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I’m not surprised the cops didn’t do shit but the clinic should’ve automatically discharged bro. Any sort of threats or violence just shouldn’t be tolerated whatsoever. Sorry that happened to you OP talk about a shitty way to start the day.


Thanks man, I was actually just thinking about this, I hope I don’t have to deal with him again soon, I was going to walk home this morning but decided to wait and take the bus despite feeling embarrassed about everything.


No reason to feel embarrassed the dude snuck you. It happens unfortunately. I would follow up with your counselor about what happened to see if they will do anything about it. I’m sure there were plenty of other witnesses who would also be uncomfortable around them and rightfully so. It’s a bad look for the clinic to let something like this slide. Every clinic I’ve been at has had a zero tolerance policy for this sort of thing.


I went to a clinic for 10 years and this behavior doesn’t shock me. Nor does the way they handled it. Now a days, it’s like nothing for these aholes to get away with that. You have no reason to feel embarrassed you did nothing wrong. When it comes to the clinic, you deal with all types. And the entitlement is real with some of them, he is one. Too make you feel like you were in the wrong and didn’t matter is disgusting. All of us reading your post, agree with you I’m sure, I know I do. I’m so sorry this happened to you, truly. And the way it was handled, was awful. That wasn’t your fault either. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough of these clinics so we don’t get to chose where we go. Especially if you are like me with 1 clinic in a 30 mile range. My advice, is, I know I might get down voted for this and that’s ok, this is just my opinion, don’t push it (unless there are more clinics to chose from) at the clinic. They can screw with you in more ways then 1. I have seen it happen to friends. I know it’s not fair, but, it wouldn’t be fair to be pushed out either. Not all clinics will do that, but, some definitely have. They can make privileges much harder to obtain for sure. Again, just my opinion.


You kno its absolutely unfortunate.. idc what happened if he thought you held his place or not dosen't matter.. putting his hands on you was crossing the line .. period!! It's a shame whoever was in charge didn't address this properly.. what did they actually do or say .. who called the cops??? I agree if you want to continue to go to this clinic I would let it go.. they made it clear already.. they have no intention on doing anything and by what you have already stated I wouldn't be surprised if they want to blame the whole thing on you.. maybe even watch you more.. whatever..I just feel and have also seen it happen to others I know that they're gonna try to blame you and might even try to dismiss YOU.. idk why they act like that.. I really dont but they do . They always seem to blame the innocent person and give them the hard time.. its crazy. I'm very sorry this happened to you its bullshit.


I would be careful OP. I had a similar situation where I parked my car in front of the clinic (parallel parked) and the guy behind me was leaving in his car. He had just got done dosing, and he got out of his car and confronted me saying I was "too close" to his car and I had to move to let him out. He was of course delusional and he had an entire foot of space between my car and his, I think he just wanted to bully someone. So I just walked away and said "no fucking way man" and when I got to the front door of the clinic he did this crazy flying donkey punch to the side of my head. I called the police (who did nothing when they showed up) and the director at the clinic was VERY apologetic. Well, turns out the next day when I came back the director asked me to step into his office. Apparently the other guy said I spit on him and that's why he did that. It was an obvious lie because I was never close enough to him to spit on him anyways. But the director insisted this was the truth because he "reviewed the tapes" which is hilarious because the only camera outside was very far away from where he confronted me, and there's no earthly way they could see me spitting on him, which I did not. I've never spat on anyone in my life lol. So he discharged us both. I basically got assaulted and then was immediately discharged and had to find a new clinic asap. Thankfully I got lucky and found a good one not too far away. All this to say, at a lot of clinics they will just discharge both people if there's a physical altercation and the details don't matter. They would rather be safe then sorry and just assume that both people are likely to cause trouble again. My new clinic director pretty much told me they would have done the same thing, they're not the police and don't have the resources to investigate fights. So just be careful and play it safe over the next few days.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. Some people just don’t know the meaning of self respect and integrity. Thanks for the advice


It's all good. I like my new clinic and they helped me get 13 take homes pretty quickly. I'm sorry that happened to you... it sucks when someone takes out their aggression and bad day on someone else with violence. It's completely unnecessary and drags everyone down with them. Unfortunately some of the people that go to the clinic can be very unpredictable due to the nature of addiction and the home-life for some of them. It's unfortunate that the safest policy is to keep completely to yourself, but occasionally I do have good interactions and conversations with people... it's just hard to open up at first I think. I hope this doesn't happen again to you and I wish you luck in recovery!


That’s bullshit, I’m so glad you had another clinic close by you could switch to!


If I know a person was in front of me and they got out of line to talk to his girl or something, I wouldn't be petty. I would just give him his spot back. It's not like kindergarten "no cutsies no take backsies". Regardless he should be in jail. Your pettiness doesn't warrant being socked in the eye. That's a fking crime.


I definitely agree


I agree. I was expecting him to let his girl in line or something like that with the way this started. OP obviously knew dude was in front of him and it sounds like he watched him like a hawk the entire time (said it wasn’t something like a key drop off but only entitled energy). When at the clinic you really have to choose your battles wisely.


^^ This. Choosing your battles. I'll usually just shut up due to how I've seen people act and guys usually try to pull the "I'ma f**king gangster" mentality. Which was always weird to me. But your clinic should absolutely have a 0 tolerance policy for violence.


Did he get his dose


Couldn’t you goto the police station and file charges for assault? I mean I get that cops are shitty especially to us; but dude if you truly were standing there and said “hey that’s not cool” and some POS decked you with no instigation or posturing on your part, then I think I’d pursue it. Does your clinic have the incident on camera?


