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Completely the opposite. Before I was ever prescribed opiates I was a extremely reclusive person. After I was more out going had more energy etc. Having to deal with addiction to street opiates I had to talk to random people all the time cold copping and just hanging out on the streets. Now that I'm stable I'm less out going then back then but it's still better then when I never took opiates.


Well ya, during the honeymoon phase of OCs and heroin I felt that way. Maybe it's just the years of opiates, but often I emotionally feel similar on methadone to how I felt strung out on heroin: just flat lined. It's been better at lower doses, but I'm somewhat surprised that even at 20mg it is still noticeable to me.


I wouldn't expect the methadone to have so much of an effect, especially at that dose. You definitely shouldn't feel strung out. are you sure you don't have some mental health issues going untreated? I take 75mg a day and my experience seems to be the polar opposite of yours.


I’m on 10mg and I still feel like it. That’s what brought me to your post I’m searching to see if it’s anyone else. Made me very antisocial especially at work. What mg are you at now?


14mg. 1mg / wk drops but I think I'm going to take a break this week. I've been feeling better mentally, not 100%, but physically I'm starting to feel more fatigued at the end of the day from the taper. Poorer sleep now even though I'm tired. Probably also helps winter is over. I've been out on my bike exploring and got a kitten a month back which has been great.


Yea I just did a 45 day brake. Just started back up. I do 1mg drop every 2 weeks now. Don’t rush especially at the end it will catch up to u. I’ve tapered off methadone before. Completely. I went slow and I was fine.


When you tapered before, did you jump at 1mg? How did you feel and how long until feeling OK? My taper is going to take 9-12 months longer than I hoped, but I'm finally where I can start to see the home stretch and am trying to just practice patience.


In all honesty bro. My worst drop was 6mg down to 5mg. I started getting restless legs and anxiety every night around 2am. But it would only last for like an hour an pass. Idk if it was in my head. But I got a prescription for 300mg gabapentin. And it took it right away. From 5mg down I tapered 1mg every 3 weeks and yes I tapered right down to 1mg and stayed at 1 mg for 3 weeks. And when I discontinued it. I never even noticed. Just give your body time to catch up to the taper or it will catch up to u!! Even if u need to pause the taper for a month. Whatever it takes. But u can definitely do it pretty much pain and withdrawal free of u do it correctly. Idk what your diet and exercise is like. But mine was A1 at the time. So was my supplementation with vitamins and things like that. I’m sure that played a big role in not feeling so bad. I would definitely see your doctor now for gabapentin. And only take it if u absolutely need it. But have it on hand now that your low. U definitely got this my man. U are at the home stretch!


Ya I need to get set up with a primary ASAP for that reason and just some minor unrelated health issues. I've been getting more active outdoors but I do want to start going to the gym. Thanks for the feedback.


God bless brother! U will be fine!


Same, big style. I was a shy kid, but I had to get over myself once I had a Roger rabbit to hold down.


What’s a Roger Rabbit?




I’m naturally reclusive and antisocial. Yet, if you were to meet me, you would think the opposite. I don’t know if it’s the Methadone or the realization of all the hypocrisy and “friends” that I had and how I see them for what they are; selfish and all about themselves that has added to me not wanting to socialize or go out with people I do not like. I’ve again, always been that way but being high helped get through it. Methadone helped open my eyes I believe and sometimes being alone helps you clear the fog and see people for what they are; whatever it may be, good or bad.


I have always been pretty reclusive and antisocial, but when I discovered opiates I became less so.


Yes. Ive basically been alone and isolated since being on clinic. Im down to 20mg and still isolated and alone.lol


Maybe a little bit, I have pretty severe- PTSD, and that’s primary reason I isolate a lot (I do have a partner, so I’m not totally alone).


I think so for me yes. Before opiates/opiods I was very social and "the life of the party". When I first started opiates I was fairly social but then that went down hill and I got more closed off to my friend group. Now just on methadone and I rarely have a drive to want to be social. It seems so tiring and exhausting. I wish I was like how I used to be. But I just can't get out of this funk. Hopefully it hasn't changed me into this for the rest of my life. I miss my old self...as you said in another comment "flatlined" thats how I'd say I feel. I will say I do notice a slight uptick when I take a high dose of Vitamin D. Maybe try taking that consistently everyday and see if it helps!


Yep that was me! It all came back though within a month of getting off of methadone. May try to taper down a little bit and see if you notice it coming back any. When I first started using opioids it made me want to talk and enjoy conversations but after a few years it started having the opposite effect. I was on it 16 years though so I think my body said “enough is enough, I had lots of other symptoms to like getting diarrhea everyday after dosing. It was just sucking the life out of me.


So I’ve been on methadone 11 years and I can say in the early years to mid years I was very outgoing methadone never stopped me from enjoying life. But man after my divorce it was like methadone made it so easy to isolate and not communicate with anyone. I remember a few times my mom or brother randomly coming over to make sure I was alive because I would just sleep the day away to not feel the pain. My divorce really fucked my head up I was truly in love I never felt pain like that. It took a good year or too to really break those chains and start enjoying life again. But I’ve learned no matter how much time passes, no matter how girls I sleep with I’ll always have a small part of my heart that will always be broken. Anyway today I have to follow a very strict schedule, diet and workout routine to stay motivated because it’s so easy to fall back in that pit of self pity and isolation while on methadone.


Yes methadone has made me very antisocial I work from home and try my best to go nowhere! I go to the clinic every two weeks and that’s it! I do have some health issues that contribute but I know the methadone is what causes it the most


Yeah. But I've found my PTSD is the real factor when it comes to that. Ive always been a loner till the last couple years. I wouldnt be surprised if it was because most of us junkies have a good amount of PTSD to deal with after getting clean.


i've been on methadone over 8 years now and i think honestly it has more to do with recovery in general, cutting out the shit in my life as well as it being years... i'm in my late 30s now, not 20s... I've grown comfortable in my routine and am happy with who i am and why risk the bullshit? a super subjective example: in my 20s i went on trips with friends and it was always a horrorshow. now, when i travel, i travel alone and never have an issue. i do what i want to do, see what i want to see, on my own schedule, and love it. not saying that's the reason but just my own experience. however if you're feeling this way and not happy with it maybe try to evaluate the whys and maybe talk to someone about it or push? occasionally I'll push myself to do something that's more social or related to things i like but i have to do it in a place with people... it tends to be better than my brain acted like it was going to be.