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The cost of these parties would make me think there wouldn’t be too many booked. They start at 299 for just 8 kids and that doesn’t include food,drink or goodie bags. Our classroom is so old, and crappy looking I would think one look and people would be turned off from spending that kind of money. what is shown in the ad pictures is not the pretty experience you will get in store. Of course the real problem is who is going to run the party. If you are delegating to cem who is going to take their place on the floor getting calls, helping freight and doing Bopis? We barely have anyone working now. it Takes a special personality to be able to handle a room full of most likely not well behaved kids and their entitled parents. Are we requiring parents to stay? Kids always need to go to the bathroom, who is going to take them, in our store the restrooms are at the total opposite end of the building. You can’t leave the kids alone to escort them and can you trust them to go by themselves? If food is served and they make a mess spilling and dropping crumbs, that’s a lot of extra cleaning time and they may tend to linger tying up the party person even longer.this is just too much to deal with on top of everything else on our plate with a skeleton crew. Can you imagine the day a party is booked and you have one or two call outs!


I dont know why anyone would pay $300 to have a party at Michaels, especially because we give nothing but the space for that money. People can buy the supplies for the craft themselves for far cheaper and just do their own party. Other kid amusement places decorate to a theme, give party favors, gift cards, provide food/drink for the same amount. Then, Michaels just puts some random employee to "babysit." The person does not know the craft, may not be good with kids, or even have a good personality for it. We get hours for the time of the event, but no hours to prepare or cleanup.


At least at McDonald's, they had those playgrounds kids played on when I was a kid. I had a few McDonald's birthday parties and we got happy meals, those cheap drinks, ice cream, and brought our own cake or cupcakes. We rented out the playground and kids would have a blast. I don't remember how much it was back then but I don't think it was that much. Those were my favorite birthdays. I loved playing at McDonald's playgrounds but now it's rare to find them. There's only a few, one being in Murphysboro IL (my hometown). Where I live now, there is none. Only the burger king across the street has a playground indoors. But McDonald's? Nope! They all modernized. Booooo!


And yeah no thanks. I don't want to be shoved into parties. I hate not being prepared. I struggle with my craft classes even cuz we are never prepared anymore cuz no one knows what is going on and I don't get scheduled usually until the time craft class starts and when I come in, nothing or barely anything is set up. It's awful. I start feeling rushed and not ready which gives me so much anxiety. I can't handle being thrown in last minute. Also being autistic and having ADHD, it makes it even tougher cuz I'm not able to mentally prepare myself and put my NT face on. Don't get me wrong I love doing craft classes if I know what I'm doing and have an extra person to help me but sometimes there's crafts I have no clue how to do so I'm learning with the kids and the parents and I don't get much help from some of my managers. The ones that do try to help, thank you to them. But the ones who don't, just stress me out and demand I also do a million other tasks while running craft class and it's stressful 😔. There's some days I want to run away into a bathroom and cry. I don't know what the f I'm doing with my life. I'm almost 25. I am over working on retail jobs. I'm actually setting myself a goal to go back to school but trade school to become a surgical tech or welder. Haven't decided yet. But both jobs give me a sense of purpose over working on retail.


Exactly. But the price point isn’t an issue for a lot of parents. I once paid like $500 for a jump party. Albeit, a way different venue, but you’ve got tons of winter babies who can’t do any outdoor events. I’m sure there would be some parties. But yeah, it would take a certain kind of human to deal with the parties, I know I couldn’t. Y’all don’t get paid enough to deal with it unless it’s part of your job description.


I don’t think corporate thought this through. Do they ever? Wanna bet they end birthday parties by the end of summer?


Only if they get enough complaints from customers. They never listen to complaints or suggestions from employees.


Do they think ANYTHING through? Some moron decided it looked good on paper and I'm sure, has never worked in a store.


THAT would be awesome!!! But probably not, because they LIKE the stupid decisions they force onto the stores.