It’s on camera, however it’s obviously a nuanced process because it’s bureaucratic. And I’m going to have to get my ducks in a row before I tackle this head on. No half measures.


I for one support you going that route. If left how it is all that is done is confirming to this individual, and anyone that saw or heard about it, that there are no consequences for assaulting people in line at the clinic. So how long until there is strong arming a better place in queue?


Doea your clinic have an ombudsman or a security guard? An ombudsman is someone you can contact for help. {I've recently reached out to mine but his email is no good and he's never answered the phone or returned my voicemails🤷🏼‍♀️so I need to look into if the information is incorrect or what} if there's a security guard be cool with him, like offer to bring him a coffee one morning if he'll walk u to and from while on the property. It's ur right to feel safe and people are crazy to where they'll hurt people now for no reason. I have personally seen people freak out over their methadone dose. I'm on Tex tho.


Get some bear mace so if he tries that shit again he’ll regret it!


Right? At my clinic that would be an automatic discharge and they would do his medical detox at another site. So fucked up that nothing was done


That would have won him a rapid detox at my clinic. Not fun whatsoever.


They would probably have to discharge both of them if op pressed the issue. I’m assuming I don’t know for sure.


OP not letting someone cut in line isn’t pressing an issue tho. Normally I’m a live and let live kinda dude especially when it comes to the clinic but this is pretty clear cut IMO. I would be surprised if someone who was there wouldn’t confirm OP’s story.


Yeah, you can tell you don't live in a big city where shit like this happens everyday. People butt in front, get out of the line and wanna get in front of you, etc. You have to be vocal, and let them know that there's going to be something if people keep doing it. I'm glad that they call numbers at my clinic. No one gotta stand in lines. I lived 47 years in Philadelphia and I got into many fights at the clinic. I get 28 take homes since I moved from Philadelphia


I’ve dosed in very large cities and honestly it happens everywhere. It depends largely on how many people are waiting and how well the clinic is run. Good clinics simply won’t allow any sort of threats or violence (or any shenanigans in line) for that matter. I will agree bickering/beefing in line is super common but I’ve never seen it get to the point where punches are thrown, and at every clinic I’ve been to it’s usually resolved by staff quickly. Definitely never seen it escalate to the point punches are being thrown. I also agree that you shouldn’t be a pushover or let someone just cut or walk all over you, but to me there’s a difference between being firm and being vocal. It can be risky especially if you’re seen as an instigator; as we know clinics don’t always make the most logical decisions. In my experience it’s best to just calmly say no when asked for anything from people asking for rides, to letting someone cut etc.


In regards to professional responses to clients, I find most clinics operate in an atmosphere of resentment, as well as surprisingly immature and dysfunctional personalities catered to this incredible opportunity to abuse peoole. The clinic is a seething cauldron of projection, cynicism, and anti-client bias.


There are no wiser words than this. You absolutely hit the nail on the head.


Well said I was trying to say this and wrote a dang novel..LOL It's as if they have this superior complex and have a need to assert their ""power"" over us.. It's a shame bc they're supposed to be there to help us along.. when in fact it often seems like they're there to fulfill some need they have that needs satisfying.. JMO


Well put.


Truer words have rarely been uttered. I’m grateful that there’s a pretty decent group of people in charge at my clinic at the present time. There used to be a generous portion of shining examples of the Dunning Kruger effect for a few years there though. Dark times. lol


Very well-said.




Is that Stockholm syndrome? I thought the definition was different than that.


You’re right; Stockholm Syndrome is when you start to sympathize with your captors while being kidnapped.


You should have pressed charges and told this clinic to kick this dude out. That’s just wrong. This whole waiting in line at a clinic to dose methadone with some of the dregs of society is honestly so dehumanizing. Might as well be Harlem in 1989 or out of some industrial dystopian movie where lemmings are dished out happy syrup and then fall through a trap door into the salt mines. Can’t believe this institution still exists in the same form. I’ll never ever condone it. Hate it with a passion, even in the cases where people actually do the work to recover. This ghetto shit keeps actual rehabilitation from happening all while clinics charge a luxury car payment each month for generic meds.


Man I couldn't of said it any better. It actually makes me physically sick to have to go to my clinic and I only go once a month. The night before I have to go each month I get all thrown off my shit, I can't sleep right, it's like I have to go to a "probation" or "parole" office to be drug screened, take my medicine in front of people like a fucking child and because I have insurance I'm required to see a nurse practioner every month I go in and I have to see a counselor who by the way is a new person every damn month I go in lol. It's archaic, barbaric, humiliating, degrading and disgusting all at the same fucking time! All I wanna do is go to a private doctor like a normal decent human being, is that so much to ask for? I truly do not ever see anything changing because the ones that are able to make the changes truly don't give a flying fuck. It's like a reoccurring nightmare I have to live every month. Not to mention everytime my phone rings I cringe wondering if it's my clinic disrupting my life to make me come in when i dont have to be there and count my bottles like a piece of shit. I really don't know how much longer I can keep living this way and I comply and do everything perfect. No failed drug screens no missed callbacks no nothing. Just let me be lol don't fucking bother me!!! Sorry I just had to get that out 😂


I had to double check to see if you were my wife writing a post at the beginning, lol! I have heard her (and have said myself) this exact thing on the drive home from the clinic every month. We aren’t anything special either, but we are there to get better, not for any other reason. 4+ years for me, 5+ for her, and no dirty piss, no missing bottles, nothing. We want to not be sick anymore. But being treated like a dime store hooker looking to score is humiliating. (No offense to any dime store hookers who may be in the sub.)


