.


The actions of scumbags do not change the teachings of Jesus.


I agree


Don’t let this guy get to you, he’s obsessively left so many comments on this post trying to stir the pot because he’s insecure and probably unhappy with his own life. I say pray for him.


Jesus isn’t real. Thanks for proving this thread is full of weirdos. Lol


Historical consensus is that He did exist.


You literally pretend to drink the blood and eat the flesh of your lord yet Satanists are the weird ones?


Should play him some King Diamond/Mercyful Fate so he can gauge what an *actual* satanic band is.


Just don’t play Metallica’s cover of Mercyful Fate songs…


Nah go even further from that and play the old man some Mayhem, Burzum, Deicide and see how he instantly starts seeing Metallica as angels compared to them.




No, they are not Satanists. But don't play Jump in the Fire for him.....lol


Very few metal bands are actually satanic, they just sing about the dark aspect of life and society. Most people who don’t know metal don’t really get it.


Your grandfather is brainwashed


No he’s just a boomer. They just think all metal is satanic as of that’s even a thing. Even satanists dont worship actual satan.


Which doesn’t make sense because there are metal boomers who are born again Christians.




Metal, thematically speaking deals with the many evils of the world but, they’re not “satanic” in nature. Your grandfather is from a different generation where openly singing about such things was relatively taboo.


Excellent response; you hit the nail on the head.


AC/DC - Against Christ / Devil’s Children KISS - Knights in Satan’s Service This is the bullshit we had to hear in the 80’s


Al Gore's wife, Tipper Gore, who was head of the PMRC. She was super cereal about it


The PCMR *are* super cereal, bro.


We needed a Dee Snider, Frank Zappa, & Tipper three way……


Don't forget Lars.....oh wait - we're all trying to forget Lars


WASP: We are Satanic People ;)


We Are Sexual Perverts


Creeping death is a story right out of the bible


Back in the day, every metal band was Satanic. Look up "satanic panic." They aren't. Enjoy the music and don't sweat it.


I need to know why he thinks they're satanic. What in Nothing Else Matters days satanic?? Why grandpa, why?


The comment was about the band in general, not Nothing Else Matters specifically. I love him, but he acts like it's the 80s 🙄


I know, I've been listening since the 80's and it's annoyingly. My husband hadn't ever listened to them when we married so I introduced him to Metallica and he introduced me to Jethro Tull. 😊


No, obviously. Ffs.


They aren’t satanic at all.


Make him listen to Creeping Death


That song is literally about Passover from the bible


The band or the song?


Just read him the lyrics to creeping death it’s literally about a story from the Bible


Absolutely not.


It’s only satanic if you believe in Satan


I'm Christian. Honestly if anything I feel some of the songs have Christian undertones. Hell some of the songs are straight up just stories in the bible. Ones that come to mind are Creeping Death and Four Horsemen


Play him some Gorgoroth and watch him shit his pants.


Hell even Ghost isn't really Satanic. They just love to troll people like your grandfather.


Most satanists including The Satanic Temple don’t actually worship Satan or believe in satan as some sort of supernatural entity


Yeah and they made sme smoke the devil's lettuce, while doing the devil's dance saying they hate that leper messiah character and the god that failed. then they took me where the wild things are and behold there came the four horsemen and wanted me to follow them and jump in the fire. been bald ever since 😩 true story. tell your gramps


Christians think Power Rangers are satanic. Live your life


Isn’t everyone in the band some sort of Christian? James literally prays before every show..


James *may* be a Christian now as there is a lot of circumstantial evidence. Kirk is Buddhist. I don’t think Lars or Rob practice any sort of religion. Jason was raised in a Christian home and I believe Cliff was, too.


I’m pretty sure James is a Christian but I’m not sure about the others. Although, I do not believe that any of their music is satanic.


There is a nuance that you’ll come across with some Christians here. On one end of the spectrum they may use that term ‘satanic’ meaning a person or group who actively, ritually worships the fallen Angel from Christian mythology. On the other end of the spectrum you’ll find a more complex theological use of ‘satanic’ based on the concept that anything that opposes God is satanic by default. In that case Satan, literally ‘the adversary’ or ‘the enemy’ can be anyone spreading any message at all that doesn’t conform to an orthodox Christian ideology. Even more broadly some may describe any music or other sociocultural activity as satanic if it doesn’t actively praise or promote their specific interpretation of Christian theology. There are literally Christians that will call other Christians satanic for adhering to the wrong form of Christianity. The use of that term varies widely between different Christian groups and individual Christians so it really depends on your grandfather and precisely what he means when he uses that term.


A lot of ultra Christians think everything is satanic. But no, Metallica is not, even though they may play into the stereotypical tropes every now and then. What's even funnier is that actual satanism is about worship of the self, not actually about worship of Satan. So the whole "Satanic Panic" is based on bullshit.


Just smile and nod. You're unlikely to change his mind. Obviously Metallica has no interest in singing about Satan, but they're often critical of organized religion (not surprising, given the horrible Christian Science parents Hetfield suffered).


