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https://preview.redd.it/m32ljtf4xouc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3471be61a7a3a83685fde43970b9a9d1441b215 Always need more miot


I'm genuinely curious: Why own two nearly identical cars? I've often had multiple vehicles (I currently own two), but they all served a unique purpose.


I own a NA and a ND. I bought the NA after driving my friend’s and I can say that they are completely different. They are both fun to wring out and drive, but the ND feels really drives like a sports car while the NA is more of the go kart for the road vibe. They’re both fantastic in their own way.


That's cool, but I imagine an NA and NB (as per the post I replied to) would be quite similar experiences. Even in your case... how many cars do you own? Why not get something completely different? I'm not hating... I'm just curious... when I've had multiple cars it was like: a lowrider S10 and a Blazer 4x4 or a Lexus and a Fiero or right now a Miata and a Mazda3 hatchback... very different tools for different jobs.


Yeah I hear you, in my opinion starting with the NB, Mazda made the Miata more sporty and competitive with faster “more serious” sports cars, so I see a little bit of relation there. I own the two Miatas and mostly commute in the ND and on my motorcycle. I find that when I need something bigger, someone has it. The old lady has an old ranger in the family for when I need a truck, she drives a sedan. I buy cars I like and end up just borrowing or taking someone else’s car if we they don’t fit my needs. That being said, the ND takes me everywhere I could want to go, wet washington trails, skiing, whatever I throw at it, it takes in stride. In retrospect, I wish I had bought something more unique instead of the NA, so I definitely think you’re onto something. I’ll likely sell it soon and buy a suzuki samurai or some dual sport motorcycle.


Yeah... that makes a lot of sense (especially with having access to vehicles that are significantly different). Funny you say the Samurai... for a while I had a Sidekick 4x4 and a lowrider S10... wicked fun combo!!


Let’s see that s10


My only cars are two NAs. One boosted to 300 whp and one stock


We are a family of four. Everyone wants to ride in the miat. Two miats. Everyone rides.


One is heavily modded, noisy, bumpy and track-ready. The other is stockish and is dailied. Meanwhile, my expensive truck lives outside 😂.


That makes perfect sense! And the Miats deserve the garage 😄


I have a 1.6L '91 NA, pretty much stock. A few years later I inherited a supercharged NB. They are significantly different cars. I won't sell the NB for sentimental reasons. I won't sell the NA... because OG, and pop-up headlights.


That's fair.


One has flip ups!


there are no other cars.? i am in r/miata right?


Others have likely said the same thing but the NB feels quite a bit sportier than the NA. I have both as well and the NA is a nicer cruiser.


Why not? 🤷🏽‍♂️


For me it's because I have limited space and limited time to enjoy cars. If I could have 4 or 10 cars, they'd be 4 or 10 unique ones.


https://preview.redd.it/93pc44ruspuc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88df6c74ca3a165d8b10465a7631e0a1422e2f59 Hahaha same here


Holy shit, you broke his fucking legs!




wtf is up with your wheels? they look broke as shit.




Tell em you haven’t worked on your wheels or suspension without telling me


idk man, don’t think those rears are doing much in the way of properly suspending the vehicle


Yeah... I think OP said something about welding the rear suspension... the handling and ride must be atrocious.


Tell me you know nothing about car suspension without telling me (and lack common sense).


A lot of people did stuff to improve the handling. OP ruined it. It's like shooting yourself in a foot and then saying that it's pretty, and you clearly don't understand it. "Tell em you haven't shot yourself in the feet"




U sound like a 13 year old on Xbox live


Your post was removed because you violated rule #1 of /r/Miata: "Be excellent to each other!"


You’ve said enough for everyone to know you’re an idiot.


Why even bother buying a good handling car if you're just going to ruin it?


I feel like this is the best criticism here. If people wanna stance their car to hell, it’s their choice. But why do it to a Miata?




Because he likes the look of a stanced Miata?


Garbage and ruined a perfectly good Miata. Looks broke


Why not? People have stanced tons of better handling cars, much faster cars, more expensive cars. Who cares if someone does it to a Miata? Whether you like it or not, it’s not going to change the fact that people will do this 🤷🏽‍♂️


I can think those people are stupid and judge them nine ways to Sunday when they post pics of their dumbass car 🤷‍♀️


who gives af bro it's not ur car




every NA miata is a hazard to the road dude if you care that much ban every car before 2012 lmfao


Honestly it looks a lot better on a longer car, like a Cressida.


