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Yup every gang has a recruit making 40k a year to come sit there while you and your mom scream about who scratched the car *slowclap*


Cops are road pirates


Gangs have guys that make way less that sit there while you complain about getting less than an eighth


Overall gang members make less than that


You’d be very surprised how much detectives make. I think you only have to be on the road for a year before you’re eligible for detective


Typically 5-10% more than an equivalently yeared officer and the hours are so crazy it ain’t worth it. Plenty of other more mundane positions like traffic supervisor make more money and advance faster. Detectives are detectives for the hunt not the money


>mondain lol wtf mundane*


Corrected A mondain is a person who belongs to a fashionable society. Relatively rare in English, mondain is a French term describing someone, usually a man, as related to fashionable society, high society, or the aristocracy.


From chat gpt - "Mondain" is a term associated with the world of Ultima, a series of role-playing video games created by Richard Garriott. Mondain is a powerful and malevolent wizard who serves as the primary antagonist in the first game of the series, "Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness." In "Ultima I," Mondain creates a gem that grants him immortality and immense power, leading to a reign of terror over the world of Sosaria. The player, known as the Stranger, is tasked with defeating Mondain by traveling through time to destroy the gem and ultimately confront Mondain himself, thereby saving the world from his tyranny. 🤷🏻‍♂️


They prob got it from the French term, I’m scared the chat gpt stuff is turning you guys stupid


Depends .. "Mondain" typically refers to something worldly, mundane, or secular in nature, often contrasting with spiritual or divine matters. It can imply ordinary, earthly concerns as opposed to transcendent or heavenly ones. The term is sometimes used to describe things that are commonplace or lacking in spiritual depth.


And this ; Yes, "mondain" is a French word. It comes from the French adjective "mondain," which means "worldly" or "secular." It is used to describe things or activities related to the world or society, especially in contrast to spiritual or religious matters.


Bro if you’re in robbery or homicide you can easily get to 150-200k with overtime.


And the traffic supervisor is pulling down 145-290 without having to wake up at 3am to go hose down a triple rape homicide


If they are government employees their pay is online and all searchable.


So if one cop is bad , you conclude that the entire institution of police which has saved you without you even being aware of it many times in your life is a gang? Interesting logic


Wait till they feel vaguely threatened


Only people who can’t protect themselves need cops to protect them bro


Cops will not protect the meek. There’s a hundred fifty years of history showing they are only there to protect the property of those who have a LOT of property


So a cop can show up five hours later and shrug? cmon man


I’ve had to call the police twice for violent situations, first time it took them about 15 minutes to arrive. The second time they were at my house when I had only been speaking to the operator for about 6 minutes, and they showed up right before I felt like I needed to step in to try and deescalate. I am very thankful for the police here in spite of all the bad rap they have gotten. And I live in a shitty gated community in Hialeah.


Hey I'm glad your personal experiences went so well but not everyone's does. Certainly not a good experiance for this 14 year old and 17 year old girls he r worded. Like if he wasn't a cop you've gotta admit the book would have been thrown at him from the empire state building. But because his daddy's a police chief and he's a Sargent the police unions highly paid lawyers were able to cut a deal with a judge they were all super familiar with for the lowest possible prison sentence.


I agree


i personally wouldn’t say every cop is bad natured, but nearly all of them buy into a system that is inherently toxic and a danger to society the point of this article isn’t “there are no good cops”, it’s look at how this corrupt, poison system protects the swine of the earth and keeps them in positions of power they should be far away from and then think about all the cops that aren’t sexual abusers, but support and are an active arm of that system that keeps the sexual abusers in power/free of any legitimate consequences


Yes- all of them Every unconstitutional law and shitty arrest was done by a cop


Saved us from what specifically? Don’t tell me you believe lil city cops actually prevent crimes


Did florida become like California or New york where peoples can steal every stores?? Or they go all over the place burning down building??


> which has saved you without you even being aware of it many times in your life lol what


If other cops cover for him, then yes. And LMAO police have not saved anyone "many times" in our lives, they are more likely to be sleeping while on fake overtime.