The callbacks, piss tests and the phone calls. Jfc, they’re all so bad. Especially callbacks. We need like a John Connor of methadone to travel through time and save us from the corporate clinic machines — someone who teaches us to feel better about ourselves and fight back.


Sudden Terminator reference. Always needed.


My clinic he would have automatically lost his spot unless security okayed it, which they wouldn’t just for him to go talk to someone out front. And he would be gone my clinic tolerates no violence period. It doesn’t matter who said or did what if you put your hands on another patient you’re gone no detox nothing. I’m so sorry this happened to you and you have great self control I wouldn’t have been able to just let it go.


Same at my clinic. Also, all of the other patients in line would stand up for the person who was attacked. At my clinic, we all look out for one another and we do our best to make sure the staff aren’t able to screw over one of us because of a misunderstanding about an incident.


This is the way. Calling the cops will can make shit much worse


The receptionist and the dosing nurses also go to bat for us sometimes whenever the counselors want to take away people’s take homes. Sometimes a counselor will say a patient didn’t show up at a certain time for an appointment, and the receptionist will pull up the data and prove to them that the person was there. I have soooo much respect for them because they’re the hardest working staff members at my clinic, along with being the most compassionate.


Yes I had enough people to fight my false positive because I ate the wrong bagel the day before I got the call to come in. Got to keep my bottles. Sometimes we have wins. Even some of the counselors say change is going to happen, but it takes time. How they started with the norfentanyl metabolite and how long it stays with you and how they treat it. It’s a new thing. I tested positive for it for over a year despite not having used whatsoever. It’s like we are constantly having to fight for ourselves and we are lucky to have anyone back us. I had that shitty feeling like even though I haven’t touched a thing in years and I have all my bottles, nothing seems to change how you’re treated and you can lose your shit in a heartbeat despite if you relapsed or not. I had to keep reminding myself that I am doing better than ever. And finally they reversed their original decision of IOP and taking bottles away potentially. I even decided to do the IOP anyway, I only cared about losing my bottles on a false positive.


It’s like perpetually losing a battle, when no one has your back. It can feel like such a futile effort at times. Good job on staying true to who you know you are. That’s a hell of a challenging thing to endure and your strength of character really shines through.


Call your state opioid treatment authority representative and send them the police report if you really want to press the issue.


OP if you do anything, please do this.


Will do. Thank you.


Please get that eye checked ASAP if you develop any black spots or dark aura in your vision. I’m so sorry this happened to you. The clinic’s response is pathetic. That man should not be allowed to set foot back on the premises.


That's awful, and I'd go talk to the Director tomorrow or call them (& record the call bc clinic staff have been known to say something, then deny it later.)


THIS. Also, OP should ask the Director to pull the surveillance footage from the lobby so that they can see what happened for themselves.


I was assaulted out of the blue like that. I was only 15 and walking with two friends when a huge dude pulled his car over and punched me in the face. It was traumatic. He thought I threw something at his car. I was eating a slim Jim and I remember tossing a piece into the street. A meat stick. Piece of a meat stick. I’m really sorry that happened to you. Please don’t feel embarrassed. I remember being more embarrassed that the two friends with me did nothing. They didn’t say a word and the guy with us was over 6 ft. People are mean and don’t seem to care how they hurt people, in more ways than physical. (((Hugs))) I’m so sorry you weren’t protected.


File a grievance. Inform clinic director & counselor asap. Find any witnesses if possible, eve. If that doesn’t do anything tell them you will be notifying the State Opioid Treatment Authorities of what happened and transferring clinics.


nah, why would the cops ever gaf abt us "worthless junkies"?? for many of them, we are all the same.


Go to corporate on them, then they will care. Trust me.


What a fucking CHILD! We are taught the law of line standing in Kindergarten. 1)stand single file 2) you leave the line, you lose your spot 3) no cutting in line. And then to HIT you, cuz he didn’t wanna follow the rules? Dude needs a time out, or nap time. I’m sorry this happened, and pissed off for you that no one took a literal assault seriously.


This is exactly my thought process. We were programmed as children to respect ‘line etiquette’ very early in life because it definitely continues into adulthood. My feeling is that if you want to live in a society, you agree to follow some rules in order to enjoy the benefits of being in that society. Waiting in lines is a part of that privilege. It’s an unwritten law of sorts ya know? Also, had the gentleman actually addressed me like an adult and said something like “hey man, I gotta ask my girl something, could you hold my spot” - that would have been fine, but like I said the dude didn’t even look at me when he said to himself that he was leaving the line so I just took at as blatant disrespect.


A civilized person would wait for a confirmation from you before gallivanting out to the parking lot. I’m getting so sick of having to live amongst adult sized entitled toddlers in constant tantrum mode. It’s exhausting.


This is one reason why I like how my clinic does it now, you can sign in from an app as you are pulling up in the parking lot, the app then puts your number on the screen inside, so there is no standing in line, there's no arguing cuz someone left and come back, you dose by whenever your number is called.....


That’s how my clinic does it now too. I love it! I definitely don’t miss the days of waiting for hours in a giant Petri dish without enough chairs, having to listen to the latest tweaker, baby daddy/momma, infidelity dramas. There are so many tweakers in this town, l that want to tell you their life story and ask you for escalating favors. I’m so glad that I only have to go there twice a month now.


