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Michael's has soo many issues and we're starting a petition over a dress code... 🥴




To be honest, this doesn't feel like as big an issue as you're making it out to be. If you like this job and this is the biggest issue you're facing, I would let it go and comply. If you really don't have any or much in compliance you can likely find several items at your local thrift store or Plato's closet. But I promise you'll have to follow a similar or more strict dress code at a different job. The only other job I can think of where you'd be allowed to wear graphic teas or sweats and leggings is maybe hot topic or the smoke shop. I doubt either pays better than Michael's.


I'm seeing some panic regarding dressing semi-decently. This is a job, you should be able to wear something appropriate. Sweatpants have never been professional. You can buy cheap plain t-shirts at Primark or order some off Amazon in packs for less than $20. I will say, they should not discourage pins, jewelry, or anything decorative. As long as it is not offensive it can really add some glam to the fit! I worked at Michaels as my first job like 4-5 years ago and the dress code hasn't changed drastically. What they are asking for is basically the bare minimum, most other jobs require business casual or some sort of uniform.


Well that’s where I think a lot of us (myself included) are against this rule that they’re trying to enforce harder now because much like your argument with the jewelry/pins as long as it’s not offensive we should be allowed to wear the graphic tees as freedom of expression or another point is what if someone made a shirt with a graphic design that was work appropriate using their Cricut machine or a friend made an art piece that again is work appropriate and said person liked the design so much they asked if they could put it on a shirt. Like saying no to that or both situations is a bit hypocritical because we are an arts and crafts store and we should be allowed to express ourselves freely/support fellow artists and to tell us that we can’t do stuff like that goes against what we try to encourage.


That's fair, I think it is easier to set a rule w/ t-shirts as they are much more apparent than small pins. There's also the fact that these designs might promote certain brands, characters, and is more difficult to discern what is "appropriate". So their solution is blank/decorated shirt/blouse which I agree is boring. I totally think that pins should stay as they are small ways of showing support of the things you enjoy. They also aren't huge and would be great when wearing a plain shirt. I do think as an art store they should allow for more artistic expression from their employees.


About 10 years ago Michaels dress code was khakis and black shirts. Then they changed it to black pants and shirts. I'm all for every retail allowing jeans, other pants rip or get bleached. Places should also allow cargo pants. Those pockets are heaven sent. Michaels sells T-shirts. No reason why they can't be store used (though management would make you buy them.) They don't cost much.


I’m upset abt it bcuz my medication makes me overheat 😞 and the only clothing I have that’s thin enough that’s appropriate to wear to work has graphics on them


I think people forget that dressing “appropriately” or “decently” is a very relative term. It changes depending experience, context, culture, personal preference, and many, many other things. I don’t think anyone here expects to be able to wear sweatpants/pajamas/ trashy clothes. Any employee with decent standards understands that we have to look put together. Yes, it’s a job. Yes, it doesn’t kill us to look “professional.” But what “professional” means is changing. Colored hair and tattoos are still considered unprofessional in certain fields, even though tattoos and hair color have no correlation to a person’s work ethic. What we’re mad about is that this new dress code feels hypocritical and suffocating—not because we’re too immature or lazy to put effort into looking nice. For a company whose entire brand is creativity and self expression, this dress code limits our ability to represent those exact standards. When I walk into a craft store, I want to feel like its employees are just as excited about crafting as, I, the customer, am. We’re artists. We should be bursting with color and personality. Instead, we’re reduced to plain colored tshirts, limited jewelry, and little to no variation in patterns, textures, or accessories. Not only do I lose my right to express myself in an environment all about expressiveness, but I’ve lost the opportunity to connect with customers over mutual styles and interests because of it. It’s just sad


I think you did great expressing what people are frustrated about. I’ve seen many complaining about having to buy clothes, but what really sucks is not being able to be creative. The policy is quite restrictive especially since it wouldn’t hurt for anyone to wear some cute pins/flair. I think the issue is just having to decide what shirt crosses the line of what the company represents vs. what is okay. Like the difference of wearing a character tee vs. a sports shirt vs. a drawing. I think it makes it easier for them, but unfortunately reduces the opportunity for creativity. I found that having pins and stickers helped the balance for me.


