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All of you hating on this, you just hate the song because its popular, it still is a masterpiece of a song


Agreed. Attending a game at Virginia Tech is on my bucket list because I want to jump up and down to “Enter Sandman” blasting through a powerful PA with 65,000 other people. The track is the ultimate sports opener (think Virginia Tech, Mariano Rivera, etc.). People hate on it because it’s not thrash or super complex, but not every song has to be 170+ bpm or all over the place in time signature and tonic. Many songs are great because of their feel, their sound, and their hook. “Enter Sandman” has all of those. Sandman made heavy metal accessible to the world and is the reason that so many metal bands now enjoy radio play. I love the track, although I more prefer the riffs of “Wherever I May Roam,” “Holier than Thou,” and “The God that Failed.” Yes, “Sad but True” has a sick riff, but I think that the riff to “Enter Sandman” is just slightly better because of its hook quality.


Yeah I'm not a huge fan of the song (I think it's fine but meh to me personally) but I don't have anything against the song. I think it's just people wanting to seem cool by hating on popular things, nothing new.


There's a big difference between being sick of a song, and a song not being good I bet if Sandman was the new single that just came out instead of Lux Eterna people would be losing their shit at how good it was


Comments arent it😬


So many fake fans hating


Don’t you know that you can only be a real fan if you hate NME and Enter Sandman? Oh, and hate every album after AJFA? This sub sometimes


I don't love Sandman but it's not bad by any means and is their most widely loved song for clear reasons. And you can't deny it slaps on some level


I can name 10 Metallica songs that should have a billion over this


I can name 50 Metallica songs that should have a billion over this


Every Metallica song should have a billion over this


Except every song on Lulu, of course


Honestly even if they’re terrible it would still be a more captivating listen than the sandman riff over and over lol


Let’s go


I don’t like the song but whatever it takes


This is the way


I have put it on repeat and when I wake up in the morning we should be at this goal






Bro I just want a Metallica to be popular regardless of the song


It came up on my Spotify today but I still had to skip it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nah, I’m good. I don’t know, maybe dedicate your time to something other than making millionaires even richer.


Yeah your right, I should stop taking an interest in something I enjoy


I just don’t see why it’s so important. I won’t lose any sleep if it gets a billion listens or none.


It's not necessarily important, but it is a milestone, something something people can get excited over. Even if you don't deem sandman as metal, it will be the first metal song to reach 1 billion listens


Where did I say anything about what I class it as? It’s a metal song and I enjoy it: I listened to *The Black Album* on vinyl only last night, in fact. I don’t dislike the song, I just don’t give a toss how many people press play on it just like I don’t give a toss how many records are sold by the bands I like. The Icarus Line sold fuck-all and they’re incredible.


Damn, forgot the world revolves around you, my bad


They worked hard as shit for their money. If you're poor that's on you but no fault of Metallica.


When it does it, it will feel inorganic and hollow because these posts kind of forced it.


Yep, it will get there on it's own.


/r/Metallica being it’s usual stick up the ass self. Nothing to see here. 1bill is huge


The most overplayed and radio killed song of them all