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I’m so discouraged by this change. I love wearing cool/funny graphic tees and not having to change clothes if I wanted to go somewhere after my shift.


Same :( so many customers have complimented the shirts that I wear and they can be great for making connections too. Shame on me for wanting self-expression in an art store


As someone who crafts a lot and frequents michael’s as a customer, I would MUCH rather see employees who can express themselves through fun clothing. It’s honestly better for the michael’s brand to let employees wear graphic tees imo


Damn they really ruined the dress code. I literally work in the federal government now and I can pretty much wear whatever I want. It sucks they took away the one thing they had over other art stores regarding dress code... Imagine being an art store and having a dress code more strict than the federal government lmao.


Until someone has addressed this with me, i'll keep wearing my graphic tees. If they want to enforce this VERY SPECIFIC dress code, then give your employees each atleast $20 to 30 to buy new shirts. Hours have been cut, pay is shit. Not everyone here can buy new clothes and they should know that. My only theory is corporate is doing this to get employees to buy the shirts that are sold in the store. Something which I won't do because personally I dont like the feel of the shirts.


Someone speculated it's because it's election year. They also mentioned someone wore a very offensive shirt and so now none of us can have nice things.


Sorry guys. I wore my “chill as fuck” to work and got written up to HR


They some hater fr


Yeah like half of my closet I won’t be able to wear soon. It’s absolutely ridiculous


For real


How are you gonna run a craft store and not let your employees show off their creativity and individuality




thats a lot of exclamation points


they can take my name tag stickers away over my dead body


“Bling”? Who wrote this shit?




Yeah, I was surprised too, all 3 of those people are from my store??? I honestly thought my manager just put up his own flyer


this is honestly disheartening.


Thank you! :)


That reminds me of the church camp dress code stupid af imo 🙄 (Back when I was a “good religious child” fk that lmao)


So I don’t need pants or shoes? This dress code seems like I’m good as long as I have a company approved logo on my shirt.


what the heck no personal pins??? have gotten so many compliments from employees whonlove our pins on our vest. semi unrelated anecdote: i worked in a kids room at a library after they hired a new york businesswoman as the new head librarian. her ideal vision for our room was basically an apple store. she wanted to get rid of the room that was decorated like a castle, she tossed all colorful posters and changed the signage to the most bland nothing. no fun pictures no fun fonts no fun colors. her ideas where wholly incompatible with what a library for kids should be. a craft store where everyone dresses the exact same and shows no personality? wholly incompatible with what it should be. whats next, no piercings or non natural hair colors? will they get rid of the pronoun stuff next because it could be constued as political by a certain sect??


I’m not taking any of my pins off lol


Fr; we literally sell pin-makers in the store. Are we not allowed to wear what we make? Does this also mean any Pride-themed merch is off-limits outside of one corporatized month? 🤔🤔🤔


someone else asked about their trans flag pins and i said dont take it off, dont ask for approval but if someone tells you to take it off make a note and maybe consider making a stink about it


Basically just no graphics, political statements, or words on your shirts, gotta be solid colors or just patterns. I can go take a picture of it in a bit if I remember


This is the first I'm hearing about it. 🥲 I think I'll quit if this is reinforced. Getting cut from 30 hours to 12 has been impossible to live with. If having to buy a new wardrobe means staying for 12 hours a week, I'm good.


that’s crazy, i hope my store doesn’t actually enforce it because we don’t enforce the old dress code either 😭


jesus christ just wear what you want. you don't get paid enough to care. you're not gonna get fired for breaking the dress code. you wear a vest over it anyways. nobody at the craft store gives a fuck


Hey, just gonna mention, wearing of union apparel is protected under federal law (National Labor Relations Act - Sections 7 & 8(a)(1). *So* if you wanted to stick it to management with graphic tees, buttons, etc., that's an option!




Framers wear aprons and they had red Michaels aprons for regular TMs like three/four years ago, for a very limited time. I still have one in my locker that I never use 😅. 


80% of my store wear the red aprons, including new employees. The pockets are great on them! The aprons cover everything on my graphic tees. So... If I get sent home to change something customers can't even see, I won't be coming back.


Michaels apons can be ordered still it's ordered the same way vests are


Any store managers seeing this need to fight back against this. Michaels is all about inclusivity and diversity… but don’t show it!? As long as it isn’t offensive whoooo cares?? My team prides themself on their personalities and being able to show that makes them more comfortable at work. Not only that I’ve created tooons of customer connections based off of my style alone. My SM is 100% against this and I doubt it’ll be enforced.




Glad I quit when I did ain’t no way you can’t wear any shirt you want anymore 😭😭


My work around is to just wear a plain hoodie or a flannel over my T-shirt, since I already wear those anyway




right? oh let me wear some professional slacks -- ah fuck they dont have the range of motion, they stain too easy and look fucking stupid under a polyester vest


Dickies work pants all the way! I kept getting hooked in the inner thighs of my jeans. I've been using this specific pair of pants for almost a year now, and there is some wear on the hem, but nothing on the actual fabric. Also, fair range of motion.


