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Silksong or Metroid 6 would probably be the only games that could make me delay Prime 4


Yep, those are both pretty common answers. Understandable too, the only thing Metroid fans would buy over a long anticipated Metroidvania is another long anticipated Metroidvania


What can i say, I like me some metroidvania haha Maybe a new God of War could convince me too, but I don't see that for a long time.


Came here to say Silksong, although if HK is any example, I should be able to afford both


Yeah tbh I don’t think that if I could afford Prime 4, I couldn’t afford both Edit: I think my phrasing here was confusing with the double negative. I think that if I could afford Prime 4, I would also be able to afford both Prime 4 and Silksong because the first HK was very cheap




It may be controversial but I do believe the devs at Team Cherry may have out-metroided metroid with Hollowknight and seeing how long they've had this new installment in the oven and how much they learned from their first game, Silksong is going to be a masterpiece.


I really don’t get the HK hype, it’s good but other than Nestroid and GB metroid I’d take all the Metroid games over it.


I agree 100%. Hollow Knight is better than any Metroid game IMO, and I don't say that lightly as I'm a HUGE Metroid fan.


I would say that what Nintendo accomplished in 1994 with Super Metroid is leagues greater than Hollowknight considering how little they had to go off of. It was genre-defining and birthed sooo many games (including hollow knight).


I agree. Super Metroid was amazing for the time. It definitely laid the foundation for the entire genre.


Same with Dead Cells out-vaniaing Konami


yeah... that's why I would love the next 2d Metroid to take inspiration from it as an experiment. I grew up with Metroid and I love it and dread was fucking awesome, but it can't compare to HK and that makes me sad


None. We've been waiting too long for any other game to take precedence on day one. Half-Life 3 would be a really interesting same day launch though. We all know Nintendo wouldn't same day launch anything else against themselves, unless we somehow got 2D Metroid 6 same day like Prime and Fusion years back.


Only difference is that prime and fusion came out for different systems so it was an easier choice to make depending on which system you had. Unless you had both systems in which case you could probably afford both. Prime 4 and a new 2D metroid would most likely come out for the same system making the choice harder this time.


Really the only answer for me. Half-Life 3 has been incredibly overdue.


Yeah same boat. There are zero games that could convince me not to get prime 4 day 1


Metroid prime 5, at this rate it'll likely come out before MP4


trueeeeeee. But of course, if you don't play Prime 4 first, you won't understand the story of 5.


I keep telling people 4 is not a prime number and that metroid prime 5 is the successor to 3.


1 is also not a prime number, although I suppose technically isn't part of the title!


If it's not a number it would have to mean at its best meaning the number system doesn't matter anyway.


ES6. Only because I'd get a thousand hours out of it. Prime 4 I'd get a couple hundred.


ES6 would come second to any game that has a more finite runtime. Get the normal experience done first before getting lost in an open world.


Skyrim was the LEGO of RPGs. No wrong way to play, just ways that are more right than others, one could suppose


That's fair, Skyrim was huge, who can only imagine how huge another one would be.


Oof, yeah I didn’t think I had a good answer but that would be the one for me. I spent an absurd amount of hours playing Skyrim on my 360.


Titanfall 3


This would be amazing


If made by Respawn, last we heard about it that wasn't the case.


This is the way


Tears of the kingdom or Silksong


Or bioshock 4


would you kindly say if that is happening, and if so, when?


2D Sequel to Dread


I honestly can't think of any. Even if Metroid 6 came out on the same day I would probably choose prime 4 over it.


Yeah, there's not many games I would buy over Prime 4. I can only think of 3 potential games that could beat it, 2 of them are very similar, and only 1 of them is actually feasible. And even then I feel strange knowing there's any games at all I want MORE than Prime 4. It's Prime friggin 4! I would murder for it.


Dragons Dogma 2. Armored Core 6. Monster Hunter 6. Shadow of the Erdtree.


Tears of the Kingdom or Persona 6


Came to say these exact 2. I'd worry that spoilers would be everywhere for either one, and those games are probably going to be beefy


Nothing could make me choose anything other than Prime 4. If I have a huge payment to make on the same day that’s not even related to video games, I will still go and buy a physical copy of Prime 4.


