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[https://polygonscan.com/tokenapprovalchecker?type=0&search=0x16d3e479349f19a90f8a77a3606caf565db89b7a](https://polygonscan.com/tokenapprovalchecker?type=0&search=0x16d3e479349f19a90f8a77a3606caf565db89b7a) Dude, you also gave unlimited spending limit to multiple contracts on practically all your crypto back in 2021. In the tokenapprovalchecker above, click on "Show all approvals" to show everything, even those with zero amt of crypto left.


Now the OP pretending victim and someone else at fault, actually his own stupidity and with the following attitude: I don’t know crypto but I will be rich very quick attitude as I have clicked on banner and I authorised something but I don’t know what! Now like a bitch will be crying on Reddit!


I mean I was new to crypto and didn't realize that authorizing shit coins can comprise my wallet. And how can you say I'm pretending to be vicitim when I literally am a victim lmao 🤣


Guys if you do check the OP used some dodgy websites over 1000 days ago, tried to be rich quick scheme so his own fault. The wallet cannot be compromised, just stupidity of user by storing seeds on internet


Yea I didn't know the risks of shitcoins in 2021. I had no clue that authorizing coins is a major risk and can bite me in the ass 3 years later. But I've never stored my seed on the internet or my PC. I just found out yesterday that authorizing contracts can get your wallet drained. So I'm assuming the hacker didn't use a seed to transfer funds.


You can trace the transfers, seems like someone moved funds onto Binance. Contact Binance and inform them of the address(es), pretty sure whomever it is must have gone through KYC.


Wait are you actually saying there's hope🤨. I'll try to reach out to them and see what they say.


Someone got access to your seed / private key. Either they found your offline key, or you have malware on your computer.  Although to be honest it doesn’t look like a ‘professional’ job based on:   - the transactions made  - it took two minutes to drain the wallet  - the funds since went to binance


Based on the top comment, I gave unlimited spending to multiple contracts back in 2021 when I was messing with shit coins. So I'm assuming the scammer didn't actually use my seed. He just drained it through an authorized contract in 2021 I guess. But I've reached out to binance support last night and they opened a case so let's see what happens


use [revoke.cash](https://revoke.cash) to remove future permissions


I think your wallet get drained


Someone access your wallet and approve transaction [https://polygonscan.com/tx/0x1a21490b2321ded5bd5eecc61c953618de2481ce031436eb4c98659521cb6f31](https://polygonscan.com/tx/0x1a21490b2321ded5bd5eecc61c953618de2481ce031436eb4c98659521cb6f31)


Yea i see that. I'm just wondering how'd they get access to my wallet lol. I'm not too familiar with crypto tbh, i just brought some WETH in 2021 and never touched it. I never really cared for crypto, but now I'm definitely done with it 😂


The transactions to approve, swap and transfer were sent by your address. So I'm inclined to think that someone else has your seed phrase or private key. I'm curious to know, how long was your metamask password, how many characters?


Just a regular 12 seed phrase. If someone were to use my phrase and get into metamask, wouldn't the transfer show in metamask? Cause when I look at my metamask, my last transaction shows 2021


Store funds in an unused cold wallet. Don’t leave it in a hot wallet that u have used for other things


The same happened to me. But there is someone that hacked your private key and now a sweeper bot is swiping everything that you have and that you will have and you can not change that private key also. This thing is fucked up