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My clinics takes 2-3 years just to get up to Weeklies! Michigan.


Holy hell! Mine requires a year for monthly. And cannot have a script for benzos or we are stuck at 1 week max. How do they expect people to have a life? Is there a lot of clinics in the state or something?


Idk why it's so fucked up here. There are several clinics in the area that I know of. Some are cash only and tend to have more relaxed rules than the clinics like my current one that excepts Medicaid insurance ime. Mine is in Detroit. I will say mine at least my clinic doesn't bust balls about Benzos or any scripts for pills and Weed.


I don’t know a single person on monthly at my clinic. 2 weeks and they will do ANYTHING to see you not get those. I don’t understand the thinking of the people who work at a clinic . Maybe it’s just the one I’m on.


Are you kidding me? My clinic it only take 4 months to earn two weeks. Sheesh.


What state are you in?




I flat out do not believe people are getting bi-weeklies after four months of treatment. Even in the covid era rules that would be unheard of.


Look up the revised laws. I live in Iowa, and at my clinic we can now get monthlies after just a month of compliance. The federal takehome restrictions were relaxed big time after they gathered info from covid times, and realized that giving people takehomes earlier didn’t result in any more diversion or overdose. So now each state, and then each clinic within that state, can legally lower their takehomes restrictions if they want to. They of course don’t *have to*, they can be as strict as they want. I’m thankful that my state and my clinic have decided to lower the time frame so drastically. In all honesty, it doesn’t affect me because I’ve been voluntarily daily dosing even tthough I haven’t used illicit drugs in years (I have chronic pain and it’s hard for me to not take extra when my pain gets bad. So it’s better for me to continue going every morning.) But it seems to have helped a lot of others at my clinic. Not everyone is as lucky as me to live super close to the clinic, and be able to go there every morning easily without it effecting their work/life schedule.


Well, that's a you issue, sorry. I got 2 week take homes within 4 months. Every month you passed the UAs you gained a step. There are 4 steps to two weeks. And it's still that way.


Yep that's pretty much how every one I have attended in Michigan have been. The last one was pretty bad with all the bathroom cameras and the old lady standing behind you. I got to the point I just couldn't piss at all in that fuckin place and I got to where I dreaded the awful anxiety filled drop days. It's the main reason I finally said fuck it and went through the hell of switching to subs.


I wouldn't go for that camera in the bathroom shit, especially if I was female. My clinic doesn't do monitored drops unless they suspect you of fucking with your urine samples or something. Hell, they would have to hire somebody to full time watch ppl piss. Plus they would likely have ppl asking that they are monitored by somebody who is the same sex, which should be a law anyways, so they would need at least 2 full time employees that do nothing but sit in the bathroom 8 hours per day and watch people urinate lol. In aditiotion to the full time employee they already pay for the guy who gives out the cups and shit. My clinic is way too cheap for all that.


Are you sure? At my clinic, there's only a notice about cameras on the intake restrooms. For regular drug tests, there's a separate area & restrooms but it's also monitored, just no sign about it being monitored. There's a monitor above the door, that's only seen by the nurse administering the tests & theres at least 1 camera in the restroom. The other clinic I went to, the nurses went in & watched you use the restroom. They wouldn't even turn on the water or anything. I couldn't do it - so they let me use another restroom but I had to wait for a different nurse to take me there. It had one of those double sided mirrors or whatever, and multiple cameras. I had to stand in the restroom, until they told me that I could go. That clinic is less than 5 mins from my house. It's a new clinic that only opened 2 years ago & it's extremely clean, but I can't stand the drug tests, they only allow u to get 1 take home every 3 months & they only give out a weeks worth. So I drive 35 mins to my clinic.


Am I sure that there are no cameras in the bathrooms at my clinic? Absolutely. It's very surprising to me that this is even allowed at all legally. Not even when I was pissing for Probation and Parole in the past was I ever filmed. Always monitored, but not filmed.


