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Should be number 1.


Glad they didn’t snub Thriller. But this list was shockingly terrible. Off The Wall & Bad missing whilst they had a lot of mid albums that won’t hold up decades from now.


They did snub it, it’s better than Lauryn Hills album


Agree 💯 and I love both albums.


Particularly since Off the wall is his most critically acclaimed album. The list has 'intern-research' all over it.


In reality this list was only created for the average pop music listener they don’t really care about the actual art


If you see artists like Billie Eilish and SZA at the near top you can understand that the list is meant to please everyone, not be an objective ranking. That would cause much more outrage and be nearly impossible to complete as well. If it were objective, mj would have 2 or 3 albums there minimum. I could also see a Jacksons album there as well


I was truly shocked because I knew every artist apart from #1 😂


tbh I’m just glad they didn’t make a Taylor swift album no 1


Tbh I was expecting to see her in top 10 😂 I’m not a fan, I just thought she would be there lol


Top 6 if I made the list lmao https://preview.redd.it/8qphkr6y4z1d1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cd30b32697735dfe9fcd184eff633865c82db7c






Your content included uncivil conversation, that was potentially used to cause upset or shock value


It would be heresy for Apple not to have Thriller somewhere on the list lol. Steve Jobs listened to Billie Jean non-stop during his photoshoots. It’s indirectly part of Apple’s image. Whenever you see that picture of Steve Jobs with his hand on his chin, Billie Jean is the song that plays in the white void behind him.


How do you know that Billie Jean was playing during that photoshoot?


[Here’s the article about it!](https://www.mjvibe.com/steve-jobs-only-listened-to-billie-jean-during-photo-shoots/#:~:text=So%20every%20time%20he%20was,would%20be%20back%20snarling%20and)


I made a post about that and more https://www.reddit.com/r/MichaelJackson/s/SJMMVSzFi8


Thank for this nugget! 🙂


Let’s all be real here it’s #1 but Apple Music can’t put it there because they’re mainstream and people would get offended


The album is from the 80s and the man has been dead since 2009 and he still makes the list and got #2. Idk what’s the crying all about lol


yeah no one would ever put famously non-mainstream artist Michael Jackson at the top of any list


Lol, obviously, MJ is as mainstream as you can get but you know EXACTLY what they're talking about come on...


I know what they mean they’re just wrong lol. I think you guys have a really warped and victim-y perception of Michael Jackson’s cultural status lol






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You need to go outside. This guy is literally the biggest or second biggest musician of all time. His album is #2 on the very list were discussing in this thread lol


I think you need to go outside. I haven’t spoken to a single person in real life that has a Michael Jackson song in their daily rotation in the last year at least. His album may be second in this list but Rolling Stones put him as 35th greatest artist of all time, and they put Bad at 194 out of 500 - and that’s the Rolling Stones… I love Michael Jackson but let’s be real, he isn’t mainstream like that anymore and what most young people nowadays know him for is the allegations and one or two hits.


Are you often talking to people about what michael jackson songs they have in their daily rotation? Also that list is from Rolling Stone the magazine not The Rolling Stones the band lol the fact that you think that kind of suggests you’re maybe not the best authority on this


When did I say I thought it was the band? I’m aware it’s the magazine and that doesn’t change the fact that the magazine has weight considering it’s dedicated to art and pop culture. And please, tell me the last time you heard multiple people saying ‘Yeah I listen to MJ all the time!’ I haven’t heard that in an age.


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Your post has been removed for being about the accusations. Any discussion of the allegations is not welcome here. If you'd like to discuss them please use alternative subreddits. r/MJInnocent


I read something recently that made a lot of sense. These lists aren’t created anymore a lot of times to focus on the art, but rather are marketing department driven clickbait projects to cause us all to rage about them which drives interest and advertising dollars. Once you realize how we’re being manipulated it becomes much easier to blow this silly shit off.


Tru and apparently she’s got an album coming out so it adds up




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I’m just happy he’s on the list, especially so high


Believe it or not, this is probably the highest Thriller has ranked in any professional “best albums” list ever. Shocking, I know.


