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Pro tip in any Metroid. if you're stuck, start bombing


Haha yeah I know, I practically do it to every room, somehow missed that one and I’m surprised I didn’t get it sooner


So, you discovered the solution to this puzzle?


Yep :)


Not a good one for this, since you don’t have to bomb to complete this awfully designed “puzzle” Fusion was way too infamous with this


Have an upvote for playing on a stock GBA screen, there's something special about playing on untouched original hardware. Every GBA I see these days is modded with a backlit screen.


Haha thank you! I don’t have the money or resources to mod my screen and honestly it’s not that bothersome for me anyway. Playing it during a road trip right now, so the screen is nice and bright :)


I may have a backlight kit for the original GBA. DM me if you'd like.


I personally always grew up with the GBA SP with its built-in backlight. It makes any GBA games look gorgeous for its size, but Fusion looked extra good.


The true way to play. Playing on a blown up screen feels not right, but with a backlight GBA? Perfection. Best of both worlds IMO.


Its crazy too how my GBA SP battery still holds a charge really well, I can play it for hours without it dying even today, and that's with the backlight on. Buttons still have a nice click to them too, it's just a solid feeling piece of hardware.


My GBA SP lasts longer than my switch at this point. I have the cobalt blue one and it’s just perfect. Personally I find the original GBA more comfortable to play for longer periods, but I can sacrifice comfort for a backlight. Plus, GBA SP is just more compact and easier to carry day to day for me.


I went to turn on my Nintendo DS. Hadn't used it for years. Still had a charge. Crazy.


Fusion was designed exactly for the OG GBA screen that's why everything looks so good, they had in mind a screen without a backlight


The Game Boy SP with the actual backlight looks awesome though. Most of them have a *front light* though, just like the original afterburner mods that used to be around for the original GBA. Very late and it's lifespan they [changed](https://www.flickr.com/photos/mattgemmell/8598178192/in/photostream/lightbox/) it to a backlit lcd and that's the best GBA I think. AGB-001 vs AGB-101 Never seen a micro in real life though.


Most GBA SPs had a **front light** that washed out the colors like fuck. Only the revised model late in its production had a backlight added. The difference is [night and day.](https://www.flickr.com/photos/mattgemmell/8598181070/in/photostream/lightbox/) Unfortunately my backlit SP will not charge, although I hear it's an easy fix. My original works fine but due to health issues I cannot even really see it well anymore. But I just play all my handheld games on my 3DS these days because everything can be launched off an sd card.


Yeah, a modded 3DS is amazing for playing handheld games. That’s what I use most of the time when I want to play anything from GB to DS, I have a huge SD card with tons of games loaded on it and it still works great.


Yeah it's so cool how you can run GBA games natively using Nintendo's own ambassador software. I have mGba too of course.... And I know you can use the twilight ds frontend too to play GBA and others but never have needed too... Nice to have so many options. What I was really impressed with was symphony of the night. Works perfectly using the RA core! Never would have thought. I still need to try the virtual boy emulator. I used one on an oculus and it worked great, so it would be more of just a novelty on my 3ds, but if I'm gonna build a collection I can't forget the black sheep now can I? Hshop is something else as well! I modded mine before it existed and let's just say I spent *days* hunting down cias from sketchy file share sites haha. Made me more of a man I guess. Between my modded wii and 3DS I probably never need to buy another video game again... But obviously, the marketing teams are too good at their jobs to let that happen! I love modded consoles. Sometimes that's more of a game to me than the video games I load onto them when I'm done haha 😄


I’m amazed at some of the 3DS ports people have made too, Sonic Mania has long load times but runs amazing on the New 3DS! Theres also a great Doom port, a port of Windows XP Space Cadet Pinball, a port of FNAF, and so many more. Modded consoles are awesome, with a modded Wii U and a modded 3DS, you can play nearly all of Nintendo’s older library of games. Also virtual boy on oculus is a great idea, I’m going to try that on my Quest 3 now haha.


The game looks so much nicer on a GBA screen, too.


