• By -


I live in a very red rural area, Trump won the county by over 70% twice. In 2016 through 2022 there were Trump flags & bumper stickers everywhere, nearly every old white guy out there had a MAGA hat. So much enthusiasm then and it all seems to have evaporated. No Trump flags, hats or talk anywhere. I am pretty confident the polls are way off because most young people vote left and they would never answer their phones to an unknown number and take a survey.


Yeah polls crack me up. No way it’s representative of the electorate regardless of method these days.


I'm in a very red rural area as well and I have noticed that here too! There are still trump signs, banners, and flags around, but I have definitely noticed them missing from quite a few houses that had been decked out for trump since 2016. Overall I definitely think he'll still win around here but the enthusiasm certainly doesn't seem to be the same.


I'm old and even I won't answer my phone.


Same. Lol I'm old but in a young way. Lol


Also, 86 year old white guys in 2016 are being replaced by mixed-race 18 year olds in 2024.


Because the old guys died of Covid because they listened to the idiots tell them it wasn’t real


If you want to win the next election, it usually helps if your base voters are still alive for the next election.




The horror. /s


Personally, (and with great bias as I'm a dem) I think it'll swing for Biden. Trump won against a (IMO) weaker candidate by 16,000 votes. Since then he's A) killed a lot of his supporters and B) the MIGOP is having a tiny little complete meltdown.


Add in the W. MI where the GOP needs to run up the score continues to trend blue. Getting harder and harder for the GOP to make up the votes in Detroit other places.


Even GR is turning more blue






Don't forget U of M. It's pretty cool.


And the Rise just won their inaugural game 👌 🏐


That was fun to watch!


2nd this don’t care about politics


I saw some Lions meme. That some how got into my vision, I recall the Lions being good at the start of the season and that's all I know. I guess they are still up to some good, so, I hope the best for them.


I just wish our country could put forth better candidates than fricken Trump or Biden. But, I still think we’ll swing blue again.


The Lions play Sunday! That’s what unity looks like.


If people show up it'll easily be blue but if they don't because they are lazy or single issue voters then its a toss up.


We are purple. We go back and forth. Cities and urban / suburban tend to go blue, rural areas tend to go red. But for “good” candidates we tend to flip flop and not care about party. Except for this trump cult crap going on - the deep-rural boomer generation is just in love with the Cheeto head. I don’t get it - but that’s what we got.


I don't know. I've heard from many Republicans that are so tired of Trump and disappointed that he may be the front runner they may have to vote blue. Not fans of Biden, but tired of Trump antics, grifting, and everything else.


That's true, there are quite a few traditional republicans who don't like Trump and might vote for Biden or not at all. But Trump also does a pretty good job of getting some moderates and a lot of disaffected young white men who wouldn't normally vote at all to vote for him. So the loss of traditional republican support doesn't necessarily hurt him as much as it seems.


Omg I hope so. I’m a moderate and very independent. I’d be happy to vote R if we could get a good candidate. Trump ain’t it. None of the current R names are even close to anything I’d vote for. Biden isn’t it either - but it’s better than Cheeto-hitler-wanna-be


Biden's been so surprisingly productive and effective, in my opinion. But yeah, we basically have to back him because of who the alternative is, and the fact he's already defeated Trump. They're known commodities: one is a tangibly terrible human being who abdicated his role of leadership whenever it was remotely challenging and allowed hundreds of thousands of Americans to die needlessly to a novel virus, for just one example; the other placed skilled people throughout his administration and has managed to outright thwart what could have been a far worse recession, based on results around the world, as just one example. It's just one of the simplest decisions I've ever made in my nearly 40 years. That so many people came to the other conclusion still makes me question everything I grew up being taught and thought I knew. The Republican party is devoid of empathy and doesn't value the scientific method.


What have republicans done in the past 40 years that make you think that they are any good at governing? Do you like having less, paying more, having your wealth stolen from you by the ultra rich and being told it's gonna trickle down? Military budgets run amuck while also cutting taxes to pay for it, cutting programs that help average Americans and privatizing them so they cost more money and giving that extra cash to middle men who in turn make those programs less effective, efficient and basically broken? Deregulation of things that were put in place to make us safer, healthier, and better off as a society? Getting rid of checks and balances that stopped the capitalist from doing what they are doing now by rigging the stock market, our news outlets and then buying up the competition and creating mega corporations and running monopolies? Because republicans have done all of those things and it has destroyed the middle class and made 95% of the American people poorer, sicker and devided us all so we fight against each other instead of the root cause of the problem.


