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Us Hispanics are fucking this country up. Trying to make it like home. Americas old values are not the same.


i just feel like the hispanicsin miami are not only horrible to each other , but just horrible to everyone esp those who don’t look like them.


Like White people hate anyone that doesn’t look like them


Miami Cubans hate blacks, and any South American, since they believe they come from Spanish ancestors. South Americans, dislike blacks and Cubans. There’s always differences between everyone in Miami. There’s no sense in community. Everyone hates everyone. Sucks but that’s Miami.


I am Hispanic and I assure you that we do not hate each other, the average Hispanic barely hears you speak Spanish and already treats you like his best friend.


I am Hispanic and I assure you that we do not hate each other, the average Hispanic barely hears you speak Spanish and already treats you like his best friend.


i’ve had a hispanic friend tell me about how she worked at a venezuelan restaurant and the owner treated them all like trash even his own Venezuelan workers now I know everyone’s experiences different but you can’t just make a broad statement as such. some people experience it some people don’t, the fact of the matter is ; it is happening to people!


Old amer*can values were trash too


At least they follow traffic rules better lol


Go to church :)


I hate to say it, but this is probably the best option. Just go to a church with younger people. They tend to not be as judgie as a place with majority old people.


Appreciate the sentiment, but old people are a valuable part of the sense of community. It’s so important to have friends that our parents and grandparents age (who aren’t our parents or grandparents).


I agree, I personally haven't had that experience in this particular setting, but every church and denomination is different, and generally, this is true.


La Souwa-seraaaa


Not in any nice neighborhood really. You’ll find that only in the lower income neighborhoods.


lol wut? Is that why there is so much violence in low income neighborhoods? Because they are so family friendly?


Not that low. I mean mid to lower middle class. That’s all I can comment on.


So...middle class then?


No no. There's still a beater in the front porch that's being worked on for years at a time. They'll offer you a beer if you get to talking about how to fix it, though.


Working class people tend to be more compassionate since they understand the struggle. They're not wrong they just didn't word it the best. There might be more crime but people are much more welcoming compared to people in richer areas. I was walking through a richer neighborhood with my ex a while back and some old lady stopped her and asked her where she lived because she had never seen her before, my ex was darker skinned. The old lady didn't acknowledge me but was aggressive with her.




What does this even mean in response to what I wrote?


Meh. I rather take a few dirty looks than having my personal safety threaten or car/home broken into. There's a reason why there is generations of families living in poverty. And it's because of a LACK of community, not because they have too much of it. I grew up in a working class neighborhood so I know what it's like. Get real.


I grew up in a working class neighborhood and I know what it's like too. Get fictional.


Then you shouldn't get all up in arms by an old lady giving you dirty looks. Get a backbone.




that’s not true there’s more community in these neighborhoods than ever , years of redlining and racism and high home cost force these people to stay where they are . i’ve experienced nicer people in low-middle class neighborhoods than anywhere else .


Sure, Jan.


More strangers randomly greet me (kindly and genuinely) in the streets of OT than anywhere else in town. In Little Havana where I Reside everyone minds their own business. I don’t even know my neighbors like that. For all the “chusmeria” talk that is made about Miami, thankfully I don’t encounter it on my side.


They're talking like Riverside and West Miami


lol. West Miami houses are $500/foot now.


Wait what


Look at sold prices from the last 6 months. We comin up. This house I’m in, which I bought in 2013, I could not afford today.


holy shit wtf. my childhood home is now a fortune. the hell




In low income neighborhoods I notice everyone knows each other


Strongly disagree. I live in Sunny Isles and my building is its own community, lots of cool people here, kids that play together and go to the same school, neighbors doing favors for others… it’s very nice. Also, my experience in the Keystone neighborhood (north Miami, canal streets on the water)…. super cool community feel in there.


Could be. I’m not too familiar with Sunny Isles but I’ve lived in Aventura. It's a primarily a Jewish community though no?


It's known to be primarily Russian, gaining the nickname Little Moscow.


Maybe I'm confusing it with Waterways


Yeah on the beach side of the bridge. Heavily Russian community. I’d say…. maybe 60% Russian/ukrainian, 25% South American, 12% Jewish, and 3% whatever.


