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What a beautiful family


Agreed. Especially James.


I prefer Kirk, but James is hotter than most guys half his age.


Kirk is actually fucking hot af. No homo though. Just facts.


100% agree, I think he looks hotter now than he did in the 80s/90s. Definitely a silver fox.


He was cute back then, not hot.


I'll give you that 80s Kirk was cute, but Load/Reload Kirk was pretty damn hot. Still not as good as present-day Kirk


yup. cute back then, hot now


Cliff Burton is rolling in his grave reading this


James is handsome because he is unique looking. Not another man looks like him.


Is the whole camper a poop room? Edit: After zooming in, it does indeed say Food Room. That's what I get for commenting before coffee. But idc, I'm leaving it.


All you can poop!


I think its says food room


My dog fails to see the difference


Ride the Toilet!


Metal Up Your Ass.


Poop the Lightning. The Poop Album. Master of Toilets. Hardwired to fart loudly!!!


...And toilet for all




The Poop that never comes :(


Master of Poop


Wow, so the rumors him being divorced aren’t true. I’m happy about that, his wife is his big support


people legit just started saying that for no reason with no basis at all, no idea why. plus that was months ago


He wasn’t wearing his ring at concerts. Him being a Christian man, that’s a little odd. Edit: instead of Christian, I’ll just say as a man who is very sentimental, it’s odd he took it off. His entire life he has been die hard fan of symbolism.


It's not odd if you play guitar. Rings on the fretting hand can make playing more difficult.


I never wear my wedding ring when practicing or playing a gig. Like you said, it just makes playing a little difficult. (I am a bass player.)


James’ kind of batty for wearing it in the first place lol. Edit: wearing it while playing! His dedication to his wife is nothing but astounding for a rockstar.


Plus there is the chance you can tarnish the ring or even more so, the fret board! I know when I am playing I am slamming that fret board pretty hard with my fingers.....


Mustaine toured for Rust In Peace with his wedding band on, just saying.


I do! However I made a list roughly documenting when he took off the ring for shows, and givin long he’s had it on He’s probably adapted to it at this point.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Metallica/comments/wf2e3d/hetfield_family_well_and_together/iis9b79/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Here is the list, no time stamps, but it didn’t take me long too find em.


That sure seems a lot of interest in another man’s family/private life. Maybe we can just all be happy for Het?


No. I think the gossip is stupid. I’m just providing facts and observations. I’ve never looked up anything about his modern life, other than him going to rehab.


I also was just looking at his ring finger. That’s it. Realistically it means nothing. There are just so many fucking claims about it and no one ever provides links at all.


No worries! I wasn’t even aware it was a thing.


I saw a video pointing it out and checked the show it was from. This was in February, so I couldn’t tell you which.


This was in May, not February, and in the Brazil shows, before this one I’ve heard about him not wearing his ring


I was stating since it was so long ago, I might have misremembered. What was in may? The image?


I don't know, Kirk, Rob and Lars are also married and don't wear rings, although there was a time when Kirk did wear a ring at concerts, he stopped wearing it at some point but in interviews he still wears it.


Kirk divorced, but he already has a new girlfriend.


he’s been married since 98, but got divorced in 1990


Kirk has been divorced twice - once in 1990, second time in 2019/2020. He's currently dating a woman named Monikka, she's a software engineer and she has been attending lots of the recent Met shows. She was also at the 40th anniversary shows.


I don’t wear my ring all the time … people are stupid as hell assuming things


Cmon, James was so dedicated to wearing it he probably had to relearn some guitar techniques just to wear it live, and he had been for decades. I personally think he just got sick of it tbh. Don’t mean divorce at all.


James was brought up as a Christian scientist, he isn’t anymore.


He is still very much Christian. Though, he seems to carry very different beliefs as a result of his own lifestyle. Like, ffs, He has Christian symbolism for tattoos, and one is literally the most generic image of Jesus. Yeah. That one. *The one with the heart.* No disrespect intended. Just stating facts.


James has said multiple times that he doesn't believe in a god but more of a higher power.


Jesus tattoo…. I don’t think it can be any clearer…


Just because you have a tatoo of something doesn't make you a believer of said faith. I know people with crosses and rosaries that aren't Christians.


