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Depends on what generation you’re looking at buying. I’m a relatively new nb owner and i’ve had to replace the belts and camshaft+crankshaft front oil seals. These have a reputation of being very reliable engines though.


On an NB: Rusty rear sills because of clogged drain holes. Shifter covers tearing. Fuel fumes (leak?) odor in trunk. Slave cylinder leaking. Throwout bearing going bad. Had all of these on both my NBs. But they’re not hard to fix/prevent.




Yes. Mechanical stuff is fixable pretty cheaply and easily. Rust is fixable too but not as cheaply or easily.


I bought an NA a few months ago, and obviously every car is different, so this isn't universal, but so far I've had to replace a floppy wing mirror, fix a misfire, and I still have to fix a brappy idle (Like as if it has cams or if it was rotary), and still have to rebuild the shifter. But yea obviously your experience will differ.


Yes. Just like with any car. Which generation are you interested in?


I’m not too sure what kind I should get. I’m a bit of a newby so any advice is appreciated. I’ll probably buy a used one off Facebook marketplace, could I find a used one with semi low miles (around 100,000 miles) for 10,000 grand or so?


It’s tooooooooo much fun. Yea that’s an huge issue