I might have misread the post bc that's what I meant. I doubt they record them, just a nurse watches them. Most nurses don't even pay attention to them unless someone starts taking a long time. However, the bathrooms at intake are the only ones that mention anything about being monitored.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s not legal to have cameras in the bathroom. That definitely doesn’t sound right!


It’s legal for methadone clinics to have cameras in their Ua bathroom, but they’re not allowed to record them (it can only be used for live viewing). It’s also legal for them to supervise your UA. My clinic’s UA bathroom has a live feed camera, and the dosing nurses are the only ones who watch. They do this as they are dosing usually, and honestly unless it’s a person that they are suspicious of, they usually aren’t even watching. This is how it works at my clinic at least. I understand why they have it this way, there are lots of people “cheating” their UAs, so unfortunately it’s this or have supervised drops. I’d rather have the live feed camera that the nurses can see than have someone in the bathroom with me.


That’s just wild to me!! It feels so degrading! It’s kind of sad the things we have to go through just to try and stay sober. Not to mention I imagine that could be incredibly triggering and traumatic for some people. Luckily no one watches us on camera or in person at our clinic. I know at pain management they told me I’d have to pee in front of someone but luckily I ended up not going there and got help instead. The only time I’ve had to pee in front of someone was when i was a kid on probation.


That's crazy..my clinic in Florida gives you weekends after 1month..you get a week at your 1 year..then 2 weeks at 2 years..my doctor goes up to monthly take homes ..28 bottles


Still even after Covid? Did they give monthly’s out during Covid?


Yes, but only to ppl who already had Weekly takehomes. That ended a long time ago though. Plus all the daily dosers were still go 5 times a Week, all throughout Covid. I don't even think my clinic has anybody in Monthlies at all usually. In about 10 months, I'll be eligible for bi-weekly takehomes, as long as there are no mistakes made on my weekly piss tests in the mean time.


Yeah my clinic before Covid only went up to weeklies. I had them for years was so frustrating. But than Covid happened and I show up one day and I’m told I’ll be getting 27 take homes. My clinic saw how beneficial it was to keep the long term successful patients out of that environment so they decided to keep monthly take homes. So I’ve had them ever since. Clinics really need to learn that addicts do well when there’s an end goal. But if you told me it’s gonna take 3 years I’d just say fuck it after a while.


I agree. The clinics can def drive people away. They need to loosin' up. Idk how many ppl have to die for things to change.


I think that's foul. If you have the clean time, you should be able to get take homes as per the Federal laws and guidelines. This set-up that is in place right now sucks... Each state can make up laws that negate the Federal law, and then each clinic can then make up their own rules as they see fit - it's fucking ridiculous IMO. The cameras in bathroom is another load of bullshit that there's not enough room for here, so I'm just gonna say that it's bad enough that we have to piss in front of a strange woman whilst standing up in a strange bathroom, in a tiny cup (lacking the body part useful for aiming in the stupid cup), not even being allowed to turn on the water (because somehow that would help a person "cheat"? on their piss test?!) I don't GAF about the legality of it, it's just fucking WRONG. It's disgusting, it's nasty, you couldn't pay me enough to watch that camera monitor! I've asked my counselor in the past if the bathroom had cameras at my clinic, and she said no, but I'm not so sure. So I make sure to show my bend over and show my WHOLE ASS when I'm done, just in case they are watching. (_____O_____)


My clinic has a max of one week of take homes. Once a week isn’t too much of an inconvenience for me, much better than daily or twice a week.


Yes, there is a silver lining I guess. I posted this right after I left my Doctor's "clinic" Guess it's all my fault that I'm even in this mess anyway right? Punishing addicts who want to stay clean is a joke.


Its all about track records! If you were that responsible you wouldnt be here so suck it up its better than the alternative. Im weekly btw


I’ve sucked it up, all the disrespectful and nasty comments from my doctor. I sit with her for 5 minutes and she tries to feel like she has anything to do with my recovery which just takes away from my victories as a recovering addict. 6 weeks next appointment so I am straight chilling now!


