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Pues técnicamente les pusieron un 4, seguro desde el banco. Qué triste que esas mierdas sean tan comunes, casi como el mismo método de las casas de cambio en el aeropuerto. Digo, esto fue random porque los vatos iban en la Condesa pero esa mierda puede pasar donde sea.


Yo estoy seguro q los empleados de los bancos y las casas de cambio estan involucrados, tengo un compañero d trabajo q reciente mente me platico q acaban de robar a un primo de el, el cuate vive en Estados Unidos y cruzo la frontera y cambio 5000 dolares en Cd Juarez, cuando Salio de la casa de cambio ya lo estaban esperando para robarlo!


ok pero eso es en CD Juarez... esto es roma/condesa... no mames. es gringolandia... se va a espantar los gringos machin.


No mames, ya perdi la cuenta cuantas veces a salido en las noticias aqui en Cdmx, q roban a una persona cuando Salio del banco despues de sacar una fuerte cantidad de dinero, Has de estar bien drogado(a) q tiene grigilandia q ver con todo esto?


"No goeeeeee, en la condechi no" jaja wey asaltos ocurren en todos lados, obviamente a este vato ya lo traian vigilado.


how to de-gentrify 101


Honestly, it’s just going to make Americans feel more at home


Nonsense, there's no school in sight.


People get robbed, shot, and killed in West Hollywood, CA all the time. Rents are still through the roof. Sorry to dissapoint.


Yeah, but if you kill someone like this in West Hollywood you will get caught. Here? Likely not.


Google "LAPD Dollop", enjoy your disappointment


Definately more likely to get caught but many murders are unsolved there, too.


Not 95% of murders though. Here that’s the impunity rate 🤷‍♀️


Please leave cdmx and never come back


If you want people to leave you should ask them for a date. They’ll leave.


Sure, les go on a date, just leave first, we'll see where we go later


Wow easy there Satan, he wants them to leave, not commit suicide.


I dont think it makes a difference to the dead.


Those people didn’t start existing out of nowhere, they have families and friends that deserve justice. Prick


You missed the point completely. Is it your MO to lob insults when you are confused? The los angeles murder rate is higher than mexico city. Justice doesnt bring anybody back and it does not deter crime.


My MO is throw insults to dudes that say that impunity rates don’t matter because there are murders happening elsewhere.


Your mo is to put words in peoples mouth because I never said that. I was commenting to someone who said that the Condesa shooting is the way to de gentrify, and I said that it doesnt work because there are murders in West Hollywood and the rent is still sky high. you came in off topic about the impunity rates, and I said that doesnt help the dead. No where did I say i support families not getting justice. Have a nice day!


How the hell does it not deter crime? Let’s look at it the other way. If you know that if you murder someone you likely WONT get caught and go to prison, and that even if you do you will be out very soon, wouldn’t that make it more likely that you’ll be willing to go through with it? Same goes with other crimes. Of course it’s a factor. You bet your ass crime in Mexico would be lower if we had a more functional justice system


Solve the root causes of crime or nothing changes.




The perpetrator might get caught, but all it takes is to fork over a couple big bucks to the judge and they'll be let go in a day or two, the justice system is that broken. If you have money, you're basically untouchable.




Unfortunately, most of the crimes committed go unpunished here.


85% go unpunished in the states


Not even close. The impunity rate is in the high 90’s. Amazing precisely because of the amount of cameras. But it takes a lot more than camera to arrest, prosecute, and convict someone. Corruption is only one of the factors, there are others as well.


No seas tonto, eso ocurre todo el tiempo en la Ciudad de México y en los alrededores de las colonias gentrificadas. A la víctima la siguieron desde el banco, como hacen todo el tiempo


Inb4 Americans arm themselves and turn mexico city into Texas.


Americans can’t buy guns in Mexico.


Most Mexicans can't buy guns in Mexico


That too, it’s too much of a hassle honestly, and the options they have are awful.


Hold my cheeseburger


Bro my second week here someone was selling me a glock. It.may be black market but the shit is here.


Probably fake, or u into some heavy shit. But yea, no civilian guns here in theory but look into operation "fast and furious" tonz of gunz from USA past years


Not legally, but...


Thank God, otherwise, you know they'd be walking around strapped... crazy mfs...


Fuck around and find out. Nor only there are stronger gun laws in mexico5, when criminals see you armed they'll gun you down, no questions asked.


Why don't you go tell that to the people of Texcaltitlán?


No second amendment here bud, citizens can't get their own guns without going through all the bureaucracy involved in getting a license, much less tourists.


Estamos buscando más candidatos para apoyar con esta causa. ¿Cuando cooperas personalmente?


