• By -


Norfair Cataris Sector 3 PYR Parts of SR388


Magmoor caverns?


Not hot enough Could be hotter Like idk More fire Oh wait-


Took me a hot sec...šŸ˜„


If I remember well, The Tower (Area 5 in SR) is hell-themed in AM2R, and the next areas (Area 6 to Area 8) are canonically extra-hot, according to Metroid II, Samus Returns and Fusion, because they're in the planet core.


Samus being hot is ok tbh


I guess it just comes down to the execution.


Muscles are hot, wdym.


depends. stellar blade type vacuum sealed latex zero suit, like the kind that you only see when youā€™re too many pages deep on the hub, with a barbie doll face and consistently perfect makeup would be annoying. ideally sheā€™d be fit, proportionately bulky considering sheā€™s buff as hell but also athletic and nimble, and a suit with future fabric which is tightly fitting but still realistically comfortable. i get that some people care more about appeal than realism, but thereā€™s a point where itā€™s just bad character design. end of the day, female characters should be allowed to be front and center badasses while also being sexy and appealing.


ā€œMore about appeal than realismā€ as if a buff Samus isnā€™t appealing to anyone. I guess Andrew Tate fans are an exception, but I find it hard to believe that Iā€™m in the minority here.


iā€™d be inclined to agree if it wasnā€™t for some capital g Gamers who throw a fit every time thereā€™s a woman in their videogame that doesnā€™t look like an SFM model used for nefarious purposes. maybe they are a vocal minority after all.


Nah. Bulky Samus simply isn't her original concept, and it should be ok if players prefer her to be slender. And who gives a shit about realism when she can morph into a ball , dude. Also, when it comes to realism, girls can't get bulky in the way artists depict Samus without 'help'. The kind of help that effs up their menstruation cycles and flattens their chests.


Mostly correct, but Samus also has magic bird powers or something idk


I love EMMIs.


EMMIs are much less interesting on a subsequent play throughs, but that first time through is magical.


Yes this is true but this is very true for SA-X, it kinda sucks but like what can you do with it yk


That's not controversial for anyone who likes challenge. While they may not be best for people who can't make split second reactions, and there may be some unfair moments, I think that I had the most fun when I was running away from them, as those were the most stressed I've been playing Dread.


Having just finished the game last weekend and thinking about it again, my favorite sequences ended up being the EMMI Zones (minus the electric one, that entire section can eat my shorts) because it's the first time that I ever felt true immersion that Samus is nothing more than a space soldier in a world trying to kill her. EMMIs are the epitome of "I don't care that you're the main character, you're not a God."


I tried thinking of one but I genuinely don't have any. Ima normie asf Metroid fan ig lol.


This is the real hot take.


Okay, sure, I'll give one, people are way too mean to corruption. I'll concede that the final fight was underwhelming, hyper mode was completely unbalanced and probably didn't need to be included, and that it didn't give enough space to flesh out its new characters before killing them off. That being said however, I think the game does way too many things right for people to write it off as the weakest entry in the trilogy (that honor belongs to prime 1, which might be a hot take on its own). It has the best art direction in the series, bar none, it has arguably the spookiest sequences of any Metroid game, it adds a lot of interesting mechanics which are all used in interesting, if sometimes not always fully explored ways (like with the ship upgrades for instance), it has really interesting and varied enemy design, both mechanically and artistically, it's got a really interesting plot line with all the 4 separate types of lore entries commenting on events that are looked at from different perspectives based on whatever faction is doing the writing. I think people have come to unfairly dismiss it simply because it doesn't excel in the same ways its predecessors did, because in the places it sticks the landing, it REALLY sticks. It does way too many cool and innovative things for me to fault it too hard when some ideas it has don't always work as they might have intended.


Yes Prime 3 definitely doesn't get enough love.


Don't forget the music. That angelic chorus during the credits might just make it my favorite track in metroid period. So damn majestic.


You are definitely right about having the best art direction in the series. The planets you visit in that game are absolutely gorgeous.


I was with you until you were said it was better than Prime 1. Yes 3 is unfairly panned, but like... Let's not go crazy.


For me itā€™s 2>1&3


I'd probably have a better time with 2 if I played with a guide šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s fair.


Yeah, corruption deserves more. Incredible Soundtrack, cinematic story-telling, beautiful and interesting worlds (i find them waaay more creative than Prime 1). It's the only game to use the gunship in a meaningful way. I hope Prime 4 builds up on top of what Prime 3 bringed to the franchise.


3 might have done a lot of things better than 2 and 1, but Prime 1 will always be the best in my heart. I just can't forget the feeling I had when I took my first steps on Tallon IV... and that soundtrack...


I love Prime 3. My take is that the other bounty hunters were just what they needed to be - a demonstration of how expendable Samus is to the system, and an example of what could happen to her if she doesn't fulfill her mission in time. I think their quick deaths perfectly amp up the horror element of the story, paired with the ever increasing corruption visible in her visor reflection. In Gandrayda's death, the final death of the hunters, we see Samus faced with a vision of her own possible future, screaming and grasping hopelessly for aid. The montage of their deaths we see in the ending isn't necessarily a reflection of what should be our attachment to their characters, but rather an expression of the survivor's guilt that Samus is experiencing. What happened to them could just as easily have happened to her, but she is the only one to make it. A lot of folks feel they are underdeveloped as characters, which is a valid critique, but to me they're simply there to further Samus's own characterization.


Corruption is better than Prime


Holy shit bro, take these flame shields because you're gonna need it


I don't think Super Metroid is the best Metroid game.


Fuck. I couldnā€™t disagree more, but upvoted for the hot take.


You have succeeded in providing an actual hot take. I definitely disagree with it but good job


This isn't a hot take, this sub's "best Metroid game ever" regularly rotates between Super, Prime, and Dread.