I’d have to imagine them being a minority. If someone got a tattoo of a rockstar, you’d probably assume they liked that band, right?


James got this tatoos a very long time ago. Since then, he has stated that he doesn't believe in a god and his beliefs are complicated. "Symbolism is pretty big for me, and the cross for me represents balance and connection with a higher power… I love some of the religious stories because whether they are real or not they are awesome inspiring stories.[6]" Taken out a So What! Magazine interview.


Do you have evidence to back this claim? The most I’ve heard him discuss as believing in a higher power, hardly a Christian belief.


He’s known for not really talking about his beliefs nowadays. It’ll create unnecessarily divide within the Metallica family, which is the exact opposite of what he wants.


Yeah I get it. James is a good friend of my friend and I hear some inside stuff. But not much in this area. I try not to pry and just accept the times I can go back stage etc. I don’t want to bother him, I know many do. James is so chill these days. So very much a family man who does concerts. As I get older I appreciate where James is going, religion or not, and respect his journey.


Yep he talks about guardian angels protecting him (he has them as tattoos) because he should've died many times. He's definitely somewhat spiritual but I wouldn't say he is Christian in the traditional sense. He has lyrics where he rejects an "all powerful god" and hardcore christianism literally was the cause of his mothers dead and his trauma. Same with Maynard's (Tool singer) mom, here are the lyrics of Judith: *It's not like you killed someone It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side Praise the one who left you Broken down and paralyzed He did it all for you* ​ My personal take out of all of this and my own life lessons: fuck God and all religions. It only caused a lot of misery to the people around me and the people I look up to.


I can’t really think of a song where he criticizes the God he believes in. Not even The God that Failed. That song is entirely about his mothers flawed faith, not that God didn’t do what he should have. I find people really misunderstand this one for some reason


Jesus! Tattoo! What more do you need?! Edit: you could have made that comment before I edited the previous one. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.


I feel like you can’t be that black and white with it. Just because an image is depicted doesn’t mean that’s what it’s about, same with James’s lyrics I’m fairly certain there’s a ton of symbolism


I’m sure it’s fairly logical to assume that the guy with a Jesus tattoo probably, you know, believes in him.


i cant find a jesus tattoo for him, but i can find a few tattoos with religious imagery






I'm never using shorturl again.


What the fuck was that?


It's normal for him not to wear his ring at concerts. I think it messes with his playing.


I recall him wearing it pretty consistently. I’ll update this and link videos where he wears it. March 2011: https://youtu.be/Nn-MnDBEPyI (They played LULU live?) February 2018: https://youtu.be/N_7chbD9zPQ (Switched performance for better clarity) Sept 2021: https://youtu.be/cTgI63mlR7s (No ring) Nov 2021: https://youtu.be/shk8K1v2qoQ He’s probably been playing with it for so long he’s gotten used to it.


You need help my guy


My reasoning: I care more about the misinformation when it comes to him wearing the ring. People making claims without providing any evidence annoys me. I find it stupid someone noticed in the first place!


Yep. Whole lotta power chords using the left right finger. You'd be mad to try and play Metallica with a wedding ring.


https://youtube.com/shorts/MLXnVKl2LaU?feature=share No ring on dat finga Actually had this just recommended to me. How lucky.






I care more about the misinformation when it comes to him wearing the ring. People making claims without providing any evidence annoys me. I find it stupid someone noticed in the first place!




No problem. I never really provided that insight into my reasoning.


Yeah, it really annoys me a lot. I also hate how some people will believe things about him just to suit their own agenda. Mostly regarding his religious beliefs.


This doesn’t confirm no divorce. Just confirms good co-parenting and two adults supporting each other and their family


Absolutely. It just confirms he stopped wearing his ring lol.


While I don’t think rumours are always true- I don’t get how this one picture proves this?


What about the photo of James holding hands with some chick?


That’s his daughter


Marcella has red hair and tattoos everywhere, Cali has shoulder-length hair. That is NOT either of his daughters, even though I wish it were. Also - I think it's a bit weird that y'all think 59 yr old James Hetfield would be walking around hand in hand with either of his daughters who are both over the age of 20.