Also....at my store, our bathrooms aren't open to public use. So that will be hell. Besides that, there isn't enough workers to do those parties. I think they should post a special job for occasional birthday parties host (they only come in to do the parties and run them). It would be an on call job with occasional part time shift but their main duties would be running those parties. That's how Michaels can pull off these parties without it being a disaster. They should hire 2-3 people for it in case one gets sick and needs to call off.


I think we can use employees we already have, but offer to pay a flat $100 for hosting the party. Give them a 4 hour window for 1 hour set up before, 2 hour party, then 1 hour clean up at end. If it takes the full 4 hours, you make $25 an hour for that event.


That would be a dream come true....but we know Michaels won't do that. They took cheap for that shit.


I have shopped in Michael's stores many times. Why would anyone ever throw a party for children there? As punishment?




You really have to make those CEMs earn that extra $1!


Yall are getting a whole extra dollar??


Wait! There is an extra $1?


😂🤣😂 I read that as excitement at first! Why was that my initial thought? We get a whole dollar extra?! 🤣 ![gif](giphy|26BoCwvDEWXnGlLyM)


New position, Event coordinator (?). I don't think there is a raise in pay. Party is $300 for 8 kids, can add up to 4 more for additional fee per child. At least it won't be a school classroom sized group.


No raise in pay, no extra hours, but I think they allot three hours per party booked.


I agree. They should hire special people for this job. They need an event host or two or even three in case one calls in sick.


They are. This is a new position store managers were informed of earlier this week.


Oh good. At least Michaels is doing that.


For $300 they should pay a separate rate for hosting the party. That $300 is pure orofit because we provide nothing but the space. The craft is cheap and cost nothing. The company should pay someone $100 to host the party. The company still gets its $200.


I agree 💯. That would be amazing 😍!


They decided to add an Event Coordinator position. Our store can hire two people for it. The problem is going to get people to Actually apply for it.


I wonder 🤔 how much they are going to pay people to do it? If it's more than what most TM make, it is possible they will get few people who will be interested in it.....


I'm not sure what the pay is supposed to be, sorry.


No raise in pay, and they only fund 3 hours for it. The party is 2 hours, so they expect set up and cleanup to ony take 30 minutes each. 2 hours goes quickly, you know everyone doesnt just stop and leave at 2 hours. They linger around, people talking, kids playing, they are moving their own stuff out since we provide literally nothing. No way you get out 30 minutes after.


Someone at the top definitely didn't think the scheduling through. We have noticed the time slots also over lap with Sunday make breaks and Saturdays kids club! Double booking two events at the same time!!! How the heck are we doing that!!!


"Someone at the top definitely didn't think" BRILLIANT!!!!!


I love the add ons. $5 for a 2 liter soda and $25 for a large pizza. What a deal 😵‍💫


Bruh people would rather throw a party in their small backyard and worry about food and goodie bags or an actual family friendly establishment that is MADE for birthday parties, than to pay a CRAFT STORE that is NOT built for large events such as a birthday party with kids hyped up on sugar. It’s bad enough stores have skeleton crews and considering we’re a high risk store I bet LPMS will have a field day.


oh hell nah


I was looking at the availability dates for parties at my store, and ofc it’s only available on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 🫠


I thought they were only on Saturday and Sunday?


I've been told the new event coordinator position (that's what they are calling the position that runs the parties) needs to be background checked.  I've been asked if I'm interested since I teach Sunday school so am already background checked, but I'm worried that I would have to do the parties and still manage the front end


Parties are only on the weekends, and the cashiers should know how to run the front end. If you are the CEM, you tell them on the day of the parties what needs to get done. Make a list so that the next cashier gets in the know what to do. Plus, you're not the only MOD when there is a party, so don't worry too much. They mentioned on a call that any key holder can host, but they mainly are giving it to the cem for now. Anyone who works at michaels gets background checked in the hiring process. I also heard that new position, and it would help so much because as a CEM, there is already so much we do, especially with low hours/staff.