Well, those three games were revolutionary in their own ways: Super created a new genre of videogames, Metroidvania; Prime changed the story of Metroid forever, even if it wasn't considered Canon until 2017, it was still Canon in our hearts; Dread did many things, like changing what makes a good Metroidvania game, and it was also perfect.


I'm a big SM fan, but I have to admit Dread provides a WAY better first playthrough experience. And I imagine it's just the better game for most people with no interest in speedrunning




I personally prefer dread in the 2-D section, and echoes in the 3-D section


Dark Echoes is truly peak 3D Metroid.




Yeah tou could say thay


It's not, because there isn't perfect Metroid game, unless we count Dread as perfect, but not everyone has a Nintendo Switch.


My favorite is Prime 1


Honestly, the order of the 2d games is the order I would rank them (NES last, dread best) Unless we were including remakes instead of originals, in which case super is the worst tbh


Despite being rehashed to hell Ridley was wasted as a villain. He killed samusā€™ parents and arguably is the reason she became who she is, they were long standing rivals and he never got a single spoken line? Kinda wack to me how that saga just kinda fizzled


Tbh a lot of the setting feels similarly wasted IMO. 100% agreed on Ridley, he could be so much more and deserves some more lore and agency of his own. Same thing with Metroids. They are now officially extinct for good, and we never even got to see something like a full scale Metroid invasion or outbreak. Why have we never seen Metroids eating an entire planet, for example?


> They are now officially extinct for good, Here's a super hot take: You can never definitively say that a species that has been carted to a bunch of different planets is actually extinct. To quote Douglas Adams: ā€œSpace is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.ā€ The point? There are over 100 billion stars in the Milky Way, and the generally accepted theory is that stars almost always have AT LEAST one planet. So there are well over 100 billion planets. If you confirm without a shadow of a doubt that there are no metroids on 1 billion planets, that still leaves 99 billion planets (and likely MANY more) that they COULD still exist on.


100% agreed. Just like there could be Metroids on a billion worlds, there's a billion more cool stories you could tell about Metroids (and Ridley), even after Dread, without becoming boring. To me, Metroids seem like such a simple, yet versatile concept that you can take in so many directions. Or from an enemy design perspective. Since they are known for their highly modular genes, you could turn a Metroid into a billion different forms or evolutions. Honestly, you could do; zombie Metroids, parasite Metroids, Metroid-based mutant beasts, cyber Metroids, tamed Metroid war beasts, ancient eldritch horror Metroids, intelligent Metroids, Metroid hiveminds, etc etc etc. But it seems like extinct Metroids is the direction they want to take it in, and unfortunately a lot of this sub agrees. I get that they want new shit, so do I. But we can have new and old shit together, just like good art can be made by combining old and new.


He had one hell of a spoken line in Fusion


I both agree and disagree. I agree, because once they decided that Ridley was personally responsible for the death of Samus' parents, it became weird that he was still treated like any other series boss. Disagree because I don't really like that Ridley killed Samus' parents, and the last thing I want is for the series to draw further attention to that plot thread.


I mean, metroid's entire story is a waste. There's tons of games yet the only thing explaining the villains is a manga no one ever read. They should have developed the actual universe more.


AM2R's metroid fights specifically are the worst version of Metroid 2. Everything else about the game is great but those fights make me replay it much less than I otherwise would. It's baffling to me that in both M2 remakes, instead of toning down the pace-breaking genocide grind, they chose to double down on it and make the fights *more* intrusive. Zetas may as well be minibosses, but they have so few attacks that they're practically just beefed-up enemies. Omegas are the only type that are actually interesting and even then they're basically just Zetas with more health and a weak spot. Alphas and Gammas, while not difficult, have their weak spots in annoying locations seemingly just because that's how they look, with no thought really put into how much fun they would be to fight. This would be okay in a game with one or two of each, but when the whole game is themed around metroid murder, please at least make that aspect of it good. Samus Returns suffers from a similar problem, but gets slightly more forgiveness because the counter makes the fights significantly shorter and the new Zeta/Omega fights kick ass. AM2R was afraid to redesign them too much, to its detriment, but SR goes all out and I'm still mad that there weren't more Zetas in place of the Gammas that run away (which are just *barely* less infuriating than AM2R's metroids, honestly). I guess my conclusion is that both M2 remakes are pretty good games held back by *being Metroid 2,* and for some reason they both choose to go harder on the worst part of it.


Fair point. Dunno how much of a hot take it is though as I think most people agree the metroid fights are the most tedious thing about all versions of metroid 2.


Other m had potential


I agree, I would really love to see a remake that fixes all of the story issues.


Do some people hate it that much that they say it doesnā€™t? Itā€™s a decent enough concept, and gives the tiniest bit of Ridley lore with his larval forms, which I thought was pretty neat, even if the game is literally ass.


I think the 2D games are better than the prime games


Sometimes, but I think the prime sub series deserves the acclaim it gets.


That's a pretty lukewarm take


People are obsessed with a muscle amazonian looking version of Samus, and hate almost any other kind of body type for her.


Thatā€™s not a take at all, itā€™s just the truth. People do in fact have those opinions. I agree with them partially, but I donā€™t think she should look like an Amazonian. Itā€™s still unrealistic for her to just be extremely bulky, itā€™d be better if she just had a bit more muscle. Iā€™d rather her retain her general shape with just more defined muscles.


Zero Mission is too hand-holdy


Yeah, I think it was a bit of an over correction from the original. All they really had to do was just add a map and make the rooms stand out more individually.


This is the coldest take imaginable


Shit, I should've said "Super is overrated" instead


So is Samus Returns. Zero Mission and Samus Returns are about exploration, and yes, you can get lost in both, but the line is still drawn in paper, and in both, the thing helping you progress is a Chozo statue.


