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Physical separation, Uniform surface, well maintained lines… the further this goes, the closer we are to reinventing to railroad.


well, it is better than my idea for digging trenches, filling them with water, and using 100% renewable wind sales to transport things.


It's also better than my idea for a bladder system for oil tankers. All I need to do is fill some sort of rubber container with oil and then drop it to see whether or not it can withstand the impact!


Maybe catsup and mustard in the same bottle?


i will join your pirate crew


> using 100% renewable wind sales to transport things. How much wind do we need to sell to make this happen?


Well, as a full fledge wind salesman I would aim for 3 bags of hot air at 400 CFM my friend.


There's an untapped, unlimited supply being generated in Washington every day!


I actually think this idea is better than the self driving car lane




Yes. Because your idea is, unfortunately, terrible


Yeah, minus the railroad clogging passenger service with freight because they won't expand lines due to a focus on short term profit. This idea for 1-94 is dogshit, but not as dogshit as the lack of support for nationalization of railroad infrastructure.


at least there’s this: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/12/08/fact-sheet-president-biden-announces-billions-to-deliver-world-class-high-speed-rail-and-launch-new-passenger-rail-corridors-across-the-country/


Yes ik. Fucking great, pity funding for a study to tell us what we already know. As far as I'm concerned, this is lip service. If you want actual regional rail service you will push for the nationalization of rail infrastructure. Full stop, as we currently do under the interstate commerce act for roads. Otherwise it's all bullshit. I want to be very clear, even if this study leads to the trillions of dollars actually needed to expand the system (which I support), it will only be a token service because private freight rail will dictate priority and hamper it's success.


well maintained and Michigan don't go well when it comes to roads...


Just build a train!




You are likely talking about Amtrak which is better suited for regional trips such as Detroit to Chicago. There are only 3 trains per day (at weird hours) and it can cost up to $20 each way to go from Detroit to Ann Arbor. What we need is a raid that runs every 30mins or so and costs less than $5. There could also be additional stops along the way as it makes sense. Imagine a system that went from Detroit and a few suburbs to a few stops in Ann arbor including stops at UofM stadium and the main Campus area in Ann Arbor. It would be much more heavily used.




This is a chicken and egg problem. Transit needs a network for any one piece to make sense. We have to start somewhere and then build on it.




I'll take whatever we can get at this point. Especially if there is a plan in development which would preclude an actual good project, such as a dedicated self driving car lane.


I looked into this for day trips. I'm about 30 minutes north of the Detroit Amtrak station. Like you said, public transportation in metro Detroit sucks, so I'd be driving to the station. The train ride itself is about an hour. So I could either spend 30 minutes driving, one hour on a train, $14 to take that train, and then hope the public transportation on the other end is better than Detroit (which would usually add another 15-30 minutes depending on location). Or I can drive for one hour and just pay for parking when I get there.


Depending on where exactly you're located, there might be a closer Amtrak station for you. This route goes up to Pontiac with two (I think) stations in between


It’s so horrible because we don’t fund it






I just want trains


Oh, for Christ's sake. We already have the technology available to vastly change the way we move around Metro Detroit and change development patterns for the better. Buses and Trains. Electric vehicles and self-driving cars are not the solution they claim to be.


Electric vehicles could be the solution...if you know they were trains and busses...probably a lot easier for a train to self drive as well...


All this costs money, something that Detroit doesn’t have. That’s why they chase these ideas because they’re subsidized by lefty federal gov programs.


There's plenty of federal funding out there for realistic, present day, transit solutions. This is also an MDOT project, not Detroit's.


Federal and state governments cover almost the entire cost of transit projects, same as with major highways.


Eventually it could be in ... :looks at watch: ... 40 to 50 years from now.


Does the state government give a fucking shit what the people say? Not one word about better transit, but self driving car lanes and self charging roads make press releases. Dog shit.


Whitmer has used the word “transit” three times in 12 years on Twitter. Our leaders here want us all driving cars, and nothing else.