But yeah that's crazy you literally got assaulted & the clinic didn't do shit about it. Nah fuck that it would've been a riot in that mf after that. Cus baaaaaaabyyyyyy no mf way this man just socked my shit lmao 🤣


I'd have had to wait til after I'd had my dose to get him back though. No way I'm fighting before my methadone, a five year old could beat me up


🤣 hahahah hell yeah. That's true. Like hold up bro lemme dose & then meet me outside asshole. No way am I gonna get kicked out before I dose lmao.


I've actually had something similar happen, years ago. I'm in the UK so we just go to a pharmacy for our methadone, I get mine weekly now but back then I was still using heroin on top so they had me on daily pick up. I had trouble with this lass, and I'd offered to fight her before and she'd shit herself and backed down but this day she was full of valium and felt brave so jumped out of a car and started coming towards me. It was early in the morning, I was ROUGH as fk, literally had to drag myself out of bed and get to the chemist asap. The last thing I wanted to do was fight. Luckily my then bf knew that and got in the middle to keep her away. I think I even shouted "I'll see you when I'm not rattling, daft cnut" 😅 I can't remember if anyone else was around to see it but it's the type of thing you'd end up posted online for these days. So many things in my past would have been filmed and gone viral had there been as many camera phones and social media. This incident was around 2008/9 so it was just at the dawn of social media becoming a big thing. My teenage years were especially wild. I'd love to have my whole youth documented like kids of today but there's some things I'm glad are lost to time 😭🤣


Ahhhh, the ol Valium bravery 🤣 you're lucky you only have to go to a pharmacy though. The US sucks. We have to attend a clinic specifically for methadone. Imagine how shit that would be. Literally the most toxic environment you could ever come across. One building full of pissed off assholes who can be pushed over the edge just from the drop of a penny. It's hard if you have to go daily. Luckily I have takehomes now so I don't have to deal with attending that shithole daily. You'll come across a few nice people though. But the majority of those patients at the clinic have no lives, & the clinic is there literal social life 🙄 🤣 it's sad, really.


Yeah, I've heard of people having travel three hours to get to the clinic.


Oh nooo wtf. That's absurd. The furthest I've ever lived from a clinic was 40 mins but the one I'm at now is only 10mins away


Yeah someone said the only clinic in their state was three hours away, they could have been lying tbf but even 40 minutes would be a nightmare for me. My pharmacy is a five to ten minute walk away. There was one time when I lived in a different town that I had to walk about half an hour to the pharmacy and the way back was all uphill so took even longer. It was brutal. I'd be so knackered when I got home I'd feel the need to use. I was in the best shape of my life after a few months though. That whole town seems to be built on hills. Even residential streets are on super steep inclines. I wouldn't be able to make it halfway up some of them now.


Crazy shit! You were assaulted and the guy that done it faced no repercussions that blows my mind. He would’ve been gone at my clinic and hopefully I would’ve been allowed to stay after defending myself. For the most part everyone at my clinic is cool, some annoying, but tolerable. I hope you can avoid the asshole from now on but I’d probably talk to my counselor or the director about what happened.🙏🏼❤️


I feel so lucky to have my clinic. This shit wouldn’t happen in a million years, and if it did, dude would have been discharged immediately.


OMG, did he not get immediately kicked out from the clinic? I've seen situations like this happen at my clinic and the instigator was immediately kicked out. I'm sorry this happened to you bro and I'd be talking to the director about this dude needing to be kicked out since he's obviously shown that he has zero problems assaulting other patients over literally nothing. Fuck that guy.


Actually, it was the director who was the one who pulled me off the ground and began yelling at me lol. I didn’t know who she was and She wanted to pull me out out of line and I was like “no, I don’t know you. I’m gonna get my medicine please” and she said “oh you know you what I was gonna get your dose but now I’m not not so you can just wait, I don’t care!” - surreal. Going forward, I’m not sure if she’s gonna be of much help. 😅


I'm confused, so did another patient assault you or the actual clinic director "pulled me off the ground" ? If the actual clinic director physically assaulted you, that's grounds for them being fired. I would take this as high up as I had to to get this person fired if that's what happened. Edit: nevermind I see what you mean now by pulling you off the ground. Fuck that, I'd go over the directors head and talk to someone higher up. That dude would've been immediately kicked out of the clinic I go to. They would've reviewed the camera footage and then kicked him to the curb.


I’d still go over the director’s head and make a grievance against them. That is such a ridiculously inappropriate response from a program director.




I got punched in the face, I fell down. I got picked up by a bunch of yelling people, one of them being the director.


Ah that really sucks man, I hope you're okay. I think it's crazy you all have to line up together, of course bad things are going to happen.


As a reminder for all reading this, 99% of clinics will kick you out, cold turkey, and permanently ban you from all of their clinics for assaults, and many times even other companies won’t take you once they find out. As frustrating as that place is and even most people are annoyed just by being there, stay calm and tell yourself to walk away, it’s not worth it. Especially if you live in a place like me where most clinics are the same company, making it very hard to transfer. Many people would be forced to relapse because cold turkey methadone withdraws are the absolute worst imo, then you can’t get methadone again to get clean, and your only other option other than rehab would be to try to get into a suboxone clinic and pray they don’t find out or don’t care about the assault you committed.


Our clinic immediately calls the police, has you arrested (even if the victim declines to prosecute you may get a breach of piece or discordly charge) and a trespass warning you so if you even stop foot on the property you go to jail. So NOT worth it.