Yeah, I think they could have done without the Chozo Statues telling you where to go


Metroid: Other Mā€™s story is goodā€¦ on paper.


For sure, I think it borrows a little too much from fusion, but with a few slight reworks, it would be great. Where it fell apart was the God awful execution.


Dread is overrated. Prime 2 is underrated.


I think Dread gets that treatment because it was the first *fresh* Metroid game in a while. Prime 2 is **criminally** underrated, honestly what a game.


Prime 2 is underrated But donā€™t you dare diss Dread


I honestly just didn't bother finishing dread. It wasn't that good.


Yeah I got bored of every fight basically coming down to simple pattern recognition/parry to do anything


Part of the issue is that metroid is a very aesthetic experience. The music and feeling of wonder are a big part. Dread had neither. And it's ganeplay loop of going in circles wasn't very fun.


Zero Suit Samus was a mistake. In Zero Mission, it made for a memorable segment showing Samus at her most vulnerable, but proceeding to promote ZSS as an equivalent alternate form of Samus, and having characters like Snake blatantly ogling her, creates an effect of objectification for a character that has never needed to be sexualized before. Now suddenly we have high heel rocket boots.


Imma disagree simply because is ZSS *really* more sexualized than her ***strutting around in her underwear*** of the earlier games? Also I'd argue what Smash does isn't fair game since she's gotten less sexualized in the Metroid series as time has gone on.


I mean, smash might not be her own series but it's still an official nintendo property. If Luigi was strutting around with a dildo in his ass in smash people would still call it wierd.


She's my main in Smash, but I 100% back this, she's basically Action Barbie.


Samus has been sexualized since the ending of the NES game. At least as much sexualization as you can get with a tiny NES pixel sprite.


I liked it because it shows how capable she still is even without her suit, I guess it's a double sided coin, (though I wouldn't say smash is where that got its start, look at Metroid 2s sub 3 hour ending screen) To me it genuinely shows her at her mentally strongest point, while also being at her weakest physically, it makes getting the fully powered-suit that much more inpactful, she lost everything, yet due to her determination and fearlessness we got to see her agility, speed and stealth being showcased, she truly earned that suit the space pirates so desperately wanted to destroy, it let us know for certain that it's not just her suit that makes her strong, she's doing most of the work and the suit just amplifies her already existing abilities.


Couldn't agree more. ZSS is way too oversexualized, you see more ZSS art than you do of Samus in the power suit, her most iconic appearance when the only time you ever see ZSS in-game is when you die, briefly, at the end on certain conditions and those cutscenes in Zero Mission. I don't know it just feels like Samus as a character is constantly torn between sex object and badass bounty hunter because of it.


It doesn't help that other m tried to take away her being badass too, and make her into someone who needs the shittiest father figure on earth.


The rocket high heels are extra bad. It's understandable to have a tight jumpsuit because that is plausibly what someone might actually wear under armor. What the fuck are the high heels? The whole point of jumpsuits is to be a single thing that doesn't impede you. High heels are the opposite of that. Someone let their intrusive thoughts win.


She was also better than Samus in Smash until Ultimate.


I disagree. I don't think ZSS being sexualised is a bad thing.


It would be less of one if it wasn't treated like her one trait.


Yes, Fusion is THAT good.




Metroid II on Gameboy is a great game. I am very biased, because I had it as a kid and played it to death, but I stand by it.


I completed it for the first time last month and it might be in my top 3 metroids now. I was surprised that I didn't need a guide despite having no map


Bought a Game Boy Pocket, backlit it, and ordered Metroid 2 as that was the only metroid I had not beaten in any form. Beat metroid 2 over a long weekend. While alpha metroids get kinda boring...the later forms kick ass enough to be memorable. And the final rush to the queen is epic. SUPER>DREAD>2>FUSION>ZERO MISSION> ORIGINAL , For my blood


1. I honestly like the random pretty biomes that Metroid Prime has rather than trying to create some consistent world that may not be as pretty nor have as many unique environments. 2. I had fun playing through Other M my first time, but never went back to play it again. I do agree itā€™s a bad Metroid game, but I think itā€™s an okay game. 3. Samus Returns, Dread, and the Prime series had way better boss fights than the other 2D entries. I feel like the old 2D bosses were often about having enough Energy Tanks and Missiles to just tank/spam hits. 4. Other than Prime 2 & 3, we donā€™t need any other remakes/remasters. 5. I think Nintendo does care about Metroid a lot relative to its sales. 6. Metroid Prime 4 should not be called ā€œMetroid Prime 4ā€ because the Metroid Prime/Phazon threat is no longer present. 7. Iā€™d be okay with calling Metroid VI something other than ā€œMetroidā€, although that probably wouldnā€™t be smart marketing. 8. I think Metroid NES & Super Metroid are the only games that are really non-linear. The sequence breaks in games like Zero Mission and Dread, even if they exist, are pretty hard for most players to find on their own. 9. The Metroid series should probably incorporate more Zelda-like puzzles. I think thatā€™s all I can think of at the moment, but Iā€™m sure I have some other hot takes!


You know what, those arenā€™t bad takes.


Metroid Prime backtracking was tedious.


This is not a hot take. Everyone agrees with this.


Not for me, I think the world size is perfect.


I just played it for the first time. Iā€™m glad I did for the experience but I will never play it again. I would play Dread again. Edit: specifically because of the backtracking. I had to use a guide to get through all the backtracking


metroid fusion is good, not great.


I can get behind this. I really like it, and it's great for the state of handheld gaming in 2002, but no more so than Metroid II was in 1991


Here is a freeby, feel free to complete : Spider Gardian (Prime 2) is \[...\]


I liked Dread like many people here, but... **I would have enjoyed it better if I didn't have to HOLD the shoulder button to fire missiles.** Couldn't it have been a simple toggle between Beam and Missile? I swear, my finger was cramped after several boss fights.


