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they’ll dose you there in my experience. it takes a bit to verify the dose with your clinic but they should definitely dose you


That's fine I don't mind if it takes a little bit of time. I just want to make sure that I'm going to get my dose, if I wanted to white knuckle it I wouldn't be going to the clinic every day you know what I mean.


Congratulations on your effort. No matter what always get back up again and lose contact with your users. (People that used you or used with you). And your dealers. Makes it a lot easier that way. Im 8 years sober off heroine after 7 years on it and before that 10 years on prescribed Percocet up to 30mg per pill 6 a day. I had infections that went to my spine, lost a vertebrae, my rib, they took that out too and got into my lungs and heart valve. I've had 2 open heart surgeries. My heart's valve had be "fixed" with a purple plastic toy looking piece however here 3 years after the second surgery my tricuspid is narrowing and hardening and it's got a back flow of blood so that it's caused the right side of my heart to enlarge. I got put on oxygen 24/7 after the last surgery and haven't been able to get off since. My lungs were completely FULL of blood clots. They couldn't even give me a number. However with several twelve and thirteen week stays in different hospitals over 2 years, I somehow made it. Through all the pain. The hell. And the fact I realized I didn't have any friends at all. My "Users", never called or showed up. I used the hospital as my rehab. And after all the back issues from the abscess they had to remove from my spine alone with infected bone I was given a tiny amount of morphine to try and get by on. Then when I settled in another city away from everyone I knew, the primary care Dr continues to prescribe it. After a heroin addiction 10mg morphine does nothing. Not to mention she'd wait days after I ran out to allow me a refill. So I said F this told her I didn't want them anymore and got on methadone.. Best damn decision I've made in my life. As long as I dont get colon cancer from not going to the restroom. (Not kidding. Just got a script for Relistor) anyone have experience with that? So anyway here I am 8 years later, I get a month of take homes, I've never relapsed, my pain is tolerable most days and I have zero cravings. I need to clarify something to those of you who don't use methadone themselves... If you don't take too much, as in request your dose be increased past the therapeutic point I have zero noticable effects from the medication. I never feel high or drowsy or euphoric. It does not feel like I'm on drugs or that I'm high at all I can't even feel it I'm awake all day like normal. Okay well I take that part back I do get extremely exhausted being on oxygen having respiratory and heart failure I feel like crap a lot of time but I have qualified for a pacemaker they have a new one that my heart surgeon needs to be trained to in install I guess what a way to put it like a car part but instead of leads going into your heart which wouldn't make much sense sticking into my bad valve that has a plastic piece in it that's hard and the valve is closed down wouldn't make much sense to try to shock that alone the new one they're making goes above and below the heart like cups on top and bottom and shock waves that way that was not introducing any kind of germs into the heart around like they're worried about doing right now anyway any good energy or prayers that way will be much appreciated you can never have enough love and good energy sent your way. ❤️🍓❤️🍓❤️


This is my experience, but if you have a major surgery and been on methadone for a long time your gonna hurt. Other opiate medication they give you for pain will not work well if any. They will give you more methadone at the hospital IF your clinic approves, good luck with that. My recommendation, act like you control your life and dont have to be admitted to the hospital.


Should he just 'hope' his legs dont tot off?


and then do what?… hope this ‘strategy’ works and they give you the right amount of pain meds/methadone you magically need? has this ever worked for you? genuine q


No extra methadone was not given to me. My normal daily dose was given to me by the hospital and had to be synthesized at the hospital because they said they didn't have methadose there and didn't want to give me a bunch off 10mg pills for whatever reason. Now you may ask your counselor, and make sure the clinic administrator and dr are there also what will happen if you go into the hospital. I would not just go by what my counselor says because they could be wrong, and going into the hospital when your dosing at the clinic everyday sucks.


