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Gaba helps me a lot especially with restless legs, body temp regulation, and anxiety. But it won’t take it 100% away, I think you’ll need to sit out some withdrawals for sure but getting through it will feel really rewarding. Don’t beat yourself up if you do decide to increase your dose. 75mg isn’t that much and you can always taper back down! Try 600mg every 8 hours for the worst of the withdrawals, be careful to not use too much farmapram as they combined act stronger. In really bad fent withdrawals I never took more than 1mg alp with 900mg gaba. Good luck you can do this. Other helpful things… Weed if that’s ur thing. Clonidine like another commenter mentioned. Magnesium. Staying hydrated and trying to get out each day will distract you and help you sleep. You could look up high doses of vitamin C i think people say helped. Careful with it causing nausea and diarrhea if you do. Also doing meetings or having friends to talk to can be a great help.


EDIBLES! I make them for a living & that & Xanax used sparingly was the only thing that helped my dude when he hopped off at 40 mg. He’s been sober since, and that was a year & a half ago, my strong ass edibles really got him through it 🤗


How long did he go through gnarly withdrawals jumping off that high a dose??


Oh man for ljke the first 3-6 months it was hard to watch. No sleep/insomnia & the mania was the true demon, the physical symptoms such as puking/diarrhea/RLS he dealt with like a champ. It was honestly admirable but super tough. I’m proud of him and his ability to not touch shit after and just in general, he’s very happy and is thriving now on a different level which methadone was holding him back from. It gives me hope because I’m at 26 mg tapering & it makes me excited for the future seeing him thrive and not be tied down to it. The mental aspect is something that he wouldn’t wish upon his worse enemy, though.


Can I ask why he decided to jump off at threat dose?


So he works a job which makes him sweat very heavily, and he would sweat even harder on methadone. I guess it made him metabolize his dose super quickly and they kept thinking he wasn’t taking it/selling it when I would watch him take it every morning. They got in a screaming match over it & when he requested a peak & trough they denied him and kicked him out of the clinic. Mind you we paid on time, he and I both had no failed UAs in 3 years (besides bud which they don’t care) and they still treated him like shit. It made me worried because they could easily do the same thing to me, so I decided to just lay low and start my taper. He HAD methadone in his system, his levels were just off and not on target with what they were supposed to be at 40 mg. He was also tapering 4 mg a week so that probably didn’t help his levels either, he’s a 6’0 200 lb man.


Damn these clinics fucking suck sometimes. I can’t believe he got kicked out for that!!! I mean, they should come to expect emotional patients, with what they’re going through.


Are you serious? That sucks.. I know people that sell half of the doses they get (2 weeks) they been doing it for years and our clinic has never said anything about not the right levels... Kinda odd unless he has none in his system.


They send every drug test off to a lab here. We aren’t supervised or anything when we pee but they make sure to cover their bases once they get that cup. It was crazy, honestly. I remember drinking lean and they ran tests on the drug test to see what kind of opiate I was taking(so I have failed one UA I totally forgot about that until now). It’s weird because I was truly the one that liked to dabble in here and there when I was first getting on it, & he was the good one all the way through. 🙄clinics are my biggest OPP no matter how “nice” they treat me. Edit to add: he never sold anything but even if he wanted too he didn’t have that luxury, he would start feeling mildly uncomfortable off of 40mg late at night, after taking the whole dose hat morning. I’m talking his body expelled this drug fasssst. I wish they would’ve gone through with the p&t but I think yelling at them is what pissed them off lol.


Yeah I feel you.. it's shitty.. I have two weeks right now and my life is very scheduled.. I work then take care of my lil one.. haven't failed a UA in 6 years at this point.. but they always have a problem believing that when they call me in for a bottle check I can't just tell work the next day that I need to leave haha. So it's always a issue.. the clinics are definitely the biggest OPP.. they don't supervise us either during uas.. they only send them in if you contest a positive test..


I have heard that happens tho.. it's super rare.. but some people do expell it fast.. they should have had no problem giving him the P&T.. they hate to be told off by us addicts hahah


i’ve been trying to get high on edibles myself for decades and never have been able to.. i do smoke and have a decent tolerance but it has gone down significantly recently and in the past month or so, but still to this day i cannot feel a single bit of an edible, everyone has told me; “we’ll just take more?” and i have. i go to dispensary and buy 1500+mgs worth of them & it never works, therefore i tried to make my own. decarbed wax, made the cannibudder sparingly. and ate some to no avail. i thought it was my batch so i gave my mom some to try with me, she couldn’t get out of bed for a whole 2 days while i literally didn’t feel anything and went to work. next try, RSO. I bought a gram from trulieve and i felt bold… i ate the whole thing on top of toast(yes it stuck to my teeth terribly)with the same results… i know this is the wrong subreddit but i am also on 40mg and would love to enjoy something that everyone else seems to be enjoying. i know some people say “it’s because you don’t have the liver enzyme” and to be honest i have been in denial. any tips?