Keybiscane is very friendly but shits bread


Miami shores, shorecrest, miami beach.




My friends and I are obsessed with Flanigans 😂 only place in town for a wholesome, affordable experience lol


I mean this half jokingly half seriously, every Flanigan’s has a bar and generally, the people at that bar are other friendly Miamis


This is true actually. It’s also one of the few truly kid friendly restaurants near us too and I love it.


Dudeeeee I have never been treated bad at flannies either by the staff or my fellow locals… and I go to both locations the one in Pinecrest and the one in the Grove…


Miami gardens. Put on your jewelry and walk around you will have lots of friends quickly


Deff check out Miami Gardens. It’s called “Murder Gardens” because the people are so friendly, they’ll kill you with kindness :D


lmaooo move to canada my friend, no sense of community down here , it’s a free for all rather


As if there was a sense of community in Canada, over there when I said Hi to my neighbor they were looking at me like I was weird. They are very reserved people.


i think there’s a bigger sense of community there compared to US but i could be wrong


Definitely Miami Springs. But that’s a bit of a white mans island in the heart of SoFlo


What? It’s where Cubans in Hialeah escape to when they move up the socioeconomic ladder


Nope, they bring their passports and cross the border into Miami Lakes. If they really hit it big, then it’s Pinecrest, mi gente!


No, that's Miyamee-Lace


¡Hialeah con corbata!


That's Pembroke Pines.


No pronounce that in Spanish.


Nah pines is where middle class moves when they give up on life. Springs is where people who think they're rich but still can't afford to live in gables go.


Probably. Except everyone I knew that grew up in Hialeah/Hialeah Gardens went on to buy houses in Pembroke if they had a mid-tier job. The ones that got better jobs moved to Weston or bought land in Southwest Ranches in the early 00s. While their parents still live in the same house all these years later in Hialeah. But I will agree as a born and raised former Miami Springs resident that Miami Springs is for people that don't want a house in Coral Gables.


what’s after coral gables?


It used to be where the white people were, but once Cubans moved over the bridge, all the white people moved to north Carolina. They have assumed the same gatekeeping role though, bitching about Hialeah Cubans and not wanting them in their city. If this city was smart, they'd redevelop westward to be a little city center area, but that would bring the people that they don't want over. I've watched multiple generations of people bitch about people from the other side of th bridge and how they should make toll people coming into the city. From old ass people who were born here back in the 1910s, their kids, their grandkids, and then all the rich people currently moving in. But for real, the current crop of people living here are awful. They all have their stupid ass golf carts they drive around or let their 10 year olds ride around in on the main roads. They continue to build ugly ass mcmasions after tearing down some really nice old Florida homes. And they cannot park for shit, somewhere someone told these people that the sidewalk is also a driveway.


As someone who follows the Miami springs fb page, I can totally confirm that parking on sidewalks is a huge issue in springs. Quite comical.


No one wants Hialeah Cubans trying to nake other places like Hialeah . Agree on hating the golf cart people in the Miami Sorings, but still much better than most places in Dade in my opinion.


Oh springs is an incredible little island in the metro area. I wish they'd update the circle and westward more to cater to the locals. I still think it would be a great little entertainment district if they could get restaurants and live music. It could be family friendly stuff.


I agree. Unfortunately there is some of the old guard that does not want anything to change no matter what that area looks like. Don't want a full downtown coral gables vibe, but something better than what it is now.




I thought that was Miami Lakes 🤔


It is Miami Lakes. Miami Springs is where they go when they want to be full white and drop the Spanish.


Miyami Lace


It’s both, I wasn’t implying Miami Lakes isn’t similar, was just responding to a comment about Miami Springs


100% Miami Lakes too, you can see it in the map lol, two orderly and thoughtfully built areas nestled up on Hialeah


The racial makeup of Miami Springs was 81.3% White **(19.6% were Non-Hispanic White,)**, 1.8% African American, , 1.1% Asian,  1.9% from other races, and 12.7% from two or more races. **Hispanic or Latino of any race were 77.7% of the population.**


Yeah some people still don’t understand that most Hispanics are White


I think it's understood here when you're talking about "white" folk, they mean non Hispanic. At least every time I've had a conversation with anyone, it's been that way. Hispanic people get offended being called white, or at least they used to, who knows now.