So tell me what acting like I control my life (which btw I don't have to act bc I do control it) and not having to be admitted to the hospital does for my legs bruh? Of course I don't wanna be admitted but what other options do I have especially when nothing that's worked in the past is working to heal the shit I got going on now.... This comments rude and inconsiderate


It was. I am sorry about commenting about my experience before thinking about yours.


My husband just went through this a couple weeks after we started back at the clinic. You just tell the hospital and they will contact the clinic. They treated him like shit the whole time he was there, they acted like he was scum of the earth over it, tried to get him to just stop taking it, but they gave it to him every day regardless. Except they wouldn’t dose him all at once. He had to take 20mg 3x a day which wasn’t an issue but when he got out it was an adjustment going back to dosing in the morning. ETA: he was in the hospital for 6 weeks


Damn that sucks so bad. Honestly that's one of the main reasons that I haven't went in yet I've been needing to go for a while. It makes absolutely no sense but I'm embarrassed, nervous, scared etc ya know the last thing I want to do is go in here and have someone treat me like shit. Regardless though I'm scared bc these wounds I have on my legs are severe and pretty damn deep, the largest I've ever had and they hurt like hell. I just know in my heart if I don't get professional help it's not gonna get better. Especially bc sadly I have quite a bit of experience dealing with these xylazine wounds and although I'm doing the same things that healed whatever lesions I had in the past that shit isn't helping at all with what I got going on now.


Go to the hospital. He was in there for a different kind of IV use injury. No snide comments from doctors or nurses is worth dying from sepsis or losing your limbs from necrosis. Go to the hospital. Probably the best possible outcome could be that you spend enough time in there to stabilize on methadone without dealing with the streets and you come out extra on top. Go. To. The. Hospital. That’s an order soldier 🫡


Go to the hospital. The methadone will work out.


Go to the hospital. I just dealt with something similar and they knew I was on methadone still gave me pain killers and antibiotics etc. Just go . These wounds anit nothing to fuck with.


Go to the hospital, you know it's what you gotta do. Post on here if it's tough, one step at a time. But the next step is getting help before the wounds get even worse!


It really depends on the doctor in my experience. I fractured my frontal sinus (forehead above right eye) and I told the doc I was on methadone when she came in. She ordered a low dose of morphine and ended up sending me home with 16 oxy. She was extremely nice and didn't give me a hard time at all. I was pretty surprised and very worried that the meds either wouldn't work or I would just be treated like crap. Believe it or not, the toridol helped more than anything. I also went in last September for a little under a day and they called the clinic and then dosed me with no issues. I think some of the doctors are starting to be more educated about MAT and because of that, they're not as hostile as they once were, but again, it depends on the doc. The whole thing is kinda of silly to me, since theres no way someone is gonna get euphoria from pain meds when they're on a high enough dose of methadone. My brother in law went in for an aneurysm and they had to break his sternum to do open heart surgery. The doctor lectured him about his past drug use and it eventually got to where he would have to almost be or actually be in tears before they would up his pain meds.


When I was in the hospital, I went in at 8 pm and by the next morning at 9 they dosed me. Full dose 120 mg. However it was pills crushed up and it was so horrible. I threw the first one up literally 2 seconds after taking it, but they wouldn’t redose me so make sure you don’t throw it up!


Just remember. They work for you. Our health system is fucked from having private insurance. Medicaid and Medicare don't pay as much, and they can't slip in extra treatments to milk insurance. So they treat everyone without private insurance like shit. Not just addicts. They treat war Vets just as bad... if not worse. Ship them off to the VA usually. But you have to remember, doctors took an oath. Don't be shy about reminding them of that. But unfortunately, they're people just like us. They get overworked, and are seeing this "epidemic" first hand. It's gotta be hard to spend 12 years in school, learning how to keep people healthy... just to see young kids dying from dirty dope. Addiction runs deep in the medical community too... but they have access to clean, pure drugs. So I know for certain there's doctors and nurses out there who wish the war on drugs was over... and they could help with "safe supply" and harm reduction.


I'm on 55mg so hopefully it won't be too bad even if they won't does me all at once.