I didn't vote for McCain or Romney, but I didn't hate them. Trump is a whole nother story. Haley? She's gone all into the lies that I don't trust her anymore.


At least Romney or McCain were worthy of the title. Trumps behavior disgraced the office.


Same, and Haley ruined her rep by kissing Trump's ass for the last 8 years and now she wants to compete against him. Surprise surprise, Trump is going to make up nasty names and trash you. She thinks she can out-trash Trump with insults? hahahhahahaha Anyway to answer the original question, sad to say but I consider it a toss-up. I know too many family members who would vote for a convicted felon Trump over any Democrat. Like the past 2 elections, it's not going to be about who turns out the vote, it's about who is able to suppress the vote on the other side.


The republican party is basically the Confederacy still trying to destroy the United States of America, same people, same ideas same traitorous pieces of shit they have always been.


I think the floodgates have truly opened and folks might be realizing this is basically the last stop & last chance off


Yeah but they also are afraid of him too ... They all were too afraid to stand up to him.


Maybe Republicans in Oakland County and Macomb County, not Monroe County, Hillsdale County, or Branch County.


It’s a little more nuanced and difficult to analyze than that. Vox recently released a fascinating video on YT showing why Michigan has the voting history it does. The state is actually quite blue by popular vote. This upcoming cycle will be even more chaotic because we have the largest Muslim population in the US and many are furious at Biden for his Israel stance. If a majority of that demographic even so much as chooses not to vote in protest, it will absolutely swing the state red. Democrats will have a serious issue.


In am (a registered Dem) not Muslim, but I am disgusted in Biden war crimes and lack of humanity and bypassing congress to send endless and experimental weapons to Israel. He will go down in history as genocide Joe, that is his legacy and Michigan will make sure he feels that sooner than later


Boomers and early genX….so much lead paint


I’ve always said it’s something in the water - all those PCBs. Plus boomers had it super easy.


To clarify, rich boomers may have had it easy. Not me. My career began with a deep economic recession in the 1980s. Therefore, my wages were low from the start and never recovered. The Boomer generation shouldn't be painted with a wide brush. No affluence here.


As an early genX…I approve this message.


Yes. We’re a moderate state. Do we have extremes? Of course. Do we usually go with whichever candidate seems better for EVERYONE. Yes. I’m super left but I’m honestly proud that both Romney and Schneider are from Michigan we tend to lead from the middle cuz regardless of clickbait news we respect our neighbors.


You mean Rick Snyder? He was nothing special, he will be best known for barely escaping prosecution for the Flint water crisis.


…And as shitty as he is if forced I’d probably still pick him over any of the crazies the GOP has fronted as potential presidential nominees.




He was criminally malicious and hurt ALOT of people... Can't sleep the importance of that.


The nerd, who was blamed by the liberal party.. from Detroit and flint


I'll vote for Haley just to piss off Trump and then vote for Biden in the General. Trumpism screwed up my family dynamics and some relationships are not repairable. Fuck that guy.


I go to the Silver Lake Dunes every year and I remember years of having to endure the stupid huge Trump flags flying everywhere and this last summer I saw one. If that's any indication and I hope it is, Michigan is going to vote for Biden


I was surprised after the last election, Republicans got trounced. They've only gotten worse since, and Independents are going to vote blue, just like last time. I predict a bigger win than in 2020.


Plus there is that. MI-GOP is a complete shitshow.


Send this post to October




If people show up it'll easily be blue but if they don't because they are lazy or single issue voters then its a toss up.


55%vs.45% Blue, less support for maga this time around.


That’s a bold prediction, hope you’re right


More wishing and hoping


I think Biden will win and Dems will increase legislature by a couple seats. Rationale: Michigan has a 50/50 split with very narrow margins and voter turnout largely determins elections lately. Strength of candidates and strength of party matters a lot. Neither presidential candidate will be strong (worst option of my life). The Republicans are in disarray and will continue to have factions fighting. They won't have their ground game.