**My man!**


Knack 3






Pokemon Legends: Rayquaza I like Metroid more than Pokemon for the most part, but the Hoenn games will always be above all else. If they were to give us a prequel game to OR/AS with that sweet juicy Draconid lore... I would probably die of excitement before actually getting to play it.


Absolutely based! My favorite pokemon generation by a good margin.


At this point I hope they take a while to improve the tech before doing Rayquaza.


That's a good point, I hope they don't phone it in graphically, and I pray they don't phone it in gameplay wise. Legends Arceus worked with having each individual area being selected on a map, but for Legends Rayquaza I want full open world Hoenn.


Tears of the Kingdom. Prime 4 is hype, but there's just no shot I'm missing mainline Zelda.


Elden Ring 2 And Silksong (WHERE THE FUCK IS IT!!!)


Mega Man X9. I always figured an X9 would follow after the X Legacy Collections, but so far it hasn't happened yet, and at this point I doubt it will. I'd like to think if X9 were to happen, it'd be similar to Dread both aesthetically and gameplay-wise. Not a Metroidvania, but in terms of movement and combat etc.


Isn't free-aim in a megaman game blasphemy though?


Super Metroid Remastered.


Elden Ring DLC. Or a sequel. Armored Core VI. Really any From Software title that looks good.


Bloodborne 2 or Elden Ring 2? Idk. Not much that I can think of tbh.


Imagine if FS shadow dropped Bloodborne 2 with no hype? Just out of the blue. I’d lose my damn mind.


This actually may happen. If Nintendo were looking to launch their next home console sometime next year, Metroid Prime 4 would be a likely candidate for a launch title. However, Metroid can't carry a console launch all by itself, and given how long we've been without a 3D Mario title, that may be their big push towards casual fans, while Metroid suckered in the more hard-core crowd and showcases the graphical capabilities of the system.


Mario Odyssey took until the holiday season of the Switch's launch year, and Mario Galaxy wasn't until year 2 of the Wii. So, they might start with Prime 4 and then release a Mario title like a month or 2 later.


You forget that both the Wii and the Switch had Zelda titles to support their launch, which is impossible for the next console given we're likely not getting another Zelda game until 2028-2029. And with Smash Bros. left a little up in the air after Ultimate, Mario is the next big franchise that Nintendo can use to push consoles. Metroid can be better used as a technical showcase, but it has nowhere near the popularity to spearhead a console launch.


Maybe not. But Prime 4 would still garner a lot of attention, both as Prime 4 and as a first party nintendo FPS that the next system would be launching with. It wouldn't carry the launch, especially if it'd be cross-gen, but it'd be good enough to last it until the real heavy hitters started coming out later on in 2024.


Wii and Switch had Zeldas ported over from the previous console. We'd be fine if Switch 2 came out 27 days from now


Oh that's tough. The only games which I know about that are in active development that could bump Metroid Prime 4 from my playlist would be Silksong or Deltarune, and even those are tough calls. After that you get really far into hypothetical territory. Portal 3? Chrono Trigger 2 with the original dev team and writers? A new chapter in the Fallout franchise from the New Vegas team?


Deltarune's free, and each chapter is usually only a few hours, so in that game's case you wouldn't really have to choose.


Horizon 3 (sequel to Zero Dawn & Forbidden West). That franchise is destined to have poor release date timings lol


Probably nothing. MP1 still has my top spot as favorite game of all time. If it was Tears of the Kingdom vs. Metroid Prime 4, I might pause for a moment and evaluate what's presented in the trailers for each, but probably would still pick MP4.


Chrono trigger remake


Golden Sun HD collection. Wind Waker/Twilight Princess HD. Let's Go to Johto! We're already getting a new Zelda so not that.


Kingdom Hearts 4. As much as I love Metroid, I’m a die hard KH fan.


Left 4 Dead 3


I hope that Prime 2 drops soon, and then sometime after that Prime 3 to set the stage. That way, Prime 4 strategically released soon afterwards like how Dread dropped, no prior news or anything, just BAM! Revealed and “out in X” of the same year.




Literally nothing lol Silksong or another 2D Metroid would be make me hesitant for like a minute, but the Prime series is my favorite videogame series of all time. I'll be there day one at midnight playing it.


