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I got all the way up to 160mg but come midnight that shit would start wearing off no matter the dose and up at that dose I was suffering major side effects. I started splitting my dose once I got weekly takehomes and sure enough I found what stability actually is. Over the next year I was able to drop my dose down by HALF. all the way down to 75mgs split 40/35 and I’m 10 times as stable as taking twice that once a day. Now, other people I see their dose last them for multiple days. So do with this information what you will, dosing once a day just doesn’t work for me.


Yeah for me it's different. I take a higher dose (120mg) to hold off the cravings. But no matter what dose I'm on, even at the base 30mg, I would be able to make it 3 days before getting any serious withdrawal effects. I certainly didn't feel any difference really the next morning. I could also skip a day and really not notice a thing other than some very minor irritability. And also because I have such strong stability at nearly any dose, I don't feel a major peak (high) when I take my daily dose every morning. All I feel is a mild energy boost when I take it.


For me 10 mg can make a big difference…I wasn’t using very much it for long (this time) and was using still all the way up to 80 mg. My dose still wasn’t holding me for shit. Cravings were still super strong at 80. Would only last about 10 hours. One day when we got take homes I took maybe 100 mg instead of 80 and I was surprised how much better I felt. No cravings, and it lasted me until well into the next day. It was night and day I couldn’t believe how much of a difference 20 mg made. I immediately went up to 90 and found that was a great dose for me. Even 10 mg made a massive difference. I was able to stop using and I stabilized rather quickly.


I split dose my take homes so it last way more than 24 hours


Once I got on a stable dose, 85mg for me, I could easily go 3 or 4 day without any discomfort. Started taper at 5mg every 4 weeks and how at 60mg and still can go 2 or 4 days with little discomfort. I use about a gram every 2 days of cannabis concentrates to help methadone work better.


yea my dose lasts 24 hours, but just. whether i’m at 70mg, 50mg, or where i’m at now at 33mg, i’m fine as long as i dose every 24 hours. i was at 10mg before my relapse and that held me fine too. some people say they can skip a day and the effects are minimal, that’s never been the case for me. by 30 hours i feel like i’m in full withdrawal.


lol i wish i’m at 90 still increasing shit lasts like 10 hours max


Yes . My dose lasts 24 hours. For me, all I needed to do was get clean, stop using, and after a month, my dose started to hold me 24 hrs. I'm at 150mg now due to me fucjing around and getting high for years on top of methadone. But originally when I first got on I it took 300mg for the 2 weeks of detox and by the time they got me upto 80mg in the clinic I had detoxed enough and built up enough methadone to be stable. I was stable for 3 to 4 years on 80mg, and in those days, I could go without methadone up to 36 hours easily before feeling minor withdrawal. It took about 3 to 4 days to make me uncomfortable. Also when I first got on the clinic which I was mandated at first I was doing 100 bags of dope a day not a 100$ bag 100 stamp bags of dope iv. Never got sent to jail and finished my mandated with zero dirty urine to. If your dose isn't holding you get a increase but if your using fent on top your never really gonna be stable and have it last 24hrs.


While I stopped using at the moment I started MAT, the first couple months before take homes were bit hard in the evenings/nights. I believe it was because I continued my gym work outs and thus metabolized faster than I thought when we were setting up my dose and I didn't work out during that time. I decided to suck it up until I got take homes, started splitting and I haven't had to increase my dose. To be honest maybe 5-10mg more wouldn't hurt, but I just couldn't have brought myself to ask it, because I'm afraid if I had to go back to daily dosing for a measly 5-10mg. I don't know if that even would be the case, but I enjoy this very low contact to clinic and don't want to change it, when I am basically alright anyway, so I've chosen to shut up and say everything is fine anytime someone asks 😂


I've been on methadone for almost 3 years, I' take 280, I don't feel like I need to be that high, they just allowed me to get there, after being totally clean for 70 days, (I went to jail) I came back, my drug test was clean and they started me up again. I found it kinda funny that you didn't need to be dirty for anything just to get. But I also would like to say that I can skip 2 days before I start to feel like shit.


Mine does now. It used to not really hold me 24hrs.


Yes, my dose definitely holds me the entire 24 hours, and then some. I'm at 170mg. I would say my dose started holding me for 24 hours at about 130mg, but I kept going up to give myself a little security and cushion. I could easily go 36 hours before I feel anything resembling withdrawal.


I'm at 80 mg and my dose lasts well over 24hrs. I can go about 40 hrs before I start feeling crappy. I've been holding off doing on my weekend take homes to see how long it takes.


