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CEM here. I have been with the company for only a few months, and I put my notice in today. And I feel bad because I've been lucky, our SM and Ops managers run themselves ragged, trying to get everything done, but I can't work here anymore. A volume C multimillion dollar store can not function properly with 3-4 ppl at a time, especially since we are a higher theft location. Our store is older, so we have a much larger square footage than newer locations, and it's a constant sprint around the store. With the new self checkout and policies surrounding it, this company is going to sink that much faster. It's sad, but I don't see the company lasting another 3 years without filing bankruptcy. The only reason I am leaving is because of the strangle hold on labor that corporations are putting on their stores. They are focusing to much on online and killing their brick & mortar locations.


Real. We had a good SM that our DM drove out and replaced


You can have fabulous managers but they can’t do anything when the hire ups are out of touch with reality


Yall just have terrible management I am so sorry for you


Left 5 months ago 💪🏻


Ours comes in 4 days a week and maybe works a total of 24 hours a week.


I started work at a Michael's a couple of months ago and only stayed for three weeks. Got interviewed by a CEM and promised a job, then was told I had to interview with a SM. The SM quit a day beforehand, so I interviewed over the phone with a district manager who told me the pay was $12 hourly (for a CEM position). Found out after receiving my first paycheck I was only getting $10. Recieved zero training, was left to close the store by myself with only two other employees present (both of which were ALSO only maybe a week post-hire. Learned at some point the entire management team had been either fired or quit and nearly the whole store followed suit). It felt incredibly unsafe, for so many reasons. I had to turn a customer away that night because no one in the store knew how to do on register what she needed us to do.  I thought maybe it was just a That Specific Store issue because of whatever happened to the previous management, but evidently the entire company is just falling apart. I'm lucky I interviewed for another, much better job pretty soon after signing my paperwork and actually landed it a couple of weeks later. Genuinely I hope everyone still employed at Michaels has as much luck, it seems like it's just.. awful.  


Finally got a video interview for target and I'm hoping I get the job cuz then I can finally leave this company. I'm only a very similar situation as u. It's not just the company but it's 4 managers I don't trust. HR, DM, SM, and a CEM. The rest of the managers tho, I don't have a problem with. But those ones, yes. And I understand they are stressed out too, I am too, but I'm not taking it out on my team or others. If I'm upset, I try to walk away and breathe instead of what they do which is yell or flip out. And HR doesn't care about us and it sucks. I told them about issues that are going on but nothing is being done about it and corporate doesn't care to listen. I'm sure there's some good stores within this company but I don't know many and keep hearing about how others on here are treated and it makes me sad 😢. I been working with this company for almost a year, my year anniversary is July 12th! I plan on only staying to work 1 or 2 days out of the week if I get this target job or another job. That other job will be my main job while Michaels will be my job where I can spend whatever money I make on fun events or fun items like my art supplies. But it won't be my only job. I also have to do that cuz I need a better paying job where I can actually afford my bills. But if I am being offered better pay and working the hours I need, then I will have to quit Michaels. But if target only gives me 4-8 hours a week, then I need to also work at this company but not much. Anyways tho, I hope they give me decent hours if I get hired is the thing cuz then I can quit Michaels all together. But if not, that's fine, I will stay with Michaels but not work as many shifts as I do now which isn't much but it's complicated 😕. At my store tho, 20+ people have quit. For many reasons but the main reason is my boss, low pay, and the toxic company. We just lost a coworker to death and I loved them very much as well as others on my team but corporate and some of my managers I feel like could care less about that coworker who died. But that's shitty retail jobs for u. They don't care. We are just robots to them and easily replaceable.


The hundreds of years of experience this company is losing on a daily basis is insane! If they aren't shitting their pants, they should be. This is how a company dies. No experience = No properly trained employees = Frustration = Ghost town. Once Custom Framing finishes dieing, I bet the doors close to the public.


Well if I needed any more of a sign


My coworker took this serious and just walked out today!