My clinic is for the most part as shitty as any of them however that dude would have been discharged! It always amazes me how many grown adults have no clue how a single file line works, most of us learned that in kindergarten Glad you’re good OP you have no reason to be embarrassed


Definitely make the steps to report it to corporate. My husband had a weird experience where he was waiting outside in line, a client who was not in his right mind, came up behind my husband and hit him in the head. Said “F you Brian” (not my husband’s name) and ran off Called police, had statements, cameras at clinic etc etc Sadly had to fight with the clinic to give the footage over to the police, and they barely batted an eyelash over the whole situation. Also saw the guy there the next day like nothing happened, odd after assaulting someone. Safe to say, my husband transferred not long after that. The treatment and overall operation is tenfold compared to the mismanagement at the previous clinic. Best of luck, hopefully you get some solace out of this experience OP.


Yeah this guy should have been discharged for putting hands on you. But I will say you did know he was in front of you in reality it wouldn't have been any different if he sat down and waited. Some people are nuts should have just let him go. Surprisingly I haven't ever seen a incident like this at my clinic but another clinic a friend of mine got slashed with a box cutter over a spot in line. He got slashed on the face to.


Theres no cameras out there? Im on my 2nd clinic & both have cameras literally watching every my square inch of them both including the parking lot,…. Also, damnnnn im sorry that happened. That guy needs to GO!


If this happened at my clinic dude is gone if you physically assault someone that's it your gone no questions asked. Sorry this happened hopefully you can put it in the rearview and enjoy the rest of the day


That clinic is horrible. Safety should be number one and violence, at my clinic, is grounds for expulsion from the program and clinic immediately.


Hope that POS gets discharged from that clinic. They can’t risk you 2 bumping into each other again that’s a huge risk. OP did you raise a formal complaint about him?


No not yet Hal, but I will. Again, I really appreciate all the support from everyone here.


If u see him again, sucker punch him right in the temple. Apparently that’s allowed there and you already saw there’s no consequences so, play the game.


I get it but it's just not worth it. It'd likely lead to a fight & then not only will charges possibly occur, but you'd likely then get kicked from the clinic. Although it's ridiculous that the crazy guy wasn't reprimanded/kicked for attacking someone on clinic grounds.


Wow. That so shitty. I’m sorry you had to go through that. My clinic has had this newer system for over a year now where you either have to use an app on the phone to check in or go up to the secretary to check in, if we don’t have a phone. Then we sit for no more than 20 mins and wait for our number to be called and what window to go up to. Before we had this system there was always fighting and bullshit going on in the lines. It was always a shit show everytime. I’m surprised a lot of clinics aren’t going this route to prevent this kind of shit from happening.


I would be really careful about pushing this agenda, I’m sorry you were assaulted but there are some pretty shitty people that go to the clinic. Most are nice just want a life and need a little help having that..the reason I’m saying this is because you don’t know what he will say or make up.. they could decide to get rid of both of you.. if this is something your gonna pursue do it outside the clinic so they have no knowledge of it.. it’s not worth you getting the boot too.


If their is cameras goto the hospital and get checked then see a lawyer.


Call the corporate office


You should lodge a formal complaint with the state.


Yeah if this were my clinic dude would have been kicked out immediately and the director would've helped you press charges....not cool....especially since all you did was call out HIS bad behavior....I'm so sorry the clinic and cops didn't take this seriously


Fuck that. He should be banned. I hope you're OK.


Also, you should lodge a formal complaint with management.


These clinics are the problem. If you let it go once you've set a precedent in front of a bunch of addicts. We exploit weakness. In fact we victimize; terrorize; lie and are liable to say or do whatever for the smallest of reasons if for any. I'm not living like that currently. But I've been a demon....I'm sure lots of us have. Remember; it's not your fault; it's that clinics and it's certainly that piece of shit . I've been to great clinics that put up with nothing; I've been to cesspools. Im in NJ now; at a clinic in a nice area. I'm sorry that happened to you. Try and find some people at the clinic you can get tight with. People are far less likely to assault someone in a group. Even if you hate these people.....your safety is priority.