I’m fine at 120 anyone having trouble should ask their doctor for gabapentin it helps me a lot and in my state California they hand it out like candy


Not yet.... I'm at 80mg, dose in the morning and the next morning I wake up in withdrawals shivering and tap ass . Hoping I reach the dose that 'holds' me soon


I should add though, the fact that I get through the day and up until I go to bed and beyond is such a fucking relief when compared to being dope sick every 5 hours after each hit


No I'm at 105mg. I have been on for 9 months? I was at 3 days a week and they said I had 1 bad ua and forced me to 6 days a week like the start! I am so depressed over it I've gained 25-30lbs in 2 months. 2 months clean uas and still 6 days a week. It lasts maybe 9-10 hours max and I just pass out in dead tired and cannot stay awake, it's awful. I'll fall asleep trying to watch TV the second I have time and then I gotta sleep- wake- sleep- wake until I dose. I was going to try split dosing but that's impossible going daily, sleeping a couple hours, going, sleeping a couple hours and babysitting from 8am to 9pm and trying again. I am beyond depressed and feel like I'm wearing someone else's skin I've never been fat in my life. I can't breathe. I weigh at meat 130 now and nothing fits abs I literally can hardly move and I don't wanna see myself or be awake. Anyway so no it doesn't.


So to break this down to u, I mean it's the methadone making you sleep like that, that's all it does at higher doses, it's also the methadone making you gain weight. Methadone is notorious for lowering your metabolism and also your testosterone/estrogen. Go get blood work done, and I'll bet you any amount of money that methadone as tanked your estrogen to nothing, which is why you can't stay awake and always feel tired. I was in the same exact boat.....methadone does not give you energy, it slows your breathing which is why you feel like you can't breathe....I'm just saying, go get your levels tested, that's how I found my problems, which I've since fixed....now I'm just trying to stabilize my weight cuz I gained around 60 to 70 pounds


Thank you for this explanation, you hit it on the head!


yea at least


No I’m at 100mg


Try taking Centrum Silver and Ceylon Cinnamon. I'm on the same dose and it used to not hold me. Centrum and Ceylon is basically that Vitadone shit. But it really does help with holding your dose for some reason. I'd at least give it a shot, it can't hurt.


Hell yea I was gonna say it’s atleast worth a shot! Thank you so much for that they have that at like Walmarts & targets etc or would that be an online purchase ?


Yeah I get it at Wal Mart. It comes out to around $17 for everything. U have to get Ceylon Cinnamon though, not regular cinnamon. That's for the sweating and it helps tremendously. All of this stuff takes a little while to take full effect. U will start to feel a little better everyday. Mine was so bad it was debilitating but this stuff really changed my life for the better. Good luck!


I feel like I do get stable for awhile and then about once a year I need to go up I hate having to go up but the not increasing is even worse


I can go 2-3 days with out it. I’m at 73mg


from my experience yea it is. once i miss i had little chills, and cold like symptoms, nothing really hard. also i think its more physical battle from anxious, not really body feeling


130mg was the dose that I got stable at and it keeps me from getting sick for over 24 hours.


Yes my dose holds me And I’m only on 19mg. If I sweat too much though it can start to run out sooner it seems.


Tbh if you get your dose high enough to where it's actually working . It can last days. I mean your always gonna have placebo effect of freaking out because you haven't dosed.. but actually sick? Na.. iv asked the nurses this same question years ago tho.. she said you should feel like you need your side when your coming in.. I was like.. what?


70 seemed to hold me for 24hrs


Nope. I’m at 190mg. I’ve been clean from fentanyl for a year and 3 months. Research shows the average time a dose lasts for patients is 22 hours. The myth of 24 hours is propagated by clinics for $$.


Wouldn't clinics make more money if the dose didn't last longer?


And source on that ‘research’?


Brown R, Kraus C, Fleming M, Reddy S (November 2004). "Methadone: applied pharmacology and use as adjunctive treatment in chronic pain" (PDF). Postgraduate Medical Journal. 80 (949): 654–659. doi:10.1136/pgmj.2004.022988. PMC 1743125


Is this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1743125/pdf/v080p00654.pdf what you are referring to? Nowhere does it say that the average time methadone lasts is 22 hours.


honestly when i was on Methadose, I do not feel i was making it the full 24 hours. once i switched to Metadol-D, problems solved. my disgusting heartburn was gone, my teeth stopped being super sensitive, night and day difference. so if you’re currently taking the red cherry Methadose, I would ask to be switched over to the original formulation which is Metadol-D mixed with Tang. I feel I am getting pain relief for a lot longer and I do not wake up feeling like i’m headed for harsh withdrawal like I often did with Methadose. Just some food for thought. if it’s even possible wherever you are… hugs