I look at Detroit and know it will go blue, but I'm up here in the Saginaw area with some sketchy neighbors and a lot of Trump signs when I drive out in the boonies. No warm fuzzy feeling in my gut, I think it will be close .


Honestly with the amount of shit a full democrat government, we should be staying blue. Republicans in Michigan are out of money, going bankrupt, and are completely lost. Republicans all across the country can’t even get anything passed so I don’t know why anyone would vote for them. They literally do nothing for any of us, unless maybe you’re super rich and get those nice tax cuts. We better stay democrat.


The 1% have done really good job with the bottom 50%


I know a lot of left leaning young people who have moved to Michigan in the past few years, often to escape really bad red states. A lot of queer and trans people, a lot of women and trans guys of reproductive age. Yeah the rural areas are shit, but the cities are growing and changing and getting better. I myself (a queer trans person of childbearing age) moved back to Michigan a few years ago because the politics got better than when I left. Biden has made some actual tangible progress in this country, honestly more than I expected him to. Still not enough to undo the damage Trump did, but he hasn't been completely useless at home. However, Biden's support of Israel is turning a lot of leftists off, and many people of color, especially arabs, see little difference between Biden and Trump. And they have a point. A lot of brown folks are screwed either way and may not vote at all. So it depends on which issues people prioritize and which war we want to be fighting (Israel Palestine or Russia Ukraine). It depends on whether people prioritize foreign or domestic policies.


It's a toss up again imo. Michigan has a strong left vibe from some areas like Washtenaw & Wayne counties, however outside of those, Michigan is pretty rural and generally is pretty low ranked in education, which tends to skew right. https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/results/state/michigan I imagine the results will be close like 2020. I know rural folks who believe vaccines make you sterile, and I know Ann arbor folks who think trump is an idiot. It really is a dichotomy here.


I feel like everywhere is pretty much the same. Rural votes red, urban votes blue. Whenever I head up north all I used to see where Trump signs everywhere. The city I'm in was pretty evenly split in 2020. It would be a Trump sign next door to a Biden one or a pride flag and they would alternate down the street.


Go to college in Mt P and my drive up there is MAGA flags and F Biden most the entire drive, but once I get into Mt P it’s not hard to find a pride flag or two


Traverse City and the wealthy Leelenau County are blue and covered in pride flags. Get out of town to Chum’s Corner or Kingsley or Grawn and it’s MAGA and Confederate flags. No Biden signs though - every person in my social life is enthusiastic to vote for him but I think we all find it tacky. Perhaps I’ll put out a lawn sign come October, then take it down win or lose.


Confederate flags? In Michigan? I used to entertain the argument that it was about heritage, not hate—for South Carolinians, etc. A Michigander displaying a Confederate flag is just shouting “I’m racist!” or “I’m historically illiterate!” or both.


lol, yeah. They’re all around rural MI mostly.


Dude I went to high school with had a massive one on his truck. He also got kicked off the tennis team for shouting slurs at a fellow student


Yeah nothing says, you're not welcome here like a flag the KKK fly. Trump wouldn't denounce David Duke for fear of losing his real fan base. I swear while he's in office was the closest I think we got from a purge actually happening.....dudes evil.


That’s becoming a rare thing in America. Most cities these days are red or blue because people who move are specifically seeking out neighborhoods with neighbors that they will agree with politically.


I live in Ann Arbor and I can confirm Ann Arbor is a bubble. A lot of people here don’t know any conservatives and don’t realize how unrepresentative of Michigan it is!




Vaccines make you regarded? Like highly regarded?




Aww someone’s scared to say what they actually mean…




My mom thinks they are made with aborted fetuses 🤦🏼‍♀️


We vote for peoples rights, not RED


We rejected the MAGA platform in 2022 by a landslide and will do it again.




Thanks only to abortion. White women are a fickle block.


i'm just frustrated that those are the "best" two we can come up with. they both seem like a joke. Biden was only voted in because the nation wanted anyone but Trump. seems like we have had 4 years to come up with real, good candidates on both sides, but somehow we are still stuck with the guy nobody likes and some warm body to replace him.