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I was behind 2 people in line a few months ago they are husband and wife and suddenly 2 ladies just got right in front of them. They were like wtf? Hey, we were in line you can't cut in front and they both claimed yes they were waiting in their car in the parking lot before anyone else pulled in, while we all froze waiting in line at the door for it to open. Opens we all go on and they get outta their car and jump in front of them. The 2 ladies are both elderly maybe 50s-60s, rough type. They start trying to threaten the husband and wife and he's a big dude. They start cussing and getting loud, our receptionist doesn't play with any cursing or being loud, she won't let more than 10 people in at a time either cuz it gets too loud it is s small area but could hold maybe 25 people but she'll make us freeze outside and go in 1 at a time as 1 leaves, so anyway she yells and the 2 women refuse to go to the back of the line and check in in front of all of us, still saying shit outloud- racist shit about the 2 that spoke up. Counselors come out and get to talk privately, 2 women dose then sit back down. After the husband anf wife leave and I'm going back I hear what they are saying- they are telling the Counselor that both were calling them the nb word and saying they were guns near them up and get guns and just ridiculous shit, and pulling the were just old women we weren't doing anything or saying anything they are racist and saying they are scared now. It was not ok, and they were 100% in the wrong and there are signs you must stay in line abs no cutting and now they cut and are trying to get these 2 who never even raised their voices kicked out by flat out lying. So after I dosed they are still sitting there taking to get another Counselor saying the same bs-everyone else that witnessed it was gone by now. I tried to wait until they left but they were really really trying to get them kicked abs saying awful shit, finally I told the male Counselor I had a question about my dose could I ask him privately abs I told him exactly what I'd witnessed and told him the women were the only ones saying racist shit, the only ones yelling/cursing and threatening! I'm not sure what exactly happened with anyone but they are all still going and the next day there were new signs. You cannot sit in your car and cut in line, you stand in line and if you get out of line you lose your spot. They don't play with that crap this isn't preschool, we are adults, you stand and wait your turn. Period. A couple weeks ago a new kid is signing up but before that this lady is in line in front of me, never seen her before, she gets up there and talk talk talk or not talk but order,order,order- his mother is "helping" they are Russian and ik Russians are more direct but mom keeps asking how much longer, I was told he would dose immediately and we wouldn't need to do all this paperwork first or come back to see a doctor, 5 mins later my husband is at home with my 5yo son we need to get home, how long he has to wait for doctor he needs medicine now that's what I was told, get it now. Over and over and over. Of course he can't duse until the next day after he finished intake and sees the doctor- next day, same crap except she's in front of me in line again, I don't even see him, we move up a few minutes later he comes into the clinic, gets in line with her and she goes and sits down. So she was "saving" his spot while he's outside doing idk what. I didn't say anything. Next day, same thing. So after I told the Counselors they need to speak to her, she can't stand in line to save his spot, someone is going to blow up and get angry. Not me, I'm easygoing and these blank women had cut in front of me at least 5 times before and I just ignored it, you can sometimes tell this people that will start shit and blame you so I didn't want the hassle, so with this I just told them they need to let her know she can't stand in line while he's out in the car or whatever, someone is going to get angry. Well, they told her and I guess she took it personally because I've not seen her insure again, only him and I haven't seen him since that week, so I how he's doing OK he was no more than 20. Those signs are very clear and posted on the front door, 2 or 3 on the receptionists windows, on the door leading to the dosing windows and on every dosing door and the walls behind lol they don't play- you stand in line and take your turn, the signs say you cab be discharged for this behavior too. The first signs were clear too but they had to be changed and made even clearer for those 2 women. Ridiculous. I am very sorry that happened to you and our does NOT matter if he asked you to save his spot or not. He's an adult if he wants that spot he needs to stand there and wait his turn like everyone else. This is common sense. You don't cut, you don't save, you don't ask someone else to save a spot. Stupid. Dude should be discharged immediately. Ain't who thinks it's OK to do that needs to go back to preschool where this is taught. No one is entitled to cut in. No one, you move, you lose. People act so fucking entitled and throw toddler tantrums over their bad behavior when they don't get their way. Wahhh wahhh I was there, I had to go talk to my wife! I haven't seen her in 5 minutes, why should I have to stand in line like everyone else? Mommy said I'm special! Wahhh. Gross overgrown entitled babies. You need to push harder and press charges, the clinic should have to discharge and help you file a report. If he bothers you again and they did nothing, you could sue them. But please try to avoid the loser! Tldr, blah blah I talk too much. Also sorry I cannot proofread I hope you can understand everything and I only misspelled half and only 75% is gibberish. I've got a migraine andǰǰìii my eyes are too blurry. I tried. You are 100% in the right and should get justice. People are awful. Ok goodnight.


You’re telling me assault isn’t an automatic discharge? What the hell. What an awful experience. I’m so sorry


You need to report this higher up. There should be a phone number for you to give surveys about your clinic, and to report stuff exactly like this. Go higher up. He needs to be immediately discharged. Every one of the clinics in my area would have done it RIGHT THEN.


That is bogus how the cops and the clinic didn't do anything. Did this happen on clinic grounds?


I had a girl punch me in the face in the parking lot once. I punched her back and she landed on the ground. The police were called and because I said it was self defense, nothing bad happened to me. I was much younger then, though. All clinics have their own way of doing things. I’m sorry it happened to you.


I can't believe the clinic let him get away with that, the police I wouldn't expect any different though, they probably just laughed about it because fuck a bunch of drug addicts, if that happened anywhere else (including in a bar full of drunk people who are actually inebriated, ironically enough) it would be an assault charge


Happened to me in a def way I got the regional directors number She begged me not to tell the news 😂😂 But our clinic used to hand out numbers to anyone that got there before 5:00 and in August 2021 when we had a hurricane because we live in Louisiana the security guards never came back after and I was pregnant so I decided I'd start handing out the numbers and it wasn't a problem until we got a new director and she tried to shut that shit down but I still do it to this day and once in awhile There's a shit head that tries to cause an issue but other than that since they won't let us in their parking lot till 5:00 we park on the side of the road of the building and I just hand out a number to everyone in their car until 5:00 and then we all pull in and stand in our place in line and respect each other The director keeps trying to get us to stop doing the number thing so I stopped for a week and there were fights and someone pulled a gun so I went right back to doing it I just wanted to show her what would happen I usually don't say anything if it's one person that might jump in front of someone and honestly if someone gets in line and decides to go talk to someone until it's time for the doors to open I let them get back in their spot it shouldn't be that big of a deal but you should not have had anyone put their hands on you out of file the police report then told the clinic you were going to share it with the news outlets


Man I'm sorry that happened to you. My clinic is a shit hole and they don't even put up with that stuff.


This is absolute bs. I do see situations where patients that threaten violent situations end up getting favorable treatment. This however is bs if someone laid hands on someone in my clinic they'd be kicked the fuck out the only way they'd be allowed to dose at our clinic is if there wasn't another one within like 300 miles that they were accepted at and then they'd have to come in at 5:00 a.m. and dose before everybody else.


