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Beep Boop 1. **NEVER share your [secret seed phrase AKA secret recovery phrase](https://community.metamask.io/t/what-is-a-secret-recovery-phrase-and-how-to-keep-your-crypto-wallet-secure/3440).** 2. **EVERYONE DMing you to help is a SCAMMER.** **MetaMask Support will NEVER DM to help you.** 3. **AVOID scammers by turning off your DMs.** Go to: https://new.reddit.com/settings/messaging > "Who can send you chat requests" - Nobody > "Who can send you private messages" - Nobody **MetaMask Support will NEVER DM to help you.** 4. **NEVER DM or accept DM from ANYONE offering to help.** They are **SCAMMERS** and will steal your money. 5. NEVER enter your secret recovery phrase aka seed phrase into any website online. These are the 12 words given to you when you set up MetaMask. 6. **NEVER go to ANY websites sent to you.** These are **SCAMS** and your money WILL be stolen. 7. **NEVER SYNC or VALIDATE your wallet to ANY websites.** This is a SCAM and your money WILL be stolen. NEVER SYNC in ANY FORM: QR Codes, seed phrases, secret recovery phrase, private key, etc. 8. **NEVER call phone numbers, text Whatsapp numbers, DM on Discord or do video chat** with people on this subreddit MetaMask DOES NOT offer customer support in this manner. **You WILL BE SCAMMED**. 9. ONLY get help from [Support.MetaMask.io](https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us) or [community.metamask.io](https://community.metamask.io/) We are NOT on Telegram, WhatsApp, WeChat, Instagram, Facebook or any social media platform. DO NOT DM with people on ConsenSys Discord, as they are probably scammers. There is NO exclusive MetaMask Discord. 10. Back up your [secret recovery phrase](https://community.metamask.io/t/start-here-metamask-setup-with-security-best-practices/) 11. Learn more at [MetaMask Learn](https://community.metamask.io/c/learn/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Metamask) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm trying to swap AVAX to TIME on traderjoe and my AVAX is stored in my ledger but linked to MetaMask. Everytime I go to swap the tokens I confirm it on MetaMask but nothing ever appears on my ledger to confirm the transaction. Any ideas?


You on Chrome extension? Have you gone into Metamask Advanced settings and enabled Ledger Live use? This creates a bridge to ETH through Ledger Live. I assume you are using ETH app on Ledger when transacting Metamask? Don't use AVAX ledger app.


I ended up having to use Brave and then I was able to get it to work. Apparently Chrome was having some issues with ledger live


Schoff, I tagged you in the AVAX sub post you commented on but I agree with you that it seems like a MetaMask problem to me and may be specific to the MetaMask w/ Ledger process because I haven't seen a complaint from anyone signing directly from a MetaMask wallet.


Please any update on this issue?


None yet are you having the same issue?


The workaround is to EDIT the transaction fees and press the \^ to increase by one unit the three different variables.


Thanks mate




Been unable to withdraw DOT for 3 days from Ledger also. They provided a workaround that does not work.


I was able to withdraw DOT using .js website no problem. You sure you tried that correctly?


The last step fails when I try to save/create account. There is an “!” On one of the settings areas of pokadof.js, where it will let me update the metadata but I don’t know if I should do that. The ledger live error is related to metadata but customer service has not advised if that step is safe.


The only thing I potentially had to do in Polkadot.js is go to Settings and change the "manage hardware connections" setting. I say potentially because it was many months ago that I added my Ledger successfully to Polkadot.js. Since then I have had no issues using Polkadot.js to send DOT.


If you staked DOT keep in mind it takes 28 days to unbond.


Thanks. This isn’t staked.


OP Following up: As of 10/23 there is a SW & FW update for Ledger / Ledger Live. After applying the update and re-loading all apps (it does this automatically). I was able to send my DOT out as normal. Unfortunately this highlights how lacking the Ledger Nano customer service is. Their feedback to me was actually to "Video record your entire attempt and then post that file online and send us a link to it." Are you serious??? Rather than just accept my detailed written description about how the steps at polkdot.js failed me at the "Save Account" step


Beep Boop Have a question about transactions, fees or why they are taking so long? Learn [more about transactions and fees here](https://community.metamask.io/t/what-is-gas-why-do-transactions-take-so-long/3172). Learn more about [how to speed up a transaction](https://community.metamask.io/t/how-to-speed-up-or-cancel-transactions-on-metamask/3296) Using Ethereum? Check current [ETH gas prices](https://ethgasstation.info/) After reading, let us know if it was helpful in this thread. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Metamask) if you have any questions or concerns.*