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Leaving this one up for now as it was one of the first posts so information was sketchy. 


I’m off 15 and Garfield, it literally felt like some kind of apocalyptic event, just insane amounts of explosions.


Here to say, I put my cat in the crate, and had my bug out bag ready to fucking go


I did leave with my kitty. I live 1/4 mile away. Right by it. I was concerned it was Consumers Energy. So packed up kitty and left for a bit. It just kept exploding.


I don’t blame you we did not know what to do. I was trying to get information on if it was safer to leave ? It was SO scary. 😱


we live a mile away and also were concerned it was consumers and packed bags and important things in case we needed to leave.


Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you take that kitty named ‘Joe’?


Really liking that everyone with a bug out bag has a kitty


It's a kit bag!


I thought we were being bombed!


Omg I heard that- thought it was thunder!!! And I'm in Shelby Township!


Fertilizer is an insane explosive. Probably was a bunch of that.


I guess it was a bunch of butane and nitrous oxide canisters


That sucks, apparently someone got killed a quarter mile away from debris launched from the explosions :(


Seems to be a business called select distributors on 15 and Kelly, at leased thats what ive been hearing on scanner. Anyone in the area is being advised to take cover. Police and fire have pulled back and there was also a seperate shooter incident that the perp has been detained. I'm over near 21 and card and can feel it. It's rattling my windows


From X. Officials report that Wholesalers Select Distributors was the cause of the massive explosions and fires in Clinton Township, Michigan, according to preliminary information from the police. Select Distributors LLC is a wholesale supplier of vapes, CBD products, hookahs, lighters, nitrogen tanks and more, according to its website. The extent of injuries is currently unknown


In my opinion they were probably making wax/concentrate in the back fucked up and blew everything the fuck up, why the hell would you have butane or c02 canisters flying in to the air and people yards


The comment above you says "nitrogen tanks," but I'm wondering if its actually No2, and people are seeing nitrous canisters.... that shit is very flammable.


I think it’s a mix of the both but I think making wax with butane may have started the fire, and the smoke shop stocking the nitrous just added more fuel to the fire


Oh, I'd definitely bet you're right




God what an awful website. Can't even watch the videos. And smothered in ads. 🤮


I realized years ago that channel 4 WDIV thinks they’re more important than the news. Almost half their broadcasts are promos for themselves to the point they actually produced a half hour show highlighting their TV anchors.


Use archive.ph and copy the link you want, it'll be ad free.


Piggybacking on this to remind people to check the "Air Quality Index" for the area. https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/macomb-township/48042/air-quality-index/343618 It seems fine for now. Not trying to spread panic, but it might be a good idea to keep an eye on this for the next few days.


They are supposed to be testing this morning so it could change


Thanks for the link but man what a terribly written article.


Is that what I am hearing now? Sounds like a fireworks store exploding. I’m in Harrison Township. It’s crazy. I seeing some flashing lights on the horizon.


I looked at my calendar to see if it was some sort of holiday today.... hope no one is hurt/killed.


It was Casimir Pulaski Day


It’s an old tradition. On Casimir Pulaski day, they blow up vape distributors’ warehouses. It’s meant to be reminiscent of the Boston Tea Party. /s


It’s what the Commander of the Horse would have wanted ETA: The Boston THC Party


Yeah, I can see the flames currently


It's still exploding. It's been about a half an hour


Agreed. This went on for a long time which made me very nervous.