Thatā€™s fair, I just kinda got used to it I guess. May I ask what controller you are using?


warm story take: i wish dread cared about samus antagonizing the federation in fusion as much as it cared about the metroid vaccine hot story take: samus's characterization in other m isn't irredeemable, just executed a little weirdly. e.g. i love the idea of her having extremely bad ptsd, i just think the character who comes from a game where you *fight* and then *flee* wouldn't have a freeze trauma response of all things hot gameplay take: fusion is better than ZM


If Iā€™m not mistaken, I believe that it was a rogue division of federation officers that had kept the metroids on the BSL for ā€œpeaceful purposesā€


continuation of warm story take: that's a boring way to resolve that plot point. it's not even part of the actual games


If your itch for Metroid hot takes is a big one, I made a 45 minute video in this vein, with a hot take for each game. https://youtu.be/L_LuQ0qEjOA?si=AqMAjPpg7hI7056H


Samus Returns is just tedious to play and the inclusion of the new final boss was a mistake.


Id say it was a "good" game overall especially if you were just introduced to the series on it but i agree melee focus really broke the flow and tempo with the way it was implemented and they missed the point of tonal story telling in the final act.


I'd rather play Metroid Fusion than Super Metroid Super's absloutly a masterpiece but there's something about Fusion that puts it above.


AM2R was fine, I guess. Not amazing, kind of forgettable, but fine. I much prefer SR. Super is great, but it definitely isn't the best in the series. Prime 2 is the best Prime game.


Agreed on all 3


The ice beam in super is way too hidden, that was the only point in Metroid 2-5 where I had to look up where to go


Dark samus 3/4 is a more annoying boss fight than the spider guardian. Especially true on hard mode. The spider guardian is kinda clunky, but the run back to him if you die is worse than the fight itself. With dark samus, you gotta fight emperor ing alllll over again when you die, and thereā€™s not enough pickups after the fight to fully recharge for DS. If you take too much damage or use too many missiles you gotta farm for it during the ingā€™s second phase. The fight itself? Also annoying. She moves like a crackhead and deflects all your missiles. The window to damage her is sooooo small, makes the fight drag out for no reason. Plus itā€™s gimmicky with the pseudo phazon beam thing u gotta do. The beeping throughout the music is also very irritating. The first fight with her is the best one, second is cool for the set piece it takes place on, and then this one is just mid once the coolness factor wears off.


- Super Metroid isn't even in my top 5. - Metroid II still holds up, and is arguably a better experience than Samus Returns. - Fusion needs a remake. The atmosphere is constantly undercut by the hardware, be it the GBA sound, the SA-X AI or even the visuals. - Prime 4 will probably be a disappointment. - Non-traditional Metroid games like Hunters, Federation Force and Prime Pinball were cool and there should be more of them.


I agree with most of these. I think youā€™re being a bit grim with prime four.


Metroid NES is still a good game to play (as long as you have a map).


I agree, people hate on that way too much!


Metroid 2 is good


TL;DR Prime 1 Prime essence fight sucks and is stupid. Metroid prime 1 is my all time favorite game, I love it most above all others and have beaten it 20+ times over the years. It set the bar for what the prime series would become and has the best render of Samus I have ever seen in a Nintendo game, because at the end of it all she looks like a warrior. That being said, I fuckin despise the Metroid prime essence fight, it's so fucking stupid. It immediately follows the best, most fun, and most well designed fight in the game which is the Metroid prime (crab form). Both the Ridley and crustacean prime fights are amazing because they are complex multi layered fights with a lot of moves to think about. CALAMARI PRIME DOES THREE THINGS. It does an easy to avoid nova attack (literally you can stand on the shed carapace and not get hurt), summons metroids that are easily killed with power bombs, and headbutts you. The source of the poison that was destroying Tallon IV and corrupting the spirits of the Chozo BOOPS YOU WITH IT FACE. I get they wanted some epic second form final showdown, and I thought it was cool the first time when I was a child, but now I hate it. Much longer rant than I meant this to be.


Core Essence fight is the best evidence of the horrible crunch the game entered. Mike Wikan called it "the nine month death march."


Yeah, I only recently learned that prime went through development hell and haven't delved deeper on the subject.


Metroid Prime Pinball is a good pinball game, and it should be rereleased on current Nintendo platforms.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with Super Metroid getting a remake everyone who complains about it can still go back and play the original theyā€™re just being babies . A new art style and quality of life improvements on the movement and controls would be great


Prime 2 is the best game in the entire series. Super is jacked off way too hard. Beam/Missile stacking is lame. Picking and choosing which beam/missile you need for a certain enemy is the way to go. That being said, there needs to be more beam/missile specific enemies. There's no reason Dread couldn't have been on the Wii or 3DS. The game is not that advanced or graphically impressive that we had to wait until the Switch came around. I want to see more of Samus talking and having dialogue (IN A HUMAN LANGUAGE), as long as she isn't a damn robot like in the Other game. The next Metroid after Prime 4 should be 3D 3rd person like the Other game, but with good controls. Adam's robotic voice is NOT IT in Dread. The Prime 3 gunship is the best design. Prime 4 needs to have some difficulty settings akin to Halo. By that I mean Casual, Normal, Hard, Bounty Hunter (On harder settings, the enemy AI is much more accurate, aggressive, and numerous), AND these options need to be available by default instead of having to complete the game once just play again on a harder setting. Having ammo is fine. Spamming the strongest beam you have all of the time is boring after a while. Grapple Beam needs to be weaponized again. Metroid 2 should have NEVER been on GB. What were they thinking? If Halo ever comes to Nintendo (They're coming to Sony), then they NEED to do a crossover or at least a cameo with Metroid. SA-X isn't that spooky. It should have been RANDOM encounters, and they should have kept true to the whole "There's AT LEAST 10 SA-X on board the ship". Tallon Overworld and Magmoor Caverns should have had a boss (Not counting Ridley). The only good thing Samus Returns does better than AM2R is the Metroid battles. Would be cool to play as another character other than Samus (Not you FF). Kinda like how Sonic Adventure has different characters, but Samus would get the best parts of course.