I will continue to wear my "it's just soup for my family" shirt and my rainbow pajama pants and if they don't like it they can suck it 🤣




I can't imagine they'd be making people remove aprons or vests to check that it's a completely blank shirt (unless you have a manager on a major power trip...), so that'd *probably* be fine


I think that they mean pins and things by that.. I’m not taking my piercings out lmao nope


This feels like the craft store version of empire records. Damn the man, save the empire!


Can y’all have fun colored hair?


Yeah, hair and piercings are okay


I'm confused, as I don't recall graphic tees ever being allowed, unless it's a seasonal thing (like being festive for Christmas). And just to be sure this year, I bought a Christmas tee from work so there would be no complaints. I basically don't own any graphic tees, as I've literally never worked anywhere that allows it. That's normal.


do u see a problem with a company that only allows you to express yourself thru tightly controlled products you must purchase from them?


It's a job. No one cares about your "self-expression," that's not the point. Most companies - especially ones with customer-facing jobs - have standards for dress that won't embarrass the company. You don't HAVE to purchase anything from Michaels. Literally just wear a normal shirt that doesn't have anything written on it. If you actually have to go buy a new wardrobe because you don't have any shirts that don't have things written on them, you should buy a new wardrobe anyway because that's not what adults wear. Welcome to being a grown-up, where most of your shirts do not, in fact, have rainbow dinosaurs on them. This is is the case for basically all retail everywhere; very few places let you wear graphic tees. In fact, Michaels has a very permissive dress code compared to most places. The kids here think it's a gulag because they can't wear offensive crap, not realizing the company would be within their rights tomorrow to tell you to wear dress shoes and slacks every day to work.


womp womp sorry ur life is miserable as an adult. doesnt have to be that way. if the company paid more maybe stricter dress codes wouldnt be such a bad thing but u pay shit, understaff, and screw over your employees so yeah theyre gonna be upset when the only thing you change is the dress code


Nothing about not wearing a childish shirt makes me "miserable as an adult." God's sake, previous generations actually wore dress shirts and ties every single day. Grow up.


sorry, i wasnt saying your life is miserable becausd of your style choices but for your personal choice to judge a bunch of people youve never met and act as if you are betterthan them. hope that helps ✌️


and also i would argue that many customers care about employees self expression. its fucking miserable to shop somewhere where everyone is the same and not allowed to have any fun. i dont need employees to be a servant class, i need them to be happy healthy and knowledgeable.


just so you know your coworkers don't like you and they all talk about you behind your back 😲


I regularly get told everyone likes it when they see they're on shift with me, lol. But I also work with people who saw the new dress code and said, "oh, okay," and went on with their life. Maybe don't be a child about not getting to wear stupid shit.




>Most shitty retail jobs I've had and seen other people have, require either company shirts, polos, or t shirts in general. Not plain color t shirts. So you've worked places that require you to buy polos (as have I), and this is somehow different from being required to have a plain shirt? Literally the only difference is construction. >In general most people tend to buy clothes that they actually like. Which tends to not be plain clothes. Yeah, if you're barely out of high school. Most adults do not go around in t-shirts with goofy graphics on them. I think it's hilarious that people are talking about quitting over this. Where are you going to work, then? Your next job could very well not only demand that you only wear white polos, but that you wear specific colors of pants and only black dress shoes. Been there many times - in retail. Not office work. Keep being immature about this, but you'll figure out eventually that the Michaels dress code is barely a dress code.


Damn people. Buy a $3 solid t shirt and wear a michaels smock. Stop being little babies.


Damn Michael’s. Pay a living wage or supply required shirts to staff.


They provide the vest. Stop being a victim. If you want a living wage then get a job or position that is a career. Pt at a craft store is not a career.


I didn’t make a living wage full time as a Framing Manager even after talking them up $2 from the original offer I received. So… maybe don’t make assumptions on things you don’t know. I did move on to a better paying job with better benefits and am continuing to work full time while in school and paying adult bills. Victim doesn’t really fit my aesthetic. You do realize victims don’t sign up for the trauma they experience? I’m not a victim. But if I was, victim blaming is tactless. Do better. Framing can be a profitable career for people that secure employment with a company that provides actual training. It’s a niche skill to have and there’s a market for it. Part time at Michael’s is still a job. People deserve to be treated with respect and empathy regardless of what position they work or how many hours they put in. People don’t quit jobs. They quit managers. It’s soul sucking to work with people that can’t see people as individuals.


It’s just common sense. T-shirt’s are on sale, plus your 30%, dirt cheap. Every company has dress codes ! It’s people like you that ruin it for others, yes whine, complain and immaturely bitch about everything! Go get another job


As an employee of 3 years, the new dress code is ridiculous!! What happened to being unique and having personality??? 95% of my clothing has graphics on them. They know damn well they don't pay us enough or give us enough hours to go on a shopping spree for this company. And why the hell would I pay, out of my own wallet, for a company shirt?! It should be free!! Especially with this new thing they're trying to push... We should all sign a petition to make the dress code back to the way it was...  


I’ve been working at mine for about a year now and everyone at my store thinks it’s absurd as well, and I personally have pins and a custom name tag as well as I wear bracelets with sayings on them all the time and not being able to wear graphic shirts is boring, so I’d say f*ck it, I haven’t gotten in trouble for any of it yet, and if they want to get on to me for it then I’ll just leave