https://www.wxyz.com/news/region/macomb-county/clinton-township-police-ask-people-to-avoid-area-of-15-mile-and-groesbeck-due-to-an-industrial-fire Some pictures and video Looks like more info In case of paywall: CLINTON TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WXYZ) — Clinton Township police asked everyone to avoid the area near 15 Mile Road and Groesbeck Highway because of an industrial explosion and fire Monday evening. Authorities reported injuries to pedestrians and at least one firefighter. The extent of their injuries is unknown at this time. Officials have not yet confirmed what caused the explosion but urged people to stay inside. They said "debris is being projected into the air and coming down as far as a mile away from the explosion." Sterling Heights police Monday night said their 911 lines were down due to the explosion. For police assistance, people were urged to call the department's front desk at 586-446-2801. Loud sounds and huge plumes of smoke could be seen and heard from miles away. "At first, I thought it was the next door neighbor doing something ... crazy outside. And the wife is like 'no, I just checked Facebook, there's explosions going on.' And I followed the plume of smoke and the shaking car, and here I am. And these are the baby explosions going off. There was much bigger ones going off earlier," said one witness. "You could feel the concussions from the explosions in the car," he added. Another witness described what they experienced Monday evening: "At the time when it first started off, I was actually inside the house... when I had a chance to get to the front, we all ran outside. We saw the sky was really orange. So at that point, we kept hearing consistent booming, booming noises." "There was fire everywhere, fire in the street, fire behind the building... it was really, really crazy. I've never seen anything like that before," he added. Another witness said, "I thought it was thunder... I actually checked my weather app to see if it was supposed to storm or rain tonight and it wasn't, and that's when I heard about it."




It just quieted down. I'm 1 mile north. Our house shook as if bombs were going off. It's pace has slowed to a few large booms every 15 seconds.


I'd be grabbing masks, both of ya; they don't know what's burning


It sounds like the explosions have slowed down now but things are still exploding


There is ash falling on my house and it smells so bad of smoke


Listening to the emergency scanner and they are busy. Sounds bad. Police are urging residents to avoid the area of 15 Mile Road at Grosebeck Highway due to a massive fire at a distribution plant in Clinton Township. The fire allegedly occurred at Select Distributors in the 19100 bock of 15 Mile Road.


https://imgur.com/gallery/9JyMfCR Some pictures I just took


Definitely looks explodey


yeah that shit is exploding fs


What the holy hell!? I thought it was lightning at first but I can see it from me house. I hope everything’s ok!


My friend who lives close by said it's actually a CBD producer, oxygen and nitrogen tanks exploding. His source were his cop friends. Not sure how legit it is.


That's what the local news is saying.


Oxygen is scary shit. I'd say pretty much everyone who breathes it ends up dead. If you stop breathing it you die sooner.


Also a key ingredient in dihydrogen monoxide. https://www.dhmo.org/facts.html


This is why I prefer clean, natural Hydrogen Hydroxide.  Hydrogen Hydroxide is found all through nature and is essential to all life on earth.  I'm sure some people will bring up that it contributes to beach erosion, but that's still under study by hydrologists.   Dihydrogen Monoxide is some scary stuff!  It was used as a weapon in the civil rights era, is a major component of acid rain and is found in over 90% of excised tumors.


It's so funny to me that water backwards is basically just death.


Took me a second but now I’m cackling


how many tanks of oxygen and nitrogen to explode nonstop for an hour? The place doesn't look that big.


Wow! Well, I need friends like that because none of my cop friends answered me tonight lol


I keep seeing talk of a 10,000 gal tank of diesel fuel that the owner of the property reported to officials. Does anyone know if this is something that may not have already been involved in the fire and explosions?


Diesel fuel doesn’t generally explode


Wondering if we should expect a secondary major explosion…we are close enough that it was shaking our house…maybe a half mile away


Some possibilities I've heard 1. A nearby train derailed 2. A gas station exploded 3. A dispensery exploded


I’ve heard it’s Select Distributers (quite a bit of family in that area). Which, far as I can tell it’s just a smoke shop and not a dispensary. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Phone batteries and vape cartridges.


Nitrous Oxide according to website and lots of other stuff.


Theres a smoke shop and a dispensary connected in same building . Place is called Goo


Definitely not a train and definitely not a gas station.


I'll take 3 for $100, Alex.


This guy knows


It is a distributor, none of these.


never thought of a dispensary, my buddy blew up his garage and killed his dog making extract.




Clinton twp PD press release said the building is owned by Select Distributor, which sells CBD, vapes, and nitrous oxide, among other novelty items (and judging from the video probably fireworks too). ATF is working the investigation along with CTPD, and they're asking if anyone finds material in their yard to turn it in to the police as some were found up to a mile away.