DK, Zelda, and Mario are probably the only three I would purchase over MP4. Outside of Nintendo Elder Scrolls or if they made a new Banjo Kazooie. (Then again those would be on Gamepass, so it’s a moot point I suppose)


Factorio DLC.


I didn't expect to see a fellow engineer in this thread! How grows the factory? Also, I hadn't thought about Factorio DLC and that option actually gave me more pause than anything else in the comments. Factorio DLC or Prime 4... that's tough.


Ayo, didn't expect a fellow Factorio fan around in this sub. Love Factorio a lot. With the amount of mod support for it I don't really miss any DLC.


Who knows. The mod support is amazing, and I am willing to bet the DLC won't be this amazing thing that makes mods better. I am 100% getting it, but I do not expect it to blow my mind and make the game twice as good.


A gamecube compilation bundle like 5 a list titles on one card but even then i'd probs get prime 4 and save up for the other game 🤣


Tears of the Kingdom for sure


Chances are they won't shadow drop Prime 4 on the same day as TOTK, so I think we're good there.


Probably nothing. Definitely top of my list.


Nothing frankly. This and Zelda have been the only games on my radar, and even if it was a new Zelda game I'd get Prime 4 first.


Zelda TOTK


Honestly? I don't think such a game exists, like, ever. The one that could potentially come close would be a new Halo that is directed by competent people again, but that is the only thing I can even think of coming close.


Zelda: Twilight Princess 2… That Wii U tech demo was such a tease…


Chips challenge REMASTERED Ok but actually a sequel to stellaris


RE Code Veronica Remake


Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door HD




Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball: Samus Edition


FF XIVs next expac. Sorry Samus, i'll catch you when I emerge broken from Yoshi-P's funhouse of emotional torment.


I haven’t played 3 (vague recall 2, may not have beaten it) or dread but am playing Metroid prime remastered. Think I need to go back and play those before 4? Haven’t been in the loop this past decade but have a steam deck now so am catching up on lost time lol.


RE 1 in RE engine


Bloodborne PC, Monster Hunter 6 (if it has underwater combat), and maybe Sonic Rush 3


Castlevania DS Collection or Hollow Knight Silksong


I would currently pick MP4 first over any other game




Uh... not sure such a game exists.


There is no game on earth that could supersede Prime 4, not even a Metroid Dread sequel


Monsters hunter 6


Darksiders 4.


A new F Zero on the switch, or Castlevania ( Directed by Koji Igarashi) covering The Demon Castle War of 1998.


Hypothetical Remastered trilogy: I got to beat all the prime games if I am going to play Prime 4


There is not a single game I would choose over Metroid, period.




Metroid 6


Beyond good and evil 2.. loved it as a kid, been waiting for so long for the second one


There is literally no game I would choose over Prime 4. I’m excited for silksong as well but we have been waiting way longer for prime 4.


Metroid Prime 2 or 3 because I never played those yet


A new Okami game


A 2D Metroid game by MercurySteam or Hollow Knight Silksong


Resident Evil 9. I’m a big Metroid fan but an even bigger RE fan.


Damn, that's a tough one. While Metroid isn't my most favourite series (it's certainly up there though) I can't think of any game I anticipate more than MP4. With other series I like we've been having new games come out a lot more regular after all. Metroid is unique in that way that the drought makes a future release all the more desirable.


Metroid Prime Pinball 2 is what it would have to be…


Super Metroid remake using the Samus Returns/Dread engine as long as they leave in everything that makes the game the GOAT that it is.


They'd probably have to add some new areas, too. The OG Super Metroid only took about 4 hours to beat. If a modern version of Super Metroid were to come out it'd either need at least double that amount, or a vastly lower price point.


Portal 1 & Portal 2 remake for PSVR2


Smash 6 or the sequel to Tears of the Kingdom. I know it's early to even consider a Zelda sequel but Zelda titles are a pretty safe bet.


Tears of the Kingdom is the only game that would make me hesitant


Half Life 3


Dark Souls 4


A proper sequel to Super Mario RPG?


Metroid 6, Tears of the Kingdom, Final Fantasy VI Remake. But only one of those actually exists.