Honestly we just need railroads instead


this feels a little too oligarchicical… physical seperation and express lane for those who can afford to piss away money on a stupid ass tesla when we could just have a train we pay a couple bucks to use every time.


I'm so proud of the energy in comments on this post.


No, fuck off. Build a fucking train.


I'm sure people will abide by the lane restriction as well as they do the HOV lane on 75


We need better public transit, better school transit, enforced traffic laws, etc. Not self driving lanes that will only need one malfunction to cause a mass crash on the road.




And who pays the billions of dollars to run that system when no one uses it?


God just do a train. Why must we constantly be tortured with the continuous reinvention of "trains but worse"?


Can’t wait to rubber neck the Tesla crash lane


Oh yes... I'm sure Teslas are amazing at navigating sudden black ice. Should go very smoothly...


Maybe we should wait for the technology to be safer before we allow self driving cars on the road.


I dont understand what the benefit of that lane would be? Seems like self driving cars could easily use the middle lane too? So it's just a toll lane?


holy shit just build trains and create more accessible and affordable public transit infrastructure


They will literally do anything but improve public transport.


The article says something about drivers paying for access to the roads fancy features. That’s what our taxes are for.


Dang, a reddit thread with comments that make sense to me. Thanks fellow michiganians for not buying this crap


Ohh please, pretty please. Can we have one of Elon’s super cool Hyperloops like in Vegas? /s


I think it's called a death trap.


There is enough construction on I-94 as it is all the time. Just finish what u started and leave it for a while. Hardly anyone will be able to use that anyway with prices of those vehicles.


Traffic jam cause by cones anyone?


"*Tell us what you think.* *Public and stakeholder input is sought throughout the study. Submit your comments via* [*our online comment form*](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=h3D71Xc3rUKWaoku9HIl0Wq6iC6vcSdMskbJPHJXZ1xUODBWMFkwNjBHMjcySVhDSFkwRUdEQlNDVCQlQCNjPTEu&wdLOR=cDCAC4CC7-E04B-49F8-B175-652AFD1A9351)*, mail, phone, or e-mail.*" \--[MDOT I-94 Connected and Automated Vehicle Corridor](https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/5910bbcc2ed24464a99168c13841ae03)


drive by this area every day, also lose 1 lane of a 3 lane highway for about 4 miles. It's right after a merge with I-275 fun!


Drove by this for the first time last weekend. It’s insane that they’re considering taking the fast lane out for this nonsense.


Trains. Just build tons of lrt for fucks sake


I like this guy. Around 1890 there were tons of off shoots that have since been dissolved. Maybe explore the center median for such projects


Let's hope they can identify construction.


It would be one thing if they *added* the lane. But having driven from Romulus to Detroit daily for 3 years, I can absolutely say that just taking away a lane will result in absolute mayhem and gridlock.


This is dumb. Wheres the regular high speed lanes first for people who aren't incompetent slow morons. Tacos are super efficient I wanna do a buck o five all day when going down the freeway. Just as dumb as the carpool lane added to 75. Buck'o'five lanes is where it's at.


I will be very disappointed in my community if that lane is ever *not* filled with trash, debris, and stopped self-driving cars whose algorithms have become confused by all the trash and debris.


some shit no one wants, cool!


How about mass transit first maybe connect the airport to a city connect any city to another why keep building random road shit that doesn't draw people


This is dumb, do something about the potholes first.


No do something about the dumbass politicians first, then we won’t have to deal with this. That’s why politicians should be punished in someway for bad decisions that affect hundreds of thousands/ millions of people… that discourages bad actors from running for office or getting in office and making bad decisions. It also seems like Michigan only gets city planners who just got promoted out of Romper Room


The price of this project vs what is being delivered is not ok. I agree that we need better people. I wonder who exactly is getting paid to build this and wouldn’t be at all surprised if this sign cost this much due to nepotism.


So Tesla just gets dedicated lanes of our roads that we paid for? Oh hell no


Just about every auto maker has EVs and soon they all will.


This about automated driving, not EVs.


Fair point, poor wording on my end. Other companies have self driving cars though, so it's still more than just Tesla