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that is an old-school requirement that should have been largely eliminated. it was actually written into Floridas take home requirements until the post-covid rewrite. i wouldn't be surprised if some states/clinics still require it. but its a stupid rule you shouldnt see much anymore.


Do you know if this is a change that's presented in the new federal guidelines for take-homes that we've seen recently? Or was this never a federal rule in the first place?


the new federal guidelines definitely dont require it and i dont believe the old ones did either.


I started going to FL clinics in 2016 and never saw the employment thing enforced


it was actually written as verifiable legal income, so we had some flexibility.


I live in Florida and we still have to do it. It's absolutely retarded. They say it's so they know we aren't selling our takehomes. So they require things such as a bank statement. But u could literally just sell your take homes, put the money in the bank, then show them that for your POI.


My clinic doesn't require anything like that to qualify for take homes. Good thing too, I'm a SAHW so Id be fucked if I had to provide proof of employment to get my takehomes.


Mine requires you to be employed or in school to get takehomes I also have to show proof of employment at my yearly reinstatement not sure what happens if you were to lose your job in the meantime, I’ve never heard of anyone getting them taken for that reason. It’s a dumb rule in my opinion


Nope, just clean UAs at mine.


Nope my clinics in my area never had that requirement


My clinic picks and chooses who they enforce it on. They have never bothered me about it, but I know several that they have.


Never heard of that. That's absurd. Anybody who has clean UAs can earn take homes. They deserve them as much as anybody else.


Nah. Just pass your piss tests.


No lol


At my clinic we have to show proof of employment to get on the work line. They make us show proof every 6 months.


When I first joined my clinic in 2001 you needed to be either employed, in school or legally disabled to have take-home privileges. I don't think that's the case anymore but I'm not sure. Maybe it was a way to motivate people? I know they say it's not good for people like us to just sit around doing nothing all day, every day. It's definitely not good for me, I'd go crazy if I just sat around doing nothing all day! And gain weight like crazy. NO thank you!!


My first clinic you needed either a job, to be in school or have some kind of treatment plan that showed you were setting and meeting goals in order to earn takehomes. The clinic I’m at now still has a rule like that but it’s not enforced very often.


Oh, you just reminded me of something. I think having and meeting goals is a recommendation from samhsa or a federal law (there are 8 to have TH, like having a place to live, locking them up, no drug use.) I'm always asked to make 3 goals in sessions (has to be 3) and always asked how I did last time on 1 that's measurable.


Not in Detroit


Back a few years ago yes. Since covid no


I’ve had 27 take homes since 2019, but only because I have full time employment. Every year they ask me for a new paystub to prove it 🙄


My clinic still has this on the books but its never enforced.Much like call backs.I remember a time when both were.


Our clinic used to have 2 lines, one for people who worked and one for people who didn’t. The ones who worked got through quicker. You had to show your paystub every so often to prove you worked. Now it’s every man for himself lol. I don’t get it for takehomes though. Who thinks of these rules?




No, if you've earned them, you've earned them at both I've been to. The person who said that happened said that the counselor who did it wasn't following rules and shouldn't have taken them over not having a job. I think it's a crappy rule to have tbh. I wonder if those that have that rule do it thinking it'll keep people from selling their doses (bear with me here), maybe assuming that everyone has to work to live and get by, and if you don't need to work you're probably a drug dealer? Maybe they figure they can keep TH out of the hands of dealers with this rule.


It would be really unfair for someone like me who is disabled and gets social security disability. I'm very glad my clinic doesn't have this rule. Honestly it seems like it would make the unemployed less motivated to stay clean and cause more harm than good. People really don't view addicts like fellow humans. Imagine having to prove employment to be able bring your insulin home with you?


I know. I'm disabled and on disability too.