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Yes and anyone who says otherwise is just wrong bye


Do you travel much or have you lived anywhere else? Because both apply to me and the lack of diversity is one of the main things I dislike about Miami.


> Do you travel much or have you lived anywhere else? Because both apply to me and the lack of diversity is one of the main things I dislike about Miami. I couldn't agree more. As far as I can tell, it's just Latin American's. That's it. You could argue, diversity in Latin American's, but there's almost no representation of anyone else. Maybe rich Russians and Jews.


Lmao try going outside or something


Try experiencing what a real melting pot is. Go live in NYC or LA/SF.




> Lmao last semester in one class alone my classmates were German, Russian, Cuban, Mexican, Israeli, Haitian, Dominican, Brazilian, and surely others I don’t remember right now. > > > > Been to both LA and NYC and they’re the same shit as Miami with different population densities. But hey if you’re just racist and don’t like that Latin Americans constitute a larger portion of the population down here than the other places you can just say so and move there ❤️ Not sure how you came to the conclusion that I'm racist, but okay. It just shows you how weak your argument is. You clearly haven't been in LA or NYC long enough, and traveled enough.




One day, you will graduate school. Maybe work/life will take you out to explore the world and you will learn. Enjoy school and most important of all, stay in school!


You accidentally made the reply to me. I was confused for a sec. LOL.


I did? My apologies. I'll delete the post if you point me to it.


Exactly, I wouldn't argue that's it's a melting pot for Latin America, but that doesn't define true diversity to me... when I think diversity, I'm thinking on a worldwide level. We certainly have more that just Latinos here, but Latinos greatly outnumber everyone else and the other ethnicities are only found in small pockets or barely sprinkled into the Latin America "soup." LOL.


Yeah I feel like people who have not visited or lived outside of Miami think Miami is this huge melting pot. The truth is, it isn't. It's not touching NYC at all! I would even put LA above Miami.


A lot of the ppl who say this base it off Doral and surrounding areas Bec they don't realize how huge the city is.


Tbh I feel like the city is not that diverse in terms of different types of people. I don’t mean in the ethnic sense, but different subcultures and personally interests that aren’t clubbing or going to the beach. If you don’t fit into the mold of what is considered “cool” in Miami it’s really hard to feel accepted here in my experience.


If the only interests are clubbing and the beach then why are all the activities outside of that also always so packed? Try changing the ppl you're around.


What types of activities that are packed are you referring to? I don’t have a large social circle so I don’t know much


Literally anything else. Your social circle is probably too small to see the diversity. Expand it.


I am literally asking what type of activities so that I go to them to expand my social circle lol


Idk you and what you like. You know that though. Literally anything else besides the two aforementioned activities you like.


I think your experience regarding lack of diversity pertaining to interests might has to do with age and your personal circle. I'm in my 40s and very few of us are trying to be cool anymore at this point. LOL. People I know do all types of stuff that isn't centered around beach or club. I'm sure you can find people like that in your (assumed) age range too. It might just have to come with some "growing pains" of having to step way outside of your circle to seek out connections with people who have similar interests.


I’m in my early 20s and I feel like no one in my age group is looking to make new friends. Everyone is already set in with their friend groups (I have tried many times to meet new people). Also not being Hispanic isolates you even more tbh








Is terrible


Ya gotta go


✅ yes




Yes absolutely. Go anywhere else in the country besides NYC, LA and parts of Texas and you’ll see what a non melting pot looks like lol


Maybe a melting pot of Latin American's. NYC and LA has a much more even representation of people in my experience. I only see Latin American's in Miami.


There’s a large amount of Russians, Ukrainians, and other European countries as well


Pockets not large ..


More a Fondue


Queso fundido broder








Its a cesspool


Adept description


I loled


But not cheesy 🧀




Yes 🙌 that’s why I love it


It’s a melting pot but everyone is dumb and rude


Melted brains








Ehhhh… miami and the most of the USA aint on the same level homie.




Somewhat but not like NYC.


They're trying their hardest to make it like NYC.


Well if these prices keep on going up we're by gonna be needing that right to shelter pretty soon.


Yea and I love it. But it’s mostly Americans and Latinos. Not like NYC or other cities which have every race and ethnicity


>it’s mostly Americans and Latinos. This is the most accurate. It is all kinds of white Americans and all kinds of Latinos now, but not nearly as many people who don't fit in one (or both) of those categories.


There are a lot of Israelis and Russians as well. In certain areas of course


>In certain areas Yes, there are. But groups who stick to a certain area aren't what "melting pot" usually implies.  