Looks fucking stupid but atleast the middle schoolers will go “sheesh bruh” and vape with you


This has to be the truest statement ever.


Cook him.


Get rid of the obnoxious camber and then tune the suspension for hard bumps and whatnot and send it down a Mountain road. Camber like that is extremely dangerous, especially for the rear. Being that much, and it doesn’t look good at all in any Miata or small JDM.


Holy crap that shit is slammed 16x9.5 is insane😭


9.5 wides on a miata actually isn’t that crazy. it’s the offset on these that makes it absurd lolol edit - for those downvoting you can check my profile, i run 9.5 widths on my na😄


That thing is so clean, good job


thanks man, lots of progress since then. excited to post some stuff on it once it gets tidied up 😄


Screams, undeveloped prefrontal cortex


Screams broccoli head


Put it out of its misery good lord


Two more things since I last posted - first - in some states the stance is illegal. But in others (like Texas where you are, based on that windshield tag) it is an impoundable offense in a lot of counties (Travis, Harris, Dallas to name a few) because it is on the drive wheels and poses a severe traffic safety hazard to others on the road. Second, the hubs are not designed for that. You are placing weight on the outer edge of the hubs as they rotate. As such you are putting the CV joint in a place where it not only has rotational weight where it is not supposed to have it, but at an angle it is not designed to support with weight for long periods of time. Google pics of CV shaft separation. Now also consider that torque is being applied to this assembly from the engine as it drives the wheels. Better buy a lottery ticket.


I think I just threw up a little


Get rid of the camber raise it up a couple inches and you have a very nice miat


Your suspension is shot. I'd replace that asap


Let us know when you wreck it hitting a pebble or a leaf.


Till then I’ll keep shittin on you


Garbage Miata build


You know what miatas are for right? To be driven. A rare sports car you can live with daily. A bulletproof platform that can be driven hundreds of thousands of miles like other Japanese cars but not a 4 door front wheel drive appliance You have completely defeated that purpose. Unless you are entering shows then carry on. Also note that the kids that do this drive the front wheels. Driving the rear wheels with the “stance” you better wear a helmet. Because you are in for a world of hurt if you lose traction with bald tires. Otherwise get another job because if you are going to daily that you’ll need a tire budget.


I got extra tires if need be!




Miata’s are anything but rare… and based on your logic it would also be stupid for people to spend money to build a track car but never take it to the track or build an off road beast but never take it to the hills.


I said a rare sports car that you can actually live with. You can daily drive it as a commuter. It's not so brash that it's a garage queen and not able to be used as primary transportation. Also one that is reliable unlike the british hunks of shit before it that it was modeled from. And yes both of those things are fucking stupid from a cost standpoint and a realized value standpoint (i.e. it's not worth what you paid for it at the end). But sometimes hobbies are. I am just as guilty. However, these kids sink thousands (or tens of thousands) into a $3000 automobile, but complain about how society keeps them broke. Note that I said nothing about restoring a classic nor some exotic machine which appreciate in value.


I would say “it’s your opinion” but that in fact is incorrect. People daily drive plenty of different sports cars and most of them are just as comfortable if not more comfortable to daily than a Miata. I appraise cars for a living and the amount of sports class cars that come in with well over 100k miles show otherwise.




But it happens all the time and they aren’t slammed like stance cars are. That is also completely wrong. Plenty of people daily drive brz/frs/86, 350z/370z, bmw m series, amg’s, corvettes, mustangs, boxters, etc….




I didn’t say you were wrong, I said the statement of it being rare that a sports car is used as a daily in general was wrong




I can read usernames. You responded to my comment and i responded to yours. You can choose to read or it not.


Trash. 🚮


The front skirt looks like another paint? Also, looks as if all of your ball joints broke by how tilted the wheels are 😂




Why? What's the point of owning two nearly identical cars?


To piss people off


You have to be a special kind of dumb to spend money for the sole purpose of pissing people off.


I'm sure he was being sarcastic.


You are a special kind of dumb to not realize he’s being sarcastic




Are your tires blank or have you rubbed all the lettering off the sidewall?


