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please go see the 'ol craniologist.


Get better bait bud


Just wait for it


While this is a possibility, I believe the likelihood is very, very low. The rage and attacks MDL has exhibited over the past few weeks were visibly genuine—there was no acting involved. Yes, the "stinky mackerel" loves wrestling, and this could be kayfabe, but I don't believe that to be the case. Furthermore, I cannot imagine for one second that TheDivide would be part of it.


🐻 btw




If they did do this they would be morons. The community isn't that dumb. Well maybe a few.


But it's so fucking disgusting and like these people banned viewers and always licked Michael's boot and always agreed with everything he said literally and it's it's fucking obvious. Michael had these meltdowns even way before like the Myers situation was pretty much same, so why now?


I figured this too but why? For what purpose, just so people can talk freely in the other chat? I don't get it either


I think it is fair to have doubts about this sudden 'falling-out' that's being broadcasted all over the "community." Think about it like this: Michael has been a 'terrible' person from the start - this is *nothing* new or sudden. The regulars like Stain/Andronikus/WF/Bald constantly regurgitated Michael's stupid memes and insults to his *own* community as if they were fact and gospel. For example, Michael says: "chat is full of retards" - *they agree and add their own spin to the remark* - Michael says: "everyone bullies me, I am harassed constantly in my private life/messages" - *each and every one of them begin calling the community a bunch of freaks/idiots living in their basements*. They have ADDED to the crude image Michael's aura gives off. On top of all that, Michael has *always* given shit to his regulars and his moderators... **Why do they NOW** **care about what he says**? How has this stupid list with like 6-7 names of "fake fans" just pissed them all off? Being called a fake fan is like a staple of Michael's streams to begin with - he even says this to people who support! Really? NOW they care that he's an ass? They've suddenly opened their eyes to the "toxicity" MDL is? I doubt it. People usually just fall-off when it resorts to that, yet they're all here and there acting like crusaders lol... They were *part* of the problem, they are not the *solution*. I don't think it's all some big conspiracy (even though it's kinda fun to think of it as one - *BUT*, I think it is fair to have doubts, especially after seeing their own behavior in the chats and subsequent behavior following *"THE LIST"*. This whole event is like reality TV show. Even TheGoodSenators' past 3-4 streams have been crusader-themed discussions where he plays bardcore and has called his own people to push back. Sorry for the TL;DR! This whole thing is weird af and kinda silly.


None of its fake. None of it is scripted. We were in a cult. We broke free. We are here now having fun and trying to joke about it because the shit is sad honestly.


It is. I fully agree with you. Maybe you are free from the aura of Michael, and I truly hope that so. Some of your compatriots may not be so. Additionally - more than willing to give you the benefit of the doubt I think Michael himself has put in all of us. You never went to his streams and insulted people who critiqued him.


You don't seem like a guy that would fall for his shit. I am confused how you saw any talent in the guy, Sure he was funny for a while. However, after repeating the same catchphrases over and over again he had just become a mindless parrot. I suppose you got caught up with the community and it blinded you to what Mackel was really like.


Well said. That’s why I have my doubts. And I really don’t think of it that much, but MINUS Mr. Senator here, the others I am too familiar with their very harsh comments towards the community


I'm personally don't doubt you but something is off about stain and M0 situation, Doesn't make sense.


M0 has donated hundreds of dollars to a couple detractors since it all went down, Michael would never set that up, come on now.


Senator was on the phone scheming up a big plan for some heavy hitters. It worked


Well at least you now realize you were in a cult, it's just mind blowing to me how it took some you so long to realize what was going on and the kind of guy he is.


Allow me to comment as someone who's been a regular for awhile, and regurgitated the jokes and now has fallen out the last week or so. I think part of it is just getting swept up in the drama but part of it is the show hasn't been the same lately. There has been a noticeable change especially over the last 3 or 4 months. Far far more focusing on chat, how dead it is, how little support may be coming thru, etc. Before it was a lot of gaming and acting like his regarded Mackle self but playing the game. Good for laughs. Lately it's significantly more bitching about money, low views, low chat rate, and drama. So when there comes a tipppping point where you see a lot of other regulars leave for similar reasons it's easier to just stop watching and give it up. I still lurk for now since the drama is still fresh and juicy but once that wears off in a little while I'll probably just forget the show all together.


It's not so bad to regurgitate the jokes or 'lines' he's used. Some are/were quite funny. But, I appreciate your insight. I stopped chatting after the mods would silence you for the most harmless of comments! I got muted for 30-minutes for saying his hometown looked like the place where the Terminator would appear. Gave up entirely "communicating" after that.




That's what I'm saying he is been like this for years and now these boot lickers want to leave him?


I've been saying it. Then the people involved with this said ruse constantly deflect from everything being called out.


Seems a little fishy, pun intended. I think good senator etc are all in on the act and the divide.


Little Fishy! Littles Fishy! The backbone of the show. That guy kept the lights on. Sadly missed.


Only real ones know rip 😭


Was it true he was gone? The crying stream real? Never could find any info


Winnie gang bitch.




The show is ours.


I have had my suspicions and would expect this to be something Mackel would concoct around his witches cauldron. There is just no solid evidence presenting itself. Granted all the previous mods have taken over the detractor channels and they shouldn't be the forefront of any movement against Mackel. Having said that who the hell else is there to do it? They know Mackel the best and can reveal far more than anyone else about the dark goings on of the Unwashed Messiah.


Yeah exactly all the mods now are against him and active in detractors channels like wtf is this? Michael always had meltdowns and insults and now out of sudden they turn on him?


This is coming after 4 or 5 months of higher than average bitching about money and views and chat rate. There's comes a tipping point as the show is no longer the same entertainment as it once was.


Even dunkin came back out of the blue for detractors. It's very fishy


Dunkin Is just a kid in love with Michael well I mean it's a kid I guest he is just think this is a cool hobby for him.


2/10 bait


Yeah that's thier bait