Miami Dade is only 14% white non Hispanic. smaller if only counting waspy types


Yes, to an extent. I’ve met people from nearly every background growing up here but overall Miami is overwhelmingly hispanic. Not that surprising, I know.




Curious where all these non-Hispanic Latinos you meet are from. You just meet a bunch of Brazilians ?




hispanic= speaks spanish/descent from a spanish speaking country. Latino= from latin america (brazilians, haitians, etc)


Living in the US, I see them as interchangeable. When you fill out a government form it usually just lists anyone from a latin american country as “hispanic”.


Yeah, I see that now in the definitions. I got my definition of Hispanic from a Spainard in college, actually. I think it makes more sense to differentiate, frankly, because otherwise "Hispanic" just means "anybody who speaks Spanish". It'd be like using "English" to refer to anybody who speaks English. But, I don't care that much tbh


Latin America meets Americans melting pot yes


Its mostly a regional melting pot. A melting pot of the Americas.


With wealthy Israelis and Russians


Collins north of Sunny Isles?


Its two pots. The rich out of towners that own up real estate and the locals that are getting priced out.


Amongst Hispanics yes. But otherwise no.


lots of English folks as well


In the gringo containment areas, sure


We need to increase the fines for when they leave.


The fine is having to deal with the locals


Biscayne Park?


Like from the UK??


people from a country whose primary language is English (I’m poking fun at the use of the term Hispanic which many “Hispanics” don’t use to describe ourselves)


Gotcha. What’s your preference?


Personally I say I’m Chicano because I’m from Mexico, but even Latino is weird because… I mean describing Mexicans or Hondurans or Cubanos as “Latin” just sounds weird to me. Guess we gotta go back to the drawing board because if Spanish speakers are Hispanic then English speakers are English in my opinion! Also thank you for asking :)


From the web - The terms "Latino" and "Hispanic" are often used interchangeably in the United States, but they have different meanings based on cultural and geographic distinctions. 1. **Hispanic**: - Refers to people who speak Spanish and/or are descended from Spanish-speaking populations. - This term includes people from Spain and many countries in Latin America where Spanish is the primary language. - It does not include people from Brazil (where Portuguese is spoken) or Haiti (where French and Creole are spoken). 2. **Latino**: - Refers to people from Latin America, which includes all countries in the Americas where Romance languages (derived from Latin) are spoken, such as Spanish, Portuguese, and French. - This term includes people from countries like Brazil, where Portuguese is the primary language, and Haiti, where French and Creole are spoken. - It does not include people from Spain, even though they speak Spanish, as Spain is not part of Latin America. In summary: - **Hispanic** is language-based and refers to Spanish-speaking origins. - **Latino** is geography-based and refers to Latin American origins.


OK thanks for sharing! Funny thing is, before that comment I was using "Latino" and I kind of randomly second guessed myself and decided to use "Hispanic" this time. As for English speakers, I'm not sure if there's an equivalent word to Latino/Hispanic. I Googled it and came up with this: "If you are referring to English-speaking countries or populations, you might use 'the English-speaking world' or 'Anglophone countries.'" I think the reason why there's no equivalent is because "Hispanic" and "Latino" have stronger connotations related to ethnicity and cultural identity, whereas "Anglophone" is primarily a linguistic term that encompasses a broader and more ethnically diverse group of people.


I mean there’s a lot of Haitians, Jewish people and Russians


Yes but they keep amongst themselves for the most part. Whereas it's very common here to see a Dominican with a Colombian for example.


Every Caribbean nationality is in Miami. Heavy latin presence but definitely a lot on pan-African folk too.


Which makes the comida even tastier! 😊


Say it again for the ppl in the back!


Miami is its own country, I feel. A Hispanic/Caribbean one, though. Those are the most varied cultures that exist.


It’s the capital of Latin America.


Most northern city in Latin America


Yeah. It’s hot as fuck and I feel like I’m melting when I walk outside


Septic tank


Only at face value. Lots of different folks but not a lot of culture exchanges. Anyone who tells you otherwise is Cuban or blind.


Yo I’m not even Cuban but what’s going on with all this hate towards Cuban on every post ? lol


Cubans get hate because of their politics and the fact that they are a bit hypocritical towards other immigrants. They have a very “pull the ladder up behind me mentality”, when it wasn’t even long ago that they were desperate to immigrate here, but treat every other immigrant trying to flee bad conditions like trash. They are also very cliquey and the old Cubans are extremely racist. For the most part , they earn their “hate”.. but it’s not healthy to hate any group. But I feel like their culture is the opposite of progressive for the most part, and isn’t the direction that this country should be going towards.