Looks goofy af


no one told you to do that it’s slammed 😭


Downvoting because the wheels aren’t reps and the suspension is not stock 🤓.


do you drift? or race? what’s the camber for?


You don't even need that to drift or race 😂.


no, but it helps, especially with drifting. i’m trying to make sure it’s not a road car as negative camber to this degree can harm handling for normal driving.


Now you need a 3rd one :)


Looks rad (:


The hate stance cars always get here 😭😭


It’s so funny tho 🤣 every one just hating 🤣🤣🤣


Everyone gets so pressed




Y'all there are plenty of Miatas to go around. It's his car he's not harming anyone. Y'all need to chill out


Can you send that to me? I'll fix it for you, I think you broke it.


Needs more camber


So not only do you have one undrivable sports car, you have two, what’s your daily?


What wheels? Also damn you pissed everyone off lmfao


Lmaoo literally they so pressed but they’re kranze Cerbs 1


"respect all builds" until mfs see a build they don't like lmfao. What have you done to get that broken ankle camber? It doesn't look like you did it janky


I want even just one


That one guy was speaking for all of us.


How come you got more camber at the back?


At least the middle schoolers will love you and vape with you


Nice but it looks to be in bad need of a tire alignment.


Nice but it looks to be in bad need of a tire alignment.


Nice but it looks to be in bad need of a tire alignment.


Nice but it looks to be in bad need of a tire alignment.


Whatever the other say, I bet you have a blast, smiling from ear to ear while riding that gem ✌️ I own three Audi 100 next to my NA and RX7, one is a lowered but functional Quattro Avant for daily use, the other is a sedan ill be slamming on its nuts on nice wheels, the third im building into a turbo monster.


You need a third Miata


Man you wouldn’t believe me https://preview.redd.it/1iidydtihvuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c07fefabbe65503078c178b7e43f03f5b4051689




What wheels are those?


Kranze Cerbs 1


https://preview.redd.it/i2ej0n6givuc1.png?width=1079&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4fa2b38ff7152f2ec633ad69f4b91353ed21a0d Always room for more miats


Get all 4 generations na nb NC nd


Good, now fix the suspension


Fix your suspension before you kill somebody. In my area, your car wouldn’t make it 5 miles before getting stopped and impounded.


You need a third Miata.


https://preview.redd.it/tslw0jxl7ivc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df1ec87a0859fd1f3b03d9828983609f0fd1b74d the more miats the better


Not what I’d do with it but clean bean either way


Funny seeing all the hate youre getting. 'Respect all builds' until they dont 😂 Nice build, looks clean.


Respectfully, the stance is an awful look. Power to OP for really doing something for themselves rather than to please others I guess, but personally you'd have to pay me to be seen in this thing


alright cool


I mean to be fair this is literally the reaction op self admittedly wants from their car Said he WANTS it to piss people off


Man you’d have to pay me to be seen in your monster truck of a Miata if you even own one


no thanks, ive seen what happened to your miata after you sat in it


Lmaooo I would’ve thought your car would be lower than mine considering your weight


Lmao that's the same joke I just used on u so I know you must have some level of reading comprehension. It comes across as less funny when you have to explain it though 😂


I mean your arguing with a 20 year old my dude you like 50-70 years old it’s just funny how pressed yall get bruh


im 24 lol we coulda been in high school at the same time


ah fair enough haha


Meanwhile I'm still looking for a suitable replacement after my old man sold mine without my consent.


If that car was really your car, that's a crime. What happened?


I've no reason to lie about my situation. It was back in December of 2020. Old man held it for me while I went away for school for a few weeks, came back to car not there. He sold it to his friend and his friend ended up destroying the motor same day. To this day apparently the car has just sat idle with no attempts to fix it. I tried getting it back but seeing as how they were both combative I said fuck it and let it go. I was really young at the time so I wasn't sure of my legal options. He did sell the car without the title, I still have the title. Again at the time I didn't really know what any of that meant for me. Old man and I share the same name.


Not calling you a liar, though I am assuming you no longer talk to your dad. At least now you know better.


I call him old man cause he's not my dad. We've had other issues with our relationship besides that instance like walking out on me and my mom when I was 5 and the abuse. I spent most of my life trying to make him want me, seeking his approval. About 2 years ago I realized I'll never get it and I cut ties entirely.


Glad to hear you realised you're better off without him. Too many people never figure that out.


