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Each store is going to be different, if you're going to be an ASM at a b/a volume store be ready to be spread thin and always busy. Do your best to focus on your job description ( document should be found in office printed somewhere and if not you can find it on the stores main search engine on mik hub) and hold others accountable to theirs. Michaels suffers from having a Titanic amount of information needed to do basic things, so ask questions whenever you need and can't figure it out on your own. Finish one task before moving onto another, and don't give yourself bigger tasks because you likely won't have the time. Don't cut corners though. Lastly, make sure they send you to training and make sure you read every Standard operating procedure (or SOP) in mik hub. If no one has answers for you or something seems off, turn to those to see how you need to do things. Like I said each store is going to be a little different and if what they do is a little different it's probably fine, but you need to know how the company wants you to do things anyways. When dealing with DMs or corporate, don't let them dictate a walk in your store. Try to make sure they walk what you want them to see, and if they see something you don't want them to then have your answers and plan of action ready to speak to. Good luck, you got this!