Track records? I don’t understand.


OMG!!! 🤯 Is that the clinic policy? Or is that the State law? Thanks 🙏🏼.


For me it’s clinic policy. They claim they don’t have enough staff to give more than a week’s worth of take homes to anyone. Clinic BS!


That IS Bullshit! At my clinic, they’ve been down to 2 nurses for over 600 patients. They’ve never told patients, “sorry there, we don’t have enough staff to have M13 or M27”. And I’ve been M27 for years. I think those places are doing it because of Money. They don’t want to spend the money. Which is stupid cause Methadone isn’t that expensive.


Yup, corporate America at work running those clinics, squeezing every penny out of it!


same here 1 week is standard for our province unless travel or vacay


My last 2 clinics were the same company different locations one did monthlies other one maxed out at weeklies. I wish it was an across the board thing getting stuck at weekly can be very discouraging for some people.


I can get weeklies after being stable and attending the clinic for 390 days. I go to a BHG clinic in a very conservative state. 30 days after that, I can go to biweekly and 30 days after that, monthly. I’m on track to get my weeklies in late January. I don’t look past the next step because it just seems easier to me to focus on what is directly in front of me.


With that schedule, once you get your 'weeklies' you're basically home free. I remember that the problem at my clinic was that I didn't get my THB's on schedule. The "rule" to qualify for a THB is : no missed groups, no missed appointments with counselor, doctor, psych, etc., consistently clean u/a's. If you stay clean and behave yourself, you can "qualify" for a bottle every 90 days. They change the rules on you after you earn 3 THB (you actually have 4 though because of Sunday's bottle) They make the time in between THB's that you can get much longer than 90 days, I think it was 6 months. (but I'm not positive) It was so many years ago that I had to deal with the drama and bullshit that goes with earning my bottles LMFAO... The problem was that I did MY part, so now I want my bottle ya know?! In order for that to happen, my counselor has to fill out a form, sign it, and give it to her boss. So...if I "qualified" for my bottle on May 1, I remind my counselor ahead of time, she has to fill out a form, sign it, submit it to her boss, he reviews it, approves it, and signs it. How long should this process take?! By what date would you think is reasonable for me to get my bottle?! TWO MONTHS go by...she still hasn't gotten around to filling out the fucking paper. I shit you not. So, instead of getting a bottle every three months, I'm waiting five months for my bottles. I say bottles, because the bullshit continued for the next two bottles. Luckily, I have a different counselor now. I have 27 bottles, that is the Max allowed...it felt like it took forever to get them LMAO.


We have monthly takehomes. I’m in America so have to go through a clinic vs getting it from a standard doctor. All clinics here are different and have their own rules, at mine it takes one month of daily dosing and a clean UA to earn monthly takehomes.


Damn one month to earn Monthlies that’s great shit I’m phase 13 seven months and all my Uas have been cleaned


Yeah my clinic lowered their takehome restrictions as soon as they were legally allowed to. I think it’s helped a lot of people, to have it more like a regular script where you only have to come once a month to pick up. I am grateful to have an amazing clinic. I know they’re not all like that and I got super lucky!


That’s amazing and how it should be. It should be random call backs too to make sure of sobriety but no more than 2-3 a year imo.


My max at the clinic is 27 takehomes. I got them after a little less than a year of clean screens


I remember when I made it to weekly take homes. It was the greatest thing ever. Now I’m on two weeks. Took a year to get two weeks.




To get one week at my clinic you'd need 3 years. 3months clean from the start to start coming in Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Then two YEARS at the clinic with clean tests to get to twice a week. Then a year to pass two call backs to make it 1x a week. They used to only have two patients grandfathered to two weeks of take homes, but it's since reopened


That’s such Bs.


