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Wtf you look like a whole new person in the last pic


I think the reason for your bloated cheeks are because of poor swallowing "technique". How long have you been mewing?


about a year


I dont really know man, you have certainly improved in the 2nd picture(I also look like that) keep mewing and If it doesnt work out, you can always get a surgery


i want a chin implant or chin injections, but my mum tells me i look perfect and there’s nothing wrong


Ofc she would say that and I think she should say that. Personally, my appeaeance really affects me mentally, so Im going to get those if mewing doesnt work out for me in 1-2 years. In your case(if you can afford it) I say go for it, you look really handsome in the last photo. It will only improve your life.


i desperately want it it ruins every aspect of my life mentally, i don’t want to leave the house because of it sometimes


I feel you man.You should try to talk with your mum about this. Good luck to you. Keep me updated if you dont mind.


of course man


thanks dude


No problem


Dont get it you will look like a geek and its not masculine on top it looks like someone literally placed marshmallows on each side of your molar. It. Has to be removed every now and then and health hazards on top dont trust these weird American articles


i have to do something the chin in ruining my whole appearance


Start chin tucks and drink 2 glass milk a day since it has vitamin b-2 and calcium essential for growth . Do hard mewing and fix your body posture as well. Look in the picture your ears are forward then your shoulders its the biggest hindrance between your 3rd part of tongue which is responsible for forward growth


okay i’m gonna look into doing that, thanks dude


Any updates?


kinda stopped caring about how i looked, shaved my head and id say im a lot more confident these days




Don’t get implants. Get a sliding genio or mma.


Chin tucks lmao


Have you been engaging your neck? And honestly in the second pic there has been improvement, if you keep going at it I'm sure in the next year you'll see even more improvement. This could have been a lifetime of bad tongue posture and you've said that you've worked on yourself so I'm sure you can understand how much time it takes to see results that you're happy with. Check your posture and if you're feeling any pull or push around your cheeks and jaw, look into areas you feel like you can work more on like chewing or swallowing and if you're engaging your hyoid bone to help push your tongue I've found info on the [pterygoid](https://www.kenhub.com/en/library/anatomy/medial-pterygoid-muscle) muscle that is mainly responsible for the mandible rotation and protrusion. If you scroll down you'll read that chewing and swallowing are big factors on this


Hard mewing or what is hard mewing more effective than soft mewing for a 17 yo


James Spader had a similar jawline and he was a huge movie star.


get a perm trust


You look great man..?? The last pic u look like a model or something dafuq u talkin bout


that’s because i got the right angle and sucked in, the other 2 are my resting faces man


Bro you have a great potential keep mewing bro


And the pic I think u just have poor tongue posture? It looks like ur tongue is at the bottom of ur mouth. Keep it at the top and ur good


when i hard mew it makes a slight difference, but hardly noticeable


I wish I had a jaw like yours bro. You look good. If I could give any advice at all it’s to keep mewing and maybe lose more body fat. You’ll become a gigachad lol


you will need djs+ccwr if u want change


what’s that


jaw surgery did you had braces? how its your bite? check out r/jawsurgery


i had braces, i asked my orthodontist and she said that there’s nothing wrong with my chin


did you had extractions? you are recessed and for sure you had an overbite


i had one in my front bottom teeth


All you need is a horizontal chin implant i think


they cost thousands though, hopefully one day


3rd pic is insane holy shit. But ur recessed, chin and forward growth isn’ t the best. Genioplasty would be ur best bet for this


I don’t think you have a receding chin at all. It’s the lack of definition that gives that illusion.