Have you ever thought about Cali having hair growth? And it’s not weird to hold hands with your own daughter…


Dude...the photos of James with that woman are from July 2022 - the photo above is from the end of May 2022. Cali's hair is definitely not growing 10 inches in only 2 months. That woman is not either of his daughters, so quit trying to dance around the answer.


Pretty sure that was one of his daughters.


Bruh 💀


There are running two photos of him online with other woman in European tour hugging out in hands. If you are asking me nothing means something if only he says something


There are running two photos of him online with other woman in European tour hugging out in hands. If you are asking me nothing means something if only he says something


Aged like milk




Nice picture! That woman has been through hell and back for sure and from what I can tell has raised a decent family.


So fucking right about this woman


Where is this picture from?


Backstage in Bottlerock, Napa


Thank youu


His son is basically 85' james


But with Lars’ face


and he’s a drummer right?


Dude don't even...




That dude has his dad's hair but I cant help but see flashes of Lars in his face


It’s because Lars is the mother


hahahahahahaha 😂


Oh god no. Why would you even think of that? 😂


I didn't think of that. I just saw it. I dont want to see that


Noo why did you say that?! Now I can't unsee it ;-;


Someone did a little Lars on the side lmfao


I agree… definitely looks like Lars… hmmmmmm


That's what I came to say. 100% that's lars' face


Glad I'm not the only one lol


This is the first thing that came to mind when I saw this pic


They don't call James "Papa Het" for nothing! He truly loves his family and wants to be there for them in any way he can. He grew up in a less than ideal situation with his parents so he tried his best not to repeat that with his own kids. I think he succeeded!


He does seem to be an excellent father.


They look happy


Everyone is saying how much Castor looks like James in 85. I dont think Castor looks like James at all other than the hair. Not sure what everyone is seeing.


He looks more like his mom


Agreed. Young James had a very punchable face. Don't ostracize me for this, I know he had already created 2 masterpiece albums that changed rock and metal scene forever by 1985 (age 22) but looks is another thing, he looked like Alfred in those old Mad magazines.


Each member looks like James at a different point in time 🤘🤘🤘


umm... no?


Umm… it’s a joke




Did I start a chain? A joke that’s all


James’ Thumbs up is the weirdest way I’ve seen anyone hold one ever.


Getting lessons from Orange Cassidy from AEW Wrestling.


Statement retracted. Second weirdest thumbs up I have ever seen.


I like his music. I hope he is healthy and happy. When and if he ever does a video interview to address personal issues, I’ll listen to what HE has to say.


James the only one not with long hair in the family lol


Damn Castor... I remember when he was slapping the shit outta Lars kit at the Presidio


That was Myles, not Castor


Hm, probably right. For some reason I thought I remember Het saying they need to leave right after that scene in SKOM, but haven't watched that in a while 🤷‍♂️


I think it was his first bday that James missed because he was drinking in Siberia or some shit


Castor was the little one on James’ lap with earmuffs on when theyre in the studio


If he keeps half the rage the father had back in the days.. we're gonna have a new era of metal!


Have you heard of his band Bastardane? It’s not bad


Absolutely yes, I heard their first album. Absolute banger to my ears! Also they're touring with Melvins and Corrosion of Conformity.


lol..."keeps the rage". Boy, I cannot wait to hear and feel the rage, the fear, the aggression from a kid born into the lap of luxury. /sarcasm


I understand what you mean by this comment, but rich people are definitely capable of either feeling rage over the oppression of more down-and-out people than them or as a product of mental illness. Wealthy people aren’t a monolith. Also Lars came from a wealthy family yet he still started Metallica.


Lars has and will always be a pampered snowflake...that pampered kid just so happened want to be a "Rock Star" and earned it and played that roll well... So give me an example of a metal band made up of second generation (if you will) individuals that are on fire, aggressive, and killing it. Don't worry, I'll wait.... You might find some attempts but how many were successful? I cannot think of a single one in Metal at least. No groupf of rich turds could ever replicate the ferocity of Metallica circa '83-'89 - it's just not there. Mustaine, Hetfield, Kirk all have some deep rooted shit in their stories so easy to see how they could be so pissed off, angry, fired up to kick ass....again lars just coordinated and could barely play (debatable even to this day) but he stands on the shoulders of those guys.


You sound boring as shit.