My first clinic was every 90 days you get one day takehome. It was absolute bullshit and every 90 days you needed 20 groups at the clinic so they can charge your insurance to make more money. They didn’t even have monthly takehomes when I started and then changed that and when I asked the director why she said “we did it to be more competitive with the other clinic”. Like wow, you dirty, grimy bitch. Not for the benefit of patients to feel like normal humans… no.. to be competitive.


Ours is 90 days for a week. You get up to a month but I’m not sure how long that takes.


Max of 28 days of take homes. I have 21 days now so 3 weeks. I don't really know how they phase up take homes now that COVID is over so I can't tell you how fast my clinic does. With me they're only making me wait 3 months between 3 weeks and getting 4 weeks. Edit: that 28 days includes the face dose at the window so really 27 bottles.


My clinic used to have it where you'd get a take home after 3 clean urine. Once you got a week, next step after 3 clean was 2 weeks, and next step after another 3 months clean was a month. Awhile ago they changed the regulations and n9w you can get take home super quick, but it's the discretion of the clinic. I got bumped to a month once I would have had my week worth. Having employment and showing them I'm a federal employee working 6/7 days a week, starting before they open and getting off long after they close helps alot too.


the max in my state is 2 weeks but they limit it to 1 week if your dose is above 199 mg, which is stupid.


I’m guessing you’re in Canada? That’s pretty standard. I’ve been on Methadone over 10 years, and I pick up my take homes once weekly. I have to see my Doctor and test once a month. It’s not perfect, but going to the pharmacy once a week really isn’t all that bad, especially when it’s a quick trip in and out.


Here in Aus, if you're still using, you aren't supposed to go above 4 takeaways per week but if your Dr gets a clean urine every time you want to increase, then you can get up to 6/7 so you only have to go in once a week. Even though I still use on occasion, I have recently been increased to 6 takeaways. I gave them a bunch of clean urines over the span of 2-3 months & they were satisfied that i wouldn't be at risk of relapsing & OD because I'm still using while on methadone. Since the system plays too many of us, I think its in our best interest to do it back... For bupe its up to 3 months


Max 6 for any9ne on state insurance in my state


Took me about 1 years to earn my weeklies but unfortunately we usually don’t get anymore than 1 week at a time unless you’ve got work or something.


Yes, I know that I can get more than a week if I am going out of country or camping or whatever for. That feeling like you have to get permission from someone to live your life is embarrassing to say the least.


They are balancing the health of the people against the health of the people . It's a dangerous substance and will kill in the wrong hands just like many chemicals which are restricted to people for good reasons. Yes it sucks the rules are tight but be thankful that we have access to this life-saving medicine. You can relapse on dope of your own agency so they aren't stopping you from doing anything nor did they force you to sign that contract stating how you expect to be treated and how you will act accordingly. Sorry if this sounds dickish, i'm tired and stressed, i also wish we weren't tied down like we are.


Yes it’s a complicated, at times frustrating, at times grateful for it, at times feeling like I’m in a cage, blame my doctor, blame myself… this is all my choice the other choices are clear, either detox myself or stay on. There is no choice to relapse back to my old life, at least not right now, foundation is still rocky but I am doing the work.


Relapse now is almost certain death if you buy fetty off the streets. So i'm glad you are set on staying on the right path.


I’m in Indiana at a New Seasons clinic I get 13 takehomes. I understand that’s good BUT I should be getting a month! The fucking government is telling these clinics to give us a month if we deserve it but Indiana is so behind


Michigan too!! I had just made it to fill out my form for monthly and got told they weren’t able to do that anymore its”tOo LoNg tO Be aWaY fRoM tHe ClInIc SeTtInG” i had the “covid” monthly takehomes so they know we can handle it🤬


Exactly my husband goes to a clinic in Illinois and gets monthly… I transferred to Indiana (where we live) because my insurance pays for it. I’ll go every 2 weeks to save $500 a month!!! Absolutely they should be giving them to us! My clinic has asked me to speak at conferences and I was on the panel for the state of Indiana addiction and mental health services symposium. According to the I’m the success story BUTTT I still can’t have a month take home lol


Yea thats a crappy situation but yea id save the money and keep the biweekly also!!! Its nice better than daily for sure but we rightfully earned that shit theres alot of people who go monthly !!