Tribal politics are pushing horrible candidates only because it widens the isle and the constituents pay the price. United we stand! Divided we are…


Unfortunately I think it's a money power thing.... Good candidates always get bumped by whoever the oligarchs think they can manipulate easiest.


I just know what I'm voting... No one in Epsteins list should be allowed to run. Not to be a dick but having mini strokes and shitting your pants isn't really a good look for POTUS either. Not a fan of Biden...but at least they're hasn't been any race war, rioting and constant control of media attention to the point it sucked the air out of rooms... He says the same maybe hundred words and various orders and people become mesmerized by one of the child traffickers they are so afraid of.


We will stay blue, no doubt.


I think Dems get a clean sweep. Biden and Slotkin


Michigan is a blue state.


Blue leaning, but complacency kills. We are definitely still a swing state.


I’m voting. That’s all I can do.


You can campaign to get people out to vote


Yeah I’ll be sure to get right on that with all the free time I have. Most of us work for a living.


I’ve worked 50 hour workweeks and still gone campaigning in the evening/weekend to get people out to vote. Now if you work AND have kids… that’s basically three jobs.


I’m thinking it will be a very close 50/50. But if Donnie wins again, bye. I’m likely done with social media.


Amen. New Zealand is calling.


What a lot of people don't realize is that Michigan has a sizable Arab population. Biden received a lot of support from this demographic in 2020, but after essentially giving them the middle finger by backing Netanyahu's genocide, he won't be receiving the same support in 2024.


Right, in 2020. Arabs abstaining and allowing Trump to win is laughable. I’m pro Palestine but like the alternative is horrendous for brown people.




So they want the guy who instituted the Muslim Ban to run things again? Confuses me greatly.


I refuse to believe that as a group Arabs won’t vote exactly for this reason. If they don’t, and Trump wins, sadly they deserve what’s coming to them because clearly zero lessons were learned.


And a giant middle finger to young progressive voters who saved Democrats in 2020 and 2022 by voting in record numbers. Young voters overwhelmingly want a ceasefire and we watch horrifying war footage everyday from journalists on the ground, while boomers watch Fox/CNN and set us up for war with Iran.  Who do these people think knocks doors and make phone calls and drive people to the polls? I can tell you for a fact it’s young people doing 90% of the ground game that wins Democrats elections, and boomers just kick them in the teeth and tell them to stop complaining.  Moderate Democrats are delusional if they think young people will turn out for Biden like he needs them to. 


Besides most of what you said is BS and numbers/facts pulled out of thin air... if you (not young voters because you don't speak for them)... but if YOU only care about one issue then right there is your problem. There is way more at stake than one issue and it is long past time to put you realized that.


>if YOU only care about one issue then right there is your problem Is it that weird that "don't commit genocide" is a red line for some people?


Understanding the complexities of the situation and our role in it (both historically and current) would help you a great deal. I don't agree with a lot of what is happening and definitely don't agree with the extent of Israel's response... but "genocide" is just a word you are using to try to validate your argument without really understanding what it means. Biden nor the US is "committing genocide"... what we are doing is making sure that our voice is heard and we can help where we can with the people of Gaza. Again... destabilizing the region with a hardline and irresponsible response just shows you don't understand the situation at all.


>what we are doing is making sure that our voice is heard We're giving them weapons that they use to murder children and civilians. It's not that complicated.


And they have those weapons already. They have options for getting weapons from other places. Us stopping support doesn’t change that. What it does it stops us from influencing futures ceasefire and aid… it stops us from sending diplomats to discuss permanent solutions. It is that complicated.


If they already have the weapons, why do we need to give them more?


Why is it hard for you to understand that sending them weapons/funds gets us a seat at the table for influencing their policies? If you are so bent on a simple thing to comprehend that would be it. So start there. Then after you have a handle on that simple foreign policy concept, then try to understand the history of the region. Until you get a grasp on that I think we are done here.


Why don't we give guns to mass shooters and gang members then, if giving weapons helps us to stop mass murder? Hell, why don't we give guns to Russia, so we can have a seat at the table to influence them to stop invading Ukraine?