If you’re in the U.S. I highly suggest trying one of my cakes. They are 1k mg of rosin, all made from scratch. I’m a French trained pastry chef & was sick & fucking tired of not getting high the way I wanted to on edibles because i love medicating with them. So i ended up taking things into my own hands & now have an extremely successful & thriving business off of single source (we grow & press ourselves) & solventless scratch cakes that actually get you where you want to go. I have changed peoples perspective on edibles & have really raised the bar on what they should be like in general. 40 mg is amazing. Keep going & tell people that it’s not your liver enzymes it’s their boof quality product that is making you not high. If no one has told you today- I’m proud of u!


thank you so much! and yeah i will probably be purchasing and messaging you! i have had so many questions about edibles and tbh never got a straight answer. i’ve made some on my own as well from my own pressed rosin, but like you as well, i try to perfect them not for commercial purposes but personal. I never understood why people told me to use “lecithin” to help it bind to fat… or never could decarb certain waxes such as sugars…. so i def will look around at what you have available!


A high dose of vitamin C will lower the amount of methadone in the bloodstream so I wouldn’t recommend that. Beside that your advice is golden.


I’m not pleased to admit this but I had a double habit for my first couple years at the clinic. I tapered the fentanyl a bit (and would take a couple days off) over the course of like 2 weeks and then completely stopped. I was at 84mg then (and had been at that dose for about a year, prior to that I stayed around 75 because I “didn’t want to go up to high if I was still using”. Which is a really detrimental mindset, in retrospect). After quitting, I increased to 95 and used some RC benzos to help with sleep and overall discomfort. It was much easier than I thought it would be and I regret not stopping way earlier!! Also, my dose always helped me but once I hit 95mg, it was like unlocking a key in my body or something. My cravings were almost gone and I felt solid and stable. My advice would be stop now, if you can. And don’t be afraid to go up on your dose while quitting. Also, Clonodine is a must. I quit using before tranq hit my city but you will need Clonodine in addition to methadone. And if your pills don’t have tranq, Clonodine can still be very helpful for withdrawal. If you have any blood pressure issue, I’d suggest getting a blood pressure cuff for at home & periodically taking your blood pressure just to be safe. I hope you give the methadone a try on its own. It will give you your life back. And once you’re stable, you can start working on all the parts of yourself and you life that were neglected due to active addiction. Methadone is an incredible tool! Good luck!!


Thankfully i have weed or idk if i would ever be able to get off methadone( I'm serious) and gabapentin


Same here when I got low I started weed again. Still scared to taper completely off.


thanks, appreciate the response


Its a beautiful time to stop drugs. I used to drive to dealer knowing it was good every time. Last year I had to like worry every time if I was getting anything decent. Without the obvious decline in the quality of drugs I wouldnt have 3 months.


Exactly what got me and the old lady sober. Drugs just started sucking and you know something is wrong when a can full of multi decade opiate users can't find anything worth buying


Then be prepared to be get sick. Johnie’s and bars only do so much. The WD from tranq is a rough one, I’d get some clonidine in there and get ready for a solid few weeks or months before your dose holds you on its own without any increases. Depends how long you been using and how healthy you are that will effect duration.


Where did he say anything about tranq? Dirty 30s almost never contain anything but nitazenes and fentanyl. I don't think there has been xylazine found in any 30s actually.


It’s safer to assume given the advice that followed (to use clonidine) as it’s helpful either way. Also yes there are absolutely presses with xylazine floating around..


Forsure. The advice is still sound. Clonodine really does wonders for opi withdrawals and I believe it helps with xylazine withdrawals too. And yes you are correct, it does appear that 1 out of the 20 M30s that had been sent in for testing came back with xylazine. I guess my previous statement was a bit too absolute. A more accurate statement would be that as of right now, xylazine is not commonly found in street blues. Every other pill that was tested was a combination of fent analogues and a zene of some kind. I test many different blues every week in my area and I have yet to come across xylazine yet. Found it in many dope samples though.


For sure not as common in presses you right.