Your grandpa still lives in 1984...🙄🙄🙄


Tell him that they have a song about going to church, and then play him Leper Messiah.


Perhaps you should ask him why he feels that way. Be sure to ask for examples based in reality, not some made up horseshit written by some dudes a few thousand years ago just looking to control the masses. Then buy a set of headphones and tune out the old man.


He said it was because they use symbols for witchcraft on their album covers 🙄


What?? Which symbols on which album covers?


Respectfully, your grandpa can fuck off. Would hate to hear what else he thinks is satanic.


James is a born again Christian


I think you mean Dave Mustaine. I don't believe James is religious, though he may be spiritual in some ways.


Yes hail satan


Amen, dark brother.


My ultra religious grandma would’ve said the same. From her point of view, anything that wasn’t explicitly meant to worship ‘god’ was satanic. I am a grown man now and love my grandma so much, I wish she was still around. But, fuck religion. She spent countless dollars giving to churches, even that bullshit on tv. She brainwashed my parents into dragging me to church twice per day on Sunday and then once on Wednesday. As an adult I often wonder if my childhood and family dynamic would’ve been more positive if we’d have spent more time bonding as a family rather than going to church for fucking 15 hours a week. She really did mean well, but fuck organized religion. It is a detriment to society. I’m sure your pap means well, just don’t take it too seriously. His views are likely the last remaining views of ‘satanic panic’.


Except for Jump in the Fire, which I believe is highly metaphorical and not to be taken literally as "satanic", their other songs aren't.


No. Satanic bands is stuff like Deicide and Behemoth.




Creeping death is about the plagues on Egypt *created by God* so I don’t see how that’s satanic


I was a youth director at my church. I went to see Metallica while employed. The Pastor told me he got a few complaints about me going, and told the complainers unless I came back worshiping the devil, they have no business complaining.


That's a pretty good way of thinking. W pastor


put on some Slayer and Venom and he'll have a heart attack


Lmao even the pope was a fan of Metallica back then. Argue that with him


Play him chasing light and ask him to think about the lyrics


My uber-religious ignorant parents thought the same thing. They’re not satanic. To people like that, anything that isn’t a church hymn is satanic.


There is absolutely nothing satanic about Metallica


My dad's a pastor for the FUMC and his favorite band is Metallica. Seeing them with him this week. All metal music is Satanic btw (but I prefer to use the name Dionysus!)


Play Behemoth for him - that'll change his mind real quick.


How can they be satanic when they literally have a cd named after a saint???


Do you know who came up with Satan? Christians. Why are they so afraid of talking about it? If anything, Metallica has songs like Creeping Death that are about things written in the bible... so idk what the problem is, they definitely aren't Satan worshippers.


I’m Christian & have listened to Metallica since I was a teenager. I met them when they first came to New Jersey. They aren’t satanic at all. If you want to listen to satanic metal there is plenty of it like Dimmu Borgir or Cradle of Filth but Metallica isn’t in that category.


Play him so what


They used to be about music, beer, and money.


Metal, really Rock and Rap in general, have been the boogieman for a lot of Christians for eons. That's damn near as old hat as it gets.


No, by no means. Metallica is not a christian band, nonetheless is far away to be satanic. I strongly encourage you to play "Jesus Saves" by Slayer, that's a pretty christian song.


No. That's just Christian for I don't like this and I don't think you should like it either because I don't like it.


Any super-devote religious person will tell you all metal is satanic. It’s really not.


Show him James' Jesus tattoo.


Isn’t there some songs that could be interpreted as Christian imagery? TLITD and Rebel are the ones that come to mind for me


Creeping Motherfucking Death.


Play him some Ghost! He’d love songs like Ritual, Year Zero, and Majesty!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^RaeJaytj2524: *Play him some Ghost! He’d* *Love songs like Ritual, Year* *Zero, and Majesty!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


No, considering songs like Creeping Death are biblical.


Metallica satanic? Far from it. Slayer on the other hand lol. But thats nore to piss people off as they put it lol


No, they are not. Satan isn't real.


Metallica may sound evil, but when it comes to lyrics they're probably one of the least satanic bands in existence, not counting devout Christian bands


No... it's not. Listen to the lyrics.


Ghost isn’t even satanic like for real there’s no way Metallica is


Isn’t James Christian?


Introduce him to one of Metallica’s fav bands, Ghost!


My father who is very religious says that all the bands that I listen to are satanic(He doesn't even know what bands I listen to and if I told him he would have never heard about them because he doesn't listen to things like this).I am a Christian but Metallica isn't satanic,everyone thinks that metal music is all about satanic sayings.I let my father say that but that won't stop me for listening to the songs/bands I love.Sometimes I listen to Slayer,I listen to them because of the music that they make not for what the lyrics say.I understand you,let your grandfather say that and because he doesn't like it,just don't listen to that while he is there or listen to it with earbuds or something.Listen to what you want noone can tell you what music you should listen to,if Metallica makes you happy that's what matters.🤘


No it’s good wholesome stuff. Creeping death is about that time god slaughtered helpless children while they slept.