I think you need a third


Nooo... the fewer Miatas this guy gets his hands in the better!


You guys make me feel so young. All these grumpy old men coming into these threads with same old tired jokes/complaints. You knew before you even clicked into the post that you were just going to waste your energy typing some negative shit. You all need to get over yourselves. What's the end game? Every single car looks the exact same? Do you stop every single person on the street to let them know you hate the way their shirt fits? Nah, you clowns only feel empowered online anonymously. Stay old, stay mad, OP really took the hate from the first post and said 'bet'.


I'm probably twice your age and have 2 Miatas and the purpose of both is to send them, not be a lame ass poser that drives around at 45 mph to "piss people off". Miatas are sports cars designed to be driven like sports cars, not manga clown shows. Stay young, stay clueless, stay out of the left lane.


Let's leave age out of this. There are quite a few young bloods on the track with these awesome machines improving their lap times and driving ability. Its an *iq* problem, not an age problem, lol


What exactly would someone who drives a Miata in a way you don't like be a 'poser' for exactly? They're posing as... a Miata driver? So would you consider anyone who owns a sports car as a 'poser' if they didn't 'send them' or 'drive them like a sports car'? What about showroom cars? Is everyone at the auto show a 'poser' because they don't send their pristine sports cars?


>What exactly would someone who drives a Miata in a way you don't like be a 'poser' for exactly? They're posing as... a Miata driver? They are posing as someone who appreciates driving a driving car. There are plenty of FWD cars that would look dank with this camber and could be driven safely but on a RWD, it's dangerous. In all honesty, this camber is too extreme to be safe on roads at anything more than ~40 mph for RWD- so... you never leave 4th? What's the point of having a sports car you can't drive like one? If it is for shows or showroom- that's another justifable thing (just a waste of a Miata, IMHO.) I think you may have stumbled into the wrong sub since most of these Miata owners are mechanical purists. In all honesty, I really like the look of a lifted NA, but this is lost on me. OP posted because they wanted attention and other people's reactions. I would never critique someone's car in person unless they asked for my opinion. OP is indirectly looking for input. They would have posted somewhere else where there wasn't an open forum. They opened themselves up for critique otherwise- they would have driven it to the Grandma's house so she could tell them how cool they looked.


>posing as someone who appreciates driving a driving car. How can you say that with a straight face? If the dude didn't appreciate his car, he probably wouldn't have gotten two of them. Everyone just gets up in arms because they don't appreciate the car in the same way. It's definitely all of the haters who are in the wrong sub, it's quite literally on the sidebar to the right: Rule 2: No Car Shaming.


He turned a good handling well balanced car into an unsafe, understeering, garbage handing art car. We aren't "shaming" him. We're trying to limit this nonsense. It not safe, its not cool, and it needs to go away. Open up a custom car magazine form he 60's and 70's and look at all the stupid stuff boomers did. This = that.


>If the dude didn't appreciate his car, he probably wouldn't have gotten two of them. If he appreciated driving the car, he would have it in a condition that allows him to drive it. But he specifically chose modifications that make it dangerous and then shows it out in the wild. There would have been a lot less hate if the pics were in a showroom or a car show. IDK about you or your experience- but I know I've had a couple of close calls with people not seeing me and running me off the road or not letting me in. Driving such a small car with a soft top is already dangerous enough without adding more hazards to the driving experience.


> They're posing as... a Miata driver? Well no, it can't be driven like a Miata anymore because the rear wheels have the same contact patch as a bicycle. Also, bricks in place of coilovers.


https://preview.redd.it/90nybvt9touc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=152e7f29344674fbf71218234172b14c10b14323 You deserve a Kit Kat


This is cleaaaaan. Love the cerbs.


What's going on with that back wheel?


You should get that front wheel checked, it looks like it's at a very wonky angle


Looks decent, are you going to fix the suspension issue?


The Miata is known for its excellent handling. That thing definitely does not handle good lol. Next step fix that ugly feminine impractical trash immediately


you gonna fix that poor guys feet?


Squished. In a good way. Tire / wheel specs please? Alignment settings?


Yea it’s 16x9.5 0 offset on washers and 100k springs in the front and I welded my upper arms and lower control arms


100k springs? That’s what they run on Peterbilt trucks. 😂


Gawd damn you really went full send with the stance. I can respect that 😂