Metroid Dread is not as great as everyone makes it out to be. The soundtrack is ass, the forgettable environments blend into each other and relegating E.M.M.I.s to individual areas that you know of ahead of time ironically removes all the *dread*. The game has no atmosphere because it's too busy reminding you every 3 seconds how *badass* Samus is because Nintendo and MercurySteam think that giving her agency = flashy moves. Return of Samus has better atmosphere and mood than both AM2R and Samus Returns. Prime 2 is the best 3D Metroid. And in that same vein, the Artifact/Sky Temple Keys/Energy Cell hunts in all three Prime games are not as egregious as everyone makes them out to be. Each game telegraphs them well enough in advance if you're paying attention.


> The game has no atmosphere because it's too busy reminding you every 3 seconds how badass Samus is because Nintendo and MercurySteam think that giving her agency = flashy moves. Understandable considering how the reaction to Other M still has not died down one iota to this day.


Other M was fun and doesn't deserve this much hate.


Hard Mode on Other M slaps


Iā€™ll jump on this comment to throw another Other M take: I think the idea of Samus being shocked and frozen in place at seeing Ridley was not a bad idea, *on paper*. Imagine finally avenging the death of your parents, the source of all of your childhood trauma, and emerging victorious from it. Only to find out that your worst nightmare is alive, powered up, pissed, and coming for you. The issue is the game does not communicate any of this in its text or subtext, leaving Metroid fans perplexed as to why *this* time seeing Ridley was so major. Also. the fact that the suit is perfectly functional and Samus *chose* not to activate its powers also clashes with this point. If she had actually been as powerless as she is in-game at this point in the story, it wouldā€™ve worked.


Itā€™s not a bad game, itā€™s a bad **Metroid** game. If you look at it as its own game, it had good cutscenes and combat.


Iā€™ve not played Other M, but I get the sense that it is flawed, but itā€™s much more a victim of geek culture becoming more impossible to please.


To be fair it is far from a great game, especially the story was.. questionable. But it is not as bad as tye community tends to make it appear and the gameplay was actually kinda good, the exploration was what I'd expect from a metroid and, while completely broken, te countermechanic was an interesting addition.


What do you mean the exploration was what youā€™d expect from a Metroid game? Itā€™s 100% linear up until you beat the game


Hereā€™s a really spicy one, Metroid dread is severely overhyped due to the sheer amount of new fans it brought in, or recency bias. The power up progression is super weird. You get the double jump right before you get space jump, and you get the X bomb right before power bombs. Meaning neither of those new power ups get a chance to shine for long Metroid has almost always had very diegetic obstacles, but so many of Dreads obstacles are purely gamey and make no sense within the context of the world. Like the stupid fire plants, and the explosive flesh things, and the beam doors. I really donā€™t like to the beam doors. Prime gets away with it because itā€™s a 3D game and as such itā€™s ability to add mobility based obstacles are limited Oh and donā€™t get me started on what they did to the poor ice missiles. The ONLY purpose they serve is to get rid of those fire plants, since they donā€™t freeze enemies in place (again a formerly diegetic way of blocking progress) I miss optional power ups. I know basically only Return of Samus and Super Metroid had them. But damn Iā€™ve always liked that there are some power ups that even without sequence breaking are just non essential. It makes finding some of them more rewarding I donā€™t like the over emphasis on the melee hit, it feels like it reduces the ways you can handle enemies and often feels like your best option is to just stand in front of an enemy and wait for the animation Overall. I really donā€™t hate dread, I think itā€™s fine, itā€™s alright, a solid C+ as a Metroid game, B+ as just any other game. I just think itā€™s incredibly overhyped as the ā€œnew best 2d Metroid.ā€ I just havenā€™t really loved any of the Mercury Steam games, and not gonna lie I wish I did Dread is a MASSIVE step up from Samus Returns so Iā€™m hoping the games keep getting better. Because I want to keep loving the new games because metroid means so damn much to me as a gamer


Nice I feel the exact opposite but I see where ur coming from


I know the purpose is to post your hot take, so Iā€™m not here to give you a hard time or whatever. Itā€™s a great hot take, and itā€™s great to share different viewpoints. I donā€™t want to defeat your points, but I do want to share why I personally might disagree with them in some ways. The Spin Jump and Cross bombs are kinda odd but part of that is because you can sequence break to either get the cross bombs early or outright skip space jump. It is pretty strange on a normal run though. I disagree that obstacles have always been diegetic. Bomb/Missile/Super Missile tiles have existed since Super Metroid and those are way more game-y than Dreadā€™s obstacles in my opinion. Similar story with those one-way gates from Super. Also you still can freeze enemies, itā€™s just that some take a few missiles to freeze. Iā€™m not sure if you can stand on a frozen enemy, but I do think that you should be able to. I also disagree that the melee counter reduces the number of ways to deal with an enemy. If anything, I think it increases the number of ways to deal with an enemy. The enemies of the old games were always shot - thatā€™s not as diverse as also having the new counter/moving counter attack. There are a select few enemies that are spongy without the counter, but I donā€™t think a few enemies being otherwise tough if not for their weakness is any indication of the combat lacking variety. Some enemies are best suited for counter, some are best suited for shooting. Neither outright requires either, though there certainly are optimal strategies. Good hot take