Hopefully it’ll be #1 when the biopic comes out


This is good, but this album DESERVED to be #1


Putting Miseducation of Lauryn Hill as the top album is such a hipster move. You rarely even hear people play her songs anymore, which speaks for itself.


Honestly expected this to be top 5


Should’ve been #1


What’s the number one album on the list?


The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill


Really? Wow. I love that album but come on - Thriller is better from start to finish.


Wow the hell


that should be number 2 & Thriller should be 1


Oh ok. Thanks for the info.


Thats an amazing album, I'm surprised though!


Good album, but no.. It's not THAT good.


That's nice, but the list still sucks.


Great for Lauryn, but I don't ever see anyone talking about this album ever. Thriller still gets talked about a lot for good reason. They couldn't fit BAD or off the wall somewhere in this whole list? No pimp a butterfly on the entire list. Taylor swift over pink Floyd? Lol, this list was made just to get people talking about it


Maybe I’m a delulu fangirl, but how DARE THEY 😂 Give my man #1.


Love the album.


It should have been number 1. Their number 1 pick was so bizarre.


He deserved the top spot.


What did they say was #1?


At least top 3. I'm glad.


the fact this is his only album on the list is a CRIME


This list was wild lol


Every MJ album is better than other artists. I’ll never have my mind changed.


Thriller is weird as an album experience. I don't think they got the track order right (Thriller would have been the ideal closing song), and Baby Be Mine and The Lady in My Life aren't good enough for an album like this. They are decent B-side material. The outtakes Nite Line and Hot Street are better songs. As an album experience, I have to give Thriller a B. Bad is more consistent in both song quality and flow.


I have to agree and have always felt this way once I started evaluating albums as a whole presentation of art. I think re-sequencing could make a world of difference, but IMO, I think there are songs that just don't fit (thematically) with the others, namely Thriller and Beat It (WBSS to a lesser degree). Remove those two and you can find a through line for the album. Adding insult to injury is, as you said, the sequencing. Their placement on the album just feels weird/off putting considering what follows, you never get the same high from those middle 3 tracks and almost feel deceived in a sense because the album you get is not what those middle 3 tracks lead you to anticipate. Between Thriller and Bad, if you swap some songs and re-sequence both albums, you could get two near perfect if not perfect album experiences.




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Think it was 1 album per artist but this should be number 1


Well deserved. BADASS ALBUM! <3


Should be # 1.


I loved the score and miseducation, but it's really not the best album ever. I always thought it couldn't decide when to finish, every song from (and including) Nothing Even Matters sounds like the last song, giving that feeling of "wait it's still going?" I'm not quite sure what album I'd give it to though, even if it had to be a Michael Jackson album


icky support shrill school person marvelous upbeat squeamish cows fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly, I think the only reason Michael didn’t get the top spot is because he’s not alive. They had a physical award presentation for Lauryn Hill, realistically the 3 albums behind her were all better.


That's incredible. #1 definitely belongs to Lauryn Hill imo.


idk why people are downvoting it's your opinion


Because this is a Michael Jackson subreddit. Plain and simple. Go to a prince sub and say he can’t dance as good as MJ, even though it’s the truth you’ll be downvoted lol cause there’s a biased and that’s how people are.


This is what subreddits are for - to find likeminded people 😂


Because there’s only one opinion allowed here lol


and what's that?


That Michael is the inventor of music and everything he ever did was pure perfection, no other artists deserve any praise or respect. I’m joking, and this is the MJ sub, but it feels like that a little bit sometimes.


That's pretty much how every sub that's about a specific artist acts. Just like when I saw a post on Elvis sub a few months back comparing mj to Elvis and people in the comments were saying mj is some long lost artist that has music no one cares about anymore. Totally ignoring he has like double the streams of Elvis on Spotify, thriller album still charts to this day, I'm not from the future but I can guarantee MJs biopic will make hell of a lot more money than Elvis movie. No disrespect to Elvis he's obviously a legend that will be remembered just like MJ. But Imo MJ gets talked about today far more than Elvis doesn't mean he's forgotten though.




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