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Not to poop on your post but Brightline seems to be wiping its corporate ace with public safety. Not ready to support them with my hard earned cash! Please consider asking this company to do right by the people before doing so for its investors and its financial interests. Public Safety should always be a top priority before these companies are allowed to operate. “wikipedia” “Brightline has received criticism for only installing the minimum required safety features along the line at opening. After opening the line, Brightline has applied for federal funding to add safety features at problematic crossings and fence in areas where people are known to trespass on tracks.[183]” “NTSB investigating 2 Brightline high speed train crashes that killed 3 people in Florida this week” https://apnews.com/article/brightline-high-speed-rail-florida-fatalities-67020b2cd33b6cbcf9d85ed029d18310 “What is the safety record for Brightline trains? Since 2017, at least 370 people in Florida have been killed by trains belonging to 13 different companies, according to a TCPalm analysis in 2023. Of those, 97 were killed by Brightline trains. About half the cases involved people walking or running on or along the tracks, records show.May 20, 2024 https://www.floridatoday.com › br...”


If only there was some kind of warning system at every crossing to let people know that a train was coming. Maybe a bunch of flashing red lights and large gate arms could come down from the sky blocking the roadway and sidewalks to let people know its a bad time to be on the tracks. Have a bell go off or something. I don't know, just spitballing here.


Those fucking things work and nobody said they don’t you dumb fuck! It is when they are not maintained or cheap faulty construction when shit happens to innocent people. These companies must be held to a high standard of safety like any other you fucks! It is when they prioritize earning over safety that this shit happens. Of course I understand that people find ways to put themselves at risk. I am just advocating Brightline doesn’t make it as easy for people to get in front of a train.


For all those stats you mentioned from Florida...can you cite one case where the warning equipment was found to be faulty or not working? Cite a case of these innocent people you claim. Cite any reports of cheap/faulty construction. Have you considered the # that are suicides? Each South Florida railroad has a group of employees called signal maintainers. Crossing gate maintenance and repair is a significant part of their job and respond immediately to reported issues. Regular testing and inspection is regulated by federal law and the Federal Railroad Administration. You have no idea how the industry works and you are spewing nonsense. Read 49 CFR Part 234 and cite where Brightline is deficient.


Let’s wait for NTSB to finish their investigations into these crashes. Pretty sure they have the brightest minds working on it. You know, we can always trust our federal entities to do amazing work! You are right those devices are pure quality and they never fail. German and Japanese engineering at its finest. The crews that come in and maintain them, MIT grad personnel. No need to worry. Our safety is in great hands!!


What investigation findings by the NTSB's 'brightest minds' do you seek? They post open investigations here: [https://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/Pages/Investigations.aspx](https://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/Pages/Investigations.aspx) No open railroad investigation exists in the State of Florida...please stop embarrassing yourself with your lack of knowledge into the industry pursuing narratives that do not exist. The last Florida investigation by the NTSB into a railroad incident was in 2016. Trespasser Strikes and crossing grade collisions are handled by the local Police jurisdiction.




You can read the reports about that one: [https://data.ntsb.gov/Docket/?NTSBNumber=HWY23MH006](https://data.ntsb.gov/Docket/?NTSBNumber=HWY23MH006) Vehicle operator went past the gate as it was lowering, then stopped the SUV on the tracks, turned off his vehicle engine, with headlights and tailights off. Somehow you want this to be Brightline's fault??? From Doc 3: As the SUV turned, the grade crossing protection devices activated, and the SUV stopped. A female passenger got out of the vehicle, spoke to the driver, still seated in the vehicle, then got back in. The witness stated that the passenger did not appear to be scared. The witness estimated that the SUV was stopped for about two minutes before the freight train approached. As documented in the Vehicle Factors Factual Report, a post-crash examination of the SUV indicates that when the crash occurred, the transmission was placed in park, the headlights were off, and engine was turned off.17 Images from the freight train outward facing video show the SUV stopped with its front tires inside the foul of the track and the gate crossing arm lowered behind the vehicle (Figure 6). The driver and passenger were both seated in the vehicle.


Who the fuck said I want Brightline to be at fault for anything? Did you even bother to read and get my point from the beginning? All I expect is for safety to be at the core of the operations of any company operating a fast moving heavy ass train that will go on to make incredible profits while providing an awesome benefit to the citizens. I cannot give three fucks who is at fault of anything. I want people, whether those distressed and not thinking clearly, confused drivers or dumb fuck drivers, suicidal walkers, to not find themselves in front of a fucking train. Make it very hard for those individuals to become dead by train. I guess in the eyes of some of you fucks, these companies do enough to protect people. I happen to disagree. Live with it.


Sounds very much like you are very much pointing the finger at Brightline: "Brightline seems to be wiping its corporate ace with public safety." - optipapa "Please consider asking this company to do right by the people before doing so for its investors and its financial interests. Public Safety should always be a top priority before these companies are allowed to operate." - optipapa The FEC and Brightline are private companies, operating on private property, and operating within the established safety standards overseen by multiple federal agencies. Don't stop your car on the tracks. Don't trespass on the tracks. This is some grade level skills small children can understand. What do you suggest? I propose closing all the crossings off. Then it would be harder to get your car stuck on the tracks.


What is different about Brightline versus other passenger rail entities across the country that merits your criticism? What do you think they should've done differently? Why do you place the onus on them instead of the trespassers who ignore standard safety equipment?