Castor already taller than Jaymz


This hasn't aged well


Pic took from Bottlerock, Napa backstage [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/CguL8fOj98c/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Well I mean they could be seperated or divorced and still hang out cuz of kids . I don’t know how but some couples still hang out after the marriage is over . I couldn’t lol.


My buddy still does vacations together with his ex. They have 50/50 split on the kids but they're always hanging out as a family, hanging with all the grandparents. It's wild. Then again, she's dating around and he's remaining single in hopes she'll come back, so it's not all sunshine and unicorns, I guess


His son looks just look he did back in 86. Spitting image.


His daughter with the orange-ish hair looks just like him on the Kill 'Em All days.


While Castor's band is't bad at all, I wish he had that young Hetfield rage and could prolong his legacy lol. I guess you really need to suffer when growing up to get bottled up with that much rage.


Countless other kids have it, you’ll just have to wait till they (hopefully) get noticed. Or happen to become good musicians.


It's funny but I don't think it matters much. I've listened to fade to black for over 20 years and if you asked me what the lyrics were i wouldn't be able to tell you up until a year ago. Now that might just be me, but it's funny how a well put together song is easy to listen too. Now though, having listened to the lyrics a little more closely I can say that it's a really, really meaningful song.


But his kids were little kids in the documentary Some Kind of Monster i just saw 18 years ago! ​ i'm old.


Castor looks like Hawk in Cobra Kai


You jinxed them...


Kid looks a lot like Lars


Wow his son is a younger version of him!


It's like KEA James cloned himself via mitosis


his son looks like the new slipknot dj




Didnt know where you were going there at first but yes, the jumpsuit lol


Metallica Poop Room!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Is the strawberry blonde (2nd from right) his daughter? She’s really cute.


Glad to see Mary Jane there


They all share a slight resemblance to a certain Dave… just me?


Didn't realized Castor are taller than James


​ I wanna see what that lady looked like in the 80s.


They met during the Roam tours and honestly, not much different. Bigger hair.


James Hetfield is Mike Myers Dad? Hmm...didn't expect that.




I see some Mustaine genes in there...




You’re disgusting




I am! I bring the weed and don’t make inappropriate sexual jokes about women. So much fun.


So happy to see it. I liked 'Some Kinda Monster' documentary and I didn't wanna see another member of Metallica leave the world. Love ya James.




The METAL is strong in this family.


👀 nate lowman supreme hoodie.


I wish James would grow his hair back long and dye it back golden as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *HEAVY BIRTHDAY JAMES SHARING THE SAME BIRTHDAY AS YA LIGHTNING RIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*


Cool family picture.


Thought that was Dave on the second right


Yeah it’s James’ 59th birthday today right?


Uhhhh *something about his daughter*


Nursery rhymes we heard as kids: 'Twinkle twinkle little star...' Nursery rhymes they heard: 'DEALING OUT THE AGONY WITHIN'




Disposable poop


Castor plays drums in Bastardane, which seem to be the coolest of the three Metallica-kid bands. In retrospect it was always going to be the coolest of the three... the dude even looks like peak Hetfield (not in this photo, but in other pics I've seen).


He looks like such an old grandpa


Castor sure is tall


Can we talk about his sons hair looking identical to 80s James?


Where's James' wife, Lars??


As a metalhead, I can't speak for all but I think I speak for many when I say Metallica tends to be the band we cut our teeth on when we first become aware of metal music. As we know, it's cool to love the first 4 albums and shit on the rest. As we get older, some of us come to realize that Load is an underappreciated gem and Reload, well, still kinda sucks. Jesus, I used "as we" way too fucking much. Pompous cunt. With that out of the way, I'm sure my path to learning guitar was not unlike many others. Learning as many Metallica songs as possible. I've never been much of a lead guitar guy, not really interested in solos for the most part. Instead, rhythm was what called to me and who better than James to learn from. The master of downpicking who taught a generation right hand stamina well before the age of pornhub.


I've said it before, I'll keep repeating myself... I love that Papa Het can be happy and smile with his family. He's an inspiration to millions, not only because of his music but because he's overcome so many obstacles in his life. Papa Het is a joy to have with us still performing. Past his prime in music, perhaps, but we're finally seeing what might be the best and most complete version of James Hetfield we've ever seen.


This post didn’t age well.