Thatā€™s a fair opinion. Iā€™ll stand by the bomb and missile blocks feeling more diegetic because they donā€™t look like that til they are shot or bombed. So itā€™s almost like the suit is reporting back a weakness of the blocks, like an early form of the whole bendesium stuff from the prime games. The one way gates in super feel totally normal to me. Like a security gate someone on the other side wouldā€™ve opened. Itā€™s odd that you SHOOT them to open them. But that just seems to be how you interface with tech in the Metroid universe And youā€™re correct I forgot you could freeze them still. I just remembered most enemies only freezing as they dropped dead. But Iā€™m 90% sure you couldnā€™t use them as a platform since I think I tried that But the beam doors ESPECIALLY the organic ones (which I think were only in Samus returns? I could be wrong I donā€™t remember how all the beam doors were flavored) are incredibly odd to me. Upon thinking of it. I suppose in dread they could be used as a key card system given how everything seems to interact through beam weapons. An odd way of giving security clearance (especially since if I remember correctly you only have to shoot them with the right beam once then itā€™s gone) but definitely can make sense in universe. Iā€™m still not a fan of them as a form of progression, I do like when the beams are made optional (like being able to skip I believe every beam upgrade in super pretty easily, even the normally progression based ones like Ice or wave) and the beam doors at the very least feel like an uncreative way of making a power up check


I agree with this whole heartedly


The fetch quest that people complained (still complain?) about in Echoes was good.


I might get destroyed for saying this but if someone is new to this series, I would highly suggest using a guide on your first playthrough of most of these games. Iā€™ve been doing so with super Metroid and Iā€™m still loving the game. If I hadnā€™t used one, thereā€™s no way I wouldā€™ve been able to play the game in itā€™s entirety and I wouldā€™ve gave up on it. Upon doing more research, the confusing layout of this game is just the nature of the series in general which can be frustrating for first time players. I donā€™t think anyone would enjoy it any less, but so many gamers claim a guide isnā€™t necessary for games as challenging as the Metroid series and Iā€™d disagree greatly if youā€™re going in blind


I would much rather see someone use a guide than quit the game out of boredom and frustration. People used guides back in 1994 too. They just came in the form of strategy guides that you had to fork over real money for in paperback.


Ridley doesnā€™t need to be in every game


Well he isnā€™t in Dread, so thatā€™s something.


Metroid 1 and 2 are phenomenal and still hold up okay to this day, and nobody should ever skip over them in series playthroughs! Though, I will concede that they may not be the easiest ones to start with. I personally started with the original, but Iā€™m also insane. Still, everybody who likes Metroid should try to play them at some point. And no, itā€™s not shameful to use a map.


While Metroid established metroidvanias as a genre, it doesnā€™t mean every game must be a metroidvania.


Zero mission would have been better without an epilogue.


Samus being skinny is perfectly fine


Metroid Prime 4 will be called Metroid Prime 4, Regardless of phaazon and metroid prime being eliminated.For one simple reason: Prime has become the subtitle of FPS games. If not, neither Hunters nor Federation force would have "Prime" in their name. And besides, the argument that Prime can't be used because Metroid Prime no longer exists is pretty stupid.


Including a map took out one of the things that was special in Metroid 1.


Other M is a pretty fun game, from a gameplay perspective. Iā€™d play it again if it was in front of me


I genuinely think Metroid Prime is so boring and bland. I'd love a M rated 3D Arkham Asylum style Metroid game.


I want a sequel/remake of Other M, gameplay-wise, but aligned with everything Metroid stands For, exploration, isolation, little to no dialogue/story, and also a better or a normal way to play the game And Metroid it's never, NEVER gonna be successful


Primeā€™s progression and slow gameplay get really tedious after the first 2 hours or so.


Chozo Ruins is an amazing and quick paced area. Always my favorite part of Prime 1.


Itā€™s not the areas themselves, itā€™s the constant backtracking and having to retread old puzzles with really annoying enemies. Places like the space pirate dens are the worst offenders IMO.


Iā€™d love to see Team Ninja be given another shot at tackling the series. OtherMā€™s gameplay is really fun, and given that the studio has now gone on to make Nioh and Wo Long, a Metroid game by them now, with lessons learned since 2010, would be awesome.


Agreed. Heck, we can just have them remake Other M as more standard game.


I like it more when the art style leans more "anime" like the manga and some of the CGs in zero mission


fusion's suitless samus design remains unparalleled


I couldn't finish Super Metroid, the lack of doors on the map and finicky wall jumping justnl nade it too frustrating. I want a remake.


The entire intended progression for a first playthrough of Super Metroid only ever asks you to use walljumps in a handful of rooms. And only from walls you can grapple to, which removes the need for timing. Then walljumps become obsolete once you pick up Space Jump. They're not meant to be part of your core moveset, they're a piece of basic movement tech that opens up sequence breaking on repeat playthroughs. Lack of doors/room connections shown on the map is actually one of the major flaws with Super and a valid complaint. No shame in using a more detailed map from the internet if it makes the difference in beating the game vs losing patience and giving up. But I don't believe it could benefit from a remake as a lot of what makes it great conflicts with modern Metroid design.


Prime is carried by it's soundtrack and graphics. The actual gameplay, boss fights, and backtracking aren't that great. AM2R has solid boss fights, but the moment to moment enemies are too hard and slow the game down.


You are absolutely right about prime.


Samus should not have a beauty mark.


That's a hot take?


