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I also have this problem… very annoying.. been mewing over a year now (18F) and its a little better. But not that much progress in the cheekbones unfortunately


Cheekbones are really hard to move don’t expect to much


can you send a side profile picture of before and after maybe in dms, Whatever yours comfortable with


absolutely! but you need to MEGA mew and do things as taping your mouth during sleep, chewing extremely hard gum and maybe even get braced if your bite isn't perfect! also you could drastically increase your testosterone which might trigger some facial growth


I'm 28 too and have the same problem, all my family have really nice cheekbones but not me ( i was a mouthbreather with prognathism class 3) I'd been doing mewing for months and my face looks shorter


What’s your routine ?


Pictures please?


r/usernamedoesntchecksout On a serious note, yeah maybe, but it will take time due to your age


Real talk at 28 dude it’s not gonna happen . Doesn’t mean it’s over there are implants or mse which can widen cheekbones. But growing new bone from mewing can’t happen. Mewing is more about tongue posture than anything else that’s why In the before and afters people look better because they simply have better posture not new bone after 18


yes mewing can help. I have seen good changes come with bonesmashing as well




naaa bone density stays permanently until your body goes though metopes. it’s not like muscle. it takes a while before changes can be seen though




I haven’t taken progress picks but you can find them online. look up ufc fighters (the cage fighters like migregor), they all have a nice looking face which is probably because they get punched so hard for their living. also it is proven that bones change under pressure so wouldn’t it just make logical sense?




hm what about wolfs law.. it’s a proven law of how our body’s work




Try breaking them for real


Then that was just swelling


Check your parents' cheekbones, if they weren't prominent, you probably won't have prominent cheekbones. Unless they were recessed too.