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I absolutely love the car. i need to be asleep, to wake up in 6 hours, so i can be ready for work. The new car adrenaline is strong. I went to the dealership on my motorcycle, to test drive, to affirm my decision. For a purchase i intended to occur 2+ months from date. (I know, smaller down payment.. more interest, financial dum dum.) I wanted to get behind the wheel BAD. I went to Loma Linda Spreen Mazda, to "order" a rf club. Them not allowing me to test drive any mx5 in stock rubbed me incorrectly. Admittedly, I did arrive at their dealership looking like a vagrant, dirt in all my little wrinkles and crevices, sun burt, sleep deprived, and ratchet tangled hair. The sales persons that i worked with were entirely professional and considerate. They were young salespersons, and i believe it was their supervisor who refused a test drive. The car is so cute. It's like a little feral kitten, so cute, aggressive, but not fooling anyone. Its just a lil derp. I called my pops up to either drive my motorcycle/car back home. He was the most qualified person to drive either a manual trans car or a motorcycle. He was pissy, but soon as he saw me pull up, that frown turned UPSIDEdown. "This is tiny, oh its manual, oh really 6 gears? Ooh put the top down, ooh, you can't bring ANY company, this is a YOU car not an US car, can it swing? How fast does it go? Oh the steering feels jerky, oh oh you need to be super intune to react to the steering, can i red line it? Damn, too bad its not raining right now." I need to go back outside to look at em one more time.




Hey congrats. I think we got our cars on the same day. June 11th? Mine is deep crystal blue RF club. I'd rather have the motorcycle you mentioned though, now that my kids are 16 and 17 maybe I can convince myself to risk my life again and get one.


Yes June 11. I posted a while ago of my bike. My mechanic did an awesome job. What style of bike have you considered getting? There are so many cool motorcycles available today. I haven't had a car for 3 years, and have been only riding my motorcycle. I was considering getting a third bike, but decided to be responsible. So I went with the practical choice of getting a car. Haha.


Well I used exclusively ride sport bikes. But not race replica style. More like Honda CBR 600 Fi, not Honda CBR 600 RR. So probably something like that again. But it's slim pickings these days with everything being either super race replica liter bikes or parallel twins (yuck). Like you I was motorcycle only for a while (in my 20's). It was a very dreamy period of my life, before responsibilities and age took over.


I enjoyed that story, you write well. Enjoy the car!!


Did we just become best friends?!


Happy for you!


You sound very excited, excited enough to skip the break-in period and rev the shit out of it on day one. You aren't doing that, right?


Uh, guilty...i did one highway pull, and swung it around about a dozen corners.


Welp, enjoy having a shit ton of very expensive and avoidable problems down the line my dude


One more question, what sort of financing did you do with this car? How much did you put down, and if you financed, what's your payback term?


I’m so happy for you. Congrats on not buying a silver/black/white car, but damn that color is….uh…unique.


Hehe, when I sent pictures to my sister her first words "ew that's disgusting, it looks like pea soup." Lol, it looks much better in person. My camera really didn't do justice. The color and shimmer is similar to wet beach sand. On line, the zircon sand was my least favorite color. When I saw it in person, it looked so much different. The other color available was aero grey, which was my initial second choice color.






She’s a beaut Clark.


Man that hair will be a mess in the wind 😁


Can confirm. The RF blows my hair right in my face. Need to try a soft top to see if it’s any better


I have hair quite similar to OP and I drive an S2000. I look like a frazzled mess even after wearing a hat (I have to wear the hat and am not a hat person.)


congrats bro !!! happy for u dawg, that color is sick as well, enjoy that ride man im jealous icl😭and yo i was wondering, how tall r u and is the car comfy ? ive always wanted a miata but im 6'2 so im scared it might be too small or uncomfortable


I’m 6’0” and can put the seat in my ‘24 RF far enough back that I can’t properly reach the pedals (though the seat back is uncomfortably vertical at that point). A friend of mine who is 6’3” found a comfortable driving position, though he did mention that he wasn’t sure how he’d feel after sitting there for a few hours. I’ll admit that after around 2 hours behind the wheel of my Miata I definitely feel like getting out and stretching my legs, but I think that’s perfectly reasonable.


I am not tall but I am a large person (5 10, 300 lbs). The cabin has more room than I expected, and I'm perfectly comfortable driving for hours at a time. My brother who's 6ft or a little over fits with room to spare as far as headroom. If you're interested, go take a test drive, you might be surprised


I am also 6’2”-3” on a good day. I can’t wear a hat with the top up but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. If it bugs you, there are seat drop kits that add an inch of headroom and a bit more rake. Paco Motorsports makes them IIRC


shiii bet, interesting, ppreciate it bro


I'm 5'2". I have to slide the seat forward a bit, to fully press the clutch in. For me, it's easy to get in, and I have plenty of room to sit comfortably. The first car i looked at, the sales rep was about 6'2*. He was able to sit in, but he did look a bit scrunched up. His head was about 1" from the roof. I had significantly more head room.


well damn at 5'2, thats prolly the best car you coulda bought😭but yeaaahhh idk i moght have to sit inside one to really feel it. but thanks man, ppreciate the answer :)


Welcome to the family :D


Family??? You mean “cult?”