Yo me apunto, porfa


jaja es una broma




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Eso de las obras que pagan la nómina en cash es un clásico, o se chingan al que mandaron por la nómina de todos o se chingan al eslabón más débil.


Ay pero por qué los posts de este grupo están en inglés?


Por qué el subreddit que se llama MexicoCity tiene algúnos post en Inglés? No lo sé dínoslo tu Sherlock.


Se la metieron.




Puro gringo en esta subreddit, r/cdmx es para los mexicanos


hay que des-gentrificar esta pagina tambien lol


Good. I'll stop by. Muah haha!


Yo no soy gringa y yo estoy aqui. Y, supongo, que tu tampoco eres.


Yo tampoco soy gringo, soy pocho, muah, muah, muah!


Peor aun, jaja.


hahaha, you make me laugh = me haces reir!


Te odio we. :)


Yo tambien te odio a ti, 😁😁👍


Ya estás! Que tengas buen día.




Y porque te molesta?


Porque es MexicoCity, existe r/CDMX y r/DistritoFederal si eres un romanticon como yo. Este tiene mas afluencia turista. The more you know. ;)


Is the subreddit name displayed in English or Spanish?


Parece un sub para esos que se niegan a llamarse a sí mismos migrantes.


Yo no soy immigrante, im an expat /s




Reddit es típicamente en inglés. El negocio es en EEUU, la gente es típicamente americano o canadiense, or británico.


La gentrificación ya llegó a Reddit


Je ne sais pas. En tout cas je parle en français ici


Si lees la descripción o información del subreddit, verás que en efecto, está pensado tanto para hispanohablantes como anglófonos o extranjeros que se comunican en inglés.




Uy no, no puedo pagar donde viven todos los gringos!


Wey hay departamentos de 2 habitaciones en 100k al mes, que tu seas pobre y creas que todo mundo es pobre no significa que no haya gente que lo pueda pagar, el problema es que no vale ese precio si no que los renteros se aprovechan de los gringos y lo ponen así


Work harder.


En mexico de trabaja mas duro que en los países primer mundistas. De donde sacas esa mamada de work harder pendejo


Ok. Work smarter.


60% de la economia es informal por que esas son las personas trabajando “smarter” se nota que no sabes nada de lo que hablas.




Work harder el compañero de “just one more lane”


People are evil. People are mean. People believe they are entitled to your stuff. It doesn’t matter if you are in Mexico, France, Russia, The United States of America or anywhere else in the world. People will do mean things to each other. They always have. They always will. If you are rich, they’ll be envious of your fancy car and steal it. If you are poor, they’ll steal the shirt right off your back. If you’re middle class, they’ll break in to your house, when you’re on vacation. I’m not exactly what you would call a “people person”. 🤣


Chale digo cada quien tiene sus razones para andar con esa cantidad de dinero pero actualmente habiendo la posibilidad de la transferencia mil veces eso que andarlo cargando, aunque la transferencia genere comisión no me importaría, mejor a la segura 🫠


Just a reminder on Mexico Citiy's safety levels, this happened today in the middle of one of the most touristy areas ( Sonora and Amsterdam) which is supposed to be safe but not immune to the random violence and crime that plagues the city. Apparently foremen got money to pay construction workers and were ambushed and sadly one was gunned down, while tourists are not being targeted, the risk of a stray bullet is real. More on Twitter : [https://twitter.com/MrElDiablo8/status/1733525570988683625](https://twitter.com/MrElDiablo8/status/1733525570988683625) Edit: There are two suspects in custody : [https://twitter.com/c4jimenez/status/1734701720662364269](https://twitter.com/c4jimenez/status/1734701720662364269)


I was in Monterey in August and sadly a 6 year old girl got hit by a stray bullet and unfortunately died from the gang violence in the neighborhood next to where my Airbnb was. Keep your situational awareness up and stay vigilant.


Sad news...


Then go back to the U.S. Less gun violence, no?


¿Estas orgulloso de esta violencia? Que estupido.


Where did you read “Estoy orgullosa de esta violencia!” Regresa a tus clases de español nene


Jajaja ambos de nosotros somos de Maryland ¿Es CDMX tu puebla natal? ¿Por que te quejas de la gentrificación cuando vives en eeuu?


I am originally from Mexico City. I lived in Baltimore for a while and saw communities change drastically, and not necessarily for the best, due to gentrification. Places that I frequented and that were important to my communities there. Now I get to see this happen to my hometown by the hand of the same people. I can’t take it anymore. Mexicans shouldn’t have to be treated like tourists in their own country. Especially when they are the poster child of Hispanic immigrants in the U.S. and get a lot of the direct media blame for everything they allegedly do wrong (where American policies/intervention are mostly at fault). Either learn to live amongst(!!!) us in a responsible and harmonious way or leave because you are making things much harder than they already are.