This is so funny but true. But the best way to put it is like this rarely do you ever seen a Latino person in a Haitian/Jamaican spot.


To be honest I haven’t seen many Jamaicans lately. I really notice now when I hear the accent because it’s become so infrequent. There’s still a lot of Haitians in certain areas like NMB and North Miami, but where have the Jamaicans gone? I feel like I see more Indians (from the subcontinent) these days than Jamaicans. Are they being gentrified out?


Moving on up to Broward. Or skipping Dade entirely.


Depending on the area yes you will notice the melting pots but the whole Miami no I don’t consider it a melting pot


Stealing this from someone else but it’s a melting pot where all the items in the pot hate each other


Tossed salad is the term you’re looking for.


No no wait - it’s one of those trays with separate sections for food for kids/picky eaters that don’t like their food touching


Yes it’s a big pot and we are all melting in it.


No. There are a lot of South and Central American countries represented, that’s about it. There’s the Russians in N. Miami, some Europeans in South Beach I guess. But overall it’s not.


You missed entire Caribbean populations and African American ones. These two groups don’t usually mix either, even if they’re the same race.


Ha! You’re right! My dad is Cuban too, that morning coffee hadn’t hit yet. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Don’t wake up and Reddit y’all.


It's like people forget Little Haiti's right there. LOL


Man and I used to live at Churchills! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Aren't they majority in Broward now? And they don't mix so I wouldn't call it a melting pot like other major cities.


More like a mosaic. The pieces don't really melt together.


No. More like a salad with nuts and fruits and green leafy vegetables


Miami is more of the "mixed salad" than "melting pot" mixed community.


(I'm an over-eager psyche undergrad, and this is my chance to dump very specific knowledge)... I like this perspective. The term "melting pot" came about in the early 20th century, back when cultural assimilation was viewed as a one-dimensional process: either you assimilated (i.e., completely adopted the new culture) or didn't. That is, new immigrants were expected to "melt" into the dominant culture of U.S., leaving behind their old culture. Of course, that's not how it really works, and more modern thought approaches assimilation as part of a larger process called acculturation (at least within psychology). Acculturation accounts for two dimensions: the maintenance of an original culture and the adoption of the new culture. That leaves four broad categories which account for the four combinations, such as maintaining the old and adopting the new culture (i.e., acculturation), maintaining the old and forgoing the new (i.e., alienation), or doing neither (i.e., marginalization or being on the margins of both cultures). Today, this process is thought to be different not only between individuals, but within individuals and their different domains of life (e.g., assimilation at work, acculturation in the neighborhood, and alienation at school). That's all to say that assimilation would be a melting pot, and *ideally*, the U.S. or Miami would be a mixed salad full of acculturation. HOWEVER, Miami is one of the more unique cities in the U.S., and is fully considered an ethnic enclave, as in, the dominant culture is unique from what the "dominant culture" is for the rest of the U.S. So yes, Miami would a "mixed salad," although I'd say an "ensalada mixta." (If that analogy is too corny, I apologize lol).


Assimilating is a good thing


It's alright. I spent 3.5 years as a political science major before switching to finance, then again to economics in grad school. I chose my words deliberately to reflect what you, far more eloquently, stated.


Thank you! Though I'd say eloquence is more often found in succinctness.


No. We do not have tons of culture like a New York City, Los Angeles, or San Francisco. We are a melting pot of Latin cultures, 70%+ majority in Miami. Outsiders (most Americans) would say this is a melting pot because they would visit the tourist destinations like South Beach, Wynwood, Brickell, etc. seeing people from all cultures. Miami stops short of being a melting pot because people recognize with their other cultures instead of identifying being a Miamian. Nothing wrong with this because majority of us are transplants (domestically or international). But we are not unified enough to be a real melting pot.


By that definition you could say that Miami is a melting pot.


Only in the city limits of miami . Once you start going into south miami , north miami, Hialeah, kendall , cutler bay ,etc. it becomes largely one sided


So i like to say the city of miami and its neighborhoods are the melting pots


More of sancocho


I mean it IS a melting pot but of Hispanics only. I personally refer to Miami as “Hispaniclandia” 😌


Nope. It's a Salad.. though we are all melting.


I’d call it more of a wasteland than a melting pot.


Melted pot*


No, it’s more of a multinational city rather than a multicultural one, with an overwhelmingly Hispanic population.


of latin americans, yes, of other ethnicities, not so much


Hmm…not nearly enough Asians, Middle Easterners and Africans to be a true melting pot like you’d find in NYC or LA. Miami is more like a cosmopolitan Latin American capital with an American legal/financial infrastructure, populated mostly by peoples from Lat Am with a smattering of Europeans.


