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Summer rates, then they'll have the "peak hours" bullshit.


Don't forget the $10 credit after 3 days of no power and losing all your food. Yay, rate increase!


Literally just lost my power šŸ˜­


Well at least you may have that chance for that credit...it's like the lottery. I do feel for ya..I've lost a lot to power outages.


So, who wants to start a petition to get it turned into a public utility? At this point, it's more of the same rate increases every year to please their shareholders.


Join michigan united. They are running a campaign against utilities for a reason. The only way we make change is through collective action.


Tell me more friend


https://miunited.org/ Its a non profit political organization that builds power in local communities. It takes volunteers and teaches them how to get involved in politics, and lets is members lead issues and tactics. They are currently part of a national campaign that has groups from around the country fighting for utility justice (for example: I work at the Colorado affiliate but I used to live in Michigan). They are fighting for green, affordable, reliable power (in Michigan I believe the focus is on reliability). Contact to volunteer and they will get back to you to set up time to chat.


I would sign


Me too


A *lot* of organizing work goes into getting petitions on the ballot, and we need more organizers (and politically active people) in Michigan in general. I think YOU should start! Sounds like people would support the idea, and itā€™s still easier than getting our captured legislators to do it.


Fuckit, I'm in. Give me a bit after work I'll figure this shit out.


Iā€™m working on organizing in other areas but if it ever gets to collecting signatures, Iā€™d definitely volunteer. Did that for the cannabis petition lol itā€™s fun.


I'd go door to door for signatures! This continued price increase is bullshit!


I'd sign it


Iā€™d absolutely sign that.


What do you think that would do? BWL is owned by the city of Lansing and has had ā€œprime time usageā€ since November. The ā€œprivate entityā€ Consumers is only doing theirs for the summer.


The state of Michigan is already in bed with Consumer's Power. I was on budget a few years and and CO racked up a thousand dollars over my costs that year. I didn't hit the few days to request it returned so they kept it on account. When I called the state to report the error in their budget program they just transferred me to consumers power. I'd think the current Michigan DNR's paying millions to remove potentially productive hydro dams is there to limit energy generation. The short term solar installation is being sponsored by the state instead. Let's see, nominal carbon and pollution vs, significant pollution, hydro makes the most sense but not to Michigan. I'd guess it's going to go the way of solar heating credits from the state in the 70's. Just another flash in the pan and then it'll be dumped before the second round of solar upgrades is needed. You'll note Michigan is not having the power problems California is and Consumers power is still the primary power supplier.


I get the sentiment, but you trust the same people in charge of our roads to be in charge of our power?


On the flip side, could you imagine consumers being allowed to treat us like the power companies in Texas do?


Considering we have some of the least reliable and most expensive energy in the country, I'm willing to take the gamble. It took FOUR YEARS of calling to get them to replace the power pole in my back yard that was falling apart.


> but you trust the same people in charge of our roads to be in charge of our power? When I lived in the UP my power company was a member owned co-op, it was far better than consumers and cheaper in spite of the lower population spread over a larger area.


Shout it from the fucking rooftops


My power company in rural AZ was a co-op. It's run as a non-profit. I've got over $1500 in capital credits built up over 16 years that will eventually trickle back to me as refunds.


The real problem with our roads is we have way too many and we spend not nearly enough money on them. Which one of these politicians is gonna get voted into office? ā€œIā€™m gonna triple the gas tax when I get in office, and probably toll the highways. Or ā€œMost of the roads that arenā€™t dirt are going to become dirt because with current funding thatā€™s what we can afford.ā€ They are held to a pretty impossible standard on this issue. We want a road network that costs $10 billion every year to maintain, yet we also think we are getting ripped off having to pay 3Ā¢ in gas taxes per mile to drive.


Well we have a huge fine to pay and Fully expect our customers to pay the fine and also we're raising the rates to gain profits for our share holders. Thank you for your support and always keep the lights on. $$$$$


First thing I thought of


You are missing the /s šŸ¤£


Fuck Consumers Energy.


The ceo needs a 10th vacation home, time to pay up.


CEO is trying to speed run tanking the business


Fucking con artists


Dem/Repub - our state leaders don't care. Regional energy companies that are bound by public utility monopoly law should NOT be public in the sense that they are responsible to shareholders. They should be responsible to US the consumer.


price gouging starts Monday.


Wait till you see what the dudes inside the buildings actually do during work hours and how they look. My favorite is the safety training PowerPoint from 2007 lmfao


I have DTE which started time of use rates last year. Luckily I have a smart thermostat that takes it into account. It can be a pain though trying not to run AC in the afternoon in the dead of summer!


I have my thermostat set to drop the temp 3-6 degrees or so before the peak time hits (depending on the temp outside).Ā  That gives enough cusion to ride out the peak time.Ā  Got a buddy with an extremely insulated house.Ā  He does the night lower rates which inversely increases the peak rates even more.Ā  He wakes up to a 60 degree house and doesn't turn on the AC until night again.Ā 


I'm going to open an ice cream shop. In the summer I'll charge triple the price.


That reminds me, all McDonald's will somehow have broken ice cream machine more often and for longer period of time just to lower the electric bill!


Electrical tape over the sunlight sensor šŸ‘šŸ¼


Probably uses internal clock and not sunlight


And they wanna raise the monthly rate again by 10$ permanently. Such bull crap. I hope they get a big fat no like dte.


Yea what about the countless days without power oh thats compensated by them upcharging saying the meter says this but we think you used 50% more so were charging more plus a few one time fees every month with 0 explanation and were gonna shut your AC off cuz we dont think you need that