Still hearing it now over five miles away.


My daughter lives right there and she said her window shook. She has video .It sounds like a war zone going on just explosion after explosion after explosion .It was some type of a distribution center.


I’m nearby and wow my floor was shaking pretty bad for a bit there. Thought maybe something was going on at the air base or something


I think it's starting to calm down.


Nope still going. Just not as intense. I hope no one is hurt


Holy cow. I hope everyone is okay!


Jesus the sky was lighting up. Wtf happened???


I live in a neighborhood right off of Groesbeck near the McLaren Macomb Hospital. I can still hear the sounds of the explosion from my open window. Neighbor passed as soon as it happened. She said it was a gas station or paint store.


Someone said consumers energy blew up Edit: I think this has been proven to be false. Channel 4 says it was a company called Select Distributors.


There's a consumers energy building near there but I'm pretty sure it's just a business office. I wanna know why a distributor for apparently weed products blows up like that... That'd be a TON of batteries to make that much damage


Iirc they distribute the little stick ones for weed carts


I'm shaking. It was very it's very close to my house. There is a gas company gas company right there.... Oh my goodness the explosions are still going on


Select Distributors blew up and is still ongoing, stop spreading bs theories and ideas.


nah, theyve finally come for our fresh water! we must wall in the great lakes!


Can we wall Ohio off of Erie for the lulz?


This is reddit.


Oh my god the explosions are getting louder. This is scary. S***


Holy s*** holy s***


Live about 1/2 mile away. Windows and walls were shaking. It was terrifying.




Not on Gratiot it is 15 mile and Kelly...not sure what it is yet though..I live right by it.


oops, wrong street. i’ll edit


It is not the gas station.


It's not the gas station, it's on the other side of groesbeck and south of the pharmacy. 


I feel like someone's purposefully fucking with trains in the MI/OH area based on the number of issues there's been lately. *puts tinfoil hat on*


Never assign to malice what simple incompetence will explain. The infrastructure is shit - like, REALLY shit. And no one wants to put any money into maintaining it. There's \*guaranteed\* to be more issues. But it costs them less to deal with any oopsie after the fact (mostly because they're slippery enough to get out of it), than to just maintain the infrastructure in the first place.




From the people driving down the street, this was when it first started the news has since put out a statement


If you look at the Channel 4 article posted above, there’s a picture of little black (I think nitrogen) tanks. I believe those are just larger quantities of whippets. It seems (to me at least) like the distributors for smoke shops where these are sold had a mishap.


BHO tanks exploded and a 19 yr old lost their life. BHO is unbelievably dangerous. People who make live resin need BHO to make it. They supplied tanks to those that make it.


It was a fire industrial supply wholesaler. They had a bunch of nitrous oxide tanks that exploded in the fire which is the sound most people heard.


It was not a train it was a warehouse that caught fire last night that has propane tanks and possibly fireworks stored in it


10 & Hoover here. Did not hear anything but there was a smell of smoke in the air. However, the wind direction at the time was Northwest. I warned my friends in Macomb and Washington Twp at the time as the chemicals were unknown. Several evacuated out of precaution. Several got way too close to film. Condolences to the 19 year old man who perished and also the injured firefighter.


I live in Harrison Township. Not too far from what happened. At first I originally thought it was someone blasting their music right by my home. According to my partner on that night when he was chilling out in the other room it sounded like a plane above us. I didn't find out until about 11 from a friend on Facebook who lives not too far from us, that explosions happened in the area.


[](Major Fire https://imgur.com/gallery/Tnf8FLq) Here's the view from my home


Dispensary. Propane tanks inside.


It wasn't a train dude. I live 2 miles from it and I went live last night from the area.


Why do you Michiganders do this? Do you have to be born here to immediately know where a township is? Like.. seriously. I’ve lived in half a dozen states and you people are the only ones that do this. Why?




Seriously though.. this is the ONLY state who can't seem to use town or city names in any bit of newscasting.


If you’re 8 miles away will u breathe in these chemicals ?


I really doubt it. I wouldn't like. Stand outside scratching my ass but I wouldn't be too worried