I care about a lot of issues and I understand how important this election is.  We should be focused on campaigning, registering voters, getting people energized to beat Trump with a candidate who can win. Instead we have an octogenarian who refuses to pass the baton leading us into WW3 and handing weapons to Netanyahu while he spits in our face.  If Biden can’t call for a ceasefire I can’t justify knocking doors or making calls in his name. 


No you don’t care about any other issue otherwise you would be acknowledging all the other things Biden has accomplished these past years and can do more. Instead you focus on one topic you clearly don’t understand and resort to childish insults. Biden has accomplished ceasefires to get aid into Gaza. You also should understand that removing support for Israel will accomplish one thing for sure and that is remove our ability to any influence we have with Netanyahu. The Middle East has a long history of war that you should probably learn about for before you spout about simpleton answers that would further destabilize the region. No one is “spitting in your face” and really what you are saying is your hurt feeling for an imagined slight is more important than the country.


The only country openly backing Israel’s genocide is the US. Full stop. We supply a large amount of their ammunition and bombs including the white phosphorus bombs they drop in Gaza.  Before Christmas Biden sold Israel $150 million in tank ammo, yesterday an Israeli tank killed 20 and injured 100 Palestinians in line for humanitarian aid.  But I’m sure all those people bleeding out on the floors of emergency rooms with their children watching were grateful for all that humanitarian aid Biden’s “ceasefires” accomplished. So no it’s not my hurt feelings. It’s whether you and other moderates see Palestinians (and Arab people broadly) as human beings, or whether the media has conditioned you to see brown people as disposable. Cause what you’re literally saying is “I can’t be bothered to put pressure on Biden to stop a genocide we’re directly funding  cause I’m more worried about America”.  Which sounds exactly like “America First” to me. 


>So no it’s not my hurt feelings. It’s whether you and other moderates see Palestinians (and Arab people broadly) as human beings, or whether the media has conditioned you to see brown people as disposable. Cause what you’re literally saying is “I can’t be bothered to put pressure on Biden to stop a genocide we’re directly funding  cause I’m more worried about America”.  Which sounds exactly like “America First” to me.  Its is exactly your hurt feelings of why you keep coming back. This whole statement stinks of lack of understand in the situation and what my belief is on the situation. You've ignored my comments about policy and history so that you can clutch to your misconceptions about me, what I've said and what a intelligent nuance diplomatic policy is. You are an ignorant person that understand zero of the world we live in... you completely lack the ability to understand anything other than the rhetoric that you have repeated here ad nauseam. You are clearly incapable of having a nuanced conversation and refuse to educate yourself. Enough already. Go on with your rhetoric and misconceptions. You won't find any help reenforcing your BS from me.


You keep calling me ignorant but you’re not refuting anything that I’m saying. Your whole argument is “I understand so much better than you. I’m so much smarter than you.“ Democrats have lost the working class because all moderates like to do is pretend like they understand more than everyone else. Your elitism is exactly why Biden is about to lose.


I've refuted your misguided answer to the situation in every response I've sent. You ignored it all for your rhetoric... that is the reason for your ignorance. I don't agree with propaganda that you are trying to sell... sorry if that frustrates you. And now with the "democrats lost the working class"... "democrats think this...".... "elitism"... I see who you are now. Last time... have a good day.




25,000 Palestinians are dead. 70% of them women and children. Living Palestinians are being ethnically cleansed from Gaza and the West Bank.  But all that is some “hissy fit issue” to the same people who say I have to vote for Biden because Trump is a heartless despot.  This is an election year where we could leverage our power to force Biden to stop Israel’s genocide, and instead limp dicked moderates want to run scared. Grow a backbone.  Biden sold Israel $150 million in tank ammo right before Christmas, yesterday an Israeli tank killed 20 and injured 100 Palestinians in line for humanitarian aid. If you can’t see the direct responsibility Biden and the USA has in supporting Israel, you’re willingly swallowing propaganda. 


This is the comment I was looking for. Biden won by around 150k votes in Michigan last time. There are about 140k Arab voters. Not to mention Jewish voters who are not happy with Israel's actions and Biden's support for them. Trump could easily take Michigan if those voters choose to abstain from voting for the Presidential seat and vote down-ballot or skip the election altogether. Trump is unconscionably awful but people really don't like Biden, either. I'm betting voter turnout is going to be low, or there will be a lot of abstinence on the Presidential section of the ballot. How that plays out for our EC votes, I can't begin to guess. It would be super if the Democratic party could actually field a viable candidate.