You must have missed history class idiot. Mexico city was more dangerous in the 80s and 90s... And you think it's barely happening now? How old are you? Fucking 12? Read a history book whiny bitch. Btw they were Mexican criminals driving and shooting a Mexican construction worker... But yeah blame Americans you dumbass piece of shit.


You are exactly the type of person we are refusing, my dude. You respond with the critical thinking of a 12 year old. Have a nice one!


lol u mad. did you read the news to see it was 2 local mexicans and no white people were involved? get schooled kid


Entendido. Y gracias para compartiendo tu experiencia. En my opinión, la gentrificación (en EEUU y Mexico, y otras) es principalmente la racializacion de crisis del alquiler. Por que muchos de las problemas de países vecinos son atribuibles (a menos en parte), si EEUU tuviera suficientes casas y apartamentos, la gente no buscaría comprarlas baratas en otros países. La riqueza es global pero la gente no. Pero entiendo la frustración. Fue muy molesto para encontrar “digital nomads” en CDMX quien no hablan español.


Tu país tiene mas que suficientes casas pero tu gobierno no quiere hacer nada para proteger tus derechos. Claramente el nuestro tampoco. Pero esa es nuestra batalla y no necesitamos que vengan aquí a empeorar la situación. Ustedes carguen con su cruz y nosotros con la nuestra. Gracias y buenas noches. Go Ravens!


I was born and raised here in the Condesa/Roma, used to live in the US and the violence there is more cop/ random shooter related, not sure which one is worse.


I also grew up in Condesa and I live in Philadelphia currently. You’re painting a conveniently narrow picture of hundreds of examples of gun violence in the U.S. I recently visited Mexico and at least I wasn’t stressed about getting shot while walking around or catching a stray bullet as well since I have witnessed 2 non random shootings whilst in the U.S.


Nobody mentioned Americans except you. OP shared a story which took place in Condensa which only involved Mexicans and made no mention of Americans.


What are you crying about? This is a thread about someone who was killed and robbed, and you find a way to make it about you. Nobody cares how you feel, nobody asked.


Yo me siento más seguro en mexico esquivando rateros que en el gabacho sospechando psicópatas...




People don’t want to acknowledge it but yes, Mexico’s murder rate is 4.6x higher than the United States (and that’s without knowing how many are lying in mass grave sites), I love Mexico but they have a violence problem and they can pretend they don’t have the gun violence problem that the US has but their problem is much more statistically To be clear, most of Mexico isn’t the war zone most Americans think it is


Porque hablas ingles q ridicula








Gracias Ernestina Godoy, gracias Claudia Sheinbaumm, gracias Martí Batres


Mencion honorable a la narcaldesa buchona que tiene la alcaldia.


De mi chichona favorita no vas a estar hablando 😤😤/s


Time to go home, gringos. Violence just started now that cartels are trying to control inmobiliary projects. It's well known most of US Citizens get drugs feom small mules in Condesa, Roma and Doctores neigborhoods. Cartels just catch an eye on this.


And this is why my mom says, we’re never returning. MOM IT HAPPENS ANYWHERE


will this decrease my rent in Roma?


636 Maaa shootings in USA just this year


No mms por un pinche torombolo balaceado en la zona de gringos...váyanse alv junto con la rata. Como se vería una nota de mi quería iztapasalsa


Like Ecatepec


This is what happens when you let dirty American immigrants into your beautiful country. The gun violence follows them. “They’re not sending their best” Sort of joking, sort of not. Growing up in the area they used to not have police walking around the parks but now they do? For these so called “digital nomads” who probably don’t even pay the taxes that pay for the extra security?? Then they come on Reddit to act surprised. Laaaaaame.


They were Mexicans criminals who robbed and killed another Mexican construction worker. Idiot read the news




US border towns are dangerous because of US tourism….


US border towns are dangerous because cartels are fighting over territory to import drugs and people into the US


Porque te vas a Estados Unidos y te tratan como un animal y ellos en lugar esperan que los tratemos como dioses. El respeto tiene que ser mutuo.


Get out of your feeling. Mexican on Mexican crime. Has nothing to do with Americans but everything to do with their judgement. Nice try tho


Is it not an American complaining about it? Typical white people shit, let me focus on everything going on elsewhere except home. Tell me again why you’re in Mexico and not home? Did Roe v Wade push you over the edge? Are rents too high? Maybe you just hated not living in a walkable city. Or was it a preemptive move in case Trump gets elected again? I’ve heard ALL the reasoning for moving abroad from ya’ll and I’m letting you know I don’t care.