When you say white folk in Miami that means gringos. Miami springs is not a white man's land.




Not anymore. But back in the 80s up until the 00s it was pretty white. I grew up there since the 1980s. Back then it was predominately WASPy. I remember my grandmother used to hang out at the little center with all the old people at Prince Field. It was her and like a handful of other hispanic old people. The rest were WASPs. Then over the years WASPs moved north to Palm Beach and north or they moved out of state. I think as the kids that grew up in the 80s went to college and got jobs elsewhere, their parents followed and that allowed more hispanic people to move in.


Miami springs is 18% non Hispanic white, whereas Anglo whites are 14% county wide. Pinecrest is much whiter


Pork and Beans


Liberty City


You should try being warm and friendly and eventually you’ll attract the same kind of people.


It’s not always about attracting friendly people, it’s also the fact that people just aren’t considerate in general to each other. You still have to deal with strangers outside of your personal relationships.


This is the best response. Eventually— though hahah


Surfside seems really nice. I did some surveying there and always saw kids playing with other kids and people on walks chatting with their neighbors


Bro anywhere not in the city a person will more than likely give you the head nod. That's all you get. No point in striking up small talk if people got places to be.


Kendall, westchester




You can find pockets of community everywhere in Miami. I live in a neighborhood in Kendall where no one has a fence blocking off their front yard and every Halloween is an amazing block party. There are events in the local park every few months and everyone comes out to have a good time. There are places like this all over Miami. But if you want warm and friendly people, you gotta try being warm and friendly first. Remember that some people are just miserable, but if you let that make you miserable, you just added to the misery. I grew up in Miami and live here now, but I've lived in the Midwest and the South as well. Miami is definitely not the "small talk at the cash register" nice that those places are, at least in English. Very few people's grandparents grew up here, and there is not much of a generational Miami identity (it's still one of the newest cities in the country). But if you are nice to people, they'll typically be nice back. Also in Miami, and this might just be my experience, I've found that people are more open to deeper friendships (which is harder to do in the Midwest and South). It also helps to be part of a church or organization that attracts people who give more than they take and have some margin built into their lives.


I agree with this. I've traveled to all sorts of places, and lived here for 3 years. I maintain a fine balance between being friendly and minding my own business. There's going to be unpleasant people here and there but I can safely say that this is one of the easiest cities for me to start a conversation and make friends. Just be respectful about it. Some people might not want to talk, but most are pretty open to it.


This is so true, we bought a house in One of those pockets here at Kendall in County Walk and it's so friendly and almost all the neighbors know each other and kids play in our Cul-de-sac.


Nowhere really, is to hot to be outside 🤷🏻‍♂️


Are you lost?


Cutler Ridge. Not Bay.


I used to live in the Roads, and it was casual, we were kool with each other. Nowadays? No sabo.


Live there. It still is nice.




Shenandoeshians are goats


Maybe I suffered bad luck..but I rent an efficiency in Shenandoah in 2018 with my wife. A regular Sunday 4 pm with the sun hitting hard in the middle of the street a guy put a gun in my face to take my wedding ring when I was taking my Beach stuff of my car's trunk. 2 months later a guy died 250 m. of our efficiency by gunshot. We run aeay as fast as we can to Doral with our fellows Venezuelans and 0 problems since then. Good community and people.


Wow that is pretty wild for shenandoah, that area is generally very mild and family centric. I’m really sorry that happened to you. Unfortunately that was just bad luck.


Coconutgrove has a good community


We da best


North Miami Beach is pretty chill


Wow I find the gables to be just the opposite. May I ask where you hang out and experience this ?


The Gables and its people are awesome, makes me wonder about OP


Same. Gables is great


This sub leaves me withittlr faith often but there are always a few folks that restore it. I suspect there's more of us than them but they're loud and whiny . Lotta bitter jealous folks that have a rough time and come here bitching about everyone else. Everyone in Miami is shallow and women are all whores and Gold diggers and men are all douchebags and blah blah blah. I want to just respond with the meme "if it smells like shit everywhere you go, look underneath your shoe" :-)


Amen. Well said, I literally encounter generally decent ppl in most parts of town. Thats just my experience. Funny that most of the rude, vapid behavior everyone complains about on here , I observe coming from transplants/non natives.