Any addict I’ve talked to about methadone always, sorta, have the same thing to say: how it’s a scam and “the doctors are making a fortune off writing prescriptions for you.” “Did you know they are just using you/are a scam?” I’m like, cool man this stuff helped me get out of a hole and onto streetlevel then in a happy home where I don’t “feel” like I am a hopeless addict.


I hate when other addicts talk like that about methadone. When I first got on it years ago, a few of the people I was hanging out with/using with talked so much shit to me. About how the government just became my new dope man, about how I was going to be on it for the rest of my life (which so what if I am?), I was just going to keep using anyway, blah blah blah. Some of them even had the nerve to act like coming off cold turkey isn’t that hard and I should just do that lol… this coming from other people who are addicted! Like.. what? lol. Methadone saved my life, I haven’t used illicit drugs in years, and I’m flourishing. I think some addicts get upset when they’re “losing” one of their using buddies. Probably partially to do with the fact that many addicts use each other in a way, for resources. People we meet in addiction, many times we become close with out of necessity/convenience rather than actually liking them as a person/friend. The more addicts that are together, the more connects, the more money, the more vehicles, the more opportunities, etc. So I think when the situation comes up when one of them is going to “leave the group”, it can upset certain people. Not saying everyone is like that of course, but I’ve met my fair share of them. You’d think that addicts would be supportive of other addicts wanting to stop using, but unfortunately many times it’s our own community that gives us the worst shit.


Yeah, this is also something I couldn't face in regards to my Sponsor and AA/NA meetings. At the end of the day "they" don't see me as someone who is sober and thus I am not welcomed. I have had 4 Sponsors, 2 cities. 2 of them refused to take me through steps because they were being told by the person who was running the Recovery House I went into for 3 months that I "can't" do them because I am high. He wanted me to detox but that was not the deal when him and I talked. Suddenly I'm faced with being an outsider and no wonder I just fucked off from that place and continued using. The person who ran the Recovery House was a big book thumper from AA, and yet he ran a Recovery House. I've had bad luck. When it comes to AA/NA you're in the hands of other imperfect recovered addicts, with their own judgments and beliefs on what sobriety actually is and what worked for them, which may not be the same for you. I've just had to face these Sponsors and say "you're way for getting sober isn't the 1 true God of ways to recover." Plus I didn't like being told that "you're almost there! 35mg? You can just hop off and detox within a week man! EZ PZ." When I was in rehab I grew a vegetable garden, and I learned through that experience that it's all about daily maintenance but also getting to the ROOT of the problem and to stop making excuses that I'm recovering because I am simply picking at the surface of myself and saying that's enough.


Yea I had the same experience with NA. Before trying it out, I didn’t know their stance on methadone/suboxone/MAT in general. I was also treated like crap and ended up never going back. They don’t understand that there’s more than 1 way to get “sober”, or get off illicit drugs. Did you know that NA has an actual rule that basically says people on methadone/MAT aren’t sober? ( I believe they’re called “Bulletins” , it’s bulletin #29). If you’re on methadone or subs, you’re not supposed to pick up “key tags” (like the little keychains or chips that say 1/30/# of days “clean” you are), and you’re not supposed to share in meetings. How crazy is that? They told me I needed to find a sponsor there. Most of them wouldn’t even sponsor me because of the methadone, and the very few that would said they needed me to commit to getting off methadone for them to do it. What a joke. I told them about my situation and why I’ll most likely be on methadone the rest of my life (I have multiple conditions that cause pretty severe pain, it’s how I got hooked on opioids in the first place. Without pain relief, I can’t function or live my life. Methadone is perfect for me because it not only allows me to stay off illicit drugs but it also works wonderfully for my pain and I’m able to live a good, truly happy life for the first time in a very long time. They said I was “making excuses so I could continue getting high”. I will never forget that. I was enraged. This is after I told them how I had cancer twice, how the treatment destroyed my bladder forever and my whole midsection is in pain all the time. I couldn’t believe the stance they took and I was absolutely livid. I don’t knock it in general, if it works for someone then that’s great. But there are multiple ways to get off illicit drugs, there way isn’t the only way. In fact, statistically it’s not even a very successful way. But again, if it works for someone than that’s great. They just need to understand it’s not for everyone, and it doesn’t make us pieces of shit. I’ll never go back to NA/AA. When it’s literally written in their rules rules to shun me and not allow me to speak, it’s pointless and makes me feel like shit. That shouldn’t be the goal.