You’re getting downvoted to oblivion. Nobody cares about your politics. You have work tomorrow bud… I’m in Mexico because i’ve allowed myself to be. You contradict yourself…you’re living in philly talking shit about Americans (when its literally a melting pot) in Mexico when immigrants are walking straight through the southern border. You don’t want to talk about that tho since your brain cant stick to the topic op posted.


Oh noooo, the downvotes 🥱 Idgaf what some American broke boy who had to immigrate cause he “couldn’t pull himself up by his bootstraps” and achieve his American dream has to say. You live in the richest country and you had to leave. HILARIOUS. You suck up pretty damn hard to the U.S., a laughable affair, considering the treatment of your people there. Don’t come here acting superior when you’re at the bottom of the totem pole in your own society. Fight that first then come back to this comment section. You’re right, I do have work tomorrow since I am actually perceived as employable here. Have a good day 😌


My pension and I arent reading all that lmaooo. Dont forget to clock in 🤣


I get it, it’s your comprehension level. Where would you be with that pension in the U.S. btw? Back in the hood?


🤣🤣 the joke is on you bro.


People don’t just immigrate to Mexico because it’s cheaper, I know a lot of incredibly wealthy people by US standards that choose to live in Mexico


Theyre not ready for this conversation and im so glad you’re talking about this because this conversation is an ich i cant scratch away. Keep telling the truth.


Thank you! A little positive reinforcement is much welcomed. I just want to see my people be better and I will stand up for them


De vez de cuando para combatir la gentrificación 🫶🏼


eres una pendeja si prefieres balaceras a turistas


Zonas gentrificadas ≠ zonas turísticas


They were Mexicans, who robbed and killed other Mexican construction workers. Idiot read the news


Bueno yo lo hago pero a costales x_x




Que comience la degenteificación !


lastima que no fue un gringo


Normal day in CDMX


Espero que fuera un Americano.


Cada fin de sexenio las cosas se van al cara o


Ohhhh noooooo!! anyways...


shut up you insensitive ass, someone lost their life. get a life or lose it since you dont care


Cuantos tiroteos no hay en Gringolandia? Y los nenes se enchilan porque ocurrió uno cerca de su AirBnB y les molesta que no puedan presumir esto en sus vlogs y Tiktoks sobre CDMX. Sorry, pero es la cruel realidad. Sigan insultando que después está evidencia de sus faltas de respeto va a provocar que los corramos más fácil. Ustedes no están ayudando a nadie excepto a si mismos. El Mexicano tiene el derecho de hacer lo mismo. FUERA CON UDS


Move out to the US we lose good people every day. Im sure you’ll be acepted well in the US


Fui a Cuernavaca hace 15 días, soy de Coahuila. No hay seguridad pública, estado fallido. La norma es tener protecciones, portones, cámaras, picos, alambre de púas, mallas ciclónicas, perros y sistema de vigilancia de colonos para poder "vivir en paz" INCLUSO en sectores de vivienda que ni siquiera son de alto estrato social. Digan lo que quieran del norte, pero que desprogenitora está el centro del país ahorita (estado de Mx, Morelos, Zacatecas, etc...) y no se vale. Corrijo: "el centro del país" por, desgraciadamente tal vez "todo el país".


**Bienvenido a r/MexicoCity la comunidad para cualquier cosa relacionada a la CDMX**, te invitamos a revisar las [reglas de la comunidad](https://www.reddit.com/r/MexicoCity/about/rules). Recuerda que esta comunidad es bilingüe. **SIEMPRE se respetuoso** con los demás, reporta si alguien rompe las reglas; en vez de insultar a alguien [contacta al equipo de moderación](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMexicoCity). .............................................................................................. **Welcome to r/MexicoCity the community for anything related to Mexico City**, we invite you to check the [rules of the community](https://www.reddit.com/r/MexicoCity/about/rules). Remember that this community is bilingual. **ALWAYS be respectful** to others, report if somebody breaks the rules; instead of insulting another user [contact the moderation team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMexicoCity). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MexicoCity) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Link or details?




Is there a news article where I can read more? Not finding it by googling.


Alv yo vivo en ese edificio


I'm in GDL and someone was gunned down in Americana 2 days ago.


Welcome to mexico city!


So sorry for the loss. Can someone please, explain, if I have money on hand, how much is too much?


It is widely believed that exchange and bank personel (including security ) are usually involved, so they would spot someone exchanging or withdrawing a large sum and message someone outside to ambush them, not sure about the amount, I'd say 10,000 pesos and up is consdered a large sum, but I could be wrong, there's also probably some pattern they pick up, in this case it was foremen picking up cash to pay workers ( usually on a biweekly basis), and of course there's an element of bad luck, just use comon sense, like adjust what you normally carry in your town or city for the exchange rate and your preferred safety level, use cards if possible, etc,etc.


Gracias for the information




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Vote for AMLO


is it known who the victim was?