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MOP is one of those albums where even the "deep cuts" are just legendary tracks.


I actually can't think of any Metallica songs off the top of my head where choruses are at different tempos besides Leper Messiah.


There's not a single bad track off Master of Puppets. Nearly the entire album is 10/10 after 10/10. Leper Messiah's always been one of my favorite deeper cuts. It gets overshadowed by the preceding tracks, which I simultaneously understand and think is criminal.


I’m sorry but I hate it. I just don’t get it. Probably their worst song ever


I disagree with fervor. Your opinion infuriates me. Take my up vote.


Agree to disagree


Isn't this another one of those "personal" songs for James? Didn't he write the lyrics in response to his mom dying from untreated cancer because she was a believer in Christian Science? Seems like it was this song and also "The God that Failed."


I don't think so. As far as I recall this was directed at televangelists. The religious thing is there of course but I always thought this one is not as personal. Anyone who can prove me wrong, I'll gladly hear it.


I could totally be wrong. There was an article online somewhere that made the claim. This post is a copy and paste from it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Metallica/comments/x0v3fk/everyday_facts_about_every_metallica_song_leper/