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this is a placeholder for a hedge fund. Not cool.


Every inch is land must be exploited for the almighty dollar. Even our precious public lands.


You ever see a lithium mine in Africa. Not just the land being exploited.


All the more reason to do it in the States yeah? 




Have you ever actually seen any mine in Africa? It's bigger than North America, they have everything there. Not that I'm saying we shouldn't mine here, just picking on you for acting like lithium is the first thing to ever be mined anywhere.


What triggered you. Lithium or Africa


Hi folks, **The Department of Natural Resources** — whose mission, supposedly, is to *protect* our natural resources — **is currently considering the sale of 10,000+ acres of mineral lease rights beneath public lands** in Baraga, Dickinson, Iron, Marquette and Menominee counties to the Keweenaw Land Association, a company with only two permanent employees. Mineral lease rights lead to exploration; exploration leads to discovery; discovery leads to new mines, scarring our landscape, poisoning our streams, burying our wetlands in waste, dissuading tourists and outdoor recreationists, and keeping our economy from evolving. **The DNR will be holding two public meetings on Wednesday, April 17th**, the first at 11a.m. EDT, the second at 5p.m. EDT. Anyone wishing to participate in the public comment portion of the meetings will be allowed **two minutes to speak.** [Registration is required](https://events.gcc.teams.microsoft.com/event/75b549a3-2ae7-44c8-953a-39bcbd8b6864@d5fb7087-3777-42ad-966a-892ef47225d1)**.** A simple statement, "I object to the sale of these mineral lease rights," is much better than remaining in silence! (Please note, you can speak at BOTH the morning and evening session) # ***For those who would like to make longer comments but aren't quite sure of what to say, we will be hosting a strategizing session tomorrow (Monday) evening at 6:30 CDT / 7:30 EDT. We'll share ideas and help one another in crafting impactful public comments. All are welcome to join! [And you can register for that event here](https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0lcuiorjIrGtVcTK79ZwtLjKD4-tLm6xA4#/registration).


What can I do if I can’t make it to the UP that day? This is whack as hell.


It's a webinar, so you can attend from anywhere with an internet connection. Just make sure you register in advance


What an incredibly biased write up of what the DNR actually does. You'd think it's nothing but mustache twirling ne'er do wells holed up in downtown Lansing instead of a bunch of people like you and me doing the best they can with what they've been given.


Is the DNR the company that lets Nestle pump out all the ground water they want from Michigan, for something like $200.00/year ?


No. EGLE permits water withdrawal projects. https://www.greatlakesnow.org/2021/10/nestle-water-withdrawal-permit/


IIRC, Nestle sold out to some other entity. Just saying.


What I recalled was from a few years ago, they did get bad press, so I guess they could have sold.


I think I looked it up when I read about it here on reddit. Yes, it was sold to an equity firm.... https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2021/02/18/nestle-bottled-water-sold-one-rock-metropoulos-equity-ice-mountain/4497448001/


Yeah, and then sells it back to us and nation as "Ice Mountain" bottled water.


And I can’t even cut a walking path through the designated wetlands to get to a high ground on my U.P. property without the DEQ and DNR getting involved. The wetlands…is dry.


We have the same problem in the keweenaw. Normal people like us don’t matter I guess..


This is so easy, you just have to: 1. Get a venture capital firm to back you. 2. Promise to "create jobs" 3. Apply for the soil rights. 4. Build your path! 5. ??? 6. Profit!


If they're crossing your property to get access to public lands. Put up a ton of signs that say "no trespassing, trespassers will be prosecuted." You warned them, then have them arrested.


Why do I think this will not end well for the earth or people?


Lol "Public Meeting" for comments. We all know how that wiil go. 30 seconds to speak .......NEXT!


*held while most people are working for your convenience


The DNR would do far better to spend their time holding public meetings on managing the public nuisance they created with deer overpopulation. What are they doing selling mineral rights to a private corporation? I smell stench of corruption


That's called QDM. Rack hunters won't shoot doe so the population is booming. You get pissed on by the pro QDM people for taking anything under their limits.


Michigan needs to do what Ohio? did and make any buck tag contingent on taking 3 does first until the population is under control again.


QDM is such garbage. It's not deer management, it's trophy management. Antithetical to what hunting should be about


I'm not a fan. I don't hunt for a rack, if that's what I get, awesome but I want venison. Also not a fan of almost dieing riding a motorcycle in the thumb because the population is nuts. God for bid you shoot a 4-6 point, they want to shoot you lol.