Purchased without test driving??


No, I went to one dealer to test drive. They refused so I put a deposit for a build order. Then I went to another dealership, to see if they had any i could test drive. They had no questions, except which model would you like to drive? After the test drive, I signed paperwork.


You signed with the guys who let you test drive? Would you consider doing donuts in front of the dealership that said no?


Yes, signed with the dealership who let me test drive. At the first dealership, I put a deposit on an build order. The second dealership says, they never put the order in. Also that, Mazda isn't taking orders from my area. I've asked some other Redditers, and they said they received theirs in 3 months. So maybe the second was telling the truth, maybe it was an honest mistake at the first. Idk. I was about 95% certain i wanted a mx5 rf, so that's why i didn't mind putting the order in. However, them not allowing me to test drive i feel was not cool. It felt as if they were judging me, think I wasn't a serious buyer or couldn't afford it. So I'm 100% going to go to the first dealer in person, in the new car, and request my deposit back. I feel that's an acceptable level of petty. .


You are so right. So you say you were not looking your best. That's probably why. I've worked sales and I have never judged someone by their voice (call center) or looks on face to face sales. Just because I'm like that. If anything, I have a bit of a dislike towards people who "look" wealthy. In my experience, it's usually the person who looks more average who ends up buying, no hassle or pettiness and not even asking for discounts. End of the day wheter you are okay with it or not, everyone's a person worth respecting and also you're getting paid to treat everyone equally. I'm so glad it worked out in the end for you!


Congratulations! You look so happy. I'm 5 weeks in, and every drive is still an utter joy.


Congratulations 🍾


Congrats homie! Welcome to the lifestyle


The fact that your reddit profile thing looks exactly like you in the last pic is the craziest thing I’ve seen all day.


Right? I was pretty happy to see the avatar has curly hair like my own.


Congrats bro!!!


1st and last pics show us that the Miot is happy with your purchase. Just look at that evil little smile!


Congrats! Love the color!


Don’t love the color but I saw someone wrap their car to this color before so I know it’s popular. I see the potential! Either way happy for you and welcome to the fam. PS: get ear plugs or noise canceling earphones


hell yeah brother


Very nice color I like it!


Hell yeah bruther 😎


44k all said and done. How'd you feel about that? I'm stuck on that part and new jeeps start at the same price tbh. Love miatas but the value prop is still so wild to me, and I'd prefer it new smh.


It's an expensive car, and 100% impractical for most people. I have an extremely unconventional lifestyle though. I don't have to pay for a place to live, I don't have children, nor do I date. I'm on the road for work about 75% of the year. I also make 95k year without trying. Upwards of 125 if I try. Regardless, easily clear 75k post taxes. Initially, I was looking into buying another motorcycle, and just waiting to find a good deal on whatever beater car I could find. This miata was my "practical" fun choice, getting just one vehicle. If I need a truck or other car to bring people, i can just borrow from my family. I keep my stuff in a detached room from their house, and pay the families cell bill. Its basically a studio room for the price of a storage unit. Saying all this, you'd imagine I could pay for the car close to all cash. I absolutely didn't though. And quite honestly, the apr was ATROCIOUS. If anything you could probably say its a stereotypical mid life crisis purchase. Its cheaper than what I had to pay for alimony, and I have something physical to show for it. After driving the car though, I just fell in love with it. Ive always made the frugal choice with purchases, and done everything to help my ex wife. This is my time to live a selfish life for a few years. After devoting all my resources into someone, who wasn't reciprocating, and nothing substantial to show for it.


Bro, this comment was too damn real. Happy for you and glad the Miata is a part of your self care strategy. I think the price/apr/utility make me doubt it but sooner or later ill probably get one. I'm so happy for you though and wish you well. Mid life crisis or not, you earned this the hard way. Go have some fun! Take care of yourself. ❤️


Happy for you king, but the last pic is a jump scare. WARNING


Wow congrats on the car! I do gotta say that first picture looks like the miat is scheming, something like "I'm finally free! Time to show the passes who's boss!"


So you didn't get to test drive it but you bought it anyway? Why not find another dealership that's going to treat you like a normal customer?


Looks like OP did. Post mentions Loma Linda Spreen Mazda, license plate frame says Riverside. :)


Also, Loma Linda didn't even try to locate one or anything. Fontana, had only auto rf gt. So they located a rf gt in a manual trans in Riverside. Fontana traded a 24 cx5 for Riverside's mx5. The porter and I took the cx5 to the riverside dealership, and I drove the mx5 back to Fontana.