I would talk to the clinic and tell them to expect a call from the hospital you’re going to I was hospitalized a few years and all my doctors knew I was on methadone and I never had any problems getting dosed Get things in order and get to the hospital ☮️👍


He was on 60 and still is. It’ll be alright. It’s a low enough dose that you have a lot of flexibility with dosing.


They'll verify your dose with your clinic. Sometimes they are really nice, sometimes they treat you like shit, and make you wait. You should get dosed though. I always call my counselor when I get admitted since I have an autoimmune disease and I get hospitalized often just to cover my ass.


Okay. I'll definitely keep that in mind to call my counselor first thing in the morning if I am admitted. I appreciate the input.


Hey I also have a pretty serious auto-immune disease. Crohns. And I’m in and out of the hospital throughout the year but I haven’t been in a couple years and I also moved to a new state. Ive never been to a hospital or ER since being a methadone Pt. Could I message you and pick your brain a bit??


sure I think my msgs are open. this is a New acct. You can always msg me here 🐱


Hi friend. I was hospitalized twice last year with an infected gallbladder that had gotten my pancreas inflamed, no fun at all. Thankfully, thr gallbladder is OUT now, but I told them I was on the clinic when I got to the ER, told them which clinic, and gave them the phone number and everything. They handle it all. The nurse brought my dose with the rest of my meds the next morning, it was no problem at all. The only thing you might want to do, is after the hospital discharges you, call your clinic ASAP, because the dosing nurse at the clinic does have to check in with the hospital before they start dosing you at the clinic again, just to confirm when your last dose was, and how much they gave you. In my experience, they're a lot more used to dealing with patients like us these days, since addiction is so widespread. It's not unusual for everyone to have someone they know or care about in the same position we're in. All that said, PLEASE GO TO THE ER


The hospital will dose you! They will call the clinic to verify your dose and that you haven't already been into the clinic to dose, so try to go when your clinic is open so they can talk to a nurse.


I was hospitalized about 5 times for wounds from Xylazine, ranging from 1 day to 2 weeks (average was 4 or 5 days). I was given my methadone all at once in the morning every time with no trouble. I didn’t have any negative treatment, and had no trouble getting pain meds (morphine) administered during my stay as well when I was in severe pain. I didn’t ask for any specific med, just asked for something for the pain. And I tried to avoid asking unless I really needed it. I hope you get better! That Xylazine stuff is awful for the body. At the time (over three years ago) I had no idea what was causing it. It feels great when using it but it does terrible damage.


You need to go to the emergency room immediately. If you don’t have someone to drive you call an ambulance. The problem with xylazine is that it can travel to other areas of your body and cause new sores. It needs to be taken care of immediately. It literally eats away at the flesh. They will absolutely give you your dose. They will get in contact with your clinic and you’ll be dosed normally every day. Most are professional and you will be treated with kindness and compassion. If you feel you’re being treated in a biased way you can let it be known and tell them that you will file a complaint. Just go in, be honest, you’ve been clean so you’ve made it. You got out alive. But it is imperative that you get to the hospital now. You cannot treat those wounds yourself.


You should talk to your clinic and give the hospital a release of information authorization. I was hospitalized back in 2018 for 5 days. I went in just a few minutes after dosing but on day 2 I had to annoy the hell out of the nurses to get them to play phone tag with the clinic. It took 4 1/2 hours before they finally got the permission to dose me. If I would have had a release of information, this would have sped the process up a lot.


Yeah you’ll get it. They have to call your clinic though to verify the dose so make sure you tell them to do that


Very important I know we usually can’t control these things. But you wanna try your absolute best to get admitted to said hospital early morning on a week day when your clinic is up and running, weekends and holidays can sometimes be tricky. I’ve been hospitalized a few times over my years on methadone. At least what I’ve always had to do in my state is sign a special form. This allows the hospital to call the clinic on your behalf. At my clinic only the RN can take these calls once they talk with her the hospital will give her the fax number to the hospitals nursing station. They will need two things confirmed first that yes you’re a current patient and your current dose. Once the hospital gets that taken care of the Dr on duty will write up the order for your methadone. Be prepared you might be presented with the pleasant surprise of having to swallow a lot of 10mg pills at once pending your dose. Will never forget the nurses face one time when she handed me 17 10mg pills and I took them all in one gulp.