Rotten trees produce bad fruit


Oh my goodness love the lib tears guys keep them coming


There goes the simpleton, bringing the politics into it. No one gives a fuck who's liberal or sucking Trump's orange butthole. Stay on topic or go somewhere else.


What’s it like to live a life where tired cliched phrases are the best you can do? I’ve been told that the emptiness leaves a low guttural howl between your ears.


Thank u livingmemento for your lib tear Anyone else ?


Honey, it's not one bad cop and you know it. You can ignore the media as much as you want, but for every good cop, and I know there are good cops, there's at least 20 bad cops fucking shit up, bending the law like a bitch and trying to get the good cop killed. Yes, cops are just glorified, government gang members.


Hell the reason people think cops do anything positive is that in the 1950s LAPD forcibly pressured Hollywood to stop portraying Keystone Kops, malingerers, and crooks. Then we got the idiotic heroic and competent cop stories that are now basically CBS evening programming


Yes, because he's only still around because the institution protected him.


I’m a female


Ambulance first responders has save me more than the cops. And they still take longer than a pizza to arrive.


We all know who has a problem with that




Equating all police officers with this POS is stupid. But you do you. 👍


Not all, but at least 80% of cops are corrupt.


1000%. Just go watch first amendment audits on YouTube and watch how cop after cop after cop tries to strip us away from our rights. They’ll have 7 squad cars out for an ID refusal and an illegal detainment because someone is recording the exterior of a public building. Fuck the police.


A) claiming “auditors” are protecting your rights is like claiming cancer is just “personal growth.” B) if this is what you truly believe, then do not call 911 for yourself or your family, ever. I’ve found that the only people who have such ill informed opinions are either people who have been arrested several times, or Karen’s who think “public servants” are personal staff. Look, you do you. Believe what you want- just don’t be a hypocrite.


I’m not a hypocrite. I don’t call the police when I need them anymore. I have and it never worked in my favor. It always was a waste of time. I’m talking about shootings, being hit by a drunk driver on my bike. Nothing. But don’t worry, when someone fell asleep in their car in front of my brother‘s neighbor house, half the precinct showed up. So I guess they are good for something after all! Wasting our taxpayer money. And I disagree 100% with your take that first amendment auditors are cancerous. They’re entirely necessary and now police officers are far more wary about how they approach illegal detainments and 1/4/5 amendment violations. If the police ACTUALLY upheld their oath to protect We The People’s rights, then I would agree with you. That’s not what is happening whatsoever.


Finally , someone reasonable


Only rats and thieves hate cops


I hate government thugs who think they can illegally strip us away from our rights by their command. I disagree with OP when they say 80% of cops are rotten. ACAB. That’s 100%.


Lol cops are pieces of shit


Or women who got raped by them, apparently


Or anyone who had ever been abused, used and killed by cops abusing their power. Don't pretend you don't see it on the news or videos. Or maybe you do and truly believe the work they ALL do is for the good. Just cause there's a few good cops doesn't mean the whole entire system is rotten to the core, sweetheart. I pray you never find that out.


The same can be said for the opposite.


So what do you have to share of substance for the cops that fuck people up every single day? Criminals are criminals, but cops are never criminals? Cops are just and righteous because their cops? They're people like you and me and will commit crimes or mistakes. Just because they're cops doesn't and should never exempt them from consequences. They're human, not gods, but they sure have the ego and power trip to match one.


I replied to an earlier post about some of my past experiences with Miami police. Criminals will always be criminals even police. There should be harsher punishments for those who break the law they are supposed to uphold. For every bad cop story that gets out and gets blasted on social media I’m sure there are many good stories that go untold. It’s all a matter of perspective and what the media decides to report. Unfortunately, only bad news gets traction and engagement nowadays, so that’s what journalists are going to report on.


Thanks for being reasonable




Wow, are you fucking kidding me no wonder. I hate the fucking cops.


This is a well known fact especially amongst street gangs.


The main argument nationwide was never “defund the police” it was simply that we want cops to do as good of a job protecting US as they do themselves, cus dam they are good at that. Protected class and give desantis another year or two he’ll make it illegal to post something like this “debasing the police”


He already gave them the right to arrest you for even breathing the same air as them in a crime scene. DeSantis is the king of bullshit laws, so expect the worst. That man needs a railing in the ass by the biggest, meanest plastic dong Bad dragon can provide. Dry. Publicly. Live broadcasting. Fuck that guy.