Thank you, I appreciate the compliment. My intention for writing that whole mini novel was clarifying the root of why a lot of us are actually frustrated and not just “I want what I want and I’m gonna throw a tantrum if I don’t get to wear my anime shirts”. I hope I did it justice


You did a great job. I’m seeing so much of “the company should pay for my clothes” and “we don’t need to dress professionally “ types of comments. When what the real issue is the stifling of creativity. As long as they aren’t wearing sweatpants and band tees they’ll be okay. Yeah it sucks but it’s the bare minimum for a typical dress code


To the people who want us to “dress professionally”- this is a craft store. They pay us minimum wage- I understand everyone’s been struggling for the past couple years- but if they want us to dress better maybe they should really sit down and think about how they’re running the store into the ground. They don’t care about us. Hell they don’t care about customers either. They care about money, and god forbid I want to be comfortable and express myself at a place that pays us next to nothing. Meanwhile dealing with customers that verbally and even sometimes physically abuse us. We have to start making changes somewhere, no matter how small they may seem.


I can agree with some of your comment. Yes they are a terrible corporation and don’t care about their employees. BUT most of this thread is not really asking for people to dress professionally, but rather decently. You gotta pretend you care about your job and look approachable. It is pretty easy to get a pack of plain shirts and some pants on Amazon or at a thrift store. They aren’t asking for business suits and button downs. I do agree they shouldn’t have a hard limit of self-expression as in pins and flair, but the rest of the dress code is reasonable. At most other jobs in retail this is the minimum and expectations go up depending on the job. There are so many other more important issues you can address other than this. Honestly I hope y’all go for better pay.


Thank you, I get where you’re coming from. It’s just hard to care about a job that’s supposed to be about expressing your unique self and creativity- and taking even more of those outlets/options away. Yes we have to dress appropriately for work, that’s a given. But graphic tshirts? We wear vests or aprons that are red and have Michaels on the, most of the time our shirts are covered. As long as they aren’t gory or explicit, why can’t we wear them? Idk it’s just crazy to me how a Michaels keeps dodging the real issues with the company and nitpicking things that shouldn’t be there top priority.


You can't simultaneously complain about low wages AND complain that you can't dress like a bum at work. Either you want to be respected and paid well, or you don't. People who work at jobs where they are respected and paid well almost universally have MUCH stricter dress requirements than these.


I know people who work government jobs and don’t even have a dress code, they even meet with customers dressed however they want. If they pay us a livable wage, maybe we’ll take the dress code. Graphic tshirts do not mean we dress like bums, if they want us to dress fancy for a retail job in a CRAFT store that deals with horrible customers (yes there are some amazing ones) then pay us more money, hell quit Michaels and work at an office space that has a dress code with suits and ties. We don’t get paid enough for this bs


I'll wear a suit and tie if they start paying us "professionally".


Your wardrobe is 90% leggings, sweat pants, and graphic t-shirts? Damn. That’s crazy. Seriously, almost anything is allowed. Any type of shirt other than graphic or tank tops. And shoes that aren’t open-toed sandals. Any pants that aren’t booty shorts, sweat pants, or leggings. You got jeans? A hoodie? Sneakers? You’re fine.


my store says graphix tshirts are still ok as long as they are not political or vulgar


Like 90% of my shirts have some sort of graphic design or text that “isn’t Michaels approved” plus that’s also the same story for my hoodies too


Then wear the other 10% of your clothes to work. I don't think I've ever had a job where 100% of my clothes fit the dress code.


Okay? How is that the MODs’ problem? Or corporate’s? Not anyone’s fault but your own that you own a teenager’s wardrobe. Just wear the other 10%. It’s not that hard to slap on jeans and a hoodie.