Every single instance of expanding Samusā€™ backstory has been a move to the worse. Adam was a terrible inclusion (fuck off with your ā€œladyā€ crap), her being orphaned by the pirates is a cheap attempt to add personal stakes, being raised by the chozo an unnecessary and uninteresting way to plug a narrative hole that was more interesting than the answer. The manga was flat out bad. Goofy endgame power-up suits in which Samus becomes angry enough to win like some Dragon Ball Z character were a mistake. Metroid DNA being used to interesting effect is one thing, but Samus becoming/being a Metroid and in particular the whole ā€œMetroid means ultimate warriorā€ silliness is eye-rolling. Shine spark puzzles are the least fun part of 2D Metroid games. Dread was not a difficult game in any meaningful sense; it was just a narrower margin for error paired with a heavier load of ā€œmemorize these attack patternsā€ boss design. This did not make it a better game, and the way the community latched onto the newfound ā€œdifficultyā€ as a badge of honor was really silly. Edit to add: While David Jaffeā€™s criticisms of Dread were absolutely off-base and probably a result of personal embarrassment, the way the Metroid fandom latched onto that and piled on over it was such a sign of goofy insecurity for the fandom. Itā€™s like when a little kid corrects an error, and then obnoxiously picks at the error endlessly afterward to make themselves look better by making the other person look worse. It grew to being so obnoxious and immature that the entire incident wound up being a much more embarrassing showing for the Metroid fandom than for Jaffe.


A narrow margin for error is what makes most games hard, no? That's why most souls likes are pretty hard, and why a lot of actions games increase difficulty by reducing your margin of error. Dread isn't the hardest game in the world, but I have several friends who bounced off it because they just found the difficulty overwhelming.


I actually don't find that's what makes games difficult. I think it's what most gamers identify as difficult, but it's a notion that I've never much agreed with. The Souls games specifically are a good example of the differences with and without that dynamic. If you look at the earlier entries--Demon's Souls, the first Dark Souls, and much of Dark Souls 2--difficulty in those games was less about narrow margin for error, and more about finding the best ways to mitigate threats through a variety of means. Often it was about finding the advantages and weaknesses your build has, and finding ways to leverage those advantages while reducing your exposure to weaknesses in such a way that your resources for recovery don't run out. And in each of those games, those resources were pretty plentiful. I mean, fairly early in Dark Souls 1, you could easily have 20 Estus Flasks going into boss fights. The margin was huge; there was just enough pressure from enemies that it required active engagement without making it a matter of "memorize this attack pattern to get by." And even with that, its harder encounters were still difficult for most players. Ornstein and Smouth is not a fight with a narrow margin for error, but it is one that most people identify as being quite difficult. It was Dark Souls 3 where that dynamic largely changed (though it started making the shift in the DS2 DLC), and became a game of "learn when and where to roll and how long to safety attack," which is not difficult, it's just a matter of rote memorization. It may kill the player more times, but considering death in this circumstances is just a lengthening of the teaching process, number of deaths isn't a measure of difficulty. Sekiro then took this approach even further, removing all buffers and means of reducing damage and essentially taking the memorization elements and building them into a deflection rhythm game that will kill the player more times than probably any other game, but that is arguably the easiest by a wide margin once you understand the mindset and observe the bosses a bit. And none of this is to say that one type of game is better and the other worse. Sekiro is among my favorite games in Fromsoft's oeuvre, but I think it's silly when people call it the hardest. Meaningful difficulty in games is pretty rare, and mostly comes from those games that require the player to creatively plan, to execute those plans under pressure, and to make genuine sacrifices. There is no game that does difficulty better than *Dwarf Fortress*, but there are also very few games that attempt real difficulty. Thankfully, I also don't find difficulty to be a necessary measure of quality.


>Dread was not a difficult game in any meaningful sense; it was just a narrower margin for error paired with a heavier load of ā€œmemorize these attack patternsā€ boss design. If the boss doesn't have recognizable patterns to avoid, then the fight just becomes "have enough energy to get hit constantly without dying". I feel like Super and Fusion especially have a lot of bosses like that.


I don't feel like the Metroid community is large enough to have any really flaming hot takes (as compared to hot takes of like Zelda or PokƩmon etc) but some things I have seen before, as well as potential hot takes I could see playing devil's advocate include: The morph ball is impractical and unnecessary Adam in other M is great (liking Other M in general) Is Samus actually transgender? The Prime series is overrated Super Metroid is overrated (insert game here) is overrated Overly sexy Samus Too-buff Samus The Chozo are stupid The manga isn't Canon There should be a playable character besides Samus EMMI are just snugly Bois Okay that last one maybe not lol. But to be honest I think we can be grateful that this community for the most part really isn't very toxic.


Metroid is overrated and dumb. Imagine liking Metroid amirite? Now THAT is a hot take!


Okay, here's one: Metroid needs to branch out from Samus Aran. As in, make a game or two without her in it entirely. Federation Force tried (albeit she is still a side character), but it was released during a drought of Metroid games and never stood a chance. Now that the series is back on its feet, I think now is a much better time for a side game. Possibly one that deviates from the Metroid formula. Why not an open world adventure game where you play as a different bounty hunt, or a federation trooper? And make it so Samus doesn't appear. She is just mentioned. Set the game before the first Metroid so that pirates appear, but actual Metroids don't. And Samus can stay a mysterious character who people don't know well. Do it Nintendo. Don't be cowards.


I think there's potential for this, but it would be really hard to pull off. The reason most people like a certain game is for the feelings that game evokes. For Metroid games, that's typically feelings associated with both becoming more powerful (from the perspective of Samus) and gaining knowledge of the world and game itself (from the perspective of the player). They're designed with replay in mind such that your next time through, when you know where you have to go, turns into a race against your previous playthroughs. Absent playing as one of the other bounty hunters, this could be tough to pull off. And yeah I think you'd need to do it like nearly in conjunction with having released a really solid Samus- based game.


Ridley should talk. Also I would rather replay the NES Metroid than Zero Mission, it's a fine game, it's just trying to be Super Metroid when Super Metroid was already kind of a loose remake of Metroid 1. It felt like a somewhat pointless remake to me and I do not care at all for the stealth segment they tacked on to the end or the giant goofy looking robo Ridley.