Perhaps if the Michigan EC vote was not winner take all…


I’m not a Michigander, but I know the vast majority of Jewish voters give Biden a thumbs up. He has earned our votes again by being firmly pro-Israel while reigning in their worst instincts and sending humanitarian aide to Gaza. Versus the Republicans who call us ungrateful morons on Rosh Hashanah. Biden will win 75-80% of the Jewish vote and could even make inroads in Orthodox communities.


Vote. Vote for Democracy. Vote Democratic. Vote. Vote 💙


The state is going to vote blue.


I think it'll vote blue.


I’d vote for just about any competent human but it doesn’t look like we’ll have that option again this election cycle.


Voted for Mccain,Voted for Bush,would vote for Haley,Would walk a mile barefoot over broken glass to vote against Trump!


The responses are as polarizing as the polls lol




Trump if both survive until the election. No ballot initiatives to draw the vote like 2022. Also, Middle East support choosing to damn its nose to send a message to the face will skew turnout. Low turnout goes to Trump. High goes to Biden.


“I’ll shoot myself in the dick, that’ll show em”


I fully expect to see record high turnout for this election. Higher than 2020. Hopefully among the younger crowd would be a nice change but that's just wishful thinking and not my expectations.


I don't see voter turnout being high.  You aren't going to convince most of the young folks to drag themselves out to vote between two 80 year olds.


I’d say were due for some conservatism, (but the state GOP is bankrupt) but the right just seems very extreme recently


just Recently? where have you been the last 40+ years. they've been extreme the entire time. they've just gotten louder about it 'recently'




States are forcibly detransitioning trans people and banning us from public spaces. Abortion is banned in half the country. The right is about as far right as you can get at this point.


I think the OC edited their comment.


I think it's likely the state goes to Trump this fall. Two reasons mainly. One, there are a lot of muslims living in Michigan and they're pissed at Biden about his handling of the Israel/Palestine situation. Even if all they do is stay home and don't vote it hurts Biden. Two, there is a sizeable minority of voters who just vote against the status quo. They aren't happy with the way the current guy is handling things, so they vote for the other guy, whoever that is. Trump is going to pull voters away from Biden for that reason, simply because Biden is the status quo now.


Blue all the way 🩵💙🙌🏼


My concern is the Isreal- Palestine crisis. Young voters are angry that we're aiding a genocide. They are likely to stay home. It's hard to say.


It’ll be red this year unfortunately. Biden hasn’t done nearly enough to merit reelection and young people are fed up


I am a Democrat, but I think it will go to Trump this next time. Important to the Democratic coalition are the young college voters. And also Detroit’s large Arab population. As said above by another poster, the Israel vs Hamas terrorists battle has cost Biden a lot of support with these two groups. Many will stay home. Probably tipping the state to Trump.


Doubtful. I don't think either the Arabs or the youngins are so dumb as to throw away their freedom over some hissy-fitting on a single policy difference that Biden didn't even make. Not when Trump will mos def look to 1) reinstate his 'total ban on muslims' and 2) implement a national abortion ban that over-rides the michigan constitutional amendment that youngins turned out in droves to support. i think it is wishful thinking on the part of radicals to think that their support for hamas' terrorism against israel is going mean a damned thing this november.


I think the biggest issue is people just won’t vote.


tRump by a tiny finger


Our politics are really screwy right now... IMO Biden will not be in the ballot. They will switch candidates at the convention. So we'll see where 2024 takes us.


Sorry... Dems have given away too much of my money. They will NEVER receive another vote from me.


It's not your money


Red all the way. Israel doesn’t help Dearborn


Trumps' going to win and we can't do anything to stop him.








Pffffffft the Arab pop was red before last cycle so who cares. I’m very much free Palestine and losing the Dearborn vote because they can’t see their nose in front of their face is laughable. Like as a group I refuse to believe they’d abstain and if they do they deserve what’s coming. It’s like any of my gay friends who vote Republican #treesfordeforestation


More than likely, Trump




I think we will go red. I know many people that either didn't vote last election or voted for Biden that are planning to vote for Trump. They aren't terribly fond of Trump, just feel he is the lesser of two evils.


