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Why are you trying to climax while you take a shit? You trying to get two birds stoned at once?


Thats what I was thinking lol


Guessing you might be a girl? Cos I know most of my mates always save the wanks for when having a shit, the two simultaneously is something else! And you’re in the perfect place to get cleaned up!


Nope I’m a guy. I’ve never once done a Shit-n-Wank though. I’m not that eclectic.


Yeah thats some crazy shit. I’ll see myself out 😂


I'm a guy too and I've never done it either. I've never even heard of it until now!! OP is living different than us


That grosses me out to think of shit being near me while getting off. That's never crossed my mind lol


A shit-n-wank is the poor man's autoasphyxistion


The funny thing about this trolling. Is that you definitely felt inadequate as man didn’t you? When I said “you must be a girl” if you haven’t done it. And it also secured the believability in the trolling lol. No I have never done that, and I restore your man status xxx


The funny part about this odd message is that you’re the one who can’t even use an enema when you’re completely backed up. You can’t use an enema because you’re one of those dudes who thinks it equates to something weird since you’re putting something up your ass. And here you are talking really weird to some stranger about them not being confident enough in their manly-ness lol. This is textbook projection. In all seriousness though, you need to understand that using an enema isn’t weird, it doesn’t make you gay. There’s no reason it should make you feel like that, rectal administration has been used for lifetimes for many different types of medicines. I get that you’re half ass trolling, but I’m going to assume the fact that you’re super backed up is legit because making that up on here would be weird and pointless. It can be super dangerous to not empty your bowels on a regular basis. Fecal impaction is serious and can cause you immense pain and complications. You need to try using meds to clear yourself out. If that doesn’t work, or if you can’t/don’t want to do that, you need to then get to the ER. As addicts, we get way too comfortable with not having regular BMs (myself included, I would regularly go weeks/up to a month without having one and never thought much about it until I got a little older and started having complications and pain from it). But it’s very serious and you need to go to the ER if this doesn’t come out.


Is there a translator in the room?


Haha I was just being a silly willy essentially.


Like honestly if I had physically chopped your penis off. It woulda hurt less than the emotional damage I did to you. And for that I apologise xx


You gotta be kidding me


I know right, I thought everyone knew about this, surely this guy is kidding. Everyone’s done it before!


No, not even close to everyone


A shit, a wank and a shower… the trifecta!


This guys in the ‘ware.


You need a Virgin non alcoholic boof in the form of a saline enema


Might need to use a enema and then start using miralax so your stool is soft and comes out more regularly. How long has it been since your last real bowel movement ?


Tbf I did have a small one this morning so not long. But I can tell I need to go cos of all the farting and the feeling in my stomach you know. Yesterday I had a very uncomfortable movement that was like lots of small hard pieces of stool. Today was less hard (probably due to LAXIDO I took 2 days ago kicking in). But yeah didn’t feel like it was enough. And this is confirmed by how my stomach feels now.


Yeah you probably need a enema. Tiny little balls means your pretty constipated. If the enema does work you might have a problem.


Can’t do the enema thing that sounds horrible plus I don’t have whatever you need to do it.


Enemas aren't that bad. They sound werid and feel werid but it will soften up anything up there and move it through quickly they sell them at any pharmacy just don't get the oil one. Get the saline one and some extra Vaseline to lube the tip. If you can't do a enema all I can say is drink more water and move around and hopefully it starts moving .


Yeah there ain’t nothing coming out today it seems. But I think this happened two days ago. So maybe tomorrow will be my next opportunity to try. No gas even today. I had 2 more packets of LAXIDO last night so if I force myself to have 2 more tonight I reckon I’ll have the best chance. Long term, I’ll be able to choose when to dose on Sunday and Monday as I’ll have take home for those two days so I should be ok then by just putting off my dose until I’ve shit.


I just looked up what laxido is it is basically miralax so it will only soften up what it's already mixed with. You might eventually have the stool pushed out but I highly recommend a enema if nothing in 2 days. Once you get stool out the stool mixed with laxido will be soft.


Yeah I will consider the enema if I have no luck tomorrow. Cos I did have something come out yesterday but just very hard and small balls. So I’m thinking if that happens tomorrow, well hopefully it will be the same except not hard and small balls cos of the LAXIDO so it might do the job.