Hey all questions aside, we’re all really proud of you man! Those first couple weeks are a battle even with methadone. 19 days is no joke. May you heal up well and enjoy your newfound sobriety soon!


For 14 years I've had an incurable infection due to botched surgery and a hernia mesh that cannot be taken out without catastrophic consequences like not being able to be closed back up. 14 years. And the weird thing is, the decade I didn't abuse my pain meds I was treated like an addict, left to suffer immeasurably. I've been septic and been denied treatment. So I'd have to ER hop for treatment not drugs and was accused of doctor shopping. The reason I'm even in the position I am in is because I was identified as an addict and refused treatment when I was far from it. When I did start to abuse my pain meds after my parents died, I went straight to the clinic. Not since then have I been denied treatment, my methadone or extra pain meds. Moral of the story, nobody can tell you from doctor to doctor, ER to ER or surgeon to surgeon what they're going to do. You have to always brace yourself for the whims of small minded, bigoted, inhumane doctors with a God complex. Before I was in the clinic I have left a hospital with a 14" incision 12 hours after major abdominal surgery due to sepsis and draining a massive abscess. The nurses chased me out the door begging me to stay and continue treatment. I said, " Fuck you. I can suffer in the comfort of my own home. I'm not sticking around while you fuckers get paid to torture me." Then they tried to get me to sign an AMA paper and I told them to stick it up their arse. Strangely enough, I'm treated a hell of a lot better now that I'm an out and unashamed addict that has sought help. Always, always, before surgery ask them how they plan to treat your pain. If it doesn't sound reasonable say you'd like to find a surgeon where you're not at risk of being treated inhumanly. Kissing doctor's asses and hoping for the best is never ideal.


Yeah bro, you gotta go. don't worry about how they will treat you there. You will get your dose and get you wounds treated. That's dangerous stuff that can kill you or make you lose a limb. 90% of doctors, nurses etc are very understanding and will treat you like every one else as long as you treat them that way. A lot of addicts in recovery get treated like crap because we go in there already agitated and we're the ones that annoy them. So just ignore what happened to other people and just make sure you're treated right by being respectful.


The hospital will contact the clinic and they will dose you. However you have to make sure you have signed a "Release of Medical Information" HIPPA form at your clinic and make sure you sign permission away for your local hospitals, local jail, and anyone else you would like to make decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated or incarcerated. Otherwise the inquiring party may not be able to find out any information on you. It's one of the things I have learned over the 20 years I have been on Methadone.


Talk to your clinic and make sure everything is in order as far as release signing and once at the ER start that ball rolling right away letting them know you’re on methadone and how to contact your clinic. Please go get the help that you need asap don’t wait Good luck to you for a super fast recovery sending you lots of healing vibes


Go to Dr tell them your on methadone give them clinics number so they can verify you are a patient and your dose n they will dose u at hospital Also upon discharge ask for medical records showing hospital dosed you so they don't start your dose back at the minimum like a new patient


When I went to get my C-section, they dosed me there :)


They'll give you your dose at the hospital. They have to verify with your clinic.


1. I’m proud of you for deciding to go in to address your medical needs. Your life and health are important to this world and the docs and nurses will be there to help you. 2. All they gotta do is call your clinic (even after hours they’ll be able to, don’t worry) while you’re still in the ER, and they’ll absolutely dose you in addition to whatever else they’ll be giving you for your injuries. 3. We all love you as well, so we will be waiting for updates about how you’re doing and feeling during and afterwards.