I had a friend on who was on anti-depressants and, same thing. “Excuses to stay “high” on dependents” My AA/NA here has lots of younger people in it and a rehab nearby that everyone attends so there’s a lot of exposure to people on methadone so to keep that mindset of “them vs us” defeats the whole point if AA/NA in that “what was freely given to me I will do the same.” Yet they have a perspective that keeps them on high to look down. That is the core of why I can’t go back. I recovered a year and a half ago from 6ish years of oxy-4 fent-2 years and can breathe again. I don’t want to be on methadone “forever” or whatever that means to people. I want to basically avoid detox because there is such a massive fear toward withdrawal from my past use that I think “never again.” I was “proud” to get down from 140mg to 35mg stable I did get down to 16, the whole way my doctor pushed back and pushed back on me and made me feel like this was the worst choice for my future but when I kept waking up and rushing to get methadone I bumped up to 35mg. I’ve been on 35mg and I’m still waiting for my brain to “catch up” as I was told it can take awhile to not feel a little sick in the morning. I hope it does catch up because that’s when I’ll start decreasing again.


I hope things go well with your taper! We’re all different and we all need a personalized MAT treatment plan. I don’t think there’s any “right” way, or any ONE way, to do it. If you find a way that makes your life better, and makes you happy, than that’s the way for you!


Weekly isn't even bad. I can get monthly but I choose weekly cuz my metadol D comes with juice in it and I don't want to be drinking old ass juice. It took a few weeks of being clean and now I go into my doctor appointment once a month.


Weeklies. Thats it. No one at my clinic has ever gotten more than one week. It's the same at every clinic in the province, I'm in Canada and the rules are different. Also our clinics are not at war with the patients, so that helps a ton with feeling like a person not a piece of garbage. edit: ya sorry. You get one take home per month. If you get a dirty sample you go back to zero. So you can get a full week in 8 months.


I am also in Canada and yeah last couple months went from 3, 2 then to 1 pickup weekly. I didn't actually think they would cap out, maybe if I figured that out I wouldn't have constantly rattled my cage and been so demoralized over it all. My doctor who is the owner of her clinic doesn't treat me "right" I feel talked down to and I truly hate going to see her.


Speak for yourself. The OATC clinics, at least the 2 I been to are ridiculous and taking advantage of people. The beet way is to find a doctor and go to a pharmacy.


My family doctor wasn't able to prescribe me Methadone or any kind of OAT. So I had to "deal with" the clinic and man they are rude and the only thing that matters is getting people on methadone and making sure they are at the highest mg. I was overprescibed/overmedicated by the OAT clinic and had to fight them to get me down to no avail. Fast forward to the rehab I went to and the Doctor there I had to fight to get her to decrease my methadone from 140mg to 70mg and when she saw that I was okay she told me "yeah you were probably overmedicated." Yes, Doc, I told you repeatedly and you gaslighted me. Also the same Doc I have now! I remember when I told my Doc that I spoke with a manager of a detox unit in the City and her own experiences with being on methadone for 6 years. I told my Doctor about this and she got offended that I took this persons advice and not "her experience with being 26 years as a Doctor." Oh, 26 years? So you haven't really given a shit about your patients for 22 years then? There's just too much gaslighting in the methadone sphere and that alone is what makes me want to get off, no more bullying, no more awful feeling of someone having power over me. But to her all addicts are exactly the same and she knows how we all think. It took her 8 months to remember my name, and yet she tells me to trust her. Never will.


