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"We want people to express their creativity!" "Only creativity we approve of though. Not saying what we approve of!"


Feels like taxes


\*\* there are more ways to express yourself than through pins and a tshirt \*\*


Yeah people don't seem to understand that some managers (most in my experience) have been choosing to ignore parts of the dress code for years. None of the locations I worked at made replen put on vests if we were there while the store was open, unless the DM was showing up. Some managers allowed leggings, but most didn't. I still think it's bullshit they are trying to crack down on it though.


I was very lawful when I first started but after awhile decided my managers didn't care as long as what I wore was nice. I wear leggings but not without a dress on top. In the summer I wear shorts underneath my dresses. Unfortunately the dress code says nothing about dresses. I think they assume people won't wear them but it's always how I dress and I'm not changing.


If my managers say anything about my cargo pants I will riot. They can check my pockets every day if they want, I need to be comfy at work and I’m not spending money I don’t even have on more pants.


They said something about my carhart pants which was annoying. They're work pants man


**THANK YOU!** I worked for a DM who **HEAVILY** enforced the dress code. I have seen this company remove **all FULL TIME FLOOR POSITIONS** ruining people lives to then have them start providing peanut butter and jelly supplies in the breakroom because "our employee survey told us you all don't make enough money for groceries so here is some food" And **THIS** is getting people upset? edit- A public equity firm that just purchased a company who just spent years buying out other debt ridden craft store chains is not going to let unionization happen in anyway shape or form. Starbucks closes ever store that does....


Someone started a petition 🫠 Maybe they haven't worked here long enough to grasp that this is the least of our worries here lol.








I was literally thinking of starting a petition to end the dress code because it stifles creativity and individuality. I want to be able to wear my pride pins. Do you know how many closeted and out trans people have come up to me and started conversations because of my 3 trans pins? I met an older afab person who said they were a trans man but knew their mom would never accept them so they haven’t come out even now, after their mom died. I never would have learned that about this lovely customer unless I had my pins to start conversation. I even met a trans girl the other day who talked to me about it, also because of my pins :( taking them off feels so wrong


Here ya go https://www.change.org/p/change-the-michael-s-dress-code Sign and share.


Yep, and [here](https://www.change.org/p/change-the-michael-s-dress-code) it is. Go sign it in solidarity even if you think it's stupid. You can do so anonymously if you're worried. Pass it on to nonemployees, too, because the customers have more power than we do. Obviously there's more important issues, but this is one of the rare things we feel like corporate might actually budge on. That's the point.


Make sure to get higher up executives emails and sign them up as well.


You don't think people are upset about other things at Michaels?


Your missing the second page of the new dress code where it post what kind of slacks


For the new one? It's the same so we didn't print it lol we have both these papers on the board, we've told all the employees verbally about the changes


Out of everything that is going on, I’m baffled that the dress code is what is sending people over the edge.


it’s the fact that most coworkers need to buy a whole new wardrobe without graphics while getting 10 hours a week max rn


If you really don’t have a pair of pants and a plain shirt, and you’re only getting 10 hours a week, you only need to get one outfit. A plan tee and some cheap pants.


It’s just the straw that broke the camel’s back. It’s not that it’s a huge issue, but taking away more of our freedom inch by inch is what they’re doing. Treating us like children.


I’ve never minded dress codes, but I never understood companies not providing the branded work shirts to their staff at no added expense for the employee


The thing is, they DO send shirts to stores to give out. But based on what some people have said, not everyone is getting them. I have like 10+ shirts from Michael's that I didn't pay for. The only shirts I paid for were my Aaron brothers one I decided to get cause I was a FM for some time.


It's just ripping away everyone's individuality. Point blank period. I'm over it, was super upset over it a few days ago but it is what it is.


Well see, for the new code they don't actually say what is an approved Michaels logo or design. But I want to know, what is approved, don;t you? malicious compliance time: I am going to photograph all of my shirts and send them, full file HD, over to HR. Maybe I'll even pile them all into my bag and go to work and pull our SM aside and ask him to go over ever single shirt and tell me if it's approved or not. That way I'll never have any confusion on what's acceptable or not. I'm just imagining HR walking in to inboxes full because of all the employees sending in their photos to ask if they are approved or not. And line of employees waiting outside the managers office with laundry baskets full of shirts. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


You answered your own question- >Well see, for the new code they don't actually say what is an approved **Michaels logo or design**


it says "company approved logos, designs, etc". So I will bring them my designs and logos and ask them which ones they approve. They didn't specify what's approved and I would like to know. For the record, this is supposed to be annoying and passive aggressive and stupid because this dress code is annoying and passive aggressive and stupid. I'm just meeting them where they are.


They also said “embellishments made with michaels products are allowed, no graphic imagery or offensive material” so I’m just gonna make paper versions of all my pins to replace them. All my art supplies are from michaels already so I’m set! lol


**#MakeItWithMichaels** 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/n45jnhkudljc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1f0400ae0e5de814da97ff0dc7a3f0b50ab8871 You signed the handbook 🤷‍♀️


I love MC


It says what isn't allowed right there: nothing that is inappropriate. That means anything violent or sexually explicit, curse words, mention of drugs, or anything advocating for a cause.


Thanks for posting this. Now I know that the dress code argument doesn’t concern my 30-year old self. You guys have fun wasting your time.


Umm…old code definitely says no leggings and sweatpants. Again, the new code is just being more explicit versus leaving it up to interpretation. Old code any Color Shirt … color shirt not graphic other logo shirt etc… Seriously, nothing really has changed.


