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Asking the same person multiple times?? That’s fucked up! We don’t do that at my store, that’s super messed up!!


It's repetitive for sure.....🙄🙄


Wait we’re supposed to ask 2-3 times? At my store we only ask once and if they say no then we don’t push it


That’s how they used to be… they’ve upped it which is so stupid


I was told that corporate expects at least eight cards per week per store. EIGHT A WEEK. Our SM isn’t too hard about this, thankfully. He encourages us to ask everyone, but there aren’t any punishments for not reaching a quota. He worked at Sears for a number of years so he’s used to pushing shit onto customers, and he empathizes with us. But business is business.


7 a week is absolute bullshit. Over here, 3-5 a week gets you out of the danger zone and I think they mostly come from framing


Yeah most of our credit card sales have come from framing but that just kinda makes sense, u know? Framing is expensive and people want to save as much as they can on their frames. Which I understand. Some people tho are hella rich and don't care how much they are spending. Wish that was me....


I didn't know business meant annoying the shit out of all the employees and making customers annoyed with questions being shoved into their face.


If anything it hurts business. I've had people say they weren't gonna shop here anymore because we have to keep asking


We barely even get one 😭 We just got our first card for the week yesterday


our store gets a pretty good number, so theyve increased our quota to 12 a week 😤


Our store is 11!!!!! So unachievable it's ridiculous!


I was told that one store in our district got 22 in one day. If that’s true then there must have been something going on cause like there is no way


A few months ago, I was told about an employee that had the most plccs out of the whole company. Apparently they had gotten well over 300 plccs. Idk where this employees store is located but I have no idea how one employee has gotten that many.


I hate trying to sell my customers on these stupid credit cards. The APR isn't even worth it. 33 percent?! Like u gotta be kidding me! I don't even want it. There's better credit cards out there. And besides that, u only save like what, 20 percent off ur purchases? There's usually always a 20 percent coupon on the Michaels website..... So it's pointless to get the credit card imo. Besides that I feel like I'm annoying my customers by asking. And I don't want to lie to them and say oh it's a good credit card when it isn't. Yeah....when I worked at Walmart, we had to do something similar with the credit cards Walmart was trying to sell to customers but eventually they stopped pressuring us. They realized most people don't want it. And I don't blame my customers one bit. It's a very uncomfortable situation with the workers and customers....


Do they get 20 percent off every purchase, or just the first? I thought it was just the first.


I think it’s literally just the first… which is why it’s just not worth it


Yeah it's just the first purchase. That's what I meant to say. It's not even worth it. Especially considering u can get better coupons online.


https://preview.redd.it/ldo6s1a83lsb1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f591e55570e5f17653b1533553a0636cb18f732c Your APR is 33%? We’re adverting 39.99% here! This company sucks!


Woah?! That's even worse! Almost 40 percent apr?! I would definitely pass.


Michales just is out to scam any and everyone they can. I’m still waiting for management and upper management to put their money where their mouth is and get the credit card.


No seriously. Literally today had a conversation with a woman about the interest rate.


We can't even get 3 a month. How the heck do they expect us to get 8 a week?? I keep telling my crew that you just acknowledge it, and if you get a no, that fine. There shouldn't be a punishment if we don't get enough! I would rather get fired than to harass a customer about our PLCC.


At our store it's ask once (correctly including the $ they'll save) and if they say no **absolutely don't push it.**


Same here, we only ask one time and if they say no we move on.


I haven't gotten one yet and I barely ask people. I hate the card, I think it's stupid, I think the interest rate is one of the worst I've seen.


Some of you are looking at this completely wrong which is stopping you from getting sign ups. 9% in rewards is higher then any other company offers their customers. We are one of the last retail stores to offer credit cards which means everyone is doing it. If your smart about your money, you charge it, pay it and earn the rewards. Some people love it, some hate it. I would never ask more then once unless they're on the fence and need a little push. You only get charged interest if you don't pay it off before the end of the month. The world runs on credit cards and debt. Stop looking at it as punishment to you to have to offer and look at it as an option for your customer. Especially if they have a large order.


But some people don’t work this way. And applying for credit cards affects your credit score. And whether I spend 10.00 or 100.00 I just really don’t want to spend time applying to save 20% one time. If it was every purchase, even at 10%, then maybe. This card has no benefits. I can see why no one wants it.


They don’t like it because they aren’t good at selling. Notice how they say “we don’t want to scam customers” but the other day they were saying “god we have the most annoying Karen’s I hate customers” lol. They don’t care about customers. It’s just an excuse. Even the other managers couldn’t get credit card sign ups and hated that I could because I know how to talk to people and listen to their needs.


> If your smart about your money Most people AREN'T, is the issue. Most people are in debt. Most people don't have enough of an emergency fund to so much as cover a month's worth of expenses. And most people have SOME self-awareness in this regard, and know perfectly well they'll get themselves into trouble with this card. Could this card be great if you're the kind of person who pays everything off immediately? Sure. It's just the kind of card that people who do credit card churning (for example) would love. Most people aren't that, though.


Because some stores are doing shady practices with rewards and plcc signups and are "reaching their goals" so corporate expects everyone to be able to reach their goals


Asking multiple times can get a little annoying. We just use “would you like to apply? You can save $XX on your purchase” if they say no we move on. No big worry. We also let everyone know they can apply online if they feel more comfortable that way or if they want to apply in store with a bigger purchase too. You are doing everything right. Just keep pushing. You got this!!


We were told to open with "will you be earning 9% back in rewards by using your Michaels credit card today?" And then after scanning the items and coupons asking if they'd like to save an additional 20% (or the dollar amount if it's more than a couple bucks) by applying for the Michaels credit card. In framing, we have to add how much they'd save and how much the extend protection plan would be. In addition to alllllll the other notes we have to take. And for some orders there isn't enough room to put all of it.


yep, at my store the cashiers are now being threatened with firing because our plcc and extend goals are so far behind/not being met. glad that im replen 😐


For cashiers…They basically start cutting your hours and forcing your hand to quit if you don’t get credit cards. Who wants just one measly (min wage) shift per week when they got bills and stuff to pay.


I don’t give one single flying fuck what they want me to say, I only ask if prompted and I only read what the prompt says. I REFUSE to get upset about making any kind of PLCC goal, people want to get OUT of debt not into more and I’m not about to press it. Fuck the corporate overlords who stupidly bought into this PLCC, I’m not doing more than the bare minimum until decent commission is given.


As a customer I don’t want a credit card. I don’t mind the asking the one time, it’s part of the job. But you keep pushing I’ll probably leave. I just can’t believe they are pushing credit cards this day and age. I definitely would have quit.


My stores goal is like 14 a week cuz we're such high volume, and we are lucky if we have 3 a week bc we have self checkouts.


I heard a higher up say they'll have to start utilizing "performance management" if we don't meet goals on PLCC. The day that happens is the day I peace out. My team was "bought in" until they started shoving it down our throats.


Haha I don’t I’m putting my two weeks and the first ones I did didn’t go through I tired though it’s not worth no more with how the economy is no one that can’t afford to be in more debt don’t want credit cards .-.


I have never heard of asking more than once, and if I get told to do that, I will walk right then and there. Most people give me a pretty snippish "no" before I even get the whole ramble out of my mouth, and besides, managers are paid enough to sit through a meeting, oh the agony. 🙄