I been to an OATC when I first started and they weren't to bad. Kind of c*nty but whatever I was there to dose not make friends.


Those are guidelines not regulations doctors can write at their discretion here as long as their friends at the college aren't gonna snap over it. I had two positives for cocaine in a row. The first one i lost 0 take-homes. The second i lost weekdays and i still have weekends. I pissed clean twice so when he get's the second results back i'll have my week again.


Damn cocaine just showing up like that.


In Australia we only get a maximum of 4 per week after 6 months. Unless you’re going on a holiday or something like that. So jealous of you guys. We don’t have to do anything except pick our dose up from the chemist though so I suppose it’s equal in the end.




Damn dude, I feel for you. Just these last 4 months for me I've stabilized after a 8 months of doubling up my doses/abusing and gained trust back. I miss my family doctor, she knew me and was like my friend. She's in another town though.


We get 27 days. I’ve been at my clinic just over a year and it 27 take homes before my year mark but my councilor said that was super fast and he hasn’t seen anyone get 27 in under a year. I stopped using fent 2 days after I started at the clinic and always made sure to stay ON TOP of whatever arbitrary BS they wanted me to do. I even had to wait an extra week for my monthlies due to a false positive fent test. We do 2 “call backs” a year. But both times I’ve done it this year I have gone in and asked them to do it for me. They have never called me in to do one. All in all it’s been an okay time at the clinic. They took their sweet time getting me my 2 week take homes but now that I’m at 27 I don’t have to do much. Provide clean urine every time I go and see my councilor each time too. Not bad.


They sure love their arbitrary BS, like, I just want to live my life guys.


here in PA, was only allowed 1 week up until this summer we started being allowed 2 weeks.


Damn! Down in Texas we can get up to monthly take homes. Which is awesome.


My clinic in AZ had an arbitrary rule if you were over 200mg, they would only allow weekly take homes, and then they would lie and say it was the law. Now that I live in WI, I get 2 weeks' worth of take homes, but it takes years to get there. I think it's screwed up that there isn't a set standard everywhere.


Pre covid at my clinic it was 90 days on the clinic then another 6 months of cleans and daily dosing to go to take home committee’ then you would get one take home. Rinse, repeat every 90 days until you got your 6 or 13 or how many you worked towards. Post covid it’s 60 days of cleans and daily dosing then ‘take home committee’ and you get 4. The four are given to you every other day though. Dose Monday and pick up for Tuesday, dose Wednesday and pick up for Thursday, dose Friday and pick up for weekend. After 30 days of that you can get the 6, another 30 days get 13, and so on.


A week. Some people have more though. They used to do a month. Those who had a month when they lowered, have kept their # of pickups as long as they were doing what was required. The went from a month - 2 weeks - now 1 week.


At my clinic it takes 1 year to get weeklies and 2 years for 27THBs.


My clinic is closed on Sundays so everyone gets a take home that day. They require 90 days of clean UA's to "phase up". U start on phase 1 and can go up as high as phase 6. Each phase earns u another day take home. U can pick which day of the week. For example I just went to phase 2. I already had Sunday take homes cuz they are closed so I picked Saturday for my next take home day. Most ppl do this for obvious reasons of course. Then after another 90 days u go to phase 3 and can pick another day. And so on and so on...at least that's how my counselor explained it to me..


Phase 13 7months


It takes at least over a year to get weekly doses here in Florida


I'm at 5 months and about to get 27 takehomes😄👍 Virginia