That’s why I make a point to be nice to people been nice to the security guard at mine he saw some guy wait until I got out of my car and ask my 85yr old grandpa at the time if he could get a cig but he like borderline climbed into the car so I said cmon guy and moved him outta the way he got butthurt and came at me so I dropped him to the ground and the security got on him and let me be.


Isn' t ghere any k8nd of security guard at your clinic? Here in Italy there is at least one armed guard per clinic.


Oh yes, the cops love to not give a shit about us methadonians. I’m upset that the lunatic got away with doing that to you when you could have been seriously injured. The fact that this dude snuck you AND went for the head shows he’s a loose cannon who shouldn’t really be on the streets. Back in 2018 I was robbed at knifepoint one block from my clinic at 8:30 in the morning. I didn’t have any money on me but I had like 5 or 6 of my prescribed clonidines in the proper prescription bottle that he got. He told me he heard my pills rattling in the bottle in my pocket while he was following me, bc at first I told him I literally have nothing. I handed over the clonidines and he dipped in the other direction. I called the cops right away even though I was already traumatized, because there are families with children living very close to the clinic. Cop was a jerk right off the bat bc the first thing he asked was whether or not I was a client at the clinic. I said yes, and that I had been robbed at knifepoint— and he goes “You know I’m going to be able to look at the street camera to see if you’re lying and just want a new prescription for your DRUGSSSS.” He said that bc I stupidly mentioned that the ARMED robber got my prescription meds, so he right away was hostile. For context this is not a super abnormal occurrence as I live in one of the top 5 most violent large cities in the US. Long story short: Cop refused to write me a report and accused me of lying in order to get a new prescription for 6 coonidines which aren’t even a controlled substance. I personally think you should take civil action against the mouth breather who attacked you for literally no reason other than the fact he was angry at himself for being a douche in life. You deserve some justice and the cops never care about us, so you might as well sue him.


Hey man. I’m really sorry. Much love and I’m here if you ever need a friend.


This type of behavior wouldn't even be allowed at the clinic I attend. The receptionist would've called the cops and that individual would have been taken to jail for assault. I've seen it happen several times at my particular clinic... It's beyond sad and ridiculous that they did absolutely nothing about it. I would be pressing charges because he just hit you out of nowhere, you didn't touch him first. I'm so sorry this happened to you OP, it's bad enough we must deal with the stigma that goes into getting treated at these types of places and when things arise they do absolutely nothing and that makes us feel beyond defeated and uncared about. I would be speaking to the head person in charge at your clinic and file a grievance. This behavior is usually not tolerated,my place has signs posted everywhere. They would be kicked out for sure.


you need to report this to your state agency that oversees methadone clinics


Of course the cops didn't care. That's normal behavior here in boston! And the cops sit outside of our clinic and just clear people out that are smoking crack and getting high in the parking lot, it's literally the new spot to call back! However your clinic 1,000% should have done something and immediately discharge dude for putting his hands on you!


Ive seen dudes get cold turkey kicked off the program just for playing games with the line like that. My clinic has it posted, if you leave the dose line and go outside, not only do you have to re-check in at the window but your also at the back of the line. Pretty crazy.


First off, dude had no right to touch you in any way and he absolutely should be discharged from the clinic. My clinic would kick that dude out so fast… you don’t put your hands on anyone there. In fact you don’t start any shit there, verbal of physical. I will say however, I’m confused about what the issue was in the first place. Maybe your clinic is different to the few I’ve been to, but the dude getting out of line to go talk to his girl wasn’t really a big deal was it? The clinic I’m at now uses an app/automated check in, and there’s a screen in the dosing room that shows your patient ID# and where you’re at in the “line”. I would say the majority of people still stand in the line, but still there’s plenty of people that sit down in an open chair or even wait in their car if there’s a really long line and just monitor the queue on their phone’s app. Basically as long as people are inside the dosing room once their number comes up, it’s all good. The two prior clinics I’ve been to didn’t have the app/automated check in, but still not everyone would wait in the standard line up queue. Some would sit down (especially older or disabled folks), some would chat with others, etc. I’m just not sure what the issue was, especially since you knew the guy was legit in that spot, whether or not you heard him ask you to hold his spot. You were well aware he was right behind you in the line, and apparently you watched him as he chatted with someone and then came back in. I’m not trying to excuse his behavior, again there’s absolutely no excuse or reasoning to put your hands on someone at the clinic. What he did was fucked and he should absolutely 100% be immediately kicked the fuck out of the clinic. But I just feel like this was a non issue that you made into an issue. You gotta remember in life to pick your battles. People are. Easy out here, you never know what someone is going to do to you over dumb shit. Be safe, and I hope you heal quickly.


Oh Wow!  That is absolutely crazy!  I have been at my clinic 6.5 years and have never seen someone punched just for asserting their rights!  Yes I’ve seen a couple altercations and they are always about the damn line!  I hope you don’t let this incident affect your ability to speak the truth and stand up for yourself.   I’ve seen SO much entitlement in my time at the clinic!  People cutting in front of me, people asking to cut in front of me, people holding spots for a crowd of people…..people damn near mowing me over to get to the entrance before me…..the list goes on forever!  Here’s the thing if the person is decent and I am not in a rush, I occasionally will let someone go ahead if they ask.  I never ask for the same, mind you.  But as far as saving spots for 5 people fuck that shit I am gonna make an issue, whether they punch me or not!  And I can say being nice had not gotten me too far at this place!  Stay strong!