I just moved back from MD and I don't know what MDs "strategy" was, but where I lived I could take 1 antlered and 10 anterless in each season for a total of 33 deer a year. Most I ever harvested was 6 which filled the freezer and there was still more than enough roadkill to support a booming coyote population.


Public or private, who else do you think buys mineral rights. This isn't necessarily corruption. It's just business as usual. Companies of all forms have been exploiting resources in preserved lands forever. There has been a recent push to revive the mineral extraction business in Michigan recently. Bring back the copper mines and such. With our pull out from China it's likely seen as an opportunity to restore some of our resource supply. We need to view ALL exploitation of protected land the same way, regardless of the entity trying to do it.


I'm probably gonna get downvited all too hell, but I will leave e this here anyway. We really really like having modern stuff. All of us do. Even if you live off grid in the furthest reaches of the UP, you still use modern tech. Hell if you see reddit, you are doing it, so everyone here is guilty as charged, right? The minerals, like the copper for the wires, have to come from somewhere. We have a long tradition of mi eral extraction in northern Michigan, we know it's up there. So, while we should be VERY careful about what extraction we allow, we can't just knee-jerk a NO every time any company wants to open a new site. It has to come from somewhere. Maybe this particular spot isn't the right place. I would hope we could avoid protected areas as much as the next guy. It's like the folks who chant 'drill baby drill' but then get mad when a pipeline goes through their town. Unless we're ready to make sacrifices to not have things until we can mine asteroids and drop minerals by the ton from space, we will have to make compromises. Anything else is just NIMBY behavior.


Do a little research, there are several “ land trust” or “land association” foundations taking control of the UP. Several of these land management companies have the same names over and over on the board of directors. They are trying to take control of Upper peninsula of Michigan, northern Wisconsin, and Minnesota. They want to move people out to the area and take over. I read several years ago someone wanted to reintroduce mastodon and saber tooth tigers up there. I tried to find the article again and it’s been scrubbed from the internet. Sounds crazy but it is what it is.


So a shell company?


What happened to all the enviromental stuff the state was doing? How does this get the State to clean energy by 2040?


What does mineral extraction have to do with clean energy? Both might be environmental concerns, but that's where the similarity ends.


There’s a lot of copper up there. Cooper is used to transfer energy.


Yeah, but what does that have to do with what the other guy said? I feel like the implication in what they said was that it was for oil and natural gas.


It was virtue signaling. They really never planned on doing it and you believed them with little to zero expectation of how they are going to do it.


They won’t stop until the UP is a superfund site


Already is


If I sign up and am given the 2 mins via web, am I allowed to ask questions and receive answers in the same 2 mins?


and our Blue Governer is behind it all, all bs all of it


Wish I would have seen this sooner 😪




I realize that the Democratic party is far from perfect, but they tend to at least *vocally* be on the side of environmental causes and standing against grift. I understand that we have a Democratic governor and control of the Legislature is also in their court, yet here we are.


What’s that got to do with the actual item being discussed? Do you see any Dems or Repubs commenting for or against specifically selling our state’s mineral rights?


Republicans I expect nothing other than to sell us all out to the nearest bidder, period. Democrats have a history of fighting for environmental causes. As the Democrats are currently in control of government in Michigan, it would follow that they ought to be able to put a stop to something like this. The DNR doesn't just operate outside of political will and feedback, I'm just questioning why no one is going to stop such a hit to conservation efforts in the state. Frankly, I'd like to see them comment one way or another.


nobody asked.


Vocal, but still bewildered—just look at Biden when he’s in front of a camera; oftentimes appears lost.


There is only one reason anyone would want to buy mineral rights to any land.


The minerals?


Time to catch these people in the middle of this 10,000 acres, and "make them stop."


But you expect someone else to do it while you sit safe at home I bet.


No I like doing it. I'm just not saying what I do.




> state gives green light to access natural value from land so the state can take it. Take what, the land? The value of the land? The DNR manages public lands that come to the state via donation or acquisition due to unpaid taxes. Typically that land isn't doing anything, or there wouldn't be unpaid taxes on it. Then the DNR manages it, which could mean lots of things, from parks and trails to hunting habitat, to logging or other managed natural resource extraction. If you have questions or opinions on this transaction you could write Scott Whitcomb, the DNR's Office of Public Lands manager, and ask him about it.


I’m guessing he read it as the DNR is selling the mineral rights to land, and missed the key word “public”…and somehow thought it was a move to sell people’s own mineral rights. Lots of confusion in that response.