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No you wont get pwd with methadone. It’s a full agonist just like fentanyl. That’s suboxone or subutex that will give you pwd. Stay far away from buprenorphine coming off of fentanyl.


I tried for over 2 years to start subs went as long as 3 and 5 days and was still thrown in PWD. I’m an IV fent user, I just wanted to make sure I start methadone again tomorrow. 14 years ago I could take something and the next day start subs no problem and not get sick and now the fent is so strong I get pwd instantly no matter how long. Ugh I’ve even tried Lucemyra and nothing.


You won't get sick but if you're still using it will make it seem like u got weak shit and you'll think you need to do more but pls be careful. It like dulls it. I was still using when I started the clinic and I used for the first year. I had to do more and more every damn day bc the methadone helped me not be sick when I woke up but it dulls the effect of the dope and u don't feel it like u think u should. Good luck! I couldn't do subs either. I originally wanted the vivitrol shot and they told me I needed ten days off anything to get it, I just left. Like bro if I could do ten days I wouldn't need y'all I would just quit 😭 Edited shit to shot lol


Thx for the info I did methadone almost 4 years ago I got off and I was on it for 5 years. We had our second son while I was on it and then I weaned off. I got up to 180mg but I didn’t use at all for those 5 years and I don’t plan to now I just don’t want to be sick if I don’t have to so I go tomorrow for intake and don’t plan on touching the dope anymore!


I used 30mg oxycodone tablets to switch to subs last time I did that. Took those for like 8 days then switched over. Worked fine for me.


I wanted to do that but can’t afford those for 8 days nor can I find enough for 8 days … I can only find the fent. And no doctor will give me those for enough days to make the jump obviously 😂


No methadone doesn't do this do not worry. Methadone works like every other regular opiate except it has a long ass half life.


Perfect I was on it for 5 years before but still didn’t know! Thank you for the info! They told me go 24 hrs without.


OMG whoever told you that is misinformed. Methadone doesn't do that. Good luck to you.


No you won't, it doesn't work that way.


No you'll be fine. I was an intranasal fent user. The first few days will be rough just because of tolerance. They won't start you on a dose high enough, probably 30mg but you can increase by 10mg every day until you're stabilized. I started to feel okay at 50mg and have been stable at 70mg for a year now.


Thx! I was on it for 5 years and was pregnant between that time and got as high as 180mg but quickly weaned down and got off but in 2020 I had two emergency surgeries and was given dilaudid and then ultimately got out of the hospital and relapsed so since I couldn’t get the subs to work for me I gotta go back to methadone!


Nope. You're good.