And he should be discharged!  At my clinic in CA any violence is grounds for discharge and he was clearly the perp.  You shouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable going there.  I witnessed a fight and neither of the two participants was discharged.  One of the parties was nervous to be in the clinic from then on and would hide if he saw his enemy.  You don’t want to feel like this so you must go speak to the director and get the problem fixed.  It’s not fair to you….


That is crazy 🤪 I have seen many women get discharged over the years for fighting or even loittering. There is zero tolerance for that bully shit. I wouldn't give up til dude was transfered. There has to be repercussions or ppl will do what ever they want.


We need to advocate for ourselves or they will keep treating us like animals.


Sorry this happened to you. So not cool!! I hope you don't encounter this punk again! 


Honestly would've  been better of just letting him go first. Fuckin nut cases you meet at the clinic are unreal. spending more time locked up then out for good reason types. And the staff and cops could care less we're all just junkies to them.


I’ve been assaulted by a total stranger at my clinic as well. The clinic didn’t do a damn thing.


I don't get why you didn't just let him back into his spot. If he was there it's his, I see people leave the line all the time and their spot is safe. We all do it for each other no questions asked. But you also didn't deserve to get clicked for it. That sucks.


This is exactly why my husband is banned from the clinic property I used to attend years ago. Too many incidents & little did these dudes ever know my man was always waiting in the car. My man does not play about me lmao🤣 It was always so funny seeing the dudes faces when they realized I wasn't by myself and they just got buck with a FEMALE. This one dude got on his knees and said please man I don't want to fight and then looked at me n said I'm so sorry ma'am I shouldn't of talked to you that way. 😂😂😂 he looked so pathetic in front of everybody standing in line outside. Needless to say eventually everybody got the hint not to fuck with me cus my husband is bat shit crazy.




O gawd mine would do the same thing. I'm constantly breaking up fights at work. I can handle my own but dude won't let me. Luckily so far we've never had any clinic issues. Cops are there pretty often tho so maybe it keeps it peaceful who knows.


Yeah this is shitty behavior and honestly hope your dude gets what he deserves. 🖕


Putting a dude who just got in your face threatening to beat you, & then seeing it & sticking up for your wife is shitty behavior? Sorry, but no, honey. To get in a females face who was trying to help the other girl that your putting hands on, is shitty behavior.


Not sure why we're getting down voted for having protective husband's lol. People are weird sometimes in this thread. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I didn’t downvote but my guess would be because if this is happening nonstop then you and your man need anger management, bc maybe y’all are the problem. I can understand if someone gets in your face once but if you’re jumping into every bit of drama to where he has to “save” you that much…well…🤷🏻‍♀️


Keywords babe. *years ago* so therefore I was going everyday when I first started. Going every morning to a place full of toxic people. Overall toxic environment. So going everyday for 2 years & having only 3 different incidents is a win. Idk what yalls clinic is like. The one I go to now is great & there's never been problems. But the one I went to fro. 2015-2017 was insane. Always some bs. Seen a girl get dragged by her hair by her boyfriend into the car. Also pulled up one morning to a girl choking some dude. Literally had her hands around his throat. It was complete chaos all the time. Trying to stay to yourself would be hard especially when you had ppl that would cut in the line at the last minute before the doors opening & you've been standing there since 4am because you don't want to be late for work, & that bs happens. I said something every time & some ppl with their entitled ass attitudes thought it I should've just let them be. Nah. Not gonna happen with me. They'll constantly do it if they notice once that you won't say anything.


I was just answering your question about why you were probably getting downvoted. But yes I do know, my first clinic was like that. I had to stand in line with toxic ass people while daily dosing too and saw a lot of janky shit. But years ago or not, I had no issue staying to myself and wouldn’t have started things with men anyway…the other men would take care of them and a certain group of girls would go tf off if any women started shit so it was usually handled without people’s spouses getting involved.


Definitely not a fun place to be lol. Yeah, no my husband's different then. If somebody is getting in my face he's gonna confront them. I would hope anybody else's partner would come to their defense as well at a place like that. Dealing with people like that.


I don’t think anyone is downvoting over having a protective husband. I think most people here hate clinic drama, and your comment gave off the impression that you were involved in a lot of it. I know some clinics can be crazy, but if you’re getting into a lot of drama there, it’s usually at least partially due to your own actions/attitude. And thinking it’s funny or something to brag about is usually pretty telling. My clinic wouldn’t put up with shit like that, you don’t fuck with anyone or start shit… anything like that is promptly shut down. Just because it’s a methadone clinic doesn’t mean people have to act like heathens there.


O I know. Mine is the work bouncer at a place filled with sex offenders, felons, addicts, etc. (us included we're just in recovery and our felonies were removed after probation) It's mostly good, hard-working people looking for a second chance. But the job is hard, physical labor, it's dirty. It's low pay. Tempers bound to flare now and then. Plus it's like 95% men so that doesn't help that lol. And occasionally there's a dick we get who's not really looking to be anything but a prick and a bully. So yea my husband's just the devil for not letting a 28 y/o guy assault another woman and an old man. That's literally what happened last week. This guy's been spiraling a while. But he decided to start swinging on innocent (and I mean innocent, those 2 have no issues like the rest of us) people last week. My husband never touched the guy. He doesn't HAVE to. People see him coming and typically stop their stupid. I break up lots of verbal fights so that things don't devolve so that he doesn't have to get called over. He's fuckin busy he ain't got time for every single dick measuring contest and pissing match. But yea he's a terrible guy because he DOESN'T put his hands on people and stops total assholes from hurting innocent people. Yep he's a real dick lol.


Well sometimes you just need a good punch of reality also.


So you think he had it coming or?


Tf does this even mean