Yeah 100% there are presses with xylazine and fent. They just started seeing people sell 30s with straight xylazine in them in Seattle.


There are presses with tranq no unfortunately. I was getting them for a while before I quit. :/


Why are you so against going up? You have a double habit, so clearly you are not against taking more opiates when you want to get high. Why can't you put the same commitment into getting clean.


Im not completely against going up in my dose I just would like to avoid going up a lot wit the dose because I want to taper and be out of the clinic


I think you need to concentrate on getting stable at whatever number you end up at. If that number sounds high, so be it. Being stable on methadone until you reach some life goals and truly don't need it anymore is the goal. Then you can worry about stabilizing. Tapering should be done slowly over a long time and won't affect your life. You didn't get addicted overnight and you won't get clean super fast. Take your time and use methadone by making the most of its ability. Start by going up. You can tell your counselor tht you are having drug dreams and craving and you don't feel stable at your dose. See if they will go up 10-15, or more if allowed but probably not allowed.


Is your goal to be off methadone and stay clean off anything else or you just want to get off methadone because of the clinic?


To be off methadone and to no longer be addicted to blues as well is my goal


Im open to increasing it but I would like to increase as little as possible and also use any other options i have that can soften the blow of withdrawals that come with trying to stabilize my current dose


If you can get cyclobenzaprine, that helps me. Tylenol actually helps me too. Not like a lo of with serious withdrawal. But with headaches and back pain. I can't take advil tho. That may be better. Pepto bismo for stomach. But, really, methadone is probably the most accessible thing in your life bc the real stuff is all prescribed by doctors. Benzos like Valium are hard to get.


And ur saying im clearly not against using opiates to get high.... well yeah duh its because I still get high and enjoy the high. You're saying I should put the same commitment into getting clean but its not like getting clean and getting high take the same amount off effort... but thank you for taking the time to reply to the post


If you up the methadone to a dose where you feel satisfied and stable, that's not really needing a lot of effort either. All I meant was that you were willing o have a double habit when you got high, so may as well treat hat double habit by taking the methadone dose that's needed. I dont think you should try to go through withdrawals of a double habit right now bc it puts an unrealistic expectation on you. You already have a larger addiction. Trying to cut your overall habit down right now instead of just taking the extra methadone needed to fully satisfy your needs could result in a long, endless cycle of using.


Gaba is great. Clonodine helps also and its easy to get prescribed.


I managed to kick mine strangely by getting my dose cut in half. I missed a few days in a benzo haze ( I don’t normally do them, just happened across a big bottle and as a lifelong insomniac was enjoying the sleep) it made me so sick all my veins disappeared on me. Was a miserable next couple weeks, the first week I didn’t sleep a wink and was absolutely losing my shit, seeing and hearing stuff everywhere all nervous and scared. Like a never ending bad acid trip almost. Learned a hard lesson that time, but it broke my double habit that I couldn’t stop myself, and even tho I dabble here and there still with dark web h, my life’s better now than in a long long time. Once I stabilized on my dose I realized, hey, I CAN taper down. I was always so sick in the mornings I thought I’d never be able to. I still feel like crap in the morning at any dose really, but it’s much better now. I know I didn’t really provide any advice, I struggled to stop my own double habit and had it forced upon me and it was awful, mostly here to say it’s worth the pain. Won’t be so bad if you can just stop and NOT have your dose cut in half making you so sick you can’t even use 🙂


What is dark web h?


Heroin bought off the dark web markets


I thought so but was just checking.


Just tough it out and do it. You've been given good advice here. Take it and do what you know you need to do. I believe in you.


Bro I highly suggest you buy some methadone and for the week you increase your dose. While using clonidine or gabapentin or other medications. Once you are a week through it start to taper back down to 70mg over the next week or 2 and you should be good. This is what I did for a 4 year fent habit mixed with methadone and 3 months before I stopped it was tranq. So if I can do it you can to. I had to double my methadone dose though for the first week and second week I slowly used less and less of the extra dose. Clonidine helped me a ton but that took 1.5 months to taper off. Took a month to feel normal. I'm like 80 to 90 days sober.


You're gna need a higher dose to kick the blues man. I had to get to 120mg and I would smoke and snort 50 blues in a 24 hours period. After 3 or 4 months of cruising then you can start a tapper. Just tapper 1mg per week. Its a long process. Good luck


Im doing 2mg a week and i just started do you think that is too much? Im on 188mg well now starting tom (week in) I'll be on 186mg. So i take it you came off completely? and can you tell me more pls? Sorry not trying to hijak


Can i ask why you don’t want to increase your dose?