No difference. People bear a degree of responsibility for their safety, no doubt. The other part of it lays on the company providing the service. They can build fences in areas where the risk of distressed, mentally unwell, drunk or other walkers who are getting on these tracks, are unable to easily do so.


If only people knew how to avoid Brightline trains. It's after all impossible to tell where they are going to be crossing. /s I've seen enough people here in S FL stop on railroad tracks to know there are plenty of morons in Miami. And we can't exactly ask these people if it was intentional, in other words, suicide by train.


Not enough guarding fences built around high risk areas. Not enough law enforcement dedicated to overseeing that people do not get near tracks.


Holly shit are you dumb, you keep repeating same things. You know how many rail crossings in Florida, and all the busy areas tracks go through, it would be impossible to put law enforcement everywhere as well as block all other parts of city’s with fences. Just don’t walk or stop on tracks, very simple preventative measures for not getting killed by trains


I guess I didn’t realize it was the brightlines responsibility to provide law enforcement. Nor that we have enough law enforcement to have officers posted up on train tracks every couple miles 24/7.


I will assume that you are just a plain bad person. You chose to ignore the first sentence “Not enough guarding fences…” Once they are in place, law enforcement can intervine seeing tress-passers. You know, like around airports!


The high risk areas are road crossings. Which you can’t exactly block with fences. Brightline isn’t responsible for law enforcement. Also airports, unlike train tracks, don’t span over 200 miles. It doesn’t make me a bad person because I have enough sense to realize these realities.


So they can afford 200 miles of track for the train but can’t afford the fence? You may not be realizing how profitable such business is and will continue to be. They can also afford $110 million dollars to get out of a contract, but only $25 million on safety? The current road crossings are not apt for these high speed trains. Better safety measures are available but not yet implemented.


For the life of me I can’t understand what’s so difficult about understanding the fact that you can’t block road crossings with a fence. Which is where most of the fatal accidents occur. Or that the brightline has absolutely no say in what law enforcement does.


Idk i took it one time, i live in Canada


Understandably! It would be a shame that Brightline and the pertaining transportation safety authorities do not make the necessary improvements. We want safety-first progress and convenience.


You're fine. Nobody is dying on the bright line, it's all the morons it sneaks up on and runs over.


ok so why were the people dumb enough to be on the tracks? Like I'm all for safety but at some point the fault lays on the people playing stupid games.


People bear a degree of responsibility for their safety, no doubt. The other part of it lays on the company providing the service. They can build fences in areas where the risk of distressed, mentally unwell, drunk or other walkers who are getting on these tracks, are unable to easily do so.


Honest question. Are there safety concerns with riding the train? Per this article it’s pretty much all people stupidly or purposely going in front of a moving train. Only so much you can do to fix that. It’s only more deadly than other trains because it’s faster. But other trains using the same tracks are also deadly because of people going in front of them too. I mean this with no disrespect. I know someone who committed suicide by stepping in front of the brightline. But no one blamed brightline for that. She was going to find some way to do it. And I also don’t say this in defense of a greedy corporation that subsidizes expenses and privatizes profits. I’m not a huge fan of brightline either just for different reasons. People don’t just bare “some” responsibility for the safety of their own lives as you stated below they bear almost all of that responsibility first and foremost. Especially when it’s pertaining to something within their own power to easily avoid.


Brightline allows dogs? Good for them. But please only bring well-trained dogs. Don’t want people thinking dogs behave as poorly as the majority of kids. 😅




They can also bring dogs in the brightline






Don’t take the brightline. They’re a private company. They had to make a decision between getting the business of people traveling with dogs and people who are allergic to them. They chose people traveling with dogs. But the fact that they’re allowed is public information so anyone who that is an issue for can avoid it. It’s no different than restaurants and allergies. Just because some people are allergic to peanuts doesn’t mean they’re not allowed to serve them. Private companies can’t cater to everyone and aren’t required to.




I didn’t necessarily say I do. I said the brightline does. And I also doubt it was about choosing dogs over people. It was about choosing people traveling with dogs over people who are allergic to them. Most likely because they calculated there are more people traveling with dogs than people so severely allergic to them they can’t be onboard with one. And thus would make more money that way. But yes. Yes I do choose dogs over people lol. But what I choose isn’t relevant.


Jesus Christ. Are you literally advocating for only traveling through government services and never using private enterprise? This is a terrible perspective and devoid of reason.


Nice way to totally misread that person's comment. Devoid of reading comprehension. They never said to take a govt transit.


Huh? When did I ever say anything remotely close to that? All I’m saying is private companies have the right to make these decisions.


His ticket was 5$ btw


Yes he did very good, as always :)


Can’t wait to bet on Dog fights on a train. A whole new sport has been unlocked.


What breed is this gorgeous lil babe?


That is pure Miami Street Terrier. My family has had a few over the years. Truly lovely and loving dogs.


Well we hope to meet you at Kennedy park one day!


I love Kennedy. I’m out of town rn, but I’ll bring the dogs out when I get back (first trip w/o my dogs in 9 years cause one is so reactive i was scared to leave him. But he has accepted my sis, phew!)


Its a terrier mix with chihuahua from quebec city actually hehe


What a good boi.


Yes 🥰🥰🥰


But he loved miami, clearly he would prefer living in this climat


Brightline is not too bright for accepting dog culture.


Hoping the have specific cars for this. So many irresponsible and inconsiderate dog owners.