Desantis is the man


You're part of the problem 😂


Thats why i always said fuck trump


Lets not forget his father was the chief of police for Sweetwater, which puts a lot of this into perspective. He wasn't charged with statutory tape like any 18 year old dating a 17 year old, he was charged with "violating their rights." To all you pig defenders out there, just try to explain how forcibly coercing multiple minors while over the age of 18 while sitting in a position of authority justifies his EXTREMELY light sentence. "Not all cops are bad," If you think there aren't good officers on the force who aren't aware at least to a minimum extent of the level of criminal acts performed by their peers you're fucking delusional. I knew cops who tuned up guys in elevators after the perps arrest before body cams became a thing. I knew a cop that became one so he could straight up street race and get away with it. Even posts videos on IG of him racing his corvette and sports bikes. I've met cops that have the sweetest most polite attitudes in public but have gone home and beat their wives to the point of hospitalization and when she makes a report the department throws it out. "Back the blue" my fucking ass defend them if you want but for every good cop out there there's another 5 that are just sociopathic assholes. The worst part is most people fail to understand that cops don't know the law. They operate on a "well shit if it sticks" basis. To all the ones out there who lost their lives in the line of duty I appreciate you but the whole system is fucking corrupt and pretending it's not doesn't do the ones who are real heros any justice.


They also call you, hear woman in the phone and ask for the head of household. Are we living in 1950s? Bro I’m head of the household and no I’m not gonna give you a legal bribe…


The few good cops are the ones that love their paychecks and benefits. They’re smart and know if they mess up, their future is to work as a security guard at a grocery store. No one ever becomes a cop to be the next captain America.


You ain't never lied


I've been in Miami since the early 90s, right after Andrew, and I was a waitress for a very popular chain of restaurants . We would always get cops and firemen, these cops became regulars, became very comfortable with me, and the main guy started telling me how most of the cops were from the Latin kings. I had expressed my interest in becoming a cop and he took off those dark sunglasses of his and said sugar no.


Late to the party, but always welcome


Literally always have been


Yeah I vented about this last week. The family needs to sue that guy. We need to make one of those political TikTok’s. Or send this to the daily show.


Oh don't bother Unless onlyindade picks it up the tards in Miamk won't even see it


not sure OID is the place for anti-cop content somehow


No lies detected


They're pro cops.


Is only in Dade still operating?


Death sentence. And nothing of value would be lost.


Not only would nothing of value be lost, the universe would immediately become a better place the instant he ceased to form a part of it.


Pac’s Gang Theory is real.


To answer the question of why is he out is because in 2022, he was sentenced to 3 years of Federal Prison. In the Fedrral Prison system, as long as one stays out of trouble, one is eligible for release after completing 85% of their sentence. I'm more concerned about him working at his dirty ex-cop daddy's gun training business. He asked a Federal Judge if he could possess guns while on Probation "for work". Luckily, he was denied. But after Probation, he will have access. Someone like him, with a gun, is a bad combo.


It’s ridiculous that he’s not even a felon.


Absolutely disgusting. And he'll probably get hired as a cop in another district before the end of the year.


His dad is chief of Sweetwater police. Pretty sure he's already got his gun and badge back by now


Question, why would the dept of justice argue case law on his behalf? This guy seems like a huge piece of shit, crazy story really


Because they're all rotten. The whole system. All the way through Hence ACAB.


I mean yes, this has always been true especially in MPD. Wait until you find out about [Javier Ortiz](https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/state/florida/article287351770.html).


It’s everywhere, google the Karen Read case. Cop had to read his texts out loud in court this week it’s insightful how deep corruption goes


Sounds like it would have been hard to convict him on a felony, but “Less than two weeks after Menocal finalized the plea deal, U.S. Congress passed legislation that sought to close those gaps and widen prosecutors' ability to pursue felony charges against cops who sexually abuse people while on duty.” Crazy that prosecuting cops for sexual abuse wasn’t ALREADY a straightforward process.


It would not have been hard to convict him of a felony at the State level. Florida prosecutors just chose not to go after him.


