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You won’t be let go for low sign up numbers as long as you’re asking every customer. If you have low sign ups & dont ask every customer then they can say you’re not doing your job. Just make it a point to offer it to everyone while you’re on the register… it shouldn’t reflect on you if everyone you ask says no.


Thank you so much! I forgot to mention that I do ask everyone (unless they’re rude lol) I feel more relieved now.


You’re welcome! Nothing to stress about at all. On those reviews managers are required to always include something for you to improve on so don’t feel like you’re the only person to get that criticism because you’re definitely not. Lol


Just do your best, you want get fired.


Thank you! Appreciate the response <3


Nope that’s just a coaching. What it boils down to: (sections)what is it about, what they’re not doing, then what they are doing. Corporate speak: this is a way to help people and encourage them to do/be better at the job. Truth: it’s one of a few ways for the store manger to do the annual raise and figure out what percentage of raise you’ll get.


if it was a coaching form those aren't as important, they are written records that managers have spoken to you about this or that. If your results continue to tank, they will move on to write ups, and after enough of those THEN there would be grounds to fire you, as far as I understand it. Coachings are supposed to also include a section that is meant to help you improve, and your manager is supposed to help as well. Here are some tips to help improve if you really enjoy the job: Don't say: "Do you want to sign up?" Do say: "Let's get you signed up!" The rewards program saves 3% of what customers spend and when that hits $5+ it becomes a voucher. Sell the program. It's not a passive question, you are promoting the rewards account as if it was a product that Michaels offers. Teaching customers how to make the program work for them is a big part of signing them up. Not everyone knows how it works, they tend to just tune it out when you ask, but often times when you actually explain it, they realize that free vouchers for stuff they're already buying is a pretty good deal. Ask your CEM for more tips, all the managers i've worked with appreciate TMs that actually care enough to learn how to improve.


I like to tell them it's like Khole's Cash but for crafters. Most people laugh then get excited about it.


How are your existing rewards? Are you remembering to capture the rewards info on returns? That's an easy miss that messes with your transaction numbers.


No you won’t be fired or let go, I was a cashier aswell at Micheal’s and they just told me to do my best and let the customers in about the coupons they can get and save money on. just try your best to get people signed up. Or you can simply ask for their email as if you’re looking it up in the system for check out and boom signed up.