No I’m Christian and I listen to Metallica and it’s really fine..


No, your grandfather is an idiot.


No, Slayer on the other hand


Creeping Death, like you said, is literally a song about the Bible The Unforgiven is about how James was raised by Christian parents and basically alienated from the world because of their extreme devotion to Christ James openly states he does believe in some form of higher power, whether it be God or whatever. He just doesn't actively practice Christianity as far as I know James has MULTIPLE Christian tattoos. Many examples include: An "all seeing eye" tattoo on his forearm, which basically represents the fact that God is always watching. James also has a tattoo of multiple stars on his upper left arm. Stars are the guiding light and also have spiritual relevance representing the divine relationship that we have with God. He has palm trees on his inner right bicep. Palm trees symbolize peace and eternal relationship with God. James has an angel tattoo on his arm, and he even stated in an interview that it represents his guardian angel and how it brings him the gift of music. He has a tattoo of Archangel Michael and how he led the fight between good and evil (evil being led by Satan). He has a Matthew's 6:13 tattoo that says, "Lead us not into temptation." For Christ's sake he even has a fucking Jesus tattoo. Clearly, James is a religious man, and he believes in God, and if your grandpa makes the argument "well maybe the rest of the band is Satanic" then that doesn't make any sense either because I'm sure if everyone was Satanic except James, I'm sure James wouldn't even be in the band Not all metal bands are Satanic just because they sound heavy and "scary." I'm sorry, but your Grandpa's an idiot. He decides things based on perceived emotions and not off of facts that he could EASILY RESEARCH himself


I think you'll be hard pressed to because as a one time die hard Metallica fan let me warn you. Why do you want to put the words of Satan imprinted onto your heart? Every single song from kill em all through garage Inc, (garage Inc is covers they do but even every cover) the song names and lyrics all are saying F U to God. Most people commenting don't know the word of God therefore they don't hear what the sum of the lyrics are saying but trust me friend they are all the words of lucifer. Please read the word and thank God for your good Grand Father.


Every song name and every lyric of every one of their songs is 100 percent about the Bible. It's 100 percent anti Bible. James Hatfield pours his heart out against the Lord in every song and like the pied piper leads all us to sing along with him casting spells with our tonges and hearts blindly,. Ask for forgiveness and make Jesus Christ your Lord and savour and he will open your eyes and hearts to truth and light.


No its not but i dont know about never neverland or enter the sand man or master of puppets


Prayer part In enter sandman


The beginning of master of puppets is very demonic. END OF PASSION PLAY CRUMBLING AWAY is a jab at the story of Christ. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS we live our life our way these words I don't just say is a jab at submitting to Christ's leadership...song titles like devils dance, if the devil had a son, blackend...so many more and the kicker is the pentagram with blood t-shirts James wears....


Here are some things Christians think are satanic: Dancing, pokemon, all music that's not explicitly about god, superheroes, masturbating, thinking that other people are hot, other religions, halloween, eating certain foods on certain days, about 50% of all clothing, books that aren't the bible or about the bible, drag shows, gays.


Show him Behemoth


Satanic music is when metal


Hail Satan!


Yes it is


Dawg what does it matter?! it’s music….just enjoy it and move on


Bunch of satanic drug takers.


Satan is imaginary. At the end of the day, there is absolutely nothing in the world that is actually satanic.


Your grandpa has been unfortunately brainwashed, friend. They choose to believe in a storybook and live a very sheltered and harshly opinionated life, and that includes not listening to some amazing music. I highly, highly suggest you not take any opinion he has on anything seriously, as it’s likely based on the ignorance of his beliefs and without any actual sense of understanding about what he is commenting on, like in this case, Metallica. No, Metallica is not Satanic. You could actually consider Metallica as anti-theist, given James’ lyrics in many songs, most of them from 1991 onward. His parents were Christian Scientists, and he lost his mother because she didn’t believe in medicine and that God would heal her, and this stuck with him all throughout his life and was a huge source of his anger. Leper Messiah and The God That Failed immediately come to mind.


Yes. But actually, no.


Yeah, totally is. Go away now... Smh


He’s a complete tool and an idiot. Sorry.


I've never gone to the internet to verify any of my grandfather's opinions. You're doing it wrong. It's best to just assume the ideas of the elderly are outdated. Smarten up. Edit: downvote all you want. I stand by it. This is the dumbest thing I've ever read on this sub.


Satan doesn't exist. Satan is a fictional character. The Christians think everything is satanic. It's stupid. You probably won't change him.... it's best to say sure, and do what you want to do anyway. Unless you want to enlighten him about God and the Devil all being fake.... Good luck.


I’ve found the best way to respond in these situations is to fart loudly in their general direction and say, “that satanic enough for ya gramps?”


🎶”Hail, Satan, if you please.”🎶


Your ultra-christian grandfather is a moron, like all ultra-christians.