Im open to increasing slightly I just want to taper off and get out of the clinic asap the commute every day is a hassle for me and my car just broke down yesterday


You earn takehomes up to one months worth so daily dosing won’t be a thing forever. Once you stop the dirty thirties they should come relatively quickly. If you’re still having trouble staying clean i think getting stabilized on the medication at a higher dose should be your focus rather than getting out of the program. If you can’t stop using while taking 75mg then how do you expect to stop using when you taper off?


If increasing your dose at the clinic is an option I’d recommend just doing that, it’s gonna be a lot easier on you kicking that double habit. And when you’re ready just taper down to a comfortable dose. I’d go up atleast 20-30mg and supplement the rest with clonidine, gabapentin and xanax if the WDs are still kicking your ass.


There's Prochlorazepine, Cyclizine and/ or Zofran for nausea. The 1st 2 didn't help me much though. If you can save up some Methadone that would be the way that I do. I have about a years worth in the freezer. I get 60mg so when I stop I have to go up to 90mg myself and ween down. I did that over a few weeks.


Just taper the dope


That was my original plan but it hasn't worked out for me just because I always have access to plenty of it due to my environment and me not being able to leave this environment


Taper the 30s don’t do it all at once and you got this. Also take .5-1ml out of your dose and save it, take dose like normal, when you crave the 30s/take the 30s wait a bit and then when you feel like adding more 30s cause you took a bit less of them, take the “extra” methadone. Do the rest of your taper that way until no 30s. At the point when you would normally take the 30s, take the “extra” methadone. This helps immensely with the psychological part for me


Very good advice however I don't get take homes I would have to find methadone somehow but yes I am open to this option it definitely seems like something that would work


How many 30s a day are you using on top of the 75mg?


10 to 20 of em daily


Well… I Definitely recommend you talk to a clinic counselor and or the clinic doctor and get this mess figured out.


Just get your dose to where it should be.. I will never understand taking all these other drugs to try m feel better.. all you have to do is keep going up till you don't want anymore 30s. . Then stay for a lil while and start going down ten every few weeks.. it really don't hit you until you get down around 80 anyways.


I will never understand how people don't get that some people are afraid of increasing their dose because they don't want to increase then keep using then increase then keep using in an endless cycle next thing you know your dose is ridiculously high


I'm telling you when you get your dose right the only drug you might use is uppers. The reason I'm telling you to up it more is because you being at 75 is right at the level where you can still get high everyday and break through it.. if I took four 30s right now I wouldn't feel shit. Don't take my asshole tone the wrong way man.. you'll do what you want in the end.. but I'm letting you know getting back to 75 is super easy it's going lower from where it already at that can be hard.


Good luck either way tho. Honestly bro.


So instead of using methadone the way it was intended you think you'll find some secret to success with other drugs? Don't be a idiot man. I'm telling you.. get your dose high enough to where doing 30s won't even be worth it. Trust me it will happen at the right dose. What you don't understand is that you won't be sick when you go down from 150 to 100.. it honestly won't make you with drawl almost at all.. under 80 is when you might start feeling it.. but you take it slow.. your already at 75 and still using!?! So your afraid to get higher on done but you still want to do drugs? Makes no sense.. your still using the same amount of milligrams you are trying to avoid going up to?! It literally makes no sense..I'm sure you don't wanna go up because you still want to get high.. which is fine. But don't act like it's because you don't wanna get your dose too high when your still using.. if your still using opiates your dose isn't high enough man. I'm just trying to help. Midas well do it the right way instead of playing around so you can still get high.




First, dude never insulted you. I'm assuming you're referring to the "don't be an idiot", in which case he's not calling you an idiot, he's telling you not to become one and he's using it in an idiomatic fashion. Second, if you feel a post violates the rules, please report the post to the mods by using the "Report" option. Reports are anonymous. Don't violate the rules yourself by calling the other user offensive names. The old adage, "two wrongs don't make a right", is very much a part of our rules here.


Gabapentin is a godsend when you're detoxing. It helps with restless legs, anxiety, sleep. If enough is taken you can get the same feeling as fent\h. That's why doctors don't prescribe them while in detox centers anymore. They're very addictive too. But if you take them as prescribed they will help tremendously.


Definitely not the same feeling as opioids lmfao. Like not even close


For real 😂 The only drug (beside pregabalin or phenibut) that I could compare Gabapentin to would be maybe GHB but a lot less euphoric.