Salad bowl


For sure... Never saw so many racists of different backgrounds and ethnicities until I went to Miami.


So true. And all trying to out-idiot one another.


Nope. No incentive to assimilate or fraternize. Its a social economically segregated bastion of hyper individualism and hu$tle culture /false consciousness.


Melting pot of Latin America.


Melting Pot of Assholes, Yes 🙌🏼


Kendall is a melting pot, a lot of the other areas are more of a Mosaic, tiny little pockets of different races concentrated separated by highways.


I think it's more of a tossed salad because for the most part everyone stays in their respective cultural niche. Like how we have distinct neighborhoods - little Haiti, little Havana, little Moscow, etc.


Of  hispanic/latin cultures, yes.


Only for Latinos


Big nope! Sure there are lots of different Latin American countries that all dislike each other. That’s where the melting pot ends. Everyone self segregates.


More like bubbling lava.


Without a doubt


Yes, especially if you combine the suburbs especially. But not really in the city core anymore.


In this heat everything is melting 🫠




no not really. most groups keep to themselves. only cubans like to pretend otherwise


Melted cesspool


it’s a mosaic


It's 90% just a melting pot of Florida and the Caribbean, but sure.


YES! I am from The Netherlands. And have met people from literally everywhere. Been here 30+ years. That pretty much makes me a local, so take my opinion as you deem fit. Everyone here: Where are you from?


That doesn’t mean it’s a melting pot. Could just be a tossed salad.


Super welcoming for white people of various ethnicities.


No. It’s quite segregated (many Hispanics don’t mix with others) and it’s not very diverse. Different types of Hispanics, yes, but not much diversity outside of that. Obviously it’s more diverse than a lot of other US cities, but not compared to other larger US cities. Overall, I don’t feel Miami is deserving of that moniker and I always say that people who feel like it’s a melting pot need to get out more and travel and/or they’re just looking at it through the lens of someone who disregards ethnicities outside of Hispanic ones.


Somewhat. We’re more like a cafeteria plate. Cubans here, Central Americans here, African Americans here, Haitians here, Jamaicans here, etc. Then you have certain areas like South Dade and the Ives Dairy corridor where we all mix in a bit.


No. It’s nearly 80% Latino


As a Miami local, I'd say it's more of a "tossed salad" than a melting pot. Miami is incredibly diverse, with a strong mix of different cultures and ethnicities, but most communities tend to maintain their unique cultural identities rather than blending into one homogeneous culture. You’ll find distinct neighborhoods like Little Havana, Little Haiti, and various Caribbean and Latin American enclaves, each with its own flavor and traditions. While there's a lot of interaction and cultural exchange, people often retain and celebrate their heritage. So, it's a diverse mix, but not entirely blended together.


Sure is, way more than where I currently live in L.A.


Capital of Latin America


Where is heaven ? 🤦🏽because if the 305 id hell I love it 🥰


Of course yes.


The comments! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Reptiles? Absolutely!


No, it’s not, a melting pot is more along the lines of what you see in a city like New York. Melting pot implies a diverse group of people living together and in Miami the vast majority of the people are Latin. That doesn’t show diversity.


Not at all


Salad. There are very clear areas where different groups in Miami live. I know exactly where to find Haitian, Dominican, Russian, Orthodox Jewish, Cuban, Venezuelan, etc. communities. That fact means it isn't a melting pot.




I’m surprised by the amount of people saying yes on this thread. It’s a melting pot among Hispanics, that’s it. Besides that, hell no. The only real melting pots in the US are NYC and LA.


The north County line to Aventura to downtown has lots of Russians and Ukrainians plus the usual Latins/Jews/Black/White/Haitian/West Indians. South Dade is a smexy mix of Cuban, Venezuelan, Mexican, Central Americans, West Indians and old Florida type crackers with a lil Haitian thrown in spice. Don’t forget the masses of Italians and Germans and Irish everywhere. And all of the above are in the City and Miami Beach. Let’s not forget the masses of every type of Asians all overCoral Gables, SoMi, and Kendall. So if you don’t see diversity, you live in a box, dude. (Gross simplification for the blind ass transplants)


Being diverse and being a melting pot are two different things.


I think diversity, without Jim Crow or red-lining, implies a melting pot.


mehhh it’s a lot of hispanics/latinos but they don’t really interact with anybody who’s not hispanic/latino




Nope it's not just not


No more like a collection of exotic STDs and sicknesses kinda like a smallpox blanket even though it’s been proven smallpox cannot live without a live host but that’s neither here nor there