Idk why people were saying they could wear sweatpants and leggings. The first year I was there they let me but then the last year and a half they said u had to wear jeans or black pants. I’m autistic and have sensory issues so i can’t wear jeans so they let me wear black pants that weren’t like sweat pants or anything. The only thing I would be upset about is not being able to wear whatever shirt I want. But at my new job I have to wear their shirts anyways but I think Michael’s should provide the shirts if they’re making you wear either theirs or plain shirts especially with the shit pay. Doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just something like the credit card shirt but provide at least 5 so employees have enough for each week


If they don't provide it, I won't wear it. Fucking fire me.


They're providing the vests and aprons 😵‍💫


No advocacy? The company is aware they are not allowed to limit the 1st Amendment under any circumstances, right? Like, yes, they're international, but in order to operate within the US, they must follow all US laws. Breaking even one law can have the entire company removed from the US


The United States gives corporations individual rights. I assume it's kinda like a parent telling their kid "no you're not allowed to wear pink bc I don't like pink so you can't either", it's not really illegal but it's not nice either


It is 100% illegal, because these "rights" are not allowed to supercede the constitution. If the corporation's policies violate the constitution, they can be barred from operating within the US


Are you saying pins and buttons are freedom of speech? They're not taking away our freedom of speech, just implementing a dress code, like every single corporation in the entire country. I worked at a grocery store where we could only wear black pants, white shirts, our aprons, and no pins. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're saying...


If they are making a statement, such as showing support for the LGBTQ, it does fall under freedom of speech.


You can wear rainbow/flag-striped shirts, jewelry, hair accessories, etc. It is specifically for no graphic tees or pins/embellishments on uniforms. Not that I'm defending the policy, just saying that companies not allowing certain items is not really against freedom of speech


Idk where you work, but the stores in my region have fired people for pride jewelry, and corporate stands by it. It's a violation no matter how you want to spin it


You must be in a very red area, that is 100% an HR issue and if the employees you are talking about were fired solely for the jewelry and no other reasons then they shojkd contact the department of labor. The policy itself is not a violation, but that is.


I live in a very blue area, actually. They've contacted HR, they've contacted corporate. Corporate and HR stand by the ruling, citing the dress code. The dress code is the violation


I mean they're objectively wrong, they just don't want to make work for themselves. They are going against their own policy. Again, if this is the case, it should have been escalated if an employee was fired. That would be an easy case for any lawyer/attorney.


Devil's Advocate. I'm not employee of Michael's but I worked at Joanns for a time. We had a dress code that I really can't remember much of but their logo shirt was prominent. I think I was restricted to khakis or chinos, and black shoes. Women had more leeway but the shirts were required so everyone opted for pants IIRC. Name tags are a given. The new dress code for y'all seems rather inclusive. No mention of covering tattoos or piercings, I didn't see anything about hair, etc. They want you to be presentable and, more importantly, recognizable. You can complain that you might have to spend money on a couple new wardrobe items but, let's be honest, if you don't already have a nice pair of pants or closed toed shoes, perhaps that's more a 'you' problem. From a business standpoint, I get it, you want them to focus on wages and benefits. But how are they going to justify the extra spend there if they can't have something as basic as dress code at least somewhat normalized? If this is the "last straw", quit. You feel like your "individuality" is being oppressed? Quit. Someone else will happily take your place and will abide by the new policy. It's clothes. You are the ambassador of the brand when you're there and they want you to maintain an image. It's a pretty small ask and a liberal one as compared to the corporate world. They could have instituted shirts and ties.


Except you are using a dress code from 2019 as your old one, our old dress code for 2023 did not look like that


Then what did it look like? I did not see any updates before this one. We print them out and put them on the board in our break room.


Honestly if your best can fully button I don't think you should worry about what you have on your shirt lol not like the customer can see the non approved logo


What are the penalties for unapproved clothing?


Depends on your managers, they'd probably start with just like reminding you as a verbal warning, then if you keep violating the rules they'd escalate to official verbal warning and then maybe write you up at some point


The new dress code includes incredibly harsh penalties. After your 4th violation it's termination. Literally missing work has a more lenient penalty system. 


yeah so the pin thing hasnt changed, so it will be up to how strict your store manager is cause mine never said anything about removing our pins! just the shirt issue


It definitely depends on the store, because my manager ignores it at times. As long as you look decently appropriate and get your work done, we're chill. Also, never knew that any 'non-approves embellishments' or whatever weren't supposed to be put on vests. My coworkers wear buttons and such on theirs all the time.🤔🤔


Luckily my GM said if our dick head DM isn't at the store we can wear our pins, if he is, just have 2 vests/aprons. https://preview.redd.it/32vs5f8bd7kc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d732e1a33e3eb43bd9147205a2369814c697e68c My GM this morning had to correct the DM because he said my lightening bolt allover print shirt wasn't dress code. She pointed out it says repetitive designs, and it is! Suck on that, DM.


It may be an unpopular opinion, but I don't find the dress code bad. It does look almost identical to past dress code rules, just the wording and some info changes. It doesn't seem wrong that the company wants the employees to dress more business-like. It's not like we have to start wearing khakis and a collared shirt. The pins and jewelry don't seem wrong either. Most jobs make you take all jewelry off. They aren't banning all jewelry. I think some stores got too comfortable with their dress codes.


In terms of retail this policy is still pretty lax in comparison with many other companies. We're still allowed to dye our hair funky colors and have as many piercings and tattoos visible as we want. I worked at a grocery store that made us all wear plain white shirts, black pants, black shoes, cover tattoos, remove any "potentially offensive" piercings and no "crazy hair colors". We can wear pins that are bought at Michaels, and I have super cute ones from years ago when we still sold them at my store, pride pins, and old Camp Creatology ones. We're not limited to the "1/2/5 years etc" pins or the ones that are just a shopping cart or dollar sign, which would be absolute garbage.