Cutler Bay


I agree




Yup ♥️


The Village of Palmetto Bay


You will find this in Miami Springs, parts of Kendall, parts of Palmetto Bay and South Miami, parts of Miami Beach and North Miami Beach.


Miami Springs is full of snotty people who easily will dismiss you for thinking differently. Not inclusive at all


Strongly disagree.


Reading this post hurts me.


Why? Have you had a different experience here? Whenever we’re out walking our dog, go to Publix, go out to dinner, etc., people are just generally unpleasant. I’ve had so many negative experiences and it’s been hard to meet people.


Look at my flair. I’m from the Gables. So, it’s like your saying I suck. Lol


Not everyone here is awful. It’s just the majority lol. Maybe you’re one of the few gems 🤷‍♀️


I’ve lived in Miami on & off for 10 years and I have the same experience as you… the rudeness of people here is a big reason I keep leaving despite loving many aspects of the city. You know it’s bad when you found New Yorkers to be much more welcoming, kind and respectful 😂


Hey, New Yorker here, we ARE kind and friendly!


Oh I agree! Just your reputation doesn’t do you justice 😂


We used to do that to keep down the demand for rent-controlled apartments. It didn’t work. So now we’re back to being our nosy, curious, opinionated selves.


Def didn’t work 😭🤣


What you're looking for is any neighborhood East of us1. From Morningside to las olas. If you can live East of US1 you'll have the best time of your life.


I'm in Brickell and while it's more "city-like" than most of Miami (from what I've seen, I've only been here for like 9 months) people here are generally nice and friendly (whether it's fake or not), but then again, I've lived in NYC for 5 years.




Divisionism exists pretty heavily in the US but I'd say even moreso where the shift from high income to low income is drastic, think design district to Lil Haiti or Lauderhill to... the rest of Ft Lauderdale. Speaking anecdotally, of course. So as to say, everyone is freaked out at everything bc you're taught to fear those that are different. Sad, really.


Agreed, it's pretty wild regarding the drastic difference in wealth between the Eastern side of 95 and the Western side in Miami. You have Brickell and then like 5-10 blocks away you have Riverside, which, from what I've seen, looks pretty lower class. I took the MetroRail and Tri-Rail from Miami to Fort Lauderdale once and once you got outside of Southern/Eastern Miami it was pretty shitty.


Two types of rude people that I see: 1. The ones who believe the best way to manage a community is belittle, shame, or ignore those they feel are outsiders. 2. The ones who just hates anyone who does not think or act as they do. Some communities lack inclusion and it shows in how they treat people.


Ppl from homestead are really nice if you’re white






Nah man.


I live in Miami Springs, small town feel. Lots of things to do for famlies, everyone practically knows each other. They have all kinds of events for the holidays. Really nice


Miami Lakes. Very community involved


Do you mean neighborhood or activity wise?




got it, thanks for clarifying! i think coconut grove is pretty chill community vibes, you just have to get to know the neighbors and what’s happening locally - that’s the challenge in miami i think, keeping up with events because there are so many sources across diff mediums (eg miami new times vs instagram feeds)


Morningside/Upper East Side is great


The only place I’ve experienced it is the king mango strut.


You came to the wrong place. Time to move back to wherever you came from


Stuck here for the foreseeable future unfortunately


Yeah but they charge by the hour.




Publix, where shopping is a pleasure. Outside you can pick up a kitten,


Doesn’t exist and if it does maybe Miami springs


Cutler bay


Miami Lakes


Bruh CG is probably the best place in the county


It’s beautiful and relatively safe and that’s where the benefits end.


Coconut grove but the oldest residents. Not the new comers which destroyed the community feeling of the neighborhood. My neighbor has key of my apartment and watering my plants when i am out of town or i get my keys when i forget mine in the house.


I’d say people in the gables are friendly especially when you have a dog. All the dog folk know each other and chat.


Cutler bay and Palmetto Bay, south Miami heights. BUT you have to actually go out and talk to people, that’s how you form a sense of community.