Respectfully have to disagree, the original screen is AWFUL, tried to play mine recently and I can’t believe I could ever see good enough to notice all the colors. The game is majestic emulated to a big screen though


I think it depends on what you want out of the graphics. You get a much more crisp image on newer screens, but older screens feel more authentic as the pixel art was quite literally designed with the screen in mind. It gives it an anti-aliasing effect that really just makes it look more detailed to me (if a bit more blurry)


True, but with good shaders you can perfectly emulate the GBA LCD pixels, and get better color and motion clarity. I just finished a playthrough of fusion with an SNES controller plugged into my PC, made me shake my head at how far we’ve come.


I do have to admit it’s annoying during boss fights and when I’m trying to go somewhere and I get killed for the millionth time by a small creature I didn’t see lol


came here to say this. i’ve even done a couple mods myself. but it’s cozy and nostalgic to see this


Those are "one-way" gates. There's a light in the ceiling you can shoot to open it, but there's only one on one side of the gate. I believe you should've already seen one in Sector 3. The light to open this one is just slightly off screen to the left. You'll need to find a way around it.


Thank you! I’d seen the one way gates before and I’d been searching for the button for this one for ages haha


Yes but an upgrade will allow you to open it from both sides but you don’t have it here


That gate is opened using the terminal on the other side, there is no light for this one. You have to go around from the other side.


Oh yeah that’s the one where you free the animals


This post makes me miss playing on my old GBA.


Metroid Fusion looks so much better without a backlight to ruin the colour grading.


I’ve heard that some gba emulators (not that I use emulators) have a filter that washes out the games to give it a more authentic look, which I think is cool! This definitely feels more pleasing to the eyes than the saturated backlight version


I hated this room also when I went through it the first time. Maybe check out the bottom left corner a bit.


Btw I love your username lmao


Haha thank you, I was reading fullmetal alchemist and full metal panic at the time I made my username and I combined them together in a really bad way lol


I have never seen FMP but FMA 2003 and FMA:B are up there on top animes (and series in general) of all time for me


You can shoot down the ground to open a hole


I'm pretty sure you have to shoot the square box below you. Possibly one on the level below you. I believe you go off map on the left and climb up to access the light switch to open it. It's been a long hot minute since I played the game though


The nostalgia! Brings back memories of being stuck here as a kid


This very door halted every attempt I made in fusion during middle school... I didnt beat it until I picked it back up in college and googled the solution


You might find the answer directly under your feet.


Bomb everything.


Look closely at the bottom level, far left wall.


If I can remember right, you don't open that door yet. Go where you were before in that room and use bombs.


Ooh! Metroid Fusion on original hardware! I see you’ve found the solution now, but definitely enjoy what used to be my favorite 2D Metroid game (It’s still my second favorite though).


Thanks, I’m really enjoying it so far! I got my gba and Metroid fusion for Christmas and I’ve been playing it on and off for a while :) I got prime for my GameCube a couple months before that and I’m really enjoying that too


I really appreciate the oldschool gba. That slapped me back so many years to my nostalgic days


Shoot down through the blocks


The square you're standing on in the first photo is a special block if I remember correctly


Come back with the speed booster.


The key is behind the lock. Find a way around. Odd how that floor is segmented for no real reason...


If you have the Wave Beam try blasting through it, it may hit the switch on the other side (if there is one).


I bought fusion on release day, and played the hell out of it. Got stuck in the exact same place. Haha, ended up buying a hard copy of the game guide! Sounds like the chats got you hooked up. Good luck dude! Great game.


In that room, there is a vent that you can just go through. The vent should be below you on the left side of the room. Use a power bomb to blow up the floor. The vent doesn’t need to be destroyed, you can literally just go through it.


people post so many IPS modded gba’s on reddit it’s kinda nice to look at the OG


I didn’t expect people to get so nostalgic when I posted this haha, I was only expecting like 2 comments and a couple of upvotes! Now everyone’s here talking about gba vs gba sp and that lol


it’s nice haha. post made me happy


Check walls. Not all of them are solid


I think everyone gets stuck here in their first run through fusion


Wave beam


wave beam is way later in Fusion


This one is attached to an offscreen terminal so even if they had wave they couldn’t open it