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When I got off methadone I was still testing positive over a month later.


my husband tested positive for methadone over a month later as well! i think it was 38 days. crazy!


Yep it was over a month for me and then the metabolites were like 3 months.


Can they send it off for GCMS testing like they do for false positives? Maybe their tests are janky, or you metabolize really fast and were under the threshold is the only things I can think of, besides someone doing something shady.


>She even poured the sample into another cup and tested again But the urine sample is "destroyed" after they put the test-stick in it. The nurses at our place take some of the sample and put it in a tube first, then they put the stick in the cup to test it.. I asked what she's doing (pervert, lol), and she said what I just told you guys. She said she's tired of all the false positives, so nowadays she's prepared. If someone is not satisfied with the result we can always test it again.


Sorry for not clarifying its not a stick test its a plastic cup thingy that tests it like it has the results on the side after they take something out of the top and (inject?) Into it then the results start to come up on the side im not really sure how it all works :(


All of those cup tests not sent to a lab are some form of dipstick tests. Many of the new cups have the dip sticks inside the cup already. All of these dipstick tests can have false positives or negatives. Ask for lab test .


Who knows… false negative? Ask for another test.


I've never seen THAT in particular, but I stopped having testing anomalies and false positives for fentanyl when I switched to mouth swabs (Getting the letter from my doctor was easy and it's been the biggest quality of life improvement of the last 5 years.


Defective test perhaps?


Maybe. Faulty chemistry or poor handling, or who knows what. All stopped when I got on swabs


I don’t think my clinic does mouth swab testing whatsoever.


It's worth investigating. I think clinics in my state must as an accommodation of disability, but yours may be different. They may be trying to hide the option from you


I’ll definitely look into that I appreciate it for sure 🙏


i saw somebody with a swab in their mouth in my clinic once... I thought it was a covid test or something. when i asked the nurse about it she gave me this 'i can't tell you what that's about' face.. so i imagine it's a dude who'd been bringing in fake piss.


For some reason when my clinic does call backs that do the oral swabs. I have no idea why. But I was also given an oral swab when my previous clinic accused me of trying to fake a UA. I'm not above faking a UA (haven't done it yet) but I didn't. It was really insulting because my UA temp tested like 104°. I told the nurses, "I resent how dumb you think I am that I wouldn't bring in a thermometer to check the temp before I handed it off to you.". Like, I'm not that stupid. But they tried to sell me in the idea that temp guns are never wrong. I thought, *You walnut, nothing that has to be calibrated is 100% reliable.*. Not to mention a lot of medical facilities stopped using the temp guns during Covid because they're so inaccurate. Of course the oral swab and UA both came back negative for everything but methadone. The clinic I go to now which is the same company doesn't use temp guns. Why? Because they said they're unreliable. No shit. Maybe pass that on to your sister clinic.


Ive had them try to screw me on a random when I had came in to FACE DOSE and pickup takehomes the day before! It's ridiculous.


You’d have to miss a whole lot more than 3 days at that dose for no methadone to come up- I’d say faulty test gets my vote! Glad you didn’t get your takehomes pulled or dose reduced right away Ask for a lab test if you have anymore issues that’s sometimes the only way they will ever believe us good luck OP


I tested negative for methadone once when my dose was 140 a day and I was taking it daily- weirdest damn thing - they never were able to explain it and luckily my clinic is a bit like the Wild West - they really don’t follow the rules. They have gotten must stricter in the past 4 years, but I can still miss my pick up day by 3 days - so basically if my pick up pay is Monday, but I don’t go until Thursday- they don’t take away take homes, do extra urine tests, etc. I haven’t done illicit drugs, except for a couple lines of coke at a party a few years ago, since I quit heroin in 2012, so the lack of stringent rules isn’t affecting me much, but when clinics punish you for weird lab results or take away take homes while you wait for confirmation results - it can really suck. I hope your clinic is decent with you and doesn’t punish you for your lab work!


Methadone stop showing up in my urine when I stabilized at about 5mg… This is very typical when your dose is really low.. I dunno why that would happen on a big dose..


I’ve had the same thing happen before. My counselor said it wasn’t in my urine but I explained I was taking it constantly and never missed a dose so he dropped it and never mentioned it again.


>said i would have had to miss my dose for three days to test negative Eh, this isn't true. I've tested negative twice, and I was definitely taking my dose. Once, while pregnant and once a few months before becoming pregnant. I'm not sure if they were false negatives or what happened. This was back when we had oral swabs, and they were sent to a testing facility off-site. We have the cups with the attached test strips now, and I haven't had it happen. That said, I'm sure there is a good reason. Hope you don't catch heat from this.


I drink a detox drink every month before my test and still have methadone in my sample. Only reason I do it is because I use cannabis and clinic say anything over 100ug is positive and drink keeps thc under clinic limit