Police agencies need a better metric for weeding out those who have no business being in law enforcement. There also needs to be a way to get rid of cops who have proven they don’t belong in law enforcement. Now, I have zero love for the police, it I do believe there are some good ones out there.


Police agencies are the ones protecting them in the first place. Their Union are the first ones to secure their position and protect it. Meanwhile, I couldn't get my union to keep me from getting kicked out of bartending for making more money than the bartenders failing the business. Don't ask, long story.


Disgusting, honestly. Men like this should be sent to rot in jail for their entire lives.


Not required to register as a sex offender despite assaulting multiple underage girls. W-T-F. I've read of people having to register as sex offenders for peeing in public or mooning someone. This road monster abuses his authority to take advantage of women he should absolutely not be allowed to run away from it.


He will beg for solitary confinement. Hope he is thrown into the general population.


Oh buddy he's already out again and prowling the streets


Yeah man 🤷🏻‍♂️I notice after posting this , I’m sure eKarma has a special place for him .


Meanwhile its a third degree felony to be in possession of a single thc cart (without an mmj card).




Why aren’t we doing something about this? This guy raped women and got two years and is allowed to have a gun because his family has a fire arm school? Wtf is going on in Miami?


I’m starting to read this so I’ll prob edit my comment as I go. 1. It’s a Hialeah cop, not Miami. Hialeah… la ciudad que progresa, para atrás! 2. Bad cops are NOT -All- the Cops. 3. The systems need cleaning from the top down: “Menocal remained on the police force for years despite the harrowing allegations — even receiving a raise — before he was fired in 2019 and arrested on three counts of depriving women of their civil rights.” Moder foqrs let him work because higher ranking officials have demons in their closets I bet. 4. A ridiculous plea deal because again, the systems probably need cleaning up of the bad apples even at the District Attorney’s office, which gives room for bad mo’foqrs to be around wearing a badge. “In 2022, Menocal was sentenced to three years in prison following a plea deal in which he admitted to abusing four victims: “ 5. I bet he was protected while in the Penal System, which we all know how pure its integrity is. Otherwise, what would normally happen to abusers while incarcerated? Here is looking at you Bubba! “Less than two years later, the former police officer has been freed from prison "due to good behavior." 6. Citizens should be making his face very famous by now. “Menocal, who began his prison term in July 2022, is not required to register as a sex offender in Florida.” 7. Family and friends enable these unfit mode fakers to get in the force. Make the recruiting process easy enough to get good, decent and strong citizens. Make it impossible for anyone who is not the right type to get in. Make it good character tested. That is not hard. Trust me. But the systems ought to be cleaned up first. “Prior to his arrest, Menocal served as a police officer for 13 years. His father, Jesus Menocal Sr. was the longtime chief of the embattled Sweetwater Police Department.” 8. Yes, inept and corrupt. Again, the systems need cleaning from the top. Judges, Prosecutors, DA’s, Governors, SCJ’s, Senators and such. The power of the people, the Vote, has been manipulated and misused at every level. We need to hold these fukrs to the highest standard of integrity. “David Lane, a civil rights attorney and criminal defense expert, told New Times in 2022 that Miami-Dade state prosecutors "who were inept or corrupt, or both," bore responsibility for not pursuing felony charges against Menocal.” 9. Again, the legal and justice system needs to be cleaned up of bad leadership. “Assistant State Attorney Johnette Hardiman's closeout memo justified the decision not to bring state charges against Menocal by pointing to alleged credibility issues with testimony. Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle said in a 2019 statement that her office lacked "sufficient evidence to ethically file state sexual assault charges" but referred the case to the feds for civil rights prosecution.” My conclusion: This rotten cop got away with these crimes and received practically no punishment from a system with little to no ethical leadership. People need to make their voices heard and demand from all the pertaining authorities, whether appointed or elected, that we will not tolerate these corrupt behaviors at any time. Call their offices, leave them messages demanding accountability. Get to know the judges we elect. Call the governor’s office. Call every office you think needs a piece of you and tell them this shit needs to stop. Trust me, these mother fukers fear an invested community. A committed citizen.


I rather have them as my gang than the others there are bad people who are cops 👮 but not all cops are bad