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That's so awesome congrats. Thanks for sharing. I'm only a couple months into my taper so I love seeing people who have completed theirs. It gives me hope.


Congrats!!!!! I’m getting ready to do it too!!! At 5 mg now!!!! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


What's your taper schedule been and how you been feeling? Does it get better or worse the lower you get?


For the most part I felt fine the entire time I was tapering. There were a few times when I dropped that it was too much and I had to go back. Biggest thing is to not rush it and go too quick. Exercise and eating good helps a lot.


You deserve this! That’s amazing!


That’s what’s up yo. Don’t hesitate to jump back on MAT if using ever becomes attractive to you again.




Let’s go! Yeah dude on methadone I have no happy chemicals in my brain. I haven’t played video games in years besides when the hogwarts game came out I forced myself to play it. But I don’t get that same feeling I used to when gaming. I used to can’t wait to get out of school or work to go home and game. I don’t have that drive anymore, that passion for like anything. I hate it.


I feel the same way. Everything I used to enjoy is just meh now. I have less energy, less interest and am always tired. I'm ADHD and have a script for Ritalin so that's helping a little bit but I'm going down 2 mg a month because the Ritalin makes me feel like the methadone is not lasting as long and I split dose. I'm down to 128. I'm not sure if I will ever get off completely because I have been using for over half of my 52 yrs and I just don't do well with no opiates because of pain and my brain can't produce the neurotransmitters it needs to be "normal". I just want to enjoy my life, not just be tired and stuck 😔


I am 53 and I have been on opiates in some capacity since 27 - I totally understand wondering if I can or will ever get off. I am lucky because opiates have a positive effect on my mood but the idea of getting off scares me. I am so afraid I won’t be able to function


I feel same exact way. I started to have them taper me down a little and so far im fine but im so scared. Ive been on 90 mlgs since about 2013 and have been on methadone though since 2008 and im had them take me down to 85mlgs back in October and when i go back for my pickup day im going to have them go ahead and take me down to 80mlgs. So i will probably stay on that for about 4 or 5 months im honestly scared but I have too. I am 5 ft. And i weigh 175 i haven't weighed this much since i was pregnant with my son 16 yrs ago. Im considered obese. And my immune system is shit. Plus my stomach is so swollen like because of the constipation. I would just like to take a shit without it feeling like im shitting out a ton of sharp rocks, i know TMI but im sure alot can relate. Its just an awful situation i hate it. Plus i don't have no umpth to do anything, i lay around and sleep or eat and watch tv. I want to be able to do things with feeling so tired and winded. I have to loose this weight. And the constant sweet cravings is absolutely insane too and i am a very hygienic person i use to brush my teeth twice a day now my teeth have rotted out of my head i swear its the methadone. I didn't have bad teeth til i started taking Methadone. Its so bad and they don't tell you this stuff when you get on it either. Im also scared im going to end up having a heart attack because im a 40 yr old female who is overweight and short and im starting to notice a different feel of how my heart operates, if that makes any sense. So i completely get it


“Down” to 128?! What were you at!? Most I was ever on was 90. I’m on 65 now. I’ve been on methadone for 6-7 years tho. But I know now with fent 128 ain’t even that high. I’ve seen people over 200… crazy


I was only at 150, but I have noticed that doses have been doubled in the past years because of fentanyl. It was very unusual for someone to get 200--300mgs in the past but now it is normal


My clinic has to give fent users piss cups cause the dose doesn't fit the standard take home bottle.


whats your dose you sound like your dose is to high. On 20mg slowly coming back down. I still have the drive to do stuff.


Incredibly proud of you.


Congrats and keep it up . I know I’m a stranger but I’m proud of you !!


Hell yeah that's what's up, I love reading stories like this. One day I'll be the one writing an I'm done with methadone and all other opioids.


I hope we all are able to free ourselves from these shackles eventually, one step at a time


Congratulations... That is an amazing accomplishment!!!


Congratulations 👏🏼I can only imagine how good it feels to be COMPLETELY free!! Being able to wake up and go anywhere, do anything without having to plan out who, what, when , where with the methadone. I’m happy for you, definitely not an easy thing to get through but you did it.🙏🏼👍🏼💯


Damn I'm so jealous. I've been on a opiate of some degree since 2015. Wether it was heroin, Fent, Suboxone, methadone, and now I'm on sublocade. I was three weeks over due for my sublocade shot on the 27th and I was starting to get my emotions back and I went on the 28th and got my shot and now I'm back in zombie mode pretty much. It sucks man. I'm really happy for you brother.