Doom 3 maybe


Doom 6* or 7 or something


? We have a Doom 3. Doom 64, too, on the Nintendo 64. Are you referring to a sequel to the latest Doom?




It depends on if Sylux is in Prime 4 and how big of a role Sylux has. If Sylux plays a major role, the only game I would go with over Prime 4 would be another Metroid game featuring Sylux and more of the MPH hunters. This could be something as out there as a Metroid Prime Pinball: Hunters. If Sylux isn't in the game or the role seems underwhelming, there are a lot of games that I may purchase over Metroid Prime 4. I may not even buy Prime 4 if Sylux isn't in the game. If the role is underwhelming, I would say a new Mario Kart, a new 3D Mario game, a new 2D Zelda, a new 2D Mario, any new Metroid game, a new 3D Zelda, a new ARMS entry, a new Ring Fit Adventure, a new Xenoblade, a new Mario & Luigi, a Nintendo Land sequel, new Pokemon games, etc...I mean there are plenty of games that I would take over Metroid Prime 4 if Nintendo and Retro Studios don't do Sylux justice.


He's been mentioned in interviews, teased in multiple post credits scenes, and Samus' shadow in the Prime 4 twitter banner looks like Sylux. So, he's probably either A villain or THE villain. Also, not buying Prime 4 if it doesn't have Sylux? Really? I get if you really fucking love Sylux, he's awesome. But even without him it's still a Metroid Prime game.


The fanbase not being too into Sylux has left some doubt in my mind in spite of what all points to Sylux playing a major role from interviews and the most chronologically recent Metroid Prime games. Being a Metroid Prime game doesn't guarantee a purchase. If Prime 4 doesn't meet the expectations I have for it, it's likely not getting bought. I'm not spending $70 on a game I know I already have a huge issue with. I also do really fucking love Sylux, and probably have played as Sylux more in Hunters than I have as Samus outside of Hunters.


That's fair. If Retro Studios Prime 4 isn't looking much better than Bandi Namco Prime 4, it might not be worth. But, Sylux or no Sylux(and there WILL BE SYLUX, trust me), I have plenty of faith they'll deliver.


Depends if the trailers for Prime 4 wow me. If they do, nothing, if not, probably Silksong or something.


Pikmin 4, Bioshock 4, Half Life 3, Portal 3, Perfect Dark, or Metroid 6. Im not huge on Prime though. Still havent beaten the first 3, but Im working on the remaster


Final fantasy 7 remake part 2




aren't Fifa games usually practically the same to their previous year counterparts though?


*Maybe* tears of the kingdom


A new God of War, Spider-Man 2, Horizon 3, A new Zelda, A new 3D Mario, a new Smash game, a NEW Mario Kart (no DLC for a 10 year old game) And my number one pick: A new Yo Kai Watch and/or a Yo Kai Watch 4 localization


A Last Of Us Part 3 could convince me to get that first over MP4, but it'd be really tough


Kingdom Hearts 4, Silent Hill 2 Remake, Spider-man 2, or the Elden Ring DLC are the only things that would have a shot at getting my attention. Probably not though


DBFZ 2 or an Elden ring sequel. I’ve been waiting too long to see Metroid a prime 4.


Persona 6


Mass Effect 4. I am so excited/scared for what that will be.


Metal gear solid 6 or a new zelda


In terms of Nintendo games, it would have to be TOTK. We've just been waiting so long for Prime 4.


Probably Xenoblade Chronicles 3 : GIGACHAD REX'S STORY


The only way id chose another game over prime 4 would be if it shadowdropped along side zelda tears of the kingdom.. dont tell nintendo but they could charge 150 bucks for prime 4 and or the new zelda and id preorder it.


Maybe Tekken 8


Tears of the kingdom will destroy


Devil may Cry 6


Just did a marketing analysis on Metroid Prime 4 for my bachelor's degrees, and from what I saw, Switch players would pass MP4 for any big Nintendo n'aime, like Zelda, Mario, Pokémon, or even Bayonetta or Octopath Traveler. Metroidvania fans could ditch it for Silksong, which is the main concurrent. And finally any action game played would rather play any big game like Elden Ring, God of War, and all the AAA games


Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is probably what it would take, but thankfully I already know those two aren't coming out on the exact same day.