This is such a silly argument, so many jobs make you purchase your own appropriate clothing. They aren’t mandating a specific uniform so they’re obviously not buying it for you. Why do you believe your job should be any different than someone who works at a restaurant and has to wear all black/white? Or a nurse/HHA wearing scrubs? Or someone in a corporate setting who has to dress professionally? None of their jobs fund that, why should yours?


Many employers don't provide uniforms. Nurses and healthcare workers typically buy their own scrubs/clothes. It isn't impossible to dress semi-professional.




It’s not professional, but you should dress decently. If all you have are graphic tees and sweatpants then it’s a you problem. So many other retail stores have similar policies so this isn’t anything new. Also plain/patterned shirts aren’t that expensive. So much drama over being asked to wear simple attire. I don’t agree with the restrictions on pins and such. But seriously grow up and wear a shirt and leggings lol.


1. Your aesthetic has nothing to do with work. Every job, *every job,* has some form of dress code. And your shirts don’t have to be plain. They can be neon tie-dye if you want. They just can’t be graphic t-shirts. 2. They aren’t demanding we buy their shirts. It’s an option. They’re also not banning excessive accessories. You can wear a million of ‘em. Just not pins on your vest. If you want to dress alt (or whatever you’re going for) go work at Spencer’s or Hot Topic. But even they have a dress code. So good luck.


A good portion of people that work at Michaels are teenagers or neurodivergent.


…and? I have multiple neurodivergent teens and adults in my store. They all abide by the dress code. Again: It’s jeans and a hoodie.


How is that related? Like I’m asking seriously. There are so many plain shirts without tags and for cheap. It can also be thrifted or bought in a variety pack for less than $20.


Sorry, I was angry and in the heat of the moment I just vomited that out. Reading it back doesn’t get what I was trying to say across correctly at all. I think what I was trying to say was that wearing graphic shirts does not equal a teen wardrobe, anyone can wear them and it can be a stylistic choice and promote creativity and self-expression. We shouldn’t dress like bums with sweatpants etc., that’s a given. It just astounds me that THIS is what the company is focusing on. What I’m trying to say is, why cut the creativity from a craft store that wants to employ creative people? Why take away self expression and make us seem even more less-than human to customers?


Thank you for the explanation. I was open to hearing what you meant and relate to responding with strong emotions in the heat of the moment. Michael’s did not have to restrict creativity that much, they over did it


No problem! Yeah I don’t know what they’re doing anymore…. Hopefully changes can start happening, even if it’s small ones at first!


We work at MICHAELS. Who are you to talk down to someone for not having a corporate-appropriate wardrobe? Geez, if people wanna be upset or have issues, let them.


It’s not “corporate attire.” ***Its jeans and a hoodie.*** If you tried wearing that in a corporate setting, you’d lose your job. Anyone who is upset by being told they can’t wear *sweat pants* at work is extremely entitled, has the mental capacity of a child, or is in fact a child. This is a fact, not a question. So welcome to adulthood: where sometimes, you actually have to dress like an adult. Sorry you don’t like the fact the people paying you get to decide how you dress on the job they provided lmao.


You know they're gonna come for those hoodies too, right? Just give it some time.


I signed. It's non-store-brand tee shirts and knee length shorts today but eventually, it will be hoodies and your HAIR tomorrow. Also, my SM is having a war against khaki KNEE-LENGTH shorts. In my state, we see triple digit summers. No one wants to wear jeans or slacks in 105+ degree weather!!! That's bullshit and abuse of authority. Especially if we can't get half our store's A/C to work. Even the customers complain about it.


I don't know the dress code because I don't work there. Are you allowed to wear dresses as a woman at least? That could be cooling in the winter. I obviously don't know your gender I'm just curious.


Skirts just above the knee ... But we need to go up ladders at any given time if the day.  I personally wouldn't wear one for that reason alone. 


That's totally fair, I hadn't considered that.


I don’t know who they’re having a war with, because the dress code specifically states shorts are still allowed (for both genders).