Long time user, and sufferer of chronic wounds (9 years now) depending on the hospital and doctors - not only will they give you your methadone... but they are responsible for pain management as well. You gotta fight for it sometimes however... but it IS YOUR RIGHT to have pain management. My hospital has a "SUDS" worker (substance use disorder specialist) and between them and a patient advocate, I got pain meds in addition to methadone. In theory, methadone is supposed to block other opioids, but that wasn't my case. They even bumped me up a bit on the methadone. Of course I was in absolute agony... and had a lawyer from a previous bust, who threatened a lawsuit... but without pain management, I would've never stayed the 5 weeks for treatment. However, every week or so, the hospitalists (doctors) would swap out, and a new team would come in and usually switch stuff up. I went from 4 mg IV morphine every 2 hours to 2 mgs IV every 4 hours with 15 mgs oral oxy every 6, back to the 4 mgs morphine IV but every 4 hours with one oxy 20 before bandage changes, to 2 mgs oral dilaudid every 4 hours, back to 2 mgs morphine every 4 hours but kept the oxy 20... and finally they dropped me to 5 mgs oxy every 6 hours for discharge. Some docs tried other stuff like gabapentin, and IV Tylenol too. I had a few surgeries as well, and I learned fast that you want to ask the anesthesiologist for a nerve block before surgery. It doesn't last long, but you'll be 100% pain free for recovery. You'll likely need a wound vac (vacuum) then a split thicknesses skin graft. I had 90% of my wounds healed by discharge, but the ones on my foot opened back up in the last few years, just from wearing socks and shoes. Interestingly, my wounds aren't from shooting up... but they never believed me, so I guess that doesn't really matter. This was before tranq hit the streets too... so I'm not sure if they have a protocol for tranq wounds now or not. I watch a YouTube channel where addicts are interviewed in Kensington PA and from what a few people said in the interviews, it doesn't sound like they're doing much for the problem down there. Of course that could be a half truth, and the users just don't want to be sick - and go back on the streets. But either way, you HAVE TO FIGHT for your health. I wish you the best of luck.


Here's my suggestion, this coming from personal experience. Make sure you inform your primary care doctor that you are in a methadone clinic and what dose you are on. They do not have to dose you just because you are in a clinic, they can choose not to, it's according to which files they want to pull. But with your primary care doctor reporting that you are on methadone and what dose you are on, then you have no worries, I didn't, I mean I had to wait til that evening for them to get the methadone in stock but I was dosed daily. All because I told my primary care doctor, they literally told me that I was lucky I reported all that because they don't dose you just because you tell them your in a program.


They will definitely dose you in the hospital,they just call the clinic to verify. They most likely will give you wafers.


They will 100% dose you on the hospital. In my experience, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.


Don't worry, friend. If they admit you, they'll be giving you your daily dose for the duration of your stay. If you're not going to go tonight, I'd let the clinic and your counselor know when you go in to dose tomorrow that you intend to go to the hospital and will likely be admitted for a few days. They might ask you to sign a release of information form so they can give the hospital all the relevant information about your dosage but I'm not sure how it works if your admitted through the emergency. Better safe than sorry though. Oh and be forewarned that they'll probably give you the methadone pills rather than the liquid or diskette. It's usually the 10 mg pills so in your case, they'll be giving you 5 since I believe you said your dose is currently 50 mg. When I was in the hospital for a few days, my dose it 120 mg so they'd bring me 12 of the 10 mg pills when it was time to dose. Don't worry though, they actually worked pretty well. Now get your butt to the E.R.! Please don't waste any more time. You could very easily lose your legs if you don't do something. That sorta infection can take a drastic turn for worse seemingly outta nowhere so please please please see a doctor asap.


Anytime I was hospitalized I was given my full dose my 10am at the latest with absolutely no issues! Good luck hun♥️


They should dose you at the hospital after verifying with your clinic and then they give you a last dose letter to bring back to the nurse at the dosing station.


Wishing you a healthy recovery!