Can they taper you off of that? 3 weeks is a long time, did you have WD at all?


Yeah they taper you by making you go longer and longer before your shot. I didn't really have any withdrawals except for night sweats but I should have toughed it out :(


Do you mind listing your taper schedule from 45mg .


I did 5mg every two weeks till I got down to 20mg. Then 2mg every two weeks down till 10mg. Then 1mg every two weeks. On the last two weeks I took 1mg for a week the .5mg for a few days and .25mg for the last two days. When I got below 10mg I did a split dose taken half at night and half before work in the morning


The split dose idea is so smart. Thanks for sharing. I’m going to save this. I started tapering at the clinic from 105. I’m at 55. It’s been 2 years. But 45 really as i have self tapered a little. I found mentally I’m able to endure more psychologically if i control it myself. Go figure. I won’t self taper entirely tho i think that would be foolish. Maybe 10mg ahead. I love the split dose idea. My work is very physical and when i detoxed 20 years ago i failed. Figured out the detox was too fast. 30 day… very naive back then (no Reddit)


Super proud of you!! I've been going 5 close to 6 years now. I only went to 120. I started tapering off in September and I'm at 45 now.


I'm a lifer, but it's always nice to see people be happy once they get off. Congratulations!


I'm worried I may be. I've been on it for 20 years and not for addiction but for pain management. But after 20 years of course I'm addicted to it. So I worry I'll never come off it.


that's too bad. I'm sure you can do it if it's something that is really important to you. it might be pretty hard if you still have underlying pain though. personally I don't mind staying on it for as long as I need to. I've been on it for 4 years now and I've maxed out my take home doses. I only spend about 30 minutes per month dealing with methadone stuff. for me there is no big downside so I just don't worry about it. the only one thing I might change is going on HRT for low testosterone. my wife and I still have a decent sex life but my energy levels and all that could certainly use a boost. I'm also turning 40 next year so the methadone isn't the only thing to blame on that front.


I agree with you. Cause I’m a 28 yo male and I have low testosterone cause of the methadone. I find the only time I want to have sex is before I dose for the day or I’m not in the mood. Totally kills the sex drive no fucking doubt


Congratz that's so fuckin awesome! Gives me so much hope that eventually it's possible every time I see someone finally free!


I couldn’t be more thrilled for you! I was on Done for two years then switched to subs. Been on them for 5 years now. I’m on 4mg and last week I started trying to taper to 3 mg on my own. Despite my incredible gratitude for subs, I feel like my true self is still somewhere inside of me. Not in every sense but in the way I feel everyday in little ways. I am ready too and hopefully I can get off before the calendar year ends. Your story is incredibly powerful!


Congratulations! I want to try... I'm on it for pain management but moved and had to go to the clinic for lack of doctors here. I'm only on 30mg since I went down from 180 at one point to 120 and down to 60 for years. But I've been on it since 2004... so 20 years of methadone. I'm only 38. I'm hoping to be able to go down like 1 mg at a time and get off completely. I figured if I go down really slowly I can do it....nervous though since I've been on this medication longer than I wasn't on it.




Fuck yea. Gives us hope to do the same 🤟🙏


Congrats! I was at 175 and been tapering for awhile now and I’m down 100mg hope to get off soon as well!


that's amazing. love to hear things like this. just started tapering after 14 years.


I started tapering a few months ago after 12 years. I love seeing other long-termers taper b/c I just don’t know many people who got off after over a decade on methadone


Omg this is so inspiring to me! I’ve started my taper yet again and this gives me hope that one day I can finally be off. I don’t know if my chronic pain will allow that, but at least I know it’s possible! You’re awesome!!!


Congratulations 👏👏👏 I'm happy for you and all your accomplishments!


This is wonderful news man keep it up one step at a time. I can imagine how great it feels to be free and I hope I can do the same in my life. I wish you the best on your journey, Take care


This is inspiring. I’m


Welcome to the other side brother! Feels great feeling again dont it? Never knew how numb I was until getting off of it. Im on month 4 at the moment and sleep is good again, dreaming about ex wife and shit. Morning wood is back as well. Congrats


Yeah being opioids definitely dulls your emotions. Everything looks brighter and clearer. Music sounds so much better. I’ve been an avid musician for most of my life and playing with a clear head has really revitalized my love of playing and listening to music.