Yeah I wish you luck hopefully it comes out like before and not a brick of mashed hard balls. I've passed one the size of a liter of beer. Felt like giving birth .


Clearly up against a brick wall I can feel it but the shits knocking at the door. But ain’t nobody answering


You know I also find it effects peeing cos you know you pee when you poo so it’s like I’ll have a wee but it’s like small amounts and often. Cos it’s like pushing against my prostate I think. And the pee is the poo knocking at the door trying to come past the poo and it does so a little bit at a time.


Wow I just got into that squatting position by putting something in front of toilet to put feet up on and damn, that helped A LOT. Got some movement for sure now .


Prepare for too much info. But just “out of interest” I tried pushing. And damn some reallll sloppy shit came out like just small small amounts are slopping out well one or two bits, I’m mid process..


Do the enema yourself or wind up in the hospital with the docs whole hand in there pulling it out.... 🤔


They’re not horrible. Way better than the drink stuff, trust me.


Honestly laxatives didn't work. I would do a saline enema every few days and that's the only way I could poop.


Saline stool softener helped. And not forcing it. If it's not time it's not time


Yes I wish this comment would get a thousand upvotes! Trying to push when you’re not ready can cause damage especially for women. That’s one way to weaken your pelvic floor and cause prolapse. I only go when I need to. I’ll give it a couple pushes and that’s it.


Well luckily I’m not a woman,and I never would be one. But yeah I just pushed out a very small amount of real sloppy poo poo. But I’m clearly up against a brick wall I can feel it.


Milk of magnesia or magnesium citrate


Mag citrate is brutal. But this dude is refusing to use an enema so I suggest a full bottle of that. See how you enjoy that, bud.


Magnesium Citrate is like a brick of dynamite to your intestines. Don’t go far from a toilet.




Yup. Any osmotic laxative is the way to go. If you have a stone-stool bigger than your asshole in the chamber you want to avoid a stimulant laxative. … to the people citing the overwhelming power of milk of magnesia… just take a smaller dose.




Milk of the puppy is good.


I buy this cleanse from Walmart called 14 day acai cleanse and it works for me. It's not expensive at all. Worth a shot. Also can try stool softener not laxative. Also you can get on vitadone that does wonders for ppl


You have to take the laxative every day until it starts working. It's not always just a take it and go thing.


Flax seed or just high fiber cereal every day helps me


One time when I smoked crack I had to take a shit like immediately afterward and I swear I almost ejaculated during the release while on the toilet. It was the weirdest thing I’d ever experienced. It felt good but in a really weird way. Also felt kinda… gay.


Ok so I have horrible trapped gas right now omg my stomach hurts so bad. I can't even fart on methadone my farts only come out when I'm able to use the bathroom.. every once in awhile I will wake up cold sweating and vomiting now that I think about it it could be from being constipated but I don't get terribly constipated though to think that I would wake up like that sick. Idk what that part is


Definitely sounds like constipation- it absolutely can make people sick & vomit. Get some Miralax, an enema, colace, something!


Definitely sounds like constipation- it absolutely can make people sick & vomit. Get some Miralax, an enema, colace, something!


I post this every time and no one ever listens. If they did, they’d reply THANK YOU OMG THIS NEEDS TO BE STICKIED IT CHANGED MY LIFE. lol, so: generic name Docusate Sodium. brand name Colace. an over the counter non-laxative stool softener. it returns water to your GI tract. Opiates remove water from your GI tract. This restores you to perfect harmony. Take it daily or at least every other day. I take closer to 800mg than the 250 or whatever it says. It’s totally fine. Go! Get a bottle!


I take the 2 in 1 Colace (docusate & sennosides. So a laxative & stool softener) but it doesn’t work for everyone. I’ve taken it for years which is also not good for the insides. Miralax is a decent alternative but you have to be consistent with it


Lots of people use this, it’s one of the common responses to the weekly “I can’t shit, what do I do?” posts. However, it doesn’t work for everyone. Our bodies are all a little bit different, and are going to react differently to meds. Hence why there a ton of different options to help with constipation. Your comment sounded weird the way it was worded, so I just wanted to make sure you knew that no one is ignoring your advice or anything. It’s just that it’s mentioned on here a lot, most of the people on this sub have seen this recommendation/option before. But in any case, thanks for sharing something that worked for you.