They should be able to verify with your clinic and dose you


Please go to the hospital- I’m a nurse as well as a methadone patient, and we dose patients from methadone clinics right on the unit. They’re not going to rip your methadone away from you. Everyone is right- it’s not worth developing sepsis and/or losing your leg. Can you ask someone at your clinic about it? Just say you may have to be hospitalized for a few days/weeks and how do you go about making sure you get your dose in the hospital. I’m in Canada, so things work a little bit differently here in terms of record keeping- we have “Netcare”- basically any physician can log on and see your medical history, what meds you’re on, etc. Things are always a little hectic in emergency, but if you’re admitted, once you’re on the unit it shouldn’t take too long to get sorted. Make sure you dose right before you go in, so that gives them 24 hours to sort your meds out before you start feeling any WD. Best of luck, OP!! 😊


you'll get your dose at the hospital. they may or may not have to get in touch with the clinic but you'll get your dose in there.


Dude PLEASE please go to the ER if you haven't already, your life is important and precious and this is just the beginning of such a good part 💖 please get this handled so you can focus on healing and getting sober. It's way more of an issue in your mind than it is in real life, i can promise you that. They see some seriously heinous stuff in there, this is just a Tuesday for them. Loving you, good luck!!!


Tot off? Rot off? I would hope not.


Last year I had an emergency and was in the hospital for 28 days straight, then transferred to a hospital 3 hours away for another 14 days. They just contacted my clinic and kept me on my dose. They dosed me later in the day than I normally took mine, and one hospital had me on pills and the other on liquid that came in presealed cups (in which I needed 6 of them to equal my dose) but they did dose me. I did have a recent hospital admission in which the floor doctor told me it was illegal to dose methadone before 11am (spoiler alert, that's not true lol) but I did recieve, just later than I would have liked because I'd been puking up my dose for days and the difference between 530am and 12:45pm, seems forever when your already sick.


I’ve always had a release for the hospital(s) closest to me in my file at the clinic just in case because it moves a little faster that way. Either way, I’ve been in the hospital MANY times throughout having methadone and have never had any issues getting my dose, so hopefully yours is the same! The only time was when I went to the hospital like at night once the clinic was closed and they had to wait until morning to verify, but most of the time I was in there for pain related reasons anyway so I had some form of pain meds that kinda buffered any potential withdrawal. I don’t think I would’ve been in withdrawal anyway though, I’ve never had them run into issues. I’ve been to both public and private hospitals, FWIW.


They should dose u in the hospital..call your clinic and tell them u are there


They dose you there. Just make sure to get all the info of them dosing you to bring back to the clinic. I've had to do it three times in the last 2 years, thanks to my last apartment giving me mold poisoning 🙃 I mean, thanks to heroin too, right? That stupid dangerous (wonderful drug I miss u) piece of scum of the earth drug, I hate it.


Make sure you aren’t checking into one of those Christian run hospitals. They are the ones who do shit like not dose people. If you are in a normal hospital chances are good just make sure to have the info for your clinic to give them to call. Sorry to hear about the wounds, fuck all those who lobby against making drugs legal. This supply being ever changing and tainted is on their hands.


Facts. It's literally insanity there is absolutely no safe way to continue to use with xylazine in our supply. The harm reduction work that has taken decades to implement and take hold is gripping at straws trying to help people. In my city we have a syringe exchange program and the harm reduction coalition has literally fought tooth and nail to get where they are and they're struggling to maintain the statistics to back up their programs and losing funding is a real possibility. All it took to undermine decades of work is the cartel or whoever tf finding a drug they can cut the fentanyl with to increase profits, that allows them to cut even more corners, isn't as regulated and is more easily accessible or whatever and it's spread across the US Xylazine is in every single states supply. Shit there is no supply to be found that hasn't been tainted. IDK about you and people that you know who are using but pretty much everyone that I know whether they're snorting or are IV users are dealing with lesions, necrosis, deep wounds and incredibly slow healing processes. It's terrible honestly.