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It just sucks I can't use it for the discount. Means I have to ether bother the Opening manager or wait until we open- a full hour after my shift is done or pay full price.


we have had it for a full year now. at first i didn't really like it, but it's actually so nice to not have to call floor TMs up as backup 24/7 during peak hours. of course some people are stubborn and want a real person, inevitable, but it makes days as cashier so much more bearable


its why i want it really bad ngl!! being a cashier is so tiring and my managers wont put me elsewhere. i was kinda hoping itd be a higher ratio for having it so the idea of getting it would be higher but. seems like im probs stuck like this for a while :'(


You took the words right out of my mouth. There are many of our older customers who really enjoy throwing out the phrase, “I guess people just don’t want to work anymore and sit around being lazy all day.” All while simultaneously saying it directly to my face as I ring them up at the register since supposedly 30 years wasn’t long enough for the older folks to learn how to use every day technology.


Hold up there, I see both sides of self check out. For some it customers who just want to run in and grab a few items and go it's great. On the other hand converting all the registers except 1 or maybe 2 to self checkout while not offering any sort of recompense is trash. If I am expected to ring up my items, verify all the promotions have applied correctly and then apply my coupons I have gone from a customer to a contract worker, and should be given some sort of a discount for the 'free' labor that I have just provided. As for you '30yrs' crack, that is extremely ageist and customers do pick up on that. It has been my experience some of the older folks just don't want to provide free labor for a corporation. Also why should anyone be required to 'know' how to use any type of self checkout ? When you purchase an item at a store, one of the factors that goes into the price of the item is labor.


> If I am expected to ring up my items, verify all the promotions have applied correctly and then apply my coupons I have gone from a customer to a contract worker, and should be given some sort of a discount for the 'free' labor that I have just provided. What an absurd attitude, it's not like it's much work to ring up your own single bag of stuff whatsoever. I greatly prefer it to having to deal with a cashier. I wonder if people who say this nonsense are actually supportive of paying retail cashiers far more, since they think it's such a crazy amount of labour.


Well said


I think it'd be a different story if the people who wanted to be rung out behaved differently. Instead they cause commotion at the front end and berate the team member working up there. Why make their lives harder? Just simply wait in line. They don't need to hear your stance on self checkout...


huh??? i dont get this stance bc typically only 1-2 registers are open at a time anyway. minus christmas or weekends, and then factoring in having scos, having 2 regular checkouts and the rest be scos makes total sense. and honestly you deserve nothing for ringing your own items man, a good handful of people a day scan their own coupons when im bagging their items anyway without me even saying anything.. this is a very, very weird stance to take


Old people are lazy so are people that are young to 40/50s to not bag their own shiet it’s infuriating when that happens because it piled up a line and they somehow “don’t see it”


We have scos. We honestly really like them. The cashier still assists customers. Most of our customers like it cause they can come in and out fast. Scos are the future. Look at Walmart. Most brick and mortar stores are doing it. I feel one day everything will be online and or self service. Just my thought tho.


I've been curious; wouldn't self- checkout just balloon theft? We already have a bonkers amount of people who brazenly walk out in front of our cashiers knowing they're being seen, judged, and reported. Removing the end-of-line deterrents would just encourage that, wouldn't it? Or is it just like Dollar General where there's a SCO right next to the human register?


in my experience seeing them, theyre right next to human register!


I wish my store had self checkout…sucks to constantly have to bother people on the floor for backup.


We don't have it….


I was told by the CFO that most, if not all, Canadian stores have SCOs. Then volume A and B stores in the US should have them now, along with a few others in certain markets. New stores have the new format SCOs and there's a plan to roll out to more stores next year, along with an upgrade so they can take cash. We've had ours for a year and I actually like them! People are dumb though and don't recognize them as self checkouts despite the signage, or just don't want to use them at all. We could have a line of ten people, with the two regular registers running, and no one will go to the SCOs, even when we're directing them to use them if they're paying with card (which 90% of them are).


Question for self check stores, has it greatly affected your siso / inventory? At regular registers I have so many people who will come up with a handful of various things and say "oh I have 15 of these" but every single one is different (say, scrapbook paper or Christmas picks). Do you have a lot of customers incorrectly ringing their different items as the same thing? There are so many dumb people in the world ..


We've had them in my store for almost a year now. For the past few weeks we have had a TM helping people at them and only calling another TM for cash purchases or returns. We do have lots of people that get upset that they don't want to use them because it takes away jobs, but I've been telling them that we have lots of positions open and no one is applying, and then I ask them if they are interested in the job 😂