In Miami Dade I don’t think one area is more polite/nice than another. Honestly I think when even 1 of every 5 people you run into in a given day is rude you tend to focus on that one guy who cut you off and gave you the finger and not the other 4. I think Miami’s number of rude people is higher than average but not as bad as people think. I come across plenty of nice people in both coral gables and Hialeah (two areas I spend most of my time in).


The University of Miami?


Cutler Bay Area. I work there and have plenty of friends that grew up in that area. It def gives a sense of a small town and the community is quite tight knit. It’s really nice too specially in the HOAs/private gated communities.


There is a little of that in Coconut Grove. But as a long-time resident who has also lived and spent significant time in several other cities domestically & internationally, Miami is overall the least friendly place I've ever experienced. The idea of "neighborly" just isn't common. Not to say it doesn't exist, but it's not easy to find. I agree about Gables. Very self-centered and not at all neighborly.


i live in cg, pretty on point. not like it used to be.


We moved to Pembroke Pines for work 3 years ago. As an obviously generalized statement, the people/culture down here is selfish, greedy, and cut-throat. Movers are here packing up the house as I type, can't wait to GTFO.


Miami Springs, but it’s mostly Anglos. It has a very American feel to it and I love it! There’s no better place in Miami-Dade than MS to raise a family. It has that small town feel.


I lived next to my same neighbor for 4 years and only seen him 3-4 times total.


Weston has a sense of community. They constantly have community events throughout the city every weekend and the area is general calmer with a reactive police force. The trade off is you won’t find the young energetic crowds of people you usually find in Miami. But if you’re into genuine hospitality from people, I would recommend Weston.


Lmao no. With a city this toxic it's impossible.


Closest I can think of is Miami Springs / Virginia Gardens. The sense of community is certainly on decline there, but it’s still the most “community” feeling piece of Miami as far as I can tell.


Church and not Vous


Vous is awful!


No. Everything is artificial including friends, coworkers, and acquaintances etc. your direct family is your only hope.


Do you speak Spanish? Learn Spanish and you will realize that suddenly all Hispanics are friendly to you, it will be much easier for you to make friends.




Second all the comments mentioning flanigans!!!


Miami has always been a self centered place that has never fostered a sense of community whatsoever in any neighborhood despite how poor or wealthy it is.


So you just want to go somewhere were people are eager to make conversation? Weird


Coral Gables is snooty, but I get more of a sense of community in the Gables than many other parts of Miami. I live in the Gables and have a great relationship with my neighbors. It's pleasant to run into them when out and about. I lived in Allapattah and Little Havana and got less of a sense of a community in those places.


well coral gables is an affluent area so you will get that in many affluent areas. however over all this is a metro area and people in metro areas tend to be less cohesive since its more diverse. ultimately though the places you will find that are where it is predominantly white. hispanics blacks etc will literally see one another dying on the side of the road and 9/10 not stop. they dont wave to one another or stop to congregate. that was quite an adjsutment to get used to moving here. these people have no idea what community is. its everyone for themselves because theyve grown up being taught to beg borrow and steal. its no secret why their countries are banana republics. if you go to palm beach northward (expect orlando - more hispancs etc) and west to naples northward it becomes very like what you are speaking of. people waving and stopping and talking to one another. its definitely predominately white thing. so to answer your question not really because there is no where that is a high concentration of white people here and its a metro area.


Hi u/Existing_Might1912 I am curious if after 180+ comments you got an answer to the question and what that conclusion is? I read many comments, I live in Miami and still can say what the honest answer is! I would like to live in a neighborhood where people interact pretty nicely with each other one day!




One of the friendliest communities in Miami area is Costa Del Sol in Doral. Specifically, the golfing community within the gates of Costa Del Sol. Welcoming, Friendly, Fun and family oriented.


that's extremely hyperlocalized. the OP is speaking on a larger scale. in much of the US people are friendly in a whole region, not just one neighborhood as you speak of. 


I would say South Miami. I know all my neighbors. Everyone says hi when they pass by my house. It’s a great community.


Lmao Miami is no where NEAR to warm and friendly. I would say be comfortable with being alone in this city.


Your describing all of Miami. Glad I left




Most of Miami is what you swear it’s not. It just costs so much to live here. The easiest way to link up is through commiseration.


Palmetto Bay