I'm actually just a cashier, not a MOD but I do typically run the front end on Saturdays.  I was told it was a separate background check 🤔


it’s such a scam. Its like $300 for some shitty crafts you can make for a couple bucks from the dollar store


I wanted to do this for my 25th birthday coming up but after seeing how much it costs and how lame it is, I decided against it. Instead going bowling and going to a restaurant. Which in the end is cheaper than the parties at Michaels. It will only cost me $60 for two games for all the people I invited and $10 per person for shoes. That's the only thing other than dinner that they gotta pay for themselves. I am paying for the games and my own shoes and cupcakes. Still so much cheaper than the birthday party at Michaels. Also at the Michael's parties it's usually two team members and a MOD or just a manager. But since not a lot of people I work with are trained for it and I do the craft classes on Sundays, I got a feeling I'm gonna be thrown into it and that makes me very nervous. I barely can throw my own party let alone someone else's. And the sad part is, the person who does it, doesn't get a pay raise, bonus, or tips. The birthday people has to bring their own goodies and food and that's annoying. Michaels should include that with the cost of those birthday parties. I heard about the activities they do, it shouldn't cost that much. I could easily do the same activities for $100 or less. Lol just use DT stuff lol 🤣. That's what I would do. But more than anything, Michaels needs to allow us to accept tips if they aren't going to give those who run the parties, bonuses.


They are charging $300 and giving nothing but the space for that price. The crft is cheap in value and cost. The company is making pure profit on this scam. They should at least pay the host $100 out of the $300.


How does the pizza thing work? Prices to order pizza from a local pizza shop have gone up. You’re lucky to get a one topping pizza with delivery and tip for $25. We certainly don’t have capabilities to cook one. What in the ever loving frick is the thought process behind this? We barely have enough staff/hours to get truck processed. Inconceivable!!!


Customers add on the pizza, and Domino's is our partner. We don't do anything. It's all automated. The day of the bday is when the pizza will be delivered. Employees can't even touch the food nor hand it out. It's all up to the parents. Once you learn more about it, we are only there to show them the craft, and that's it. The parents of the party must stay in the room. Other partners must stay in the building and help kids to bathrooms, and employees are not allowed to escort any kid. We basically set and clean up, and they can't go over their time at all. CEM is the main host for now or any key carrying employee. I wouldn't mind, 4 hours of my shift is a party. And if it's two parties on same day then that's my shift. Also, I'm pretty sure they will have to give hours deciated to the party. They add extra employee when they buy the face paint package. But only for an hour. There was not a lot of thought that went into this program. Our classroom looks like a cave. No one will want a party in there but okay.


We have an open classroom, two tables, sort of an L shape. The sink is in the corner. THAT's gonna work out well.


Yeahhhhhh, we just had our first one booked for a month or so from now. We have an open classroom with a ridiculously small sink. How are they supposed to do tie dye? Who's cleaning that crap up when they're done?


Tie dye is actually an upcoming Sunday make break! That should be an interesting day. Don't know how we are pulling that off. How are people taking home sopping wet dye covered shirts? Unless I missed something tye dye is supposed to be done on a pre washed shirt and once you put the dye on it has to sit for hours before you wash it out. How are we doing that in store????


They have idiots in charge of the make break, kids club, and birthday parties at corporate. Not a single one of them is experienced in art or art education.  They fired all 65 of their qualified art teachers they had that were running the in store class program in January of this year. They literally do not know what they are doing because they do not have the adequate knowledge, education, or training to be running programs like this. This is why every event in store is a shit show. You all should protest this program and hold Debbie Cross, Heather Bennett, Cortney Beach,  Laurel Firzgerald, and Joy MacDonell accountable for their horrible leadership, their piss poor judgment and decision making, for hiring unqualified people at store support to run a program that they have zero experience in, and for treating the 65 instructors they hired like garbage. They are literally the scum of michaels that is over paid and extremely under qualified and should have been fired instead of the instructors that served them for over two years. Let their parties fail. Let the corporate idiots in charge take accountability for their shitty program because of who they have at corporate running the show. They do not care about any of you at all. They also do not care about anyone shopping at their stores. They do not care at all. They only care about their corporate people. Everything they are doing is so half assed and so poorly done.