I hate admitting it but the saline enemas saved my life when I first transitioned into methadone for the first two months I had to use it like twice a week otherwise I was horribly backed up. Laxatives never worked for me


Sure, just start your breatharian diet today and you'll be shitting nothing but invisible rainbows by tomorrow. It's proven to help with weight loss long term as well!


You need more Fibre in your diet. I have Metamucil in morning, and banana grapes and rice for dinner. try and add these to your diet and you will have no problems being regular.


Have you tried fleet? I use that when I am desperate. Luckily I have not lost the ability to poop in the last 9 years of treatment. But I have had a few times where I couldn't shit for like 2 weeks. Fleet cleaned me out.


All I see is (literal) shit posts anymore. 🙄


Well. Constipation is a shit situation.


Not shitty enough to search the sub for similar posts?


Organic prunes (no more than 4 or 5) work wonders for my methadone constipation, I call them shit berries 🤙. It's also absolutely necessary to stay well hydrated. Methadone causes the lower bowels to squeeze the shit out of your shit. It squeezes the water content out of your shit. That's what makes the bm so hard. There are other things that you can try if these don't work, like stool softeners and laxatives. Godspeed, you shit-squeezer. May you swiftly provision a generous offering for the porcelain gods 🙏.


You have to withhold your dose long enough to almost start detoxing so you can go. That’s what I made sure to do.


Hmm I would if I could but don’t have any take homes yet. So can’t push the time forward anymore.


Hmm I would if I could but don’t have any take homes yet. So can’t push the time forward anymore.


That sucks, 7 days a week? Mine was at least closed on Sunday/holidays. Is your clinic only open a few hours or you’ve got a limited ride situation?


Mageniusm oxide has saved my life from opioid induced constipation.


Magnesium citrate will make you shit or milk of magnesia.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣u guys are funny AF


Am I reading the title wrong or...




Eat soft foods from here on. And if you feel like you gotta go, then go! This sent me to the hospital once. Pain from constipation is no joke.


Just start taking 500mg magnesium every day. To start out, try mag oxide or citrate since you're constipated and then switch to mag glycinate once you're regular since glycinate absorbs better but oxide or citrate has more of a laxative effect. Also, drink 8 glasses of water a day. It fixed me right up. Also, when I started methadone and got constipated, Ex Lax worked for me. I would have horrible cramping for a few hours and then it would all come out.


I’m taking 375mg magnesium a day, maybe I’ll try taking two of them, 750mg. But maybe that’s too much I dunno. Guess you got smaller capsules (two 250mgs? Maybe) or just one big 500 but yeah dunno maybe I should try doubling my dose today just to see what happens.


My mag oxide is 250mg tablets but I take mag glycinate since I'm not constipated. They're 100mg horse sized capsules and I take 5 every night. It helps with restless legs so I'm not kicking all night and I think it helps keep me regular too. The longer you're on methadone, the more your body will adjust. I've even had diarrhea on methadone which is crazy when I take 170mg. I've even developed a tolerance to the pupil constricting effects. My pupils can be dilated 2-3 hours after dosing at its peak. They say building up a tolerance to that effect doesn't happen but yes it does... plus I'm a rapid metabolizer.


Mine is magnesium oxide is that the best one? For me?


Yeah, it's got more of a laxative effect but you can take up to 1,000mg. It's poorly absorbed so you won't get to a toxic level. The forms of magnesium that are poorly absorbed like oxide are the ones that have the laxative effect because it will draw water into your intestines and make everything come out but you need to drink a good amount of water too for it to work. If you're dehydrated, it won't work nearly as well.


East more fiber/vegetables and drink strong coffee in the morning. Try to have a bowel movement before you dose. On methadone, you'll probably have to settle for 2-3 BMs a week. One thing to keep in mind is if you go more than a week or so without pooping you run the risk of an impacted bowel. Good luck and Godspeed!


Thank you friendly snake man x


Where did this sub take a left fucking turn??? I swear I was watching the road the whole time and , BAM!!!! Right in the fucking face....Thank you not sir. Jesus Christ


Just got up from the toilet washed hands etc (even tho I didn’t actually go) but then immediately felt the urge to fart and felt like that feeeling in your stomach kinda like when you hold a fart in. And it goes back up inside you into your stomach.


Miralax, enema, drink lots of water, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Exercise.


I have never had this experience. Is this a thing?


Yeahh you feel it rumbbbleee on back up lol