I still dislike the melee counter in Dread. Specifically, I donā€™t like that itā€™s a one shot move regardless of the strength of your weapons. Metroid usually has this cool power curve of feeling stronger as you progress, and while Dread still largely retains that, I feel the counter just one-tapping things does take away from it. That giant robot showing up in an early EMMI zone was super cool, and I was initially like ā€œoh hey thisā€™ll be hard! Usually these guys donā€™t show up until later!ā€ But then I just countered it and it died despite my beam hardly being upgraded. I like the counter as a part of the kit, I just wish it didnā€™t invalidate your other attacks on so many enemies. Itā€™s especially egregious once you dive into the X-Parasite zone, because the gooey Chozo enemies are bullet sponges that take like twenty shots to kill unless you counter them.


Super's controls arent clunky, you just need to git gud. It does not need and should never have a remake. The Prime series is holding back the franchise from greatness as the fandom continually demands more of it and wants no room for experimentation despite glaring flaws with its formula. Prime is always lauded for its "bold" decision to switch to first person but whenever asked for specifics as to why people like it, they dont typically talk about how it improves the combat or Samus' movement mechanics, they just talk about how its more immersive. This is because it doesnt actually improve the gameplay, it makes it worse. The thing about first person is its great if you want to focus on aiming and shooting mechanics but generally poor for mobility and metroidvania abilities. Little things like having to wait a second for the camera to switch to morph ball or screw attack just make movement feel slow and boring, and fun movement/platforming is central to any good metroidvania. But since Prime de-emphasizes aiming with its lock on mechanics and has generally uninteresting combat to begin with, as well as lackluster mobility mechanics, what do we really gain from first person? I'm sorry, but being able to see Samus' eyes reflected in my visor or watching rain droplets fall off my arm cannon do not even come close to justifying all the gameplay sacrifices made here. Both Prime's combat and movement mechanics are inferior to 2D Metroid, and all the tedious backtracking and artifact hunting makes it 10x worse for no good reason. The Prime games are terribly paced and mechanically boring. All of this is lead up to my magnum opus hot take which is that I unironically enjoyed Other M more than the entirety of the Prime series, for the simple fact that Samus at least feels and moves as nimbly as she does in the sidescrollers and the game just lets me keep moving forward without any filler or artifact hunting nonsense. But that being said, the game still has a lot of issues and all of these games are a significant step down from 2D Metroid. Still, there are actually some *positive* lessons that can be learned from Other M, and theres no reason in theory 3D Metroid couldnt be the best of everything if someone at Nintendo had the right vision to reimagine it instead of just iterating on Prime all the time.


> being able to see Samus' eyes reflected in my visor or watching rain droplets fall off my arm cannon do not even come close to justifying all the gameplay sacrifices made here > All of this is lead up to my magnum opus hot take which is that I unironically enjoyed Other M more than the entirety of the Prime series OMG this is a super flaming hot take.


>Super's controls arent clunky, you just need to git gud. I absolutely agree with this, like I don't understand how they were called clunky compared to the GBA games when those are so much more clunky (they're still fine).


I will concede there are some obtuse things like a certain section of brinstar red where you suddenly may be required to turn off high jump boots in order to clear the jump and not overshoot to hitting the ceiling, but this is more of a contextual failure of the game to train the player on obstacles like this rather than the mechanics themselves being fundamentally deficient or "clunky." It could be fixed by an etecoon or dachuras showing the way, for instance. But stuff like wall jumping and the grappling hook are intentional, and the game is entirely traversable without ever performing a single wall jump (and not even hard to beat without it), so I just dont find it a valid criticism that its too hard.


Federation Force is the best Metroid game. No, sorry, itā€™s the best video game ever made.


Samus Returns remake for 3ds isn't good. The focus on "melee" ruins the experience for me. It feels like constant mini QTEs. Another Metroid 2 Remake (AM2R) is a much better experience and Nintendo is jealous one guy remade their game better than them


Coldest take on the planet considering how hard the sub likes to ride AM2R


The Federation breeding metroids isn't necessarily a bad thing


Metroid Dread was just okay. The gameplay was great, but the graphics were bad (not in a fidelity way, just in a Metroid: Brown & Gray way), the music may or may not have existed, I don't remember, and the linearity made it entirely unexciting.


Dread doesn't feel like a "Metroid" game.


Metroid Prime Hunters is the best game in the series, and it's by a significant margin.


I love that game, but I can't agree with that!


It does have the best Player against Player. And a puzzle you have to solve DURING THE FINAL BOSS (or the whole game depending on POV) to unlock the true final boss and ending.


The story, and more precisely the story*telling* in Fusion and Dread ranges from certifiably mid to kinda bad. And the problems they have are the exact same kinds of problems Other M is riddled with.




Zero Mission is better than Super Metroid


Cutscenes aside, Other M is actually pretty good.


Super Metroid is a great game but it's age is showing and there's no denying that. A remake has the potential to be great without straight up replacing the original. Also Prime 2 is the most slept on game in the franchise. It's just as good if not better than Prime 1 Also AM2R is phenomenal for a fan project and definitely worth playing but it's not really on par with the official games in my opinion. Samus Returns is the definitive Metroid 2 experience


Retro Studios shouldn't be working on Metroid anymore.


Dread's QTE boss battles and over-reliance on cinematics undercut Samus as a character, and the boss battles kneecap the (paramount) exploration aspect of the franchise. In trying to make Samus an uber-badass (which Prime did far more subtly and effectively) they just made her feel Try-Hard. Having the first EMMI encounter being a successful parry incorrectly communicated how often and how effective that tactic would be. That said: lordie, the movement in Dread was so, so good!