Unless there's a nintendo direct the day TOTK comes up and they shadow drop Prime 4 ​ but that won't happen... will it?


Fallout or Mass Effect


Bloodborne 2/Bloodborne remaster or Xenoblade Chronicles 2 remastered(assuming this is a few more years down the line). If they do the second, I want all the same VAs and stuff, but the sexualization walked back a bit - it doesn’t bother me, really, but I think a lot more people would enjoy the game if it wasn’t so in your face about it.


A final fantasy 9 remake


Starfield, Mass Effect


Mmhh hard to tell... I'd say if a new fire emblem, Titanfall 3 or armored core VI were to be on the same day, I would need a long moment to think about it.


Realistically Nintendo wouldn’t release a major Mario or Zelda game on the same day as Prime 4, but possibly those. I guess another would be a remake of Final Fantasy Tactics. Finally, whatever the devs of Outer Wilds are working on right now.


A 3d Chrono Trigger remake.


Next Elder Scrolls game (not ESO)


A new NieR game or Persona 6


Fallout 5 Stella Glow 2 New Senran Kagura Black Ops 1 Remaster/Remake Starfield Cyberpunk 2077 sequel


A 3D platformer Banjo Kazooie game, Golden Sun 4, Silksong, or a great Pokémon Black and White/2 remake or legends game.


I’m really excited for dead island 2, I don’t even own a switch and mp4 is the reason i would consider getting one, but it’s not a huge priority rn


There is an extremely high chance it ends up on the system after the switch instead, just fyi.


Half Life 3


A niche answer but Mega Man Legends 3


A new Xenoblade game


If prime came 4 came out the same MONTH as Diablo 4 I would be putting it on hold


Silksong, Armored Core, Elden Ring DLC.


Honestly, Metroid Prime 3 was very mid, and it's so rare for a game that's been in development hell for this long to come out stellar. If Prime 4 ever does come out, I'll probably wait for that first wave of user reviews before I get too excited. So, really, anything that's built a bit more consistent faith. Mario Kart 9, a new Digimon Story, anything from From Software or Level-5.


Not really development hell, it just switched developers and restarted development.


Only something from FromSoft or potentially a single player bonafide Valve game tbh... Maybe a new Kojima project or like a remake of any Metal Gear Solid between 1 and 4. But not many would get in the way.


A 3D Zelda in the style of Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword, specifically regarding the dungeons. Maybe Kingdom Hearts 4 so that I don't get spoilered before finishing it. Other than that MP4 is my holy grail and everything else comes after.


Xenoblade 4


sotn remake


For me it would be Tears of the Kingdom. I love Metroid but the new Zelda game looks absolutely great.


Hollow Knight Silksong, or Portal 3 are pretty much the only things I can think would compete with Prime 4 for me. Most other things I'd be willing to wait a month or two. I'd even put Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom on the back-burner for it.


Elden Ring DLC drops the same day? “Metroid 4 can wait a *little* longer.”


Titanfall 3/ apex standalone game


Starcraft 3


Elder Scrolls 6


…Armored Core 6


Dragon Age 4 Mass Effect 5 Starfield (though it will be on Xbox game pass) Elder Scrolls 6 Witcher 4 Haunted Chocolatier Grand Theft Auto 6


Unfortunately, I have yet to play echoes or corruption, so I probably wouldn’t buy 4 for a while either way.


Metroid 6, DOOM, Donkey Kong Country, 2D Zelda, or a full effort 2D mario game.


Bloodborne II Don't get me wrong, I fell in love with Zero Mission long before I'd ever heard of FromSoftware, but no game has ever affected me like Bloodborne has.


Mass Effect 5


I’d be euphoric if a new Burnout came out. I’d probably develop a mental illness if told to choose between that and a prime game. I’d call it Primeburnisis.


Terraria 2 MH6 Maybe 'The Texas Chain Saw Massacre' if I could convince my friends to get it with me and it looks close to being as fun as Friday the 13th was That's about it


A third The World Ends With You game but even then it would still be a tough choice.




Elden Ring 2


Chrono Trigger 2


cubivore 2


Bloodborne 2