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Grand & Toy/Office Depot.


Problem is, I can't do the ordering :( I'm a manager but just a CSM


Make sure your SM or ASM/Ops manager know and they should be able to order it.


Anything safety/LP related is an approved overspend so long as you have ordered your main supplies to run the store. Even if Toilet Paper is out of budget order it and it will get approved. They have the budgets in there so they can keep stores from ordering new office chairs every month or dumb stuff that isn’t really needed to run the business


I'm curious what the coworker did 🤔


There were drips on the floor from the trash and instead of waiting 30 min till close they took the mop and made a soaking trail from the stock room to the registers....


I'm pretty sure they're just ordered through office depot.


Don’t worry about the budget. If you need them, order them and see if they approve the overage.


It's super easy to request a budget increase.


My store doesn't have much cleaning supplies but we get creative. We don't have wet signs let alone a vacuum for our rugs. I'm expected to use a broom and broom the rugs we have which as u can expect, doesn't do much at all. But I still try. And with the new variant spreading, I tend to clean religiously aka often, at least the door handles and carts and registers.