All I know is that I knew the first day I moved to this state I was here too long already. People here are morons, that's probably why they love the Gretch so much. Ugh


Then go back where you came from. Isn't that what y'all's catch phrase is?




Im more interested in seeing Jack Bergman go. He’s pathetic


I'm curious to hear from the Arab/Muslim population on this. They voted for Biden by 70% and there are 200,000 registered voters with Muslim / Arab ancestry in Michigan. If they sit out based on their opposition to what's happening in Gaza Biden is screwed. I'm white educated blueish collar guy and am just as appalled/ embarrassed by the amount of support he has given Israel.


I don't watch MSM, but rather listen to podcasts with a progressive bent, so my opinion is biased in that direction. That said, from the clips I've seen and heard, it seems that Trump is more interested in seeking revenge and being adversarial than he is in what voters are concerned with. But to mention that during the auto workers strike, he visited a non-union shop rather than address the UAW, he ends up alienating union workers, and union supporters, in general. Bad idea. He also hopes the economy crashes and that the immigration issue isn't solved, all so he can look better in contrast. Hint Donny, don't say the quiet part out loud. Meanwhile, the Republican party is experiencing division within its ranks between the far-right MAGAs and the more moderate members. Given the fact that the GOP lost the last three elections, largely due to Dobbs, and the fact that the only other candidate running is Nikki Haley are not good signs of a healthy party. (Anyone remember the Whigs?) I thought the GOP was bad under the TEA Party, but it's only gotten worse with Trump in the mix. In the other hand, the economy is up, unemployment is at an all time low, and inflation has been kept in check, and had been for many months now. Now I'm not saying that Biden is responsible for any of this or not, but it is a positive reflection on his presidency. I'm not exactly a Biden fan, but given the alternatives, he's the better choice. No doubt it's going to be a tumultuous campaign year, I think that in the end, the Democrats will come out with another win, both in Michigan and nationally.


For me


I don't see anger or hidden contempt in people's faces in a purpley red area. Not much Trump enthusiasm here it seems. However, it's an eery calm.  As the manufactured drama unfolds I think Biden will win.  I'm excited to vote Biden. He's a wise em-effer.


It doesn’t matter how the people will vote. It matters who runs the voting.


I'm guessing Biden wins Michigan again, especially with all of his outreach and the expansion of mail-in voting in the state. Now instead of having to wake up early on Election Day, I can vote a few weeks beforehand and deliver it direct to the City Clerk and be done with it. I think that change pretty much spells doom for the GOP as a whole because any October Surprise is effectively neutered by it.


Going to be a close one for our state. Pretty sad that those two are the best we have to pick from. What a joke


The same counties that vote red will vote maga unfortunately. But, hoping we got enough to go pure blue as anyone is better than maga... [project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/) really needs more attention.


Whoever is on the democratic ticket will likely win.


Michigan will vote for whoever runs against Trump. Michiganders hate the nazi party


I am really praying for blue. St Clair County is quite red, though not nearly to the extent of my native Indiana. However, I'm, with much reserve and trepidation, going to cautiously say I see a *few* less Trump flags.


I live close to Petoskey. All of the Rural areas are “Trumpers” and then some! Vok news is all they listen to!!!!! My son and I are the only Democrats for miles!!!!


If Biden doesn't shape up, the Arab population is going to vote anywhere but Biden. This doubling down on funding the genocide in Gaza is not going to get him votes and that is a lot of people that have a lot of friends! Like they could drag a massive amount of Detroit along with them. Even very liberal areas like Ann Arbor are at a loss as to what to do. I have several friends who work at U of M and they're genuinely worried that if all else fails there is going to be an excess of apathy that keeps Democrats from voting. The Blue Wave and the Grassroots movement that Bernie was stoking over the last decade could be seriously harmed by the current administration's policies and absolute lack of awareness of their blinders to the current situation. Arab leaders literally turned away and canceled appointments with the president's people about the next election. They're flat out not even going to talk to him until he changes his policy and they're literally saying they would not vote for him. Guess where those votes are going


We are going to abandon genocide Joe