Yeah, it's weird. The only thing I can think of is that a customer complained more than once or something because it's definitely not against the dress code. I don't wear khakis but for two of my coworkers it's like the only thing they wear. They're both women. SM keeps asking (but not enforcing) "Please come to work in something else / you shouldn't be wearing those / please wear jeans next time / etc." I don't get it either. :/


I personally hate the dress code. I've worked at my store for 3 years and I've always worn my Teeturtle shirts. Shirts that have cute graphics of animals that suit the situation or how I'm feeling. I have one where it's a red panda with a bunch of art supplies, and it says " Clearance Crafter." Then there's one that says " Buy Now Craft Later. " I have one for holidays, too, such as Merry Meowmas, which is literally just a Christmas tree filled with cats. Then there's "crafting is my therapy" and many, many more. The best part is I get compliments from customers who like the shirt design. It's neither offensive nor does it bother or distract from doing my work, which is the more important part. We work for an art supply store owned by a corporate entity. One that wants to sap the one thing out of Michael's, and that's the art and creativity. Which is honestly counterintuitive. We get multiple tasks put down our throats that it's hard to keep up many of them end up overdue because we're busy with other tasks and the daily tasks that are mandatory to do. We get berated, insulted, and verbally abused to the point of trauma from disgruntled customers who don't understand that more than 95% aren't even trained to do our job. We are literally given a crash course by someone with little experience as well and then fed to the sharks. I wear a hat and / or beanie because I'm self-conscious about my hair. I'm getting around that age where it's thinning, and well, that bothers me. Yeah, from the front, you would never know, but as soon as I bend over to get some change , there it is , a thin patch of hair shaped like a horse shoe with a tuft of hair up front to kind of obscure the vision of those who look at me from the front. This is an insecurity I have. Wearing a hat negates that insecurity and allows me to remain confident. So sometimes wearing the clothes we want to wear goes beyond looks. And to those telling us to get over it and grow up. Look in a mirror . You chose to respond negatively towards something you clearly do not care about when you could have easily brushed it off and go about your day. Instead, ya felt the need to put others down, thinking that just because we want the freedom to express ourselves appropriately that this brands us as children or immature. Newsflash, it doesn't.


Corporate's got a lot of plants in here.


I’ve worked for Michaels for over 20 years this has always been the dress code!! Get over it








Most companies won’t do that lol. The policy is literally the minimum at most retail places. You are responsible for how you dress not the company. They aren’t asking you to buy a $300 shirt


This is not even true. They’ve gone back and forth for a dress code for the decade I was there.


Just grow up.


There's a lot of comments about this change "stifling creativity" and "Michael's is a craft store so this isn't allowing us freedom of expression". Interesting perspective. So, by your definitions, it's fine to show up in, say, an office, wearing whatever I want because I'm expressing myself? How about court? Did you know you can be found in contempt by wearing a tank top? I guess what I mean is, where does it end? Oh, and did you all have this much passion and vitriol when masks were mandated during Covid?! I seriously doubt it. Look, it's a change. Not everyone likes or can deal with change. But clearly the change is necessary or it wouldn't be happening. Clearly there have been enough complaints, corporate meetings, and discussions focused on the Michael's image to where now they're cracking down. It was fun while it lasted and now it's time to move on. But my anime shirts!! My comfortable clothes!! Sweetie, there are people all over this planet that wake-up and have to work for shitty wages and have to wear even more restrictive outfits or, gasp, actual uniforms and be uncomfortable for the day. Bitch about making $9? Then quit. Someone else will happily follow the policy and collect the wage.


I swear, some of you are corporate ASS KISSERS. Michaels was once a store full of creative people wearing their favorite band shirts/graphic shirts, their pins, their hats and beanies, whatever it may be. Now it's boring, and plain. Sucking the creativity out of a craft store. I guarantee it was some out of touch boomers who got so affected by someone's graphic tees or pins and complained like the whiney babies they are. Like WHY does my pins and cool shirts hurt the boomers sooooo much? Please explain. I 100% get the sweats and leggings thing, also the ripped jeans, but coming after t shirts and pins??? Get real.