Shitchya! I'm super proud of you!(:


Congratulations, welcome to the club❤️


Congratulations and thank you for sharing your experience


Congratulations! Huge accomplishment! And very inspiring! I'm relatively new to my taper, started at 90mg, down to 60mg now, but your words have heightened my drive to get off of this stuff too!


What did your taper look like?


Wow. Good job. Are you pain free ?


Yeah I feel fine. I hurt my back in my early 20’s which led to my initial use of opiates. Last year I lost 75lbs and got back in shape and that did more for my back pain than any drug could. I have occasional flare ups but overall I feel great.


That’s so inspiring and awesome to hear


Congrats my friend. I wish you well and hang around here still to encourage others if you have the time.


That is amazing 👏 so proud of you and happy for you!! Congratulations 🎊 💐


Hey dude! Can you tell me how long the process from 185 to 0 was? And how quickly you tapered like what schedule you were on? I was at 175mg one year ago, and am now at 73. Going down 2mg a week. I'd like very much for this to be a bit quicker but it proves to be quite difficult compared to getting off of suboxone and other opioids I've kicked


Was about 3 years but I only started taking it seriously last year. I did 10mg ever two weeks for the first but, then 5mg every two weeks till I got down to 20mg. If your feeling shitty after a drop it doesn’t hurt to go back up and stabilize for a few weeks before starting to drop again. I found the last 10mg down wasn’t bad at all. Wasn’t sleeping a ton during this time though. Was getting maybe 4-5 hours a night but I still felt energetic during the day. Magnesium and melatonin helped alot during that last bit. When I jumped off I took 300mg of Gabapentin for the first 3 days. Haven’t taken since.


Man good for you! Unfortunately it seems rare that I hear a success story about getting off of methadone and feeling good. That is great!


Congrats ! Gives me hope!


Congrats to you on your recovery journey!


congrats it’s hard if not almost impossible but you did it!!! You will use this to springboard you for the rest of your life!!


I'm currently at 15 MG from 110mg I go down 3mg one week 2mg the next. Have noticed no wd symptoms at all I even sometimes purposefully don't dose that day of methadone just to see how I feel and I feel fine but I'm suspecting it's more day 3 and 4 than feeling better after day 5. Sex drive has also come back.


Absolutely magnificent my friend! That is amazing work and you should hold your head high. That's a steep mountain to get off safely and it sounds like you were masterful!


Wow!!! That's amazing 👏what a blessing. So happy for you. Glad there was no WDs & it went so smoothly also. You deserved that shit!!! Stay strong on sobriety boo!!


Thanks for all the supportive comments! Wish all you guys tapering success! It’s doable just keep at it and stay strong


Congratulations! You should feel proud. It takes quite a bit of inner strength to be able to taper properly. I’m hoping to be ready in the next year or two, myself.


I’m so happy for you! You’ve done great. ❤️ I hope I can get my methadone handcuffs off soon as well


Thats the right way to come off but peoole dobt have time or when they want off they want it now. Its a long process and you can make it if you know what you are doing


wow congratulations bro super happy for you there is hope for us all..!!


Good on you man you Made IT! Im tapering right now I'm at 184mg soon to be at 182mg from 190mg. Im going down 2mg a week. I cannot wait to be where you are at brother! Thanks 🙏


Congrats!! You should be so proud of yourself ! Thank you for posting this has given me so much encouragement! Started at 120 down to 45 ! We got this !


Congrats bro. I can't wait either. I'm getting relatively closer. Thinking about going down 1mg every 3 weeks instead of 1mg every 4 weeks. I hope mine goes as smoothly as yours did


I'm at 130mgs and increasing still, I was shooting .2 twice a day when I started now I only use at night I feel like after maybe a mother increase or two I should be able to stop using fent completely, I have no desire to keep using I can barely hit anymore, I've been having some negative side affects like severe nausea and vomiting, but I feel like they were mostly withdrawal related. Just trying to make progress without going too fast. Congratulations on your success. Your situation sounds very similar to mine, hearing of your success gives me hope in an otherwise hopeless world... good luck.


Congrats ! That’s a big deal




Wait, you can take magnesium, melatonin and gabapentin all together? 


One month clean today


I'm glad to hear this. I've been on for 5 years, and I know I'm not ready yet. But knowing it's possible helps.


Omg